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Blackpill there is absolutely no reason to hate yourself

  • Thread starter anotherbitesthedust
  • Start date


Jun 10, 2024
self hatred has to be one of the most cringe aspects of the incel community. every single day i log onto here i see thread after thread of users calling themselves names like "subhuman", "genetic trash", the list goes on really with the types of names users here and on the incel community refer to themselves as

my question is, what defines a person as "subhuman" or "genetic trash"? if you ask this question to most users on .is they will give you a long list of the negative things that have happened to them in their life. it usually isnt anything truly fucked physically (most people by definition are average, therefore most people even here are non deformed even if you argue that there is a higher percentage of them). but rather, they will go into a list of women interacting with them poorly, perhaps calling them names or rejecting them, or of them experiencing larger social rejection.

but WHY does this matter and HOW can incels reconcile simultaneously believing women cannot be trusted and that they are deeply flawed, while also using what they, and other people say about them to form a self-opinion?

these two aren't mutually exclusive. if you claim to be "blackpilled" on female nature absolutely nothing that a foid says about you should really be taken to heart and used as a pillar of your self-esteem, or lack thereof. similarly, if you use the way women treat you as basis for your "subhuman" diagnosis then in reality you are a cuck who aint blackpilled at all, rather you go with what some stupid roastie has to say about you to define how you think about yourself.

TLDR hating women and distrusting them, while using what they have to say about you to form a self-opinion, is illogical for any incel and none should partake in it. i dont mean to be corny, but you all need to think more strongly in yourself because absolutely no one besides you is your advocate in this life.
I may not hate myself but I am surely a genetic trash. I'm ugly and have a lot of physical/mental issues.
Not our fault that we were born as subhumans.
why does being ugly exactly denote you as below human?
Well, humans generally have no problem on biting, breathing and maintaining a normal teeth position. I have. I am unable to eat meat because I have a problem in my esophagus.
I hate myself because nobody has ever loved me so I’m unlovable
self hatred? more like self acceptance by admitting and talking about these issues
i don't hate myself at least
ok redditorfag
I don't hate myself, but I accept that my body is genetically inferior.
I don't hate myself, but I accept that my body is genetically inferior.
no one is genetically inferior unless they are deformed or cripped from birth
Based. Many mental health problems incel face come from this inferiority complex. I know we are hairless social apes that care a lot about other's approval and base our selfsteem on it, but once you realize this, you can at least have some control over it and undermine the power normies and soyciety hold over you.

Your last phrase is on point, imagine getting spat on by women and normies during your whole life, while being by yourself to endure all that and still ALLOW them do dictate your interior worth. I'm sure there's nothing in the world more cucked than that. If you hate yourself based on what normies say, then you are a CUCK.
Based. Many mental health problems incel face come from this inferiority complex. I know we are hairless social apes that care a lot about other's approval and base our selfsteem on it, but once you realize this, you can at least have some control over it and undermine the power normies and soyciety hold over you.

Your last phrase is on point, imagine getting spat on by women and normies during your whole life, while being by yourself to endure all that and still ALLOW them do dictate your interior worth. I'm sure there's nothing in the world more cucked than that. If you hate yourself based on what normies say, then you are a CUCK.
finally someone with a triple digit IQ in this thread who recognizes how insanely cucked self hatred is
I'm a sand nigger
Extremely based thread

Some “incels” are actually hardcore feminist

Just listen to how rehab room talk about women in the past being “held hostage” in their marriage with regular men because they couldn’t ride the cock carousel

Some legit believe that any woman who is happily married with a normal guy is “brainwashed by religion” or “held hostage”. This is radical feminism coming straight out of incels mouths.

Just listen to how they constantly use Darwinism to justify the worst behaviour in these slurs ( “ she just goes after the best genetic material “ )

There’s no excuse to be a whore, and average men are not genetic trash. Sluts who spend their 20s riding chads are human trash on the other hand.

Women should stay virgin until marriage and go for their looksmatch, period.
but WHY does this matter and HOW can incels reconcile simultaneously believing women cannot be trusted and that they are deeply flawed, while also using what they, and other people say about them to form a self-opinion?
this honestly makes a lot of sense, like... if y'all hate yourselves so much and think you're subhuman, why do you blame women for not wanting to have sex with you?
Good post. We often let the way bitches treat us get us down, but we have to remember that bitches' opinions are worthless. It's important to stay positive. There's things I'm good at, things I like about myself, things that friends and family like about me. It's just that my looks are certainly not one of them.

Unfortunately, all women care about it looks. So, if you're physically unattractive, then none of the good things about you matter to them.
you're right, we should try to love ourselves and survive. we're all in this together. we're all suffering.
hating yourself only works if you’re a gymcel or have some margin of improvement, most people here have already accepted what they are
I don't hate myself, I know full well other people are the problem
every single day i log onto here i see thread after thread of users calling themselves names like "subhuman", "genetic trash



Jun 10, 2024
Incels shouldn't feel self-hatred, they should feel pride like St. Elliot Rodger
Self hatred, like any other emotion isnt based on logic because its, well an emotion
Because i truly despise the way i look
Last edited:
Extremely based thread

Some “incels” are actually hardcore feminist

Just listen to how rehab room talk about women in the past being “held hostage” in their marriage with regular men because they couldn’t ride the cock carousel

Some legit believe that any woman who is happily married with a normal guy is “brainwashed by religion” or “held hostage”. This is radical feminism coming straight out of incels mouths.

Just listen to how they constantly use Darwinism to justify the worst behaviour in these slurs ( “ she just goes after the best genetic material “ )

There’s no excuse to be a whore, and average men are not genetic trash. Sluts who spend their 20s riding chads are human trash on the other hand.

Women should stay virgin until marriage and go for their looksmatch, period.
100% agree with you on this.

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