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Women Depress Me



Nov 8, 2017
Sometimes I will be in tolerable spirits, but that usually gets ruined when I have to witness the behavior of these women.

The fact that I could have been such a great lover to them, but they decided to give their love to everyone else and ruin that opportunity is truly depressing. Even worse, there's no going back. My ability to pair bond is broken, and I do feel it within myself. And I'm simply incapable of seeing women who have given their body, mind, soul, and spirit to another guy (Or other guys) as anything other than used up, and I'm simply incapable of being romanced by them. All of this would have been different if a nice innocent girl loved me once, and we stuck together. But that never happened, or if they did show interest, I was too scarred (Yes, scarred) and autistic to do anything.

I just try to focus on sports, because I love football and baseball. And then when I see women, it reminds me of how everything is irreparably broken and what could have been, and it is very depressing, to tell you the truth.
Mental illness, thy name is woman... Hence the saying of the wise:

"When a man talks much with the woman, he harms himself, neglects his studies and will end in hell"
run a priest game and mary our Jesus Christ
Run priest game and molest little kids ..
Every day I wake up this shit is in my mind. The worst thing is it's actually true. I don't think there's anything we can do but, it's probably our destiny to suffer alone from loneliness and rejection.

Seriously, how can you be christian? If god exists, he's a fucking asshole. Or maybe he's a Chad or lookism guy that hates Incels. Either way, fuck this asshole for allowing us to suffer our whole life.
SupremeG said:
Every day I wake up this shit is in my mind. The worst thing is it's actually true. I don't think there's anything we can do but, it's probably our destiny to suffer alone from loneliness and rejection.

Seriously, how can you be christian? If god exists, he's a fucking asshole. Or maybe he's a Chad or lookism guy that hates Incels. Either way, fuck this asshole for allowing us to suffer our whole life.

Well because I've experienced divine intervention in a couple of instances. Long stories short I remember something really bad that happened to me, and then a verse about God's punishment ("I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance...", Ezekiel 25:17) entered my mind immediately. It was definitely a wake up call for me to stop being evil. And then another time, in a state of the UTMOST despair, something deep within me told me to open the Bible, and out of the thousands of pages I could open to, I open to a verse where Christ tells us not to despair, for God is watching over us (Matthew 6:25-34). It was an extremely moving experience. Plus, there's good historical evidence supporting Christianity. Isaiah 53 is a verse prophesying Christ with remarkable accuracy before Christ was born. It's only like a 2 minute read, so I would read it. And then you have the fact that even Jews, Muslims, and Roman Pagans acknowledged Christ's existence when he was alive.

It's not God's fault hypergamy exists, either. Hypergamy is a DIRECT result of not following God's will about One man and ONE woman sticking together.
Yeah sometimes, I feel the same way...

Most modern day relationships are broke and are not bound to last forever. I do value the long term aspect of relationships because you could grow and develop with the person.

But the whole relationship thing now is a joke, there's just so much cheating that goes on (some people just can't fucking control their urges), I don't feel like I want to give my virginity to anyone :(.
The worst part about this is that it isent even sone kind of impossible feat to stay true to your partner. In earlier periods this was far more common. People have degenerated to such an extent that loyalty and fidelity are now considered outdated forms of opression. I had a normie friend who actually managed to find a virgin girl on Tinder and he abandoned her after fucking her. This fucking guy was granted an actual miracle and he squandered it. Im glad I cut ties with that guy. I fucking hate people.
/pol/cel said:
The worst part about this is that it isent even sone kind of impossible feat to stay true to your partner. In earlier periods this was far more common. People have degenerated to such an extent that loyalty and fidelity are now considered outdated forms of opression. I had a normie friend who actually managed to find a virgin girl on Tinder and he abandoned her after fucking her. This fucking guy was granted an actual miracle and he squandered it. Im glad I cut ties with that guy. I fucking hate people.

Like we agreed, upon yesterday, taking advantage of a virgin girl is an extremely heinous crime. She will never have the ability to give her virginity to, or pair bond the same with any other man. Not only that, but like you said, finding a virgin girl and leaving her is like winning the lottery and throwing away the ticket.
ItheIthe said:
Like we agreed, upon yesterday, taking advantage of a virgin girl is an extremely heinous crime. She will never have the ability to give her virginity to, or pair bond the same with any other man. Not only that, but like you said, finding a virgin girl and leaving her is like winning the lottery and throwing away the ticket.

