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Serious Woman's take on autists

The Abyss

The Abyss

Aspergerscel. Cope 'til you rope.
Jul 27, 2018

A lot of it makes sense but then it's also portrayed in a way as to shit on non NT men, bunch of articles on there bad mouthing aspie men, route issue seems to be the foid feeling left out due to a lack of endless validation from aspie men.

NT men are highly competitive thirsty motherfuckers while autists just do their own thing & generally want to be left alone usually due to bad experiences during youth in the form of bullying thus ingraining a belief that ppl are bad for your mental wellbeing/physical safety, being around nt ppl is draining whereas for nt it is invigorating or that crowds/highly stimulating environments are overbearing.

For a woman this is shit, they want everyone staring at them (if the men are good looking, other females being jealous), endless amounts of simps & cucks orbiting them like they're the centre of the universe validating them, paying them & generally being a personal assistant. No wonder they hate autist men (only overlooking it in chad as face trumps all) as we're usually lacking a social circle, try to avoid loud crowded places & are not constantly trying to inflate the egos of others while pretending we're hot shit. If anything we under sell ourselves to others in the sense of not faking it through social media, lying, spending money on pointless vanity crap & hyperbole.
It's a well known fact, in my mind at least, that women wish for an autistic male genocide. I'm pretty much not even kidding about that.
I want to butcher the cunt who wrote this

Autistic men are the most oppressed people of the 21st century
this is the true hate speech, fucking bitch should burn in hell
Skimming through that website I can say with a certainty that these cunts want us dead for not conforming to the opressive system.
I want to butcher the cunt who wrote this

Autistic men are the most oppressed people of the 21st century
Without autistic men this bitch would be living in a cave
Of course it's only written about men with AS, for women no problem and they are lovely angels I guess.
Without autistic men this bitch would be living in a cave
This, a lot of men that made civilization have progress were on the spectrum, Alan Turing is one example, this bitch should worship man in the spectrum or she would not even be able to share her bullshit in her computer that a autistic man made possible to happen
yeah if you think about it normies are the true subhumans for centering their life about getting a whiff of a stinky hole and not making something valuable like art, music, science etc.
I'm very curious to why women demand attention so much.
I hate NT ppl, are annoying as fuck
This, a lot of men that made civilization have progress were on the spectrum, Alan Turing is one example, this bitch should worship man in the spectrum or she would not even be able to share her bullshit in her computer that a autistic man made possible to happen
Isaac Newton Tesla etc. etc.
I hate NT ppl, are annoying as fuck
They are so vanilla in their appearance and behavior they actually disturb me on a visceral animalistic level as if I'm viewing and listening to a lesser species or the absurdity of it is what disgusts me. Like when you see a monkey in a suit it's endearing and funny but, when that same monkey in a suit is ordering you around it's not cute anymore.
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I hate their smug smiley faces, obnoxious behaviour, judgmental about everything attitude.
And the worst is in any moment they can make a joke on you, say something that hurts, they are predictable/unpredictable
According to them, if someone doesnt fit the genetic standards they need to be dead.
And the worst is in any moment they can make a joke on you, say something that hurts, they are predictable/unpredictable
tbh i regret discovering this forum. I was 100% focus on being a video game creator and I am certain i would become one of the most famous one there is. now im thinking about becoming more popular, fucking, partying and other mindless npc shit. the worst of all is that they do all this to impress foids not for self realization.
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women wish for an autistic male genocide
ofc they do, all aspie men who are not chad are oppressed and hated by everyone (especially foids) in this current society, world is a fucking joke...
I personally hate this article because its so biased towards us and it honestly offends numerous people who have autism, not just us autistcels.
tbh i regret discovering this forum. I was 100% focus on being a video game creator and I am certain i would become one of the most famous one there is. now im thinking about becoming more popular, fucking, partying and other mindless npc shit. the worst of all is that they do all this to impress foids not for self realization.
I would like to schedule vgames but Im very low IQ , don't give up about that. And for partying ,etc, do that if you have certain social circle until something bad happens is better than nothing.
"How to spot and avoid a secret undesirable."

Whoever made this website really hates autists!
It's a well known fact, in my mind at least, that women wish for an autistic male genocide. I'm pretty much not even kidding about that.

