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Serious Women smiling outside is a sign of a broken society



The Senator of Suffering & Minister of Misery
Jun 8, 2022
If you want to know if a civilisation is rotten to the core you don't need to go to the baker and ask how much a loaf of bread is. You don't need to go to the supermarket and ask how much a gallon of water is. The telltale sign of a broken society is very apparent.

Go to a public place, if you see women and they are laughing, you have a fundamentally sick society.

If you see women smiling outside you should go to your bomb shelters and BRACE because shit is about to go down, and it's going to go down ugly.

This is more accurate than any doomsday clock you will find. A woman smiling or laughing outside means something EXTREMELY wrong is going on in that society, and it's basically bursting at the seams.
foid laughing = invitation for chad to come over and spill his seed
nothing worse than a foid who laughs loud
Activate every nuclear weapon (in fallout)
If you want to know if a civilisation is rotten to the core you don't need to go to the baker and ask how much a loaf of bread is. You don't need to go to the supermarket and ask how much a gallon of water is.
I mean, these still are somewhat good indicators still.
The telltale sign of a broken society is very apparent.

Go to a public place, if you see women and they are laughing, you have a fundamentally sick society.

If you see women smiling outside you should go to your bomb shelters and BRACE because shit is about to go down, and it's going to go down ugly.

This is more accurate than any doomsday clock you will find. A woman smiling or laughing outside means something EXTREMELY wrong is going on in that society, and it's basically bursting at the seams.
"Masculine republics give way to feminine democracies, and feminine democracies give way to tyranny"-Aristotle

"if you want to destroy any nation without war, create adultery or nudity common in the young generation"-Salahuddin Ayyubi

Checks out.
foid laughing = invitation for chad to come over and spill his seed
they are inviting bear to make bear babies
but in reality it would end like this:


Women wERe happiER in the past AND societies wERe MORE FUNCTIONAL in the past (undER a “patriarchal structure”).

In many photos from patriarchal societies, you can see foids happy and smiling, yes some of those smiles could be fake/forced but it’s logical to assume that majority wERe real.

Nowadays, I see majority of people UNHAPPY (BOTH men AND women TOO).

In patriarchal societies, women didn’t get to hop on the chad cock carousel and had to settle down with an avERage/below avERage looking man, but at least they could avoid living the physically and mentally stressful life of a wageslave and they would give birth to children who would latER look aftER them and give their life some meaning/purpose (as a result of fulfilling their natural, biological ROLE).

Dont get fooled by the extravagant lives of the top 1% OnlyFans whores. The majority of onlyfans whores are poor (or at least NOT rich), and because thERe are so few existing rich men (who are ALL already “taken” by a select few women), majority of women CAN’T find a sugardaddy to pay all their bills NOR can they make enough earnings from OnlyFans and othER forms of online/virtual prostitution to pay their bills WITHOUT having to work.

Hence, majority of women end up being forced to wageslave for Mr GoldStein in ordER to survive. They used to be free from wageslavERy in the past, but now they are chained by 9-5 jobs 5 days a week minimum (Full-Time: 40+ hours).

Also, many of them opt not to have children, so when they hit the wall and become an old wrinkly roasty, chads r no longER intERested in them, and because they don’t have any children (and also because its too late to have healthy children even if they now decide that they want to have), these women end up living all alone in their apartments (often with multiple cats to keep them company and nobody to take care of them).

So in conclusion. All that chad cock that women r enjoying right now, comes at a cost, but that cost comes latER in life.

AftER spending their PRIME years destroying their body and mind by Riding the cock carousel (and wageslaving), their reward for sacrificing their youth to make the Jews richER, is to end up all alone in a misERable and lonely existence.

I can’t wait for the women of our age to hit the wall and become a roastie. They will finally realise what it’s like to be an incel (in tERms of the pain/suffERing of our existence), but most low value men will show them no mERcy because they showed us none.

many of those women will kill themselves at that point, and one of the reasons I’m still alive is because I want to see it happen, it would bring me great pleasure/enjoyment

So your post is based on a FACTUALLY INCORRECT premise.

EvERy society NEEDS BOTH SEXES to be healthy and ”happy” in ordER to function in the LONG-tERm (a society of ONLY men or ONLY women will go extinct, because both sexes are required for reproduction).

ThERefore, the functionality of a society is best detERmined by evaluating the satisfaction level of BOTH sexes (men AND women).

Because both men and women are overrall dis-satisfied in feminist societies, we can conclude that feminist societies are a failure

Whereas. Patriarchy was actually the MOST FUNCTIONAL and PRODUCTIVE societal structure, because BOTH men AND women wERe happiER when the patriarchy existed.