His reason for doing it really made me livid. Apparently she wanted to take it slow and not rush right into sex. She actually wanted a meaningful relationship. I was going to go ER on him right there and then.
/pol/cel said:
His reason for doing it really made me livid. Apparently she wanted to take it slow and not rush right into sex. She actually wanted a meaningful relationship. I was going to go ER on him right there and then.

This was something I was thinking about just recently, actually a few hours ago.

In good societies, marriage came before sex. But in our society, the expectation is sex before marriage. This means a few things, namely that girls with good intentions are pressured into sex, which isn't right. It also devalues things that actually matter such as how you fit with a person by putting too much value on sex. People say that they can have sex without catching feelings, but that's scientifically untrue. I could go about more reasons, but I'm losing my train of thought.

Anyway, that reason is extremely rage-inducing. Selfish man-whoredom like this is literally just as bad as being a branch-swinging whore and I hate this sort of male degeneracy just as much as female degeneracy. You're taking something very special - a girl's virginity and the opportunity to be her one and only - and completely squandering and defiling it simply because you want to act like an animal. That's maddening.
girls should not be too acquainted with boys from a young age. Young chad learns his game with being intimate with little girls from a young age. The girls chad comes into contact with, then become sluts. And so with this dating thing and teenages being intimate, virgin girls e a dieing species.
/pol/cel said:
The worst part about this is that it isent even sone kind of impossible feat to stay true to your partner. In earlier periods this was far more common. People have degenerated to such an extent that loyalty and fidelity are now considered outdated forms of opression. I had a normie friend who actually managed to find a virgin girl on Tinder and he abandoned her after fucking her. This fucking guy was granted an actual miracle and he squandered it. Im glad I cut ties with that guy. I fucking hate people.
I like to be loyal and committed tho. Even after all that degeneracy. Some people have just indestructible urges.
ItheIthe said:
Sometimes I will be in tolerable spirits, but that usually gets ruined when I have to witness the behavior of these women.
The fact that I could have been such a great lover to them, but they decided to give their love to everyone else and ruin that opportunity is truly depressing. Even worse, there's no going back. My ability to pair bond is broken, and I do feel it within myself. And I'm simply incapable of seeing women who have given their body, mind, soul, and spirit to another guy (Or other guys) as anything other than used up, and I'm simply incapable of being romanced by them. All of this would have been different if a nice innocent girl loved me once, and we stuck together. But that never happened, or if they did show interest, I was too scarred (Yes, scarred) and autistic to do anything.
I just try to focus on sports, because I love football and baseball. And then when I see women, it reminds me of how everything is irreparably broken and what could have been, and it is very depressing, to tell you the truth.

I like to imagine a world where females weren't repulsed by us uggos just for existing. Unfortunately it just doesn't exist, especially when you get out of the reddit/deeper internet selection of women into FB/IG and the real world.
/pol/cel said:
Apparently she wanted to take it slow and not rush right into sex. She actually wanted a meaningful relationship.

Some of you will never learn.
Same bro, It's even worse when you have a oneitis who ruins you. I hate it, I hate being sensitive.
I feel you.
Natural selection is brutal.
Many men were excluded from pool genes. I can give you one example of people with no iris in their eyes going instinct.

Yes we had people with no iris. Soon there will be guys with no recessed chins. It's the evolution. Recessed chins seem normal nowadays but in few thousands years they gonna have the same reaction to recessed chin as you had when you heard there were people with no iris in their eyes.
/pol/cel said:
The worst part about this is that it isent even sone kind of impossible feat to stay true to your partner. In earlier periods this was far more common. People have degenerated to such an extent that loyalty and fidelity are now considered outdated forms of opression. I had a normie friend who actually managed to find a virgin girl on Tinder and he abandoned her after fucking her. This fucking guy was granted an actual miracle and he squandered it. Im glad I cut ties with that guy. I fucking hate people.

This really resonates with me, I used to talk to this girl online a lot, and I liked her ofc. She was a virgin as I've known her for 4 years of just texting each other, and eventually she got tinder and gave her virginity to this guy in less than 2 months of dating. Just like that. They ended up fighting and bam, they broke up. She told me after the breakup and I can't say I wasn't surprised. Left the girl broken in pieces.

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