well written, I am retarded and I read the whole thing start to finish on my phone. Post more long threads
I have thought about this.
Just sit down and imagine you had no health issues whatsoever. You can drink anything, eat pizza and coke, sleep instantly for 12h and wake up 100% refreshed. You have no social anxiety because your parents support you. You don't view the world as a threatening place at all.
This turns you borderline psychopathic with your outlook on life.
It gives a sort of "abundance mindset" for the whole of existence - "the world is your oyster" as they say. Sensitive people are often unhealthy with overactive nervous systems, maybe from trauma. They can be stuck in permanent "fight or flight" mode. Because of this, tiny things like a youtube video can make them cry. Or a nice passage in a book.
To a normie this makes no sense. They are so healthy, text on a screen would never ever make them feel shit. They are bulldozing through life feeling nothing for most things since they are so fucking internally stable, they have ZERO self-doubt. That's also why they use status symbols, interests and shit as a signaling method -> unlike the sensitive person who accidentally falls in love with something, normies pick and choose their identity freely without attachments.
Like I said, it is sort of psychopathic. They are not committed to causes, events, trends, interests. If you have known a normie for a long time, you will see them flip their opinion like 10x over 10 years. Or they are giga upset about something that is trendy right now, but also not? Like they will talk about racism but then shit on black people when talking to others on break.
Or they "care" about bird flu, sars, covid, swine flu, iraq-, gulf, - afghan, -ukraine war. But a year later they dont care anymore. It is a sort of uncommitted, psychopathic, pick or choose mentality, resulting from being so healthy they can afford to not care.
A lot of their beliefs are "luxury" beliefs that they just hold because they can, not because they are forced to by circumstances (living in war zone, being ugly and unhealthy etc).
Going back to the beginning, imagine you felt like this
- zero self doubt
- incredible health, especially when young (cant eat anything, do sports, travel, work and its not even exhausting, they party after work)
- no pressing issues that make you question yourself or think about shit
- no social anxiety, view people as non-threat most of the time cuz never bullied, nice family supporting them since childhood, making them feel that the world is a happy and safe place
As others have said in this thread, their primary state is BOREDOM due to LACK of stimulation. I have never felt bored in my entire life. I feel the opposite, my life is a mix of warzone and FOMO (fear of missing out) and wondering when I will die. I am constantly moving.
This is why they seek out stimulation, they are so fucking healthy, they are looking for ways to self-sabotage by stressing themselves. They seek out risk and pain (sports, alcohol, drugs, sex, travel) because they have so little in their lives.
The life many of us live as truecels would be unbearable to them - text on a screen is not enough stimulation. Rotting at home, playing video games, is giga understimulating to them. They need to go out, bombard every orifice with stimulation until they are burned out. But the hunger never ends. They are so healthy, just one night of sleep recovers them instantly, and the hunger comes back.
This continues until they get a bit older and finally start paying the toll of this psychopathic lifestyle. Most normies life is like a rocket launch - initial boost face for first 20 years, then max altitude is reached and they enter a slow, very gradual decline. The health and mental issues we deal with since childhood only BEGIN touching them in like their 50s. I am not joking.
I recently watched a boomer on YT and he said, I didn't think about retirement until I was 50. Meanwhile I have talked to countless incels and truecels, we always think about death, what will happen to us etc, and we are like age 16-25 on average. You are not supposed to view the world as a hostile warzone where you have to surive somehow as a teenager. That is giga abnormal.
When you see some old boomer complain about his life, keep in mind many truecels here have been living a worse life than him for decades at that point. The boomers issues seem more relevant to HIM only, because its the first time he ever had any setbacks in life. They are like, oh, I can't do this as easily anymore, or that. Meanwhile some truecel has been homeless in his 20s, been abused by parents, beaten up, born with health issue, skin condition etc since they were children.
This is why they go to loud parties when young and seek out all that stimulation. Just like psychopaths, they are in constant need for dopamine hits. If they pursue an intellectual path, they replace the stimulation from loud noises and sex and shit with
competition. They will debate tons of people, hunt degrees and meaningless accolades and little letters behind their name - phd, md, pp, poopoo etc. Competition gives them the same stimulating boost, destroying others, pushing them out the race, mogging others income wise, flexing your sports car as a doctor.
Most young people going to med school just want to finish their studies and make money. They dont give a fuck about medicine jfl.
