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Women being anti subhuman is good


Rabbi Schneerson

Dec 8, 2022
title : it’s a form of eugenics and subhuman genes deserve to die out as painful as it is. No one deserves to be a subhuman
title : it’s a form of eugenics and subhuman genes deserve to die out as painful as it is. No one deserves to be a subhuman
Our current dating market is the opposite of this though. Subhuman women are left to reproduce unchecked while even many average guys are forced out of dating
retarded ass take have some self respect. even if subhuman males wont reproduce subhumans will still be born no matter what because of racemixing or foid having shit genes its simple as that.
subhuman foid still fucks, so just the men that dont get fun
>foids doing something

pick one
foid worship

@highschoolcel incels and radical feminists agreeing again
Foids are modern eugenicists. They reject all subhumans and only want Chad but at the same time some of them do abortions...
We are not under eugenics, we are under dysgenics: Due to hypergamy, lower-tier foids are producing with more higher-tier males.

Actual eugenics, would be selective breeding.
Our current dating market is the opposite of this though. Subhuman women are left to reproduce unchecked while even many average guys are forced out of dating
Wouldn't work. For one thing, unlike their male counterparts, ugly women will never be barred from reproduction. Their failos will remain in the genepool and there will be men unfortunate enough to be born with them. And then there are stochastic genetic mutations and environmental influences that can fuck you over.

Besides, sexual selection never really ends. Standards will only increase over time. Today's normies will be tomorrow's incels. There wil always be incels.
The only reason we are subhumans is because people treat us as such. If everyone were treated equally there would be no subhumans.
Poor genetics will always exist because there's always someone out there that will stick their dick in any foid no matter how ugly as long as they have a pussy. And even if they didn't and the genetic quality of the overall population kept increasing over time, the average of today would be the subhuman of tomorrow. There will always be discrimination based off genetics because there will always be a bottom 5% of the population, even if those genetics would have been acceptable in the past.
Subhuman women are left to reproduce unchecked while even many average guys are forced out of dating
Only black women are subhuman and make ugly babies non black subhuamn women create attractive babies or they have a high chance to
: ( crazy to see a rare miss from rabbi
retarded ass take have some self respect. even if subhuman males wont reproduce subhumans will still be born no matter what because of racemixing or foid having shit genes its simple as that.
True. We all know now that parent's genes don't correlate to their children's own success. This is especially the case when attractive fathers breed 5'0" foids
How do you, after almost 2 years on here, still dont get that "muh hypergamy is good because it improves the gene pool" is cope ? A 1/10 foid can easily procreate, a sub7 guy will likely be a genetic dead end. Thats why this gynocentric argument is cope. Id say its even borderline foid worship
retarded ass take have some self respect. even if subhuman males wont reproduce subhumans will still be born no matter what because of racemixing or foid having shit genes its simple as that.
If that were the case incels would've been bred out of the gene pool millennia ago. Thanks to genetic mutations and environmental factors beyond our control incels have and will continue to exist regardless of breeding patterns
How do you, after almost 2 years on here, still dont get that "muh hypergamy is good because it improves the gene pool" is cope ? A 1/10 foid can easily procreate, a sub7 guy will likely be a genetic dead end. Thats why this gynocentric argument is cope. Id say its even borderline foid worship
It's not even actual eugenics as I mentioned, it's the literal opposite: Virtually every relationship I see nowadays involves the guy mogging the foid by a minimum of 1.5-2 points looks wise and/or is at least very tall, that's essentially genes being "diluted" for a lack of a better word with the foids worse genes(physical & mentally)

And yeah it is foid worship, because it's stating this under the pretense foids have "good intentions" which they don't, thus making it bluepillled.

OP gets all his information from Shit-Tok though, so he's a terrible source for an opinion on most matters.
retarded ass take have some self respect. even if subhuman males wont reproduce subhumans will still be born no matter what because of racemixing or foid having shit genes its simple as that.
OP also thinks racemixing is a good thing, and fails to understand that mental problems could still be passed on regardless of looks.
Virtually every relationship I see nowadays involves the guy mogging the foid by a minimum of 1.5-2 points looks wise
Same yo sometimes I see 4 points in facial mogging
And it goes both ways. Ogre women will prolong to exist and this site will keep running
title : it’s a form of eugenics and subhuman genes deserve to die out as painful as it is. No one deserves to be a subhuman
Thats why chinks deserve not to have kids, starting with myself
And it goes both ways. Ogre women will prolong to exist and this site will keep running
Why does the white race have the least ugly people
If that were the case incels would've been bred out of the gene pool millennia ago. Thanks to genetic mutations and environmental factors beyond our control incels have and will continue to exist regardless of breeding patterns
Most incels are black and why does whites have the least amount of ugly people
Foids aren't eugenicists. They're dysgenicists.