They'll soon make it happen.
If you talk to them about a problem you’re having, instead of being supportive they will often reply with a statement that invalidates your feelings, such as “just forget about it,” “you’re too sensitive,” or “just stop thinking about it.” One woman disclosed a serious surgical error she suffered that continued to impact her life, and her AS partner responded by yelling, “What are you, a victim? What are you, a victim? What are you, a victim?
This is all of our haters. No wonder they can't tell when were being obviously sarcastic e.g. if you don't have 7inch wrist, a muscular body, and over 6ft tall in 2019 it's over and go er.
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Neurotypicals dot com or whatever it’s called is some of the weirdest shit I’ve come across.

IDK if the sources are even accurate as men with Asperger’s never get married. Some get dates from tinder if they are white but usually aspies stay single, and prefer to do so. They try to make Asperger’s look bad by creating fake information. I doubt any of these stories are based on truth.

The site confuses us with sociopaths. I have empathy, I can’t stand to see animals tortured needlessly
Neurotypicals dot com or whatever it’s called is some of the weirdest shit I’ve come across.

IDK if the sources are even accurate as men with Asperger’s never get married. Some get dates from tinder if they are white but usually aspies stay single, and prefer to do so. They try to make Asperger’s look bad by creating fake information. I doubt any of these stories are based on truth.

The site confuses us with sociopaths. I have empathy, I can’t stand to see animals tortured needlessly
Could be a misrepresentation or career maxxed autism-lite guys that happen to be successful & therefore were a catch for gold digger women that figured they could mould the potters clay into a vase they prefer but of course that was never going to happen then they got mad & decided they could find a more nt man to betabuxx them instead.

The issue is that (among other problems) we don't pick up on social cues almost like these nt ppl have a sixth sense solely for social interactions & we just don't have it so we need to be told directly if/what the issue is then we give a shit but because that doesn't have to be done with nt ppl we are labeled as emotionless robots that are uncaring & selfish lol.

The thing is these so called empathetic nt ppl are neurologically racist as fuck, they love to exclude or bully autistic ppl simply because we're different, in a minority & not aggressive or organised like other groups are; rallying behind race or religion.

Any opportunity to move up a rung of an invisible Ladder at the expense of another will be taken without mercy while they pretend to be caring fair ppl.

This is another article by an autistic woman https://www.vox.com/first-person/2018/2/19/17017976/autism-average-age-death-36-stress

Of course she can function better than the average male though 'cos by her gender alone she is Granted more leeway to be odd but she does raise some good points tbf

repeatedly have to tell people I’m not a math savant. I’m tired of watching people who aren’t on the spectrum tell shitty versions of our stories while I can’t find the funding or the audience to tell my own. I’m tired of watching people get feels and inspiration from shows like The Good Doctor while they can’t seem to give a shit about autistic people in real life.
I’m so, so sick of watching people pay lip service to the value of autistic life while funding research into prenatal testing for autismat one end and supporting euthanasia for autism on the other, all in the name of preventing suffering. As if these measures that suggest that autistic birth should be prevented  —  or that they have a duty to die if they are too much of a “burden” on their loved ones — don’t make me feel worthless.
Even when I’m not actively struggling with any of the above, there’s the constant stress and anxiety. My resting heart rate is in the 90s. My body aches in ways that I can’t entirely attribute to age. My energy level appears to be similarly deteriorating.
This should not be a good enough outcome for any autistic person. We all deserve better than this.
So what do I want you to do about it?
I’ve spent my whole life being told that non-autistic people are so brilliant and intuitive when it comes to social issues. Like many autistic people, though, I haven’t always felt like I’ve seen much empathy, compassion, or understanding. And the evidence is starting to suggest that we’re not wrong about the level of judgment and stereotyping we face.
If you want to understand people on the spectrum, I’d recommend starting with some of the following: Listen to us. Invest in our work. Invest in science and actions that actually make our lives better now instead of chasing a hypothetical cure. Don’t kill us. Think twice about sympathizing with the parents who do kill us. Don’t rush to armchair-diagnose every mass murderer with autism — like what happened with the most recent Florida school shooting. Give your money to marginalized autistic people instead of charities like Autism Speaks, which dedicate only a small percentage of their budget to programs that will actually help autistic people. Think about how hard we’re working to exist in your world and consider meeting us halfway.
Tell us we don’t bore you. Tell us we don’t drain you. Look at us somewhere other than the eyes — we’re really not comfortable with eye contact and are tired of being forced to make it for your benefit — and tell us that we deserve to be alive.

And then act like it.
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Women are driven almost entirely by emotion and place social value above everything else. It's no surprise that they would have disdain for whats pretty much the exact opposite of that.

