Never under any circumstances listen to what women say they want in a man. It's rarely true.
50 shades of grey was so popular because it made it's titular character into a living hyperbole. Most authors would temper the superiority of their attractive romantic interest by giving him reasonable flaws and a natural masculinity, but E. L. James understands that women never want to compromise. Christian Grey is a tall, attractive, muscular, hung, charming, sexually skilled, deep voiced multi billionaire CEO and women were all over it.
Never delude yourself into thinking that women don't always want more. Hypergamy is a biological law which gives the men at top everything they want and more, and leaves the men at the bottom with discouragement, loneliness, and perpetual suffering. It's the way things are supposed to be.
Thank God we escaped it and instituted forced monogamy and as a result actually developed civilization, medicine, antiseptics, telecommunications, crop rotation, roads, the computer, the airplane, the world wide web, the printing press, architecture, the plow, irrigation, the Saturn Vue rocket, the microchip, soap, paper, refrigeration and the wheel. Without religion and enforced social structure none of that would exist