Just take into account everything I said just now, and it makes sense why they engage in these activities while we fight to avoid them. This is why I don't expect true sympathy and empathy from normies. They can not relate to this. I have to manipulate them by abusing their virtue signaling programming to get the help I need. If I just went "i am a subhuman autist with isses, I cant work and need disability or I will die on the street" - they will not help me. They always project you are like them, healthy, capable etc. Your words are seen as virtue signaling, intentional display to get shit from them.
So what I do is, I leverage their biases against them by virtue signalling about shit they can't deny me, i.e. racism. If you tell a normie you experience racism, they ideologically can not doubt you. Or when you larp as a trauma victim, tell them you have sisters that got abused too (appealing to pro-foid bias). If you just say you got abused as a guy, they wont care. I have had welfare office bitch literally say to me on phone, "you are a young man, you can figure it out" and end convo.
Get diagnoses. Normies trust authority. They don't understand that psychology is not even a scientific discipline, that the entire field is based on axiomatic, unproven theoretical constructs about how the brain/mind works. That there is debate about the veracity of diagnostic labels in the field itself etc. They don't get there is no such thing as "adhd" or "autism" when you dig deep into the field, especially from a philosophy of science approach.
But to a normie, they see that little label, "diagnosis: autism" and because of their ideology which includes blind trust in authorities and the belief mental disorders are real, they have to change their whole behavior to accomdate you know, or they are "bad people." You have to steelman their position againts them, or they will project you are like them: A super-healthy, young, perma-bored psychopath who is just trying to get freebies from the social welfare state.
It is fucked up, I understand that. But I don't want to die on the street because some retard judged me in 0.13s by my looks and went, aight, this nigga larping as sick to get welfare, imma make his life hell until he gets a job (litearlly how ive been treated). I could have faked the entire fuckkng autism diagnosis except for the part where they talked to my parents. I spent 6 months writing a 10000 word essay on my life, my issues, why I think I have autism, why I exclude other disorders etc. Then I met the doctors and realized I know more about the field than them. I had to play dumb to get the diagnosis, because if I showed my power-level, they would not have given it, I am 100% certain.
I read a fucking academic textbook about autism before coming in, I annotated the whole thing. They were doing shit in my diagnosis that are specifically mentioned in the textbook as shit the diagnoser is NOT supposed to do. I did not show them my essay because I realized after 30s of talking to them that this would undermine everything. From then on, I faked my way through half the diagnosis, because I knew this was war. They did not want to give me this diagnosis, they'd refused before in 2018 and just sent me home from mental hospital because I bought into their manipulation.
This time I was prepared, I knew how they think, their philosophy, their methods.
One example: They made me do an autism test I had never seen before - reading a hemingway short story and interpreting the characters motivations and intent. Besides this being kind of laughable scientifically to diagnose anything kek, I knew what they were looking for. They believe, and I stress "
believe" because nothing in autism research is more than conjecture, that autistic people must be incapable of understanding peoples motives and intentions by default, including in fictional media.
This being blatantly wrong and just one out of like 1000 models trying to capture "autism" (an empty umbrella term) , like "hyper male brain theory" "theory of mind theory of autism" "montropism theory of autism" and like 90034234 other theories, didn't even matter. They wanted me to read the text and then magically guess that this somehow indicated autism or not.
Again, I realized this is warfare. I am male, ugly and ethnic. My diagnoser was a middle aged white female. I would have to go hard in the paint to overcome these biases. I read a lot of fiction my youth, including multiple hemingway books. However, I pretended to be completely retarded and that I did not know any of the characters intentions at all and shit. She treated me like a baby, taking shots at me. She said shit like, you dont read a lot, do you? The usually attacks. But I just acted like I didn't get she was mocking me and kept going.
I had to pretend I don't read fiction at all, when I read over 10 warhammer 40k novels in the last 2 years alone (I recorded it on an app on my phone where you can keep track of your reading list). This is so becaues one thing autism researchers believe is that autistic people do not read fiction. I am not joking, this is the level of "science" we are talking about here. Talk to any diagnosed autist on r/aspergers or on this forum, we all read fiction. But because I knew their presuppositions better than them, I knew better than to admit that I read fiction. So I said I don't and the foid, as mentioned, lolled in my face with a shit-eating grin and said you dont read a lot do you?
