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Woman 'punched in the face' by man she asked to stop manspreading on New York subway



Nov 9, 2017
Women think that we have to tolerate their shitty behaviour and they can get away with everything, but now a brave blackcel hero proved that this is not true.


“B****, you ain’t nothing!” she said the man yelled. “I’ve raped white b****es like you, f***ing c***!”
At this point, Ms Saia said, she put her earbuds in and told him to relax – a decision that only made him angrier. The man told her not to ignore him, called her several more slurs, and then punched her in the face, sending her head slamming into the wall behind her.
A photo the 37-year-old posted to Facebook shows her lip broken and bruised.

A whiteknight cuck quickly came to her defense, which is both hilarious and sad at the same time. He probably expects gratitude, but doesn't realize that females hate ugly beta men and only sympathize with Chad.
Kirby said:
Women think that we have to tolerate their shitty behaviour and they can get away with everything, but now a brave blackcel hero proved that this is not true.


A whiteknight cuck quickly came to her defense, which is both hilarious and sad at the same time. He probably expects gratitude, but doesn't realize that females hate ugly beta men and only sympathize with Chad.

If that incel looked like chad she would've sucked his giant cock after that punch and told the cuck to fuck off.
Is kirby an incel?
incelman said:
Is kirby an incel?
I am a kissless, hugless and handholdless virgin with facial deformities. I am the definition of truecel.
This is what every entitled slut deserves.

Hopefully others like her realise the real world isnt their twitter safespace bubble where they can bandy their retarded ideas about
Blacks and Muslims are so alpha lol. They don't give a fuck about women's rights at all. I can't wait until they take over. My one fear is that when America is 90% black Muslim the 2 rapes a year committed by the remaining white male population will be the only thing covered in the media. The millions of rapes and sexual assaults committed by non whites will be ignored or explained away as "part of their culture".
Kirby said:
I am a kissless, hugless and handholdless virgin with facial deformities. I am the definition of truecel.

I'm kissless, hugless, handholdess, dateless virgin
Say what you want about black men, but they don't take shit from women. Bless you, based negro. I wish I knew what it feels like to clock a bitch.
Excellent Life fuel. Of course, here in NYC there are a shit load of white knight cucks.
I would've punched that white knight in the face too.
Valinor said:
Say what you want about black men, but they don't take shit from women. Bless you, based negro. I wish I knew what it feels like to clock a bitch.

Except black women, they make black men look tame. They are insane. They really are like terminators. I've seen them take beatings that would kill a lot of people and walk away, get run over by cars and walk away. You rip their hair out. You ever see this video or this?. Everyone in America fears the black man. Its really the black woman they should fear! I got into a fight with a disgusting black hood rat when i was in year 8. I lightly bumped into her in a crowded canteen so she threw fresh burning hot coffee in my face so i battered her. To be honest she should be dead but she managed to get up and stumble off. Take a look at the men doing most of the killing in most large American cities. Then ask yourself who made them? Black women! They run these shitty ass ghetto "hoods" where all the men die before they're 30. The women just go on and make more violent bastards. Lay down. Get pregnant. Then after they get knocked up its all. "Nigger ain't shit!" Well if he ain't shit then why the fuck you lay down with him bitch?
mental_out said:
I can't consider this lifefuel purely because the whiteknight didn't get knocked the fuck out. More like ragefuel honestly.

At least the wk didn't attack the man.
blackcel said:
I would've punched that white knight in the face too.

no you wouldn't, that guy was huge

he was about to beat that negro down before he quickly departed from the train
commander_zoidberg said:
Except black women, they make black men look tame. They are insane. They really are like terminators. I've seen them take beatings that would kill a lot of people and walk away, get run over by cars and walk away. You rip their hair out. You ever see this video or this?. Everyone in America fears the black man. Its really the black woman they should fear! I got into a fight with a disgusting black hood rat when i was in year 8. I lightly bumped into her in a crowded canteen so she threw fresh burning hot coffee in my face so i battered her. To be honest she should be dead but she managed to get up and stumble off. Take a look at the men doing most of the killing in most large American cities. Then ask yourself who made them? Black women! They run these shitty ass ghetto "hoods" where all the men die before they're 30. The women just go on and make more violent bastards. Lay down. Get pregnant. Then after they get knocked up its all. "Nigger ain't shit!" Well if he ain't shit then why the fuck you lay down with him bitch?