That said these days "autistic" is a label given to pretty much anyone who happens to act awkwardly in social situations.
I'm very curious to why women demand attention so much.
My theory is that biologically going way way back the role of a female is to have children, that's all; anything else is optional so of course she wants the best damn kid she can have therefore she wants the best man she can get. Pre society, pre rules this would be the strongest man physically who also could actually survive long enough through cunning to not just die.

So these alpha men would not only look physically capable but get others to work under them be it through fear, charisma or a perception of power.

Weaker men could stay in the tribe for mutual survival but he couldn't fuck unless he could somehow take power from the current leader.

Fast forward to religion & the establishment of rules & currency/resource ownership. Women had to make do with lesser men; the dominance being replaced by providing financially through work leading to exchange of money for goods necessary, female nature surpressed by strong men & societal judgement. Now we see this all falling apart in the west, if a female is no longer judged for being a whore but empowered to do as she pleases, is protected no matter how she behaves, given resources for simply existing & giving a brief glance in the direction of many morons somehow thinking she'll be into him if he just gives her what she wants maybe he can win her over by being a kind guy with a good personality; this is what he has been brainwashed into believing his whole life.

A female wants attention, validation as in her mind & the eyes of other females it shows her value compared to others, men compete to mate; women compete to mog the rest of their gender.

There is really no need for alpha badboys in our society anymore other than roles such as military or firefighters/guards & the like. The ones that have a semblance of self control & restraint can function, those that cannot Keep their attitude in check & tow the line become criminals; many of these coming from single mother households as the female nature has imprinted upon them mixed with high t levels minus the guiding hand of a rational male role model.

Females like the "fuck society danger mentality" of these guys.

When it comes to betabuxx many females stick with them but are not attracted to them but a criminal leader like a Pablo Escobar type can genuinely have bitches getting wet for him as the difference is he doesn't just have money, he wields power over others by lacking any restraint that could make him feel guilty & therefore limit the extent of his actions.

A man beating the shit out of another for a woman makes her hot, if the winner is on looks parity with her current guy she will want the winner, if he is ugly she will stay with the loser but jump to another good looking guy if possible. If her guy is not super good looking she has now lost attraction to him as he is a pussy & by proxy her value has dropped in the group opinion by staying with him. They want a man wanted by others but expect him to be fine only fucking her, she tries to change him to be more specific to her wants.
He either says fuck this, bounces, beats her, fucks other women openly or becomes more obedient then she complains he has changed too much over time & she has lost some attraction to him but cannot understand why.
Women are driven almost entirely by emotion and place social value above everything else. It's no surprise that they would have disdain for whats pretty much the exact opposite of that.

That said these days "autistic" is a label given to pretty much anyone who happens to act awkwardly in social situations.
Kind of like how anyone a woman doesn't like is "incel" yeah?
The NTpill strikes again brutally
Neurotypicals are filth. Females are psychotic.

Males and females in the general population differ, on average, in their drive for empathizing (higher in females) and systemizing (higher in males). People with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) show a drive for systemizing over empathizing, irrespective of sex, which led to the conceptualisation of ASD as an ‘extreme of the typical male brain’. The opposite cognitive profile, an ‘extreme of the typical female brain’, has been proposed to be linked to conditions such as psychosis and mania/hypomania.

What is psychosis?

Psychosis is characterized by an impaired relationship with reality.
And it is a symptom of serious mental disorders. People who are psychotic may have either hallucinations or delusions.


The female brain tends toward empathizing and mentalizing thinking, treating machines and objects as if they were other people. They attribute minds, thoughts, and feelings to inanimate objects. That, according to Crespi and Badcock, is the essence of paranoid schizophrenia. Paranoid schizophrenics hear voices where there are no people, and they attribute minds and thinking where none exist, such as when they believe other people are talking about or conspiring against them when they aren’t. Paranoid schizophrenics are hypermentalistic, and overinfer minds and emotions in other people, just as autistics are hypomentalistic, and underinfer minds and emotions in other people.


In their forthcoming article in the premier journal Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Crespi and Badcock present a very convincing case for paranoid schizophrenia as an extreme female brain. Now the whole picture appears to be complete. When your brain is “too male,” too systemizing, too mechanistic, you become autistic. When your brain is “too female,” too empathizing, too mentalistic, you become paranoid schizophrenic. If the extreme male brain of an autistic is “mindblind,” then you might suggest that the extreme female brain of a paranoid schizophrenia is “logicblind.”

Comparable to ancient people and small children

The scientists found that, overall, those who believe in God and the paranormal are more likely to be female and to base their actions on instinct instead of analysis or critical thinking.