She did shit like that a few more times, treating me like a retard. She pointed at a clock and went DA BIG POINTER MEANDS DAT etc like im in 1st grade - again, not exaggerating or joking. She thought she is giga IQ and mogging me to death, cuz im ethnic, male and ugly. But I had the drop on her the entire time, I knew blackpill wise what she was doing and why, I knew the tests, I knew the data, I knew what they were looking for and I gave it to them in spades.
Additionally, I sleep deprived myself a ton before the appointment to come off as more retarded. When you are ugly, people think you are retarded anyway. So by fucking yourself up and acting retarded on top of being ugly, people start treating you like you have down syndrome - very low expectations. Sometimes they even virtue signal at you cuz they see you as such a victim.
The hemingway test I mentioned, I found online. The diagnosers name was on it. The bitch did not even know how to use google maps. Normies tend to assume I can't use a smartphone, install basic apps or browse the internet. They never had to. That's why universities still exist, normies want the status labels from getting degrees and also dont realize you can get every study online for free.
Another test they did with me was called "reading the mind in the eyes test" - another unfounded claim, that autitsic people can't read facial expressions. Mixed data on that. For instance, the double empathy problem of autism. They found autistic people can perfectly communicate with other autitsic people and read then normally. So there can not be a deficit in social skills with autists jfl, impossible.
Further, this test is based on the "sasha bron cohen model of autism" - the different tests I was administered were based on completely different theories of what autism is, coming from different researchers. Like I said, there is no unified concept of autism, just like adhd. Just a bunch of theoretical constructs with no supporting evidence. Some is neuroscience, some philosophical. They keep coming up with new random testing methods for autism, which are always proven to be insufficient after a few years.
The "eye reading" test is this: They show you eye areas and then you have to pick from four words that describe the expression, i.e. anger, fear, disgust, joy. This test is available online, I did it like 5 times just for fun. It is retarded. Facial expressions are not standard among people. Some people have resting bitch face despite being happy. A lot of facial expressions are "intentional display" aka, they are made to fit in, not because of genuine underlying feeling.
But again, in the test I had to ignore this. It also says online that like 50% of autist pass that test easily jfl, so how is it valid? Idk. But I recognized most of the expressions but just ticked the wrong box on purpose. Like I said, it takes nothing to fake these tests, tomas szasz moment (most of psych-testing is based on self-report. Spot the problem).
Anyway, to make a long matter short, I finally got the diagnosis. Social workers were congratulating me like I just achieved shit. Saying I must feel so much better now, that I have this random-ass label made up by jews in the 80s (when the term "aspergers" was first coined). People were saying you must feel good, finally having "certainity" about whats wrong with you bla bla bla. I just said yes and played along, they know nothing. It is a joke. I need this shit or I will die on the street.
Rn I am using this dumb fucking label I had to fight to get for two fucking years to get on disability for life. I tell them about my "traumatic childhood" and they have to treat me with satin gloves. Again, a presupposition they have is number one, what people talk about they care about. Big assumption in therapy as well. The idea that someone could talk about something just because or because they want to share info is lost on them. What you talk about = must be emotionally relevant to you. No. But anyway. Second, they assume bad experience = trauma.
This is a staple presuppositions of psychology and the therapy industry. Notice how the word "trauma" has become common parlance in our time. It's because they push it as a selling point to get people into therapy sessions. And women love it cuz its an easy way to label yourself a victim. Meanwhile actual therapists have pointed out that a ton of people are NOT traumatized by what we would assume to be "traumatic events." Take ww1 and ww1, millions served. Did everyone have trauma? Only a tiny minority of people that served were traumatized.
I have a book on that called, manufacturing victims.
They want you to ignore this though and generally, lower tier goons of the mental health fields like social workers never quetions anything they are taught at university. So when I tell them my parents beat my ass and force-fed me spaghetti while threatening violence, they default to, this person must be severely fucked up and shit. I am, but not nearly as much as they assume. My main stressor in life is being unhealthy and ugly, not what happened to me in the past.
If they payed any attention to what I told them about my family, they would also have to conclude that "trauma" somehow does not affect some people even though they go through the same things. I have four siblings, all of which are normal despite living in same "traumatic" household. Idk how the social worker is not picking up on this shit but fuck it, we ball.
It is endless, I could go on and on how I am mentally running circles around these people because I have spent every waking minute since 13 online and literally seen every single thing they will say in advance. All the typical shrink advice, self-help tropes, stoicism, do sport, positive thinking, CBT therapy, behaviorism vs cognitivism, history of psychology, etc. Everything they say, I already know and can connect to something in my head. For instance, last time my social worker (female) was here, I was sleep deprived and stressed, which makes my nervous system giga prone to overreactin (shit health not trauma).