IT won’t post this
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Women wERe happiER in the past. In many photos from patriarchal societies, you can see foids happy and smiling, yes some of those smiles could be fake/forced but it’s logical to assume that majority wERe real. The most efficient and productive society is one in which BOTH sexes are happy (which was exactly the case in the patriarchy).

Nowadays, I see majority of people unhappy (both men AND women TOO).

In patriarchal societies, women didn’t get to hop on the chad cock carousel and had to settle down with an avERage/below avERage looking man, but at least they could avoid living the physically and mentally stressful life of a wageslave and they would give birth to children who would latER look aftER them and give their life some meaning/purpose.

Dont get fooled by the extravagant lives of the top 1% OnlyFans whores. The majority of onlyfans whores are poor (or at least NOT rich), and because thERe are so few existing rich men (who are ALL already “taken” by a select few women), majority of women can’t find a sugardaddy to pay all their bills, hence majority of women end up being forced to wageslave for Mr GoldStein in ordER to survive. They used to be free from wageslavERy in the past, but now they are chained by 9-5 jobs 5 days a week minimum (Full-Time: 40+ hours).

Also, many of them opt not to have children, so when they hit the wall and become an old wrinkly roasty, chads r no longER intERested in them, and because they don’t have any children (and also because its too late to have healthy children even if they now decide that they want to have), these women end up living all alone in their apartments (often with multiple cats to keep them company and nobody to take care of them).

So in conclusion. All that chad cock that women r enjoying right now, comes at a cost, but that cost comes latER in life. AftER spending their PRIME years destroying their body and mind by Riding the cock carousel (and wageslaving), their reward for sacrificing their youth to make the Jews richER, is to end up all alone in a misERable and lonely existence.

I can’t wait for the women of our age to hit the wall and become a roastie. They will finally realise what it’s like to be an incel (in tERms of the pain/suffERing of our existence), but most low value men will show them no mERcy because they showed us none.

many of those women will kill themselves at that point, and one of the reasons I’m still alive is because I want to see it happen, it would bring me great pleasure/enjoyment

So your post is based on a FACTUALLY INCORRECT premise.

evERy society is comprised of BOTH sexes. (A society of ONLY men or ONLY women will go extinct, because both sexes are required for reproduction).

ThERefore, the functionality of a society is best detERmined by evaluating the satisfaction level of BOTH sexes (men AND women).

Because both men and women are dis-satisfied in feminist societies, we can conclude that feminist societies are a failure

IT won’t post this
Well one reason for us to keep going is to watch Stacies' despair post-wall

Women wERe happiER in the past AND societies wERe MORE FUNCTIONAL in the past (undER a “patriarchal structure”).

In many photos from patriarchal societies, you can see foids happy and smiling, yes some of those smiles could be fake/forced but it’s logical to assume that majority wERe real.

Nowadays, I see majority of people UNHAPPY (BOTH men AND women TOO).
This is proven in studies, and even Reddit folk are being foolish if they deny that women are more miserable than ever.

We are supposed to be making healthy families. Men and women together for this reason. Anything breaking that will lead to long-term mental anguish.
This is proven in studies, and even Reddit folk are being foolish if they deny that women are more miserable than ever.

We are supposed to be making healthy families. Men and women together for this reason. Anything breaking that will lead to long-term mental anguish.

Yeah. Pornstars are killing themselves intentionally (suicide: Kagney Linn KartER is a recent example) and also accidentally (drug ovERdose: Emily Willis was in a coma from drug ovERdose but unfortunately she survived).

The harsh realisation that they are just a professional fuckmeat and worth nothing more than their bodies, is what drives them to use drugs to cope or to kill themselves when the copes no longER work/are no longER accessible

I wouldn’t expect the avERage braindead plebbit-usER to accept the truth behind what I’ve said.

They think that the world will opERate exactly the way they feel it “Should”opERate (rathER than realising the fact that the world opERates the way it does without giving a shit about how they, or anyone else, feels about it). FACTS DONT CARE ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS
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Happymaxxed smilehavers
ThERe is a way to make them stop smiling
True and based post. But most smiles these days are fake anyways.
Afghanistan has foids under lock and key.
Yeah. Pornstars are killing themselves intentionally (suicide: Kagney Linn KartER is a recent example) and also accidentally (drug ovERdose: Emily Willis was in a coma from drug ovERdose but unfortunately she survived).

The harsh realisation that they are just a professional fuckmeat and worth nothing more than their bodies, is what drives them to use drugs to cope or to kill themselves when the copes no longER work/are no longER accessible

I wouldn’t expect the avERage braindead plebbit-usER to accept the truth behind what I’ve said.

They think that the world will opERate exactly the way they feel it “Should”opERate (rathER than realising the fact that the world opERates the way it does without giving a shit about how they, or anyone else, feels about it). FACTS DONT CARE ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS

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