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Blackpill Women will settle for men they have zero sexual attraction to. And that's the only reason any ugly men have a dating life.



Oct 18, 2021
Here's a delicious licorice-flavored pill for ya:
Women are only "less visual than men" the same way a prostitute is. They often date and marry men they have zero sexual attraction to, and that's the only reason the bottom 50% of the male population aren't lifelong virgins!

Oh sure, "uGlY gUyS gEt GiRLs AlL tHe TiMe", but they're transactional "relationships". It's not real attraction on her part, and once the brief honeymoon period is over, the misery starts. Women who date ugly guys are basically dishonest prostitutes misleading the guy into thinking they're "in love" with him. And they KNOW they're prostituting themselves for whatever benefit they seek to gain from him, which is why they end up resenting him and treating him the way they do. But these are the only women ugly guys can get, the transactional types.

It's better to stay single than be settled for. I can fucking PROMISE you that! I've seen the results so many times over the years, watching the shit all my non-Chad friends put up with. I've also watched my female friends whore themselves to non-Chads and seen how THAT shit plays out, too. Settling relationships are almost always toxic, and the guy is miserable. High divorce risk, high cheating risk, dead bedrooms, CONSTANT "shit testing" and picking fights, constant disrespect, and the list goes on. Plus the girl has excessive demands and expectations in an attempt to compensate for his physical appearance, but it's never enough and she ends up treating him like shit anyways, regardless of his herculean efforts to satisfy her.

And the fuckest thing to me is how totally DIFFERENT relationships are for my good looking friends. I've even seen the same girl date a non-Chad friend, then a Chad friend after, and treat each guy VERY differently. With Chad, she's a sweetheart, loyal, often BUYING HIM SHIT, and literally the picture of romantic love we've all been sold. Storybook romance type shit. But Chad doesn't appreciate what he has and treats her like garbage, so he eventually gets dumped. With Beta Billy or Poindexter the Omega, she acts like an entitled prostitute, treats sex like a business arrangement, gives him attitude, makes unreasonable demands, never does anything for him, disrespects him every chance she gets, and so on. She's not sexually attracted to him and tries to fill that MASSIVE HOLE in the relationship by making excessive demands, but has no respect for him at all, as women simply cannot respect a man they're settling for.

The PUA and Redpill community is mostly the type of men women settle for and prostitute themselves to, which is why they think "all women" behave this way. But the biggest blackpill is they don't, not with Chad. The same girl who treats you like garbage is a total sweetheart with a guy whose taller with a better jawline and full head of hair. I simply cannot recommend that ugly men get married. Being single sucks and loneliness is an absolute bitch, but it's better than what that girl who finally ends up settling for you has in store for you.
that is, if a woman is with an ugly man. It doesn't mean that she wouldn't like to be with someone much better than him, when she gets the opportunity she will take it. That's why so many people are cucks at least once in their lives
But then they cheat with chad
You know before you post something like this have a look if it already exists in some form. Because this is water.
Water. Hypergamy is a nightmare to live in socially.
yup usually golddigging and it's y the avg boomer marriage is sexless
I would agree with that, but I see my non chads friends having casual sex. No women would have casual sex with a men she ain't attracted too
The same girl who treats you like garbage is a total sweetheart with a guy whose taller with a better jawline and full head of hair. I simply cannot recommend that ugly men get married.
True as fuck. Men choose to be nice since it's morally the right thing, while women choose to be nice to those that benefit them.
Read every word, lots of people need to be reminded this shit. Also muhhh water
This works not only in relationships.
At work one female acted disrespectful towards me while trying to impress some other men.
i dont really understand how most men can live like this?
like, how can you be in a relationship when you KNOW the girl is repulsed by you, doesnt respect you, hates that a loser like you is the best she can get, doesnt fantasize about you, and LIES to your face about it
she will have to lie the entire relationship, which is natural and easy for roasties, but if you are blackpilled you will know the truth

you cant even get her to respect you, because theres no much laws coddling women
men who slap girls literally get sent to jail, even if the girl consents. its a very anti-male society
she can literally call you a small dick pussy bitch loser to your face, and you can be jailed for so much as shouting at her

idk, its kind of a clown world, honestly
simps really are incredible with just how delusional they are, and how quick they are to believe a toilet's lies
Here's a delicious licorice-flavored pill for ya:
Women are only "less visual than men" the same way a prostitute is. They often date and marry men they have zero sexual attraction to, and that's the only reason the bottom 50% of the male population aren't lifelong virgins!

Oh sure, "uGlY gUyS gEt GiRLs AlL tHe TiMe", but they're transactional "relationships". It's not real attraction on her part, and once the brief honeymoon period is over, the misery starts. Women who date ugly guys are basically dishonest prostitutes misleading the guy into thinking they're "in love" with him. And they KNOW they're prostituting themselves for whatever benefit they seek to gain from him, which is why they end up resenting him and treating him the way they do. But these are the only women ugly guys can get, the transactional types.

