A lot of incels on this site seem very naive, they speak as if the hard part is getting the girl to date you. Quite obviously your problems have only begun at that point, any shortcomings that you were able to hide to get her to date you, will become ever more apparent as the relationship progresses, if she doesn't leave you in the first month then maybe you are "home free".
You see now you have to put in effort every single day, just to keep her around, all the stress and anxiety you felt, it isn't really gone, because first the problem was getting her to fuck you, now your problem is to keep her fucking you, and to keep her from fucking anyone else, your worries don't end when you get a woman, they only just begun. I've been thinking about this shit for years, which is why I've never really bothered with trying to ascend once I learned about the black pill and truly accepted it.
Its an illusion, if you have to TRY to be attractive, then you aren't attractive, so even if you get a female, you will have to KEEP TRYING with that same effort (or even more). Get a surgery to up your looks, good, female SMV is rising each year, and with shit like tinder, what difference does that make, at most any guy on this site ups his looks he'll be a 6, a woman can open tinder and find 50+ 6's willing to fuck in her area. ITS OVER.