LMAO I misread your post as "When I was 8" and was like "wtf beating up a hood rat at 8 years old?". But yeah I agree with the premise of your post. Then you ask yourself why so many black men date out, I wonder why?  :skeptical: Can you imagine what Kent must be going through in the dating scene? (Assuming you've heard of him)
"Manspreading" is possibly by far the most retarded shit I've ever heard from feminists.
commander_zoidberg said:
Except black women, they make black men look tame. They are insane. They really are like terminators. I've seen them take beatings that would kill a lot of people and walk away, get run over by cars and walk away. You rip their hair out. You ever see this video or this?. Everyone in America fears the black man. Its really the black woman they should fear! I got into a fight with a disgusting black hood rat when i was in year 8. I lightly bumped into her in a crowded canteen so she threw fresh burning hot coffee in my face so i battered her. To be honest she should be dead but she managed to get up and stumble off. Take a look at the men doing most of the killing in most large American cities. Then ask yourself who made them? Black women! They run these shitty ass ghetto "hoods" where all the men die before they're 30. The women just go on and make more violent bastards. Lay down. Get pregnant. Then after they get knocked up its all. "Nigger ain't shit!" Well if he ain't shit then why the fuck you lay down with him bitch?
>except black women, they make black men look tame

Which is why they should only date in their race. They're most compatible.
fucking idiots in the comments turning this into a race issue. When will they learn that we all share a common enemy?
[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]This man is the Rosa Parks of our day and age. [/font]

[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]An age, in which white knights always threaten to chimp out in order to defend "a lady" (*tips fedora*), women have so much fucking power that they can order you to sit at the back of the bus with your knees put together, and all the mainstream media are just extensions of feminist attention whores with a twitter account. [/font]
I'd bet heavily that she had her big bag on the seat and only put it on her lap once she knew it was being recorded.
Morf12 said:
LMAO I misread your post as "When I was 8" and was like "wtf beating up a hood rat at 8 years old?". But yeah I agree with the premise of your post. Then you ask yourself why so many black men date out, I wonder why?  :skeptical: Can you imagine what Kent must be going through in the dating scene? (Assuming you've heard of him)

Nah. Year 8. I'm not sure what grade it is for you yanks. I think i was 12 or 13 when it happened. I had to put up with these ghetto hood rats all the time. They are violent. They want to fight men but often cry and play victim when a man finally treats them like one and hits them back.

Yeah. I remember Kent. Is he still active anywhere. I haven't heard anything from his direction for years. His last videos i watched he seemed pretty suicidal. I feel bad for blacks who aren't ghetto. They are treated like the lowest of the low by their race. I went to school with a black guy who was like that. He had to hang with the whites and Asians because his own people completely rejected him. Its sad.
Holy shit this is great op, thanks for this.
The woman he punched looks like a gorilla.
lol and that guy trying to impress the roastie by "protecting" her. what a beta
Thank you for the life fuel, my man. I was needing it.
The guy got arrested today. Society is so cucked.
Should have done more than punch her.
Prince Of Dankness said:
Should have done more than punch her.

That white knight guy interferred  :sick:
I was with my coworker on a train. I was sitting perpendicular to him and this woman sat beside me and told me to move from where I was sitting and sit beside my coworker instead. Of course, being the pussy that I am, I obliged and moved from my seat.
Why are white and Asian men such whiteknight cucks?
Finally, something was done to put a feminoid libtard safespace loving bitch in her place. I will despise the day that saint blackcel goes to prison for his needed sacrifice.
I feel bad for laughing.
Kointo said:
Finally, something was done to put a feminoid libtard safespace loving bitch in her place. I will despise the day that saint blackcel goes to prison for his needed sacrifice.

He already got quickly arrested. NYC is cuckold haven.
Zielony4 said:
He already got quickly arrested. NYC is cuckold haven.
It was to be expected I guess. A loud, aggressive blackcel punching a woman in the face couldn't have gone unnoticed. I am just wondering how that beta cuck managed to stand up to that guy. I would assume he would punch him too.
mental_out said:
I can't consider this lifefuel purely because the whiteknight didn't get knocked the fuck out. More like ragefuel honestly.


Let us never forget that whiteknights are the reason soceity is cucked. 
Women will be powerless without all the males supporting them. 
Whiteknights don't deserve to breath.
Kointo said:
It was to be expected I guess. A loud, aggressive blackcel punching a woman in the face couldn't have gone unnoticed. I am just wondering how that beta cuck managed to stand up to that guy. I would assume he would punch him too.

Are you blind or simply stupid? That blackcel was a small weakling compared to the other guy
NekoStance said:
Are you blind or simply stupid? That blackcel was a small weakling compared to the other guy

A little bit of both. I was too lazy to click on the link to the video, I just read the quote and the description. Now that I've seen it, I see my errors. I can see why the blackcel hesitated in throwing a punch.

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