It's better to stay single than be settled for. I can fucking PROMISE you that! I've seen the results so many times over the years, watching the shit all my non-Chad friends put up with. I've also watched my female friends whore themselves to non-Chads and seen how THAT shit plays out, too. Settling relationships are almost always toxic, and the guy is miserable. High divorce risk, high cheating risk, dead bedrooms, CONSTANT "shit testing" and picking fights, constant disrespect, and the list goes on. Plus the girl has excessive demands and expectations in an attempt to compensate for his physical appearance, but it's never enough and she ends up treating him like shit anyways, regardless of his herculean efforts to satisfy her.

And the fuckest thing to me is how totally DIFFERENT relationships are for my good looking friends. I've even seen the same girl date a non-Chad friend, then a Chad friend after, and treat each guy VERY differently. With Chad, she's a sweetheart, loyal, often BUYING HIM SHIT, and literally the picture of romantic love we've all been sold. Storybook romance type shit. But Chad doesn't appreciate what he has and treats her like garbage, so he eventually gets dumped. With Beta Billy or Poindexter the Omega, she acts like an entitled prostitute, treats sex like a business arrangement, gives him attitude, makes unreasonable demands, never does anything for him, disrespects him every chance she gets, and so on. She's not sexually attracted to him and tries to fill that MASSIVE HOLE in the relationship by making excessive demands, but has no respect for him at all, as women simply cannot respect a man they're settling for.

The PUA and Redpill community is mostly the type of men women settle for and prostitute themselves to, which is why they think "all women" behave this way. But the biggest blackpill is they don't, not with Chad. The same girl who treats you like garbage is a total sweetheart with a guy whose taller with a better jawline and full head of hair. I simply cannot recommend that ugly men get married. Being single sucks and loneliness is an absolute bitch, but it's better than what that girl who finally ends up settling for you has in store for you.

Good post.

I wanted to add to / expand on some of your points but I'm too tired right now. Maybe I'll do it later.
In short:-It is better to be an single lonely incel than a cuck betabuxxer
Just be oofy doofy bro.
I mean, most of people in relationships have settled for someone much less desirable than they wish they could land.
I goes one of two ways, they are trying to look at their partner with rose-coloured glasses ("Maybe his short and balding, but he tells shit ton of jokes and buys me cheesecake everyday") or they resent their partner, because it's either them or loneliness.
I disagree because in zoomer generation foids don't even "settle", settling only existed when men made more money than women

There's definitely a generational difference. I've noticed this. Back when I was 18-20, women our age still prostituted themselves and pretended it was love, just like their mothers and grandmothers did, so ugly guys still had a dating life. But Gen Z women don't trick unless the guy is literally wealthy. Times are gonna get interesting, now that Gen Z guys no longer even have the option to be settled for. And when Gen Z reaches middle age and Gen Alpha starts playing the dating game, society won't be able to just sweep the incel problem under the rug anymore. 25% of the male population completely giving up on love will have catastrophic economic consequences.
There's definitely a generational difference. I've noticed this. Back when I was 18-20, women our age still prostituted themselves and pretended it was love, just like their mothers and grandmothers did, so ugly guys still had a dating life. But Gen Z women don't trick unless the guy is literally wealthy. Times are gonna get interesting, now that Gen Z guys no longer even have the option to be settled for. And when Gen Z reaches middle age and Gen Alpha starts playing the dating game, society won't be able to just sweep the incel problem under the rug anymore. 25% of the male population completely giving up on love will have catastrophic economic consequences.
I remember reading an article about an economist who predicted something like this and he said it would be a huge problem. Of course foids and his academic partners shunned him for studying this
Society is in big trouble this is for sure. Men have no incentive to be upstanding citizens when they
can't meet females, are in poverty, cannot get promotions at work etc. This is why crime is spiralling
since 2012 in the UK.
Thats why high school and college romance is so fucken important. Women arent guided by money or societal pressure to get married at that age. When you have sex with them, you're actually validated.

If you missed out on that, it's just brutal.
Thats why high school and college romance is so fucken important. Women arent guided by money or societal pressure to get married at that age. When you have sex with them, you're actually validated.

If you missed out on that, it's just brutal.

I've definitely seen college aged girls (black ones specifically) reject guys after saying "you're too broke, nigga!". They are the same.
This is the definition of hypergamy. Women will not waste time and just get resources if they can't secure a chad. They only have a short prime afterall.
This is straight way to dead bedrooms.
In order to have sex, you need to attracted to someone at least on minimum level.
Here's a delicious licorice-flavored pill for ya:
Women are only "less visual than men" the same way a prostitute is. They often date and marry men they have zero sexual attraction to, and that's the only reason the bottom 50% of the male population aren't lifelong virgins!