So I almost cried a few times, but she interpreted that as "trauma." She then said I should do sports (of course), and gave me some of these concepts from psychology they borrowed form psycho-analysis and pretend its somehow scientific like "u are identifying with your parents, this is called parentification bla bla bla" bitch I dont think about my parents at all most day, what are you talking about. I just go along with it, gotta play the game to get the brownie points.
They dont know I am in habit of double guessing every single thought I have, I dont trust my emotions, beliefs nothing. They assume they can just say words and I pick it up because I identify with it - another classic therapy trick. Give people horoscope tier concepts that everyone can identify with, i.e. "trauma" and then claim your "model" applies to reality with high accuracy. Nobody can even define trauma, how much pain it takes, for how long etc. By that metric, stubbing my toe can be highly traumatic, if I am the type of person that gets, you know, traumatized by that. It is purely subjective.
But I already realized in my teens that identifying with things is just confirmation bias. Just approach it logically, you only like what you already like. If something aggrees with you, you probably liked that thing to begin with. So you gain nothing, it is confirmation bias. Normies do that all the time, they read a self-help book or whatever, see some phrase they like and then say the book is high iq.
Look into barnum effect, literally half of psychology is just barnum effect, so is self help, stoicism and other shit. Giving labels to people that are suffering, so they can fit their own beliefs in pre-defined labeled boxes, is literally CREATING THE DISEASE YOU ARE TRYING TO DIAGNOES HELLO? This is why they always claim high accruacy rate with diagnosis and shit. People also adopt their behavior to fit these boxes after learning about them, further exaggerting the issue.
One personal funny example. I have spent so much time reading and diving into autism on reddit, literature, videos, I have begun acting way more autistic lmfao. My parents thought I had brain damage when they met me again after 2 years of homelessness. I make way less eye contact and shit. Not because I became "more" autistic, but becaues I unwittingly absored the identity of autism while studying it and self-identifying with it to get the fucking diagnosis.
Would highly recc reading this and applying the approach to everything mental health. Also getting into phil critique of CBT, cognitivism, behaviorism, history of psychology as an outgrowth of failed philsophical projects of enlightement (psychology depends on specific unfounded assmuption about theory of mind, theory of knowledge and even metaphysical assumptions - it is a philosphical position, not scientific):
Prior to the establishment and promotion of ADHD as a psychiatric disorder, the labels “minimal brain dysfunction” (MBD), “hyperactivity” (HA), and “learning disability” (LD) were diagnostic terms for children with hard-to-manage behaviors. At the ...
Anyway, this is just an example of how fucking insane this planet is and the shit I have to deal with on a daily basis just to survive. Now imagine NEVER having to think about any of this. You just stuff your holes with dildos, food, music and cock. Stimulate every cells as much as possible.
Heck, they even have to increase their sensitive of nervous system by using drugs, something fucked up people feel all the time.
Like that shit when that nigger cried about getting his "reefer" or some MDMAed out faggot is like crying "its beautiful mayne" while looking at a pic of mikey mouse - yeah I have that level of sensitivty every waking second because my life is hell and I have to maneuver through FLAK, and AA fire like ww2 kamikaze pilot everytime I interact with the system keeping me on life support - social services and their designated representatives.
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If I was not this sensitive and constantly in threat detection mode, I would be
dead. It is not trauma, autism etc - it is survival. Exactly what Thomas Szasz said in his critiques of psychiatry. Not that any of the people I am working with, including social workers, MDs, trained psychologists and therapists know who Thomas Szasz is or what he said. Szasz said mental illness is a construct created with no solid basis in science or philosophy and also, patients abuse these constructs because they give them a feeling of purpose, identity, or because they need the label of the construct to survive on welfare or get support that is otherwise denied to them (social validation - "morbid gain" is the technial term for this).
Anyway, I am rotting in bed, thinking about next week when I have multiple appointments with social workers. I dread these appointments because I have to larp at them and do pit-fighting with their retarded worldview on the go. This scene is literally my worst nightmare, timestamp 1:10:
View: https://youtu.be/Zb-RVIETRCE?t=70
Whatever, I will not go down. It's either this or being homeless again and dying. I hope I could kind of give insight why normies act like that and why people like us act the way we do, out of necessity, not for pleasures sake out of choice, like them.