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LifeFuel Why you should convert to Islam today!

Sorry. I'll keep it simple.

Your line of thought is inconsistent. If not self contradictory.

You can't go around saying "fuck Wahhabism". While preaching tribalism.

Keep in mind. Tribalism is not based on religion so you're basically saying. Fuck Wahhabism for being ethnic oriented and tribal. While saying that tribalism isn't necessarily a bad thing at the same time. it doesn't matter what you support. The point is. It's hypocrisy. You're complaining about Jews here while probably holding similar beliefs.

You’re coming up with your own conclusions.
I never said “fuck Wahhabism”. Just because they’re tribal doesn’t mean I support them. Wahhabism isn’t the only tribal religion in the ME. And you’re entirely wrong to say tribalism isn’t based on religion. WTF? There are villages and cities that are entirely one sect of Islam.

I’ll keep it more simple for you:
Tribalism = can be good
Wahhabism = shit
^ They can be independent of each other.
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I never said “fuck Wahhabism”.
I won’t support any form of Sunni’s (Wahhabism) . So fuck em.

Wahhabism isn’t the only tribal religion in the ME
It's the most influential. No other comes closer not even salfiya. Except for Shia in Iran.

you’re entirely wrong to say tribalism isn’t based on religion. WTF? There are villages and cities that are entirely one sect of Islam.
Islam is not tribal. nor does it support tribalism. You're right though, I meant Islam as a religion is not tribal. not religions as a whole. Unless propagated and misinterpreted for politcal agenda.

Tribalism = can be good
Wahhabism = shit
They’re not mutually exclusive
But that's what Wahhabism does! It's promotion of Arab tribalism and nationalism. It takes the good elements of Islam and leaves the whole equality shit while promoting Arabism for the Arabs and supremacy over non Arabs (minus the pure race crap) . How the hell is it not mutually exclusive.

it's shit for you because you're not an Arab. this is what I mean by conflict of interests
it's shit for you because you're not an Arab. this is what I mean by conflict of interests

But I am :waitwhat:
But that's what Wahhabism does! It's promotion of Arab tribalism and nationalism. It takes the good elements of Islam and leaves the whole equality shit while promoting Arabism for the Arabs and supremacy over non Arabs (minus the pure race crap) . How the hell is it not mutually exclusive.

So Wahhabism isn’t Islam but a cherry picked bastardised version of it? Additionally it’s pro Zionist. Gotcha.
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But I am :waitwhat:

So Wahhabism isn’t Islam but a cherry picked bastardised version of it? Additionally it’s pro Zionist. Gotcha.
Then by definition you're a useful idiot tbh.

Yes and that's a good thing!. lol at falling for pro zionist meme. No sect preaches pro zoinism. They're all fighting against each other for dominance. The Jews never needed radical insurgents unless you count isis . They already control the whole regions no matter what madhab the people follow. Are you actually religious?.

And does it matter?.
Then by definition you're a useful idiot tbh.

There’s no need for insults here.

Yes and that's a good thing!. lol at falling for pro zionist meme. No sect preaches pro zoinism. They're all fighting against each other for dominance.

No question that the Saudi royal family supports (((them))). They’re crypto Jews after all.

Are you actually religious?.

No. But I’d play the religion game if it benefits me and society. We’re past that point now.

And does it matter?.

Nothing matters. It’s over.
Stop trying to chop my head off :woke::feelsree:

I do enjoy when hardcore lefties and Muslims clash on political issues, its hilarious seeing based sandnogs absolutely railroad some limp wristed jewish leftist on a point like womens rights, giving zero fucks in the process.
There’s no need for insults here.
Not insulting you bro

In political jargon, a useful idiot is a derogatory term for a person perceived as a propagandist for a cause, the goals of which he or she does not fully comprehend, and who is used cynically by the leaders of the cause.

You're just obviously to the fact that you're being used against yourself.

No question that the Saudi royal family supports
Then there you go. The problem in itself is the Jews and traitors (the Royal family) which hold power through wealth and NOT Wahhabism itself. Which is basically nothing more than Arabism the problem lies in the fact that you let traitors rule over you and trick you into wars . And somehow you consider that tribalism and self preservation? I call that being mindless drones.

And I agree with the rest. I'll shut up now.
cope most muslims arent even based anymore tbhtbh most are cucked
Islam is a wonderful and based religion. Allow me to elaborate

1# Islam mandates gender segregation, early marriage and covering of the women from head to toe. This prevents degeneracy and makes women virgins at marriage without any previous relationships

2# sense of community. Incels and aspies alike can benefit greatly from communal bondings and feeling valued in a society. Muslim brothers help me out and i help them out for the sake of allah. Nothing in return

3# Islam is cool. Normies and cucks fear us to the core of their bones. They would shit their pants when they see the black flags coming

4# structured life. Islam organizes your life. It is hard to explain this point but ask any pious muslim

Many more benefits and anyone who is anti-shariah law is not blackpilled at all

Peace and see you at the mosque :feelsokman:
How and where can I become a Muslim bro, it's something I would consider taking up
Islam is cool and all but i don’t want to go to a mosque everyday or read the Qur’an
Sheikhs don't do facial surgeries for incels as a form a zakat... It doesn't matter if you have sex or not, if you're deformed looking, your life is trash and trash should be thrown away.
Islam is a wonderful and based religion. Allow me to elaborate

1# Islam mandates gender segregation, early marriage and covering of the women from head to toe. This prevents degeneracy and makes women virgins at marriage without any previous relationships

2# sense of community. Incels and aspies alike can benefit greatly from communal bondings and feeling valued in a society. Muslim brothers help me out and i help them out for the sake of allah. Nothing in return

3# Islam is cool. Normies and cucks fear us to the core of their bones. They would shit their pants when they see the black flags coming

4# structured life. Islam organizes your life. It is hard to explain this point but ask any pious muslim

Many more benefits and anyone who is anti-shariah law is not blackpilled at all

Peace and see you at the mosque :feelsokman:
Sadly boyo nowadays muslims are just opening up to westerns ideas it isn’t like Iraq and even there they opened up quite a bit. Nowadays it’s basically worse in a way I’ve seen Muslim women act like a thots and give it to no men. Muslim women acting like they’re on top of the world because they’ve been brainwashed by western media yet their parents have done some education as well, they end up a horrid mix breed.

Can you imagine yourself a feminist Muslim woman??? A woman who sets herself at the same level as her husband, it’ll be just as hypergamous. Jfl reminds me of this fat ugly nobody Muslim girl literally go for the 6’1 gigachad at my school I want to kill her.

Nowadays they’re w
"muslim" here reporting in.

very very NOT recommended to convert. religions consumes your fucking