The human body is not very well designed from an engineer's perspective. In fact, it's rather inefficient. Nature works on the principle of good enough rather than creating something that's perfect for the job. This paradigm in evolution driven by natural selection also applies to sexual selection by female choice. This is one thing eugenicists don't understand when trying to make the argument that eugenics is good because it's natural and happens in nature.
They don't care about passing their own subhuman genes on
You never see very attractive people strung off on drugs on the streets EVER! the more attractive you are the higher your mental health
Okay but that is because drug overuse often ages people and causes you to become more ugly.

Also, agreed with the general consensus that ugly people will always still be born, but it is less common with good looking parents. The problem seems to be men having lower standards, no women. Maybe if no men messed with the uggos, then the ugly women wouldn't reproduce.
title : it’s a form of eugenics and subhuman genes deserve to die out as painful as it is. No one deserves to be a subhuman
Agree, eugenics are pretty based imo.

Too bad that normies are crying BOOHOO, the nazis did Eugenics too, so it's bad.
Agree, eugenics are pretty based imo.

Too bad that normies are crying BOOHOO, the nazis did Eugenics too, so it's bad.

Here's the diff : the nazi just wanted germans to reproduce.

They didnt deprive 90% of the population from having sex.

They just got rid of gipsies, jews, gays and highly disabled people.
Here's the diff : the nazi just wanted germans to reproduce.

They didnt deprive 90% of the population from having sex.

They just got rid of gipsies, jews, gays and highly disabled people.
I'd say being extremely deformed or mentally ill is counting as highly disabled.

Most people in wheelchairs probably get more game than us.
Our current dating market is the opposite of this though. Subhuman women are left to reproduce unchecked while even many average guys are forced out of dating
Exactly. Exterminate womanlets and ugly flat bitches (in GTA 5)
title : it’s a form of eugenics and subhuman genes deserve to die out as painful as it is. No one deserves to be a subhuman
There will always be a "subhuman" class. The bottom ~40% of males would be utterly worthless in every society.

There will always be incels. Sure, today our numbers are inflated, but even under ideal conditions, there will always be men that are more or less unwanted. If everyone is made an Übermensch, then no one is. You make everyone 6ft+ and suddenly heights that could be NBA players today become turbomanlet tier.
So how is this a good thing then?
Agree, eugenics are pretty based imo.

Too bad that normies are crying BOOHOO, the nazis did Eugenics too, so it's bad.
Here's the diff : the nazi just wanted germans to reproduce.

They didnt deprive 90% of the population from having sex.

They just got rid of gipsies, jews, gays and highly disabled people.
This is the correct kind though, what OP is referring to is actual dysgenics, as I pointed out.

Also, for the National Socialists, it had more to do with IQ, positive characteristics(a lot of personality is heritable), and other factors such as this, not completely looks-based.

Look at guys such as Goebbels & Himmler.
Same yo sometimes I see 4 points in facial mogging
Yeah I see that also.
You never see very attractive people strung off on drugs on the streets EVER! the more attractive you are the higher your mental health
That's a different context, I was talking about heritable traits such as lower-IQ, pre-disposed mental issues, etc.


Look at this case study, foids select against stuff which correlates with higher earnings(IQ, educational level, cognitive ability, etc)
Our current dating market is the opposite of this though. Subhuman women are left to reproduce unchecked while even many average guys are forced out of dating
exactly this is the problem. But then we should ask ourselves, is nature really all that good in eugenics if it made males so horny that they would breed with a literal pile of shit with a vagina. That begs the next question, if nature didnt do a good job should and can society do better?
Look at this case study, foids select against stuff which correlates with higher earnings(IQ, educational level, cognitive ability, etc)
They’re more than likely selecting purely off looks all the stats you mentioned are gonna be as valuable as physical beauty since none of them can provide sexual feelings
They’re more than likely selecting purely off looks all the stats you mentioned are gonna be as valuable as physical beauty since none of them can provide sexual feelings
They are, IQ & cognitive ability is important to maintaining a functioning society & perhaps bettering our shit situation.

But alas, I dont expect you to understand-since you think Tik-Tok is a fucking source.
180 iq short man dies a virgin while 60 iq tall niggers and 75 iq white trash chads pass their genes on

so nice eugenics, right? foids know so much :soy:

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