"Does Poor Understanding of Physical World Predict Religious and Paranormal Beliefs?"

Unlike the earlier studies, which have addressed only few specific targets and attributes, unfounded mentalizing was here apparent throughout a range of basic physical objects and processes, and at a higher level of abstraction, on the superordinate concept of mental. This kind of mental-physical confusion has been recognized mainly among ancient people and small children.

The ability to distinguish mental from physical seems to be impaired both among ASD individuals and supernatural believers, although its manifestation is reversed. Because findings from hyper-mentalistic and hyper-mechanistic cognition, as two opposite phenotypes, can help each other in the search for their underlying mechanisms, one promising approach for future studies might be to integrate research on this newly found matter-blindness to research on mind-blindness
It's a well known fact, in my mind at least, that women wish for an autistic male genocide. I'm pretty much not even kidding about that.

Women want an Autistic and ugly male genocide. I have no doubts about this whatsoever, it's one of the things that keeps me from committing suicide, because that is literally what they want me to do, so I'm not going to give them the satisfaction
My theory is that biologically going way way back the role of a female is to have children, that's all; anything else is optional so of course she wants the best damn kid she can have therefore she wants the best man she can get. Pre society, pre rules this would be the strongest man physically who also could actually survive long enough through cunning to not just die.

So these alpha men would not only look physically capable but get others to work under them be it through fear, charisma or a perception of power.

Weaker men could stay in the tribe for mutual survival but he couldn't fuck unless he could somehow take power from the current leader.

Fast forward to religion & the establishment of rules & currency/resource ownership. Women had to make do with lesser men; the dominance being replaced by providing financially through work leading to exchange of money for goods necessary, female nature surpressed by strong men & societal judgement. Now we see this all falling apart in the west, if a female is no longer judged for being a whore but empowered to do as she pleases, is protected no matter how she behaves, given resources for simply existing & giving a brief glance in the direction of many morons somehow thinking she'll be into him if he just gives her what she wants maybe he can win her over by being a kind guy with a good personality; this is what he has been brainwashed into believing his whole life.

A female wants attention, validation as in her mind & the eyes of other females it shows her value compared to others, men compete to mate; women compete to mog the rest of their gender.

There is really no need for alpha badboys in our society anymore other than roles such as military or firefighters/guards & the like. The ones that have a semblance of self control & restraint can function, those that cannot Keep their attitude in check & tow the line become criminals; many of these coming from single mother households as the female nature has imprinted upon them mixed with high t levels minus the guiding hand of a rational male role model.

Females like the "fuck society danger mentality" of these guys.

When it comes to betabuxx many females stick with them but are not attracted to them but a criminal leader like a Pablo Escobar type can genuinely have bitches getting wet for him as the difference is he doesn't just have money, he wields power over others by lacking any restraint that could make him feel guilty & therefore limit the extent of his actions.

A man beating the shit out of another for a woman makes her hot, if the winner is on looks parity with her current guy she will want the winner, if he is ugly she will stay with the loser but jump to another good looking guy if possible. If her guy is not super good looking she has now lost attraction to him as he is a pussy & by proxy her value has dropped in the group opinion by staying with him. They want a man wanted by others but expect him to be fine only fucking her, she tries to change him to be more specific to her wants.
He either says fuck this, bounces, beats her, fucks other women openly or becomes more obedient then she complains he has changed too much over time & she has lost some attraction to him but cannot understand why.

Kind of like how anyone a woman doesn't like is "incel" yeah?
High iq
What a fucking joke article
I want to slit this whores throat for spewing this nonsense
NT men are highly competitive thirsty motherfuckers while autists just do their own thing & generally want to be left alone usually due to bad experiences during youth in the form of bullying thus ingraining a belief that ppl are bad for your mental wellbeing/physical safety, being around nt ppl is draining whereas for nt it is invigorating or that crowds/highly stimulating environments are overbearing.
this is literally me
It's a well known fact, in my mind at least, that women wish for an autistic male genocide. I'm pretty much not even kidding about that.
Asperger's Syndrome no longer exists in various diagnostic criteria. It's part of Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Asperger's Syndrome no longer exists in various diagnostic criteria. It's part of Autism Spectrum Disorder.
All the same to them anyway. It's easy to hate what you literally can't understand.
Being aspie is the second biggest death sentence after being ethnic
The normies think all non NT are the monsters, but they deceive themselves, it is they who are the real monsters, ostracising and bullying, any and all, who isn't like them.

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