Oh sure, "uGlY gUyS gEt GiRLs AlL tHe TiMe", but they're transactional "relationships". It's not real attraction on her part, and once the brief honeymoon period is over, the misery starts. Women who date ugly guys are basically dishonest prostitutes misleading the guy into thinking they're "in love" with him. And they KNOW they're prostituting themselves for whatever benefit they seek to gain from him, which is why they end up resenting him and treating him the way they do. But these are the only women ugly guys can get, the transactional types.

It's better to stay single than be settled for. I can fucking PROMISE you that! I've seen the results so many times over the years, watching the shit all my non-Chad friends put up with. I've also watched my female friends whore themselves to non-Chads and seen how THAT shit plays out, too. Settling relationships are almost always toxic, and the guy is miserable. High divorce risk, high cheating risk, dead bedrooms, CONSTANT "shit testing" and picking fights, constant disrespect, and the list goes on. Plus the girl has excessive demands and expectations in an attempt to compensate for his physical appearance, but it's never enough and she ends up treating him like shit anyways, regardless of his herculean efforts to satisfy her.

And the fuckest thing to me is how totally DIFFERENT relationships are for my good looking friends. I've even seen the same girl date a non-Chad friend, then a Chad friend after, and treat each guy VERY differently. With Chad, she's a sweetheart, loyal, often BUYING HIM SHIT, and literally the picture of romantic love we've all been sold. Storybook romance type shit. But Chad doesn't appreciate what he has and treats her like garbage, so he eventually gets dumped. With Beta Billy or Poindexter the Omega, she acts like an entitled prostitute, treats sex like a business arrangement, gives him attitude, makes unreasonable demands, never does anything for him, disrespects him every chance she gets, and so on. She's not sexually attracted to him and tries to fill that MASSIVE HOLE in the relationship by making excessive demands, but has no respect for him at all, as women simply cannot respect a man they're settling for.

The PUA and Redpill community is mostly the type of men women settle for and prostitute themselves to, which is why they think "all women" behave this way. But the biggest blackpill is they don't, not with Chad. The same girl who treats you like garbage is a total sweetheart with a guy whose taller with a better jawline and full head of hair. I simply cannot recommend that ugly men get married. Being single sucks and loneliness is an absolute bitch, but it's better than what that girl who finally ends up settling for you has in store for you.
Read Every Word

Total obliteration of Oofy Doofy COPERS!

Conservative incel-in-denial losers who think they're Sigma Males (LMAO) think birth control is the reason they can't get laid. Now, I'm not disputing the science on hormonal birth control. But the fact that beta cuck Democrat soyboy oofy doofies can get married at 35-45 is because of SETTLING! It's because of BETABUXXING!

If a woman was tired of Chads and wanted a paypig too scared to ask for sex more than once a month, who would she choose? A conservative sub-five betabuxx who needs a minimum amount of respect so he can pretend to be a "married alpha" or a democrat sub-five betabuxx who might even accept a polyamorous relationship?

Remember, the son of Jerry Falwell (conservative preacher and power broker)was caught being a willing cuck for the hotel poolboy.

Conservative sub-five = down low cuck
Democrat sub-five = open cuck
I remember reading an article about an economist who predicted something like this and he said it would be a huge problem. Of course foids and his academic partners shunned him for studying this
Damn, who? Is he on IncelWiki?
Last edited:

Here is a Vice article, of course hating on him. His name is Robin Hanson

He is on Incelwiki too
Based guy, I miss r/malecels and r/braincels

Remember, it's okay for black women to complain about sexual racism, but if an east asian guy does it , it's terrorism

Incels are the sexual lumpenproletariat. We are socially and sexually homeless.
Based guy, I miss r/malecels and r/braincels

Remember, it's okay for black women to complain about sexual racism, but if an east asian guy does it , it's terrorism

Incels are the sexual lumpenproletariat. We are socially and sexually homeless.
I remember back in 2018 just hearing about what he wrote and skimming his article but I was bluepilled/redpilled/incelindenial at the time. I just read more about him and he's incredibly based and makes some very good points
I remember back in 2018 just hearing about what he wrote and skimming his article but I was bluepilled/redpilled/incelindenial at the time. I just read more about him and he's incredibly based and makes some very good points
The government should do arranged marriages for everyone based on psychological compatibility. Like in the manga/anime Koi to Uso (Love and Lies).
The government should do arranged marriages for everyone based on psychological compatibility. Like in the manga/anime Koi to Uso (Love and Lies).
If they bring in sex robots they need shit MAILED to them
If they bring in sex robots they need shit MAILED to them
Futurama-pilled. Governments would never allow it. Japan and Thailand are the only two countries where it's okay to have a penis. All other countries, whether LatAm Catholic or Muslim, etc, all of them hate the male sex drive.

"Patriarchy" is society allowing normie men to get sex in exchange for keeping subhuman men away from women. Just think about all the Catholic nuns who would rather die virgin (or fuck priests on the down low) rather than marry a penniless incel. Or Islamic polygamy.

Capitalism and automation made Protestant countries rich enough to make normie men superfluous, which is why feminism started there. Feminism is normie disposability as an ideology.
The government should do arranged marriages....
If she's not legitimately attracted to you, she'll bring nothing but stress and problems into your life. She's trouble enough when she settles for a guy voluntarily like the OP, but she'll be even worse when she's pressured or forced to settle!
If she's not legitimately attracted to you, she'll bring nothing but stress and problems into your life. She's trouble enough when she settles for a guy voluntarily like the OP, but she'll be even worse when she's pressured or forced to settle!
Never let her meet a man in the first place, she'll have no one to compare you to. Yes, our brains are hard-wired to seek beauty and symmetry, but Just Be First is also partially correct.

Non-Chads will never get the Chad treatment, but monogamy with a virgin is better than nothing.
Well when all they have to do is open their legs. They are just fuck holes but so many now believe they are gods.
@BuyingANewFace those're some interesting ideas. Unlike some other in the thread I haven't thought about them before, actually
I agree you don't see many of these relationships amongst the youth but the older people or middle aged people.

They'll cohabit maybe have a child or play stepfather and get shat on literally for some starfish sex.
Here's a delicious licorice-flavored pill for ya:
Women are only "less visual than men" the same way a prostitute is. They often date and marry men they have zero sexual attraction to, and that's the only reason the bottom 50% of the male population aren't lifelong virgins!

Oh sure, "uGlY gUyS gEt GiRLs AlL tHe TiMe", but they're transactional "relationships". It's not real attraction on her part, and once the brief honeymoon period is over, the misery starts. Women who date ugly guys are basically dishonest prostitutes misleading the guy into thinking they're "in love" with him. And they KNOW they're prostituting themselves for whatever benefit they seek to gain from him, which is why they end up resenting him and treating him the way they do. But these are the only women ugly guys can get, the transactional types.

It's better to stay single than be settled for. I can fucking PROMISE you that! I've seen the results so many times over the years, watching the shit all my non-Chad friends put up with. I've also watched my female friends whore themselves to non-Chads and seen how THAT shit plays out, too. Settling relationships are almost always toxic, and the guy is miserable. High divorce risk, high cheating risk, dead bedrooms, CONSTANT "shit testing" and picking fights, constant disrespect, and the list goes on. Plus the girl has excessive demands and expectations in an attempt to compensate for his physical appearance, but it's never enough and she ends up treating him like shit anyways, regardless of his herculean efforts to satisfy her.

And the fuckest thing to me is how totally DIFFERENT relationships are for my good looking friends. I've even seen the same girl date a non-Chad friend, then a Chad friend after, and treat each guy VERY differently. With Chad, she's a sweetheart, loyal, often BUYING HIM SHIT, and literally the picture of romantic love we've all been sold. Storybook romance type shit. But Chad doesn't appreciate what he has and treats her like garbage, so he eventually gets dumped. With Beta Billy or Poindexter the Omega, she acts like an entitled prostitute, treats sex like a business arrangement, gives him attitude, makes unreasonable demands, never does anything for him, disrespects him every chance she gets, and so on. She's not sexually attracted to him and tries to fill that MASSIVE HOLE in the relationship by making excessive demands, but has no respect for him at all, as women simply cannot respect a man they're settling for.

The PUA and Redpill community is mostly the type of men women settle for and prostitute themselves to, which is why they think "all women" behave this way. But the biggest blackpill is they don't, not with Chad. The same girl who treats you like garbage is a total sweetheart with a guy whose taller with a better jawline and full head of hair. I simply cannot recommend that ugly men get married. Being single sucks and loneliness is an absolute bitch, but it's better than what that girl who finally ends up settling for you has in store for you.
One woman at work said she hasnt had sex with her man for 2 years. I dont know if its true or false, no idea. She say he is 187cm tall and "handsome". Again I cannot verify but thats what she said.

It does seem true that many men in relationships are not getting sex or maybe once every 3-6 months maybe I guess
Its called oofy doofys
Just career maxx maybe one day a sub 4 with a body count of 100 will love me
Just career maxx maybe one day a sub 4 with a body count of 100 will love me
Pretty depressing, isn't it? If you're too ugly or short, you get ignored and rejected in your teens and twenties. Then, the best you can look forward to in your 30s and beyond is some glorified prostitute settling for you and treating you like shit because she resents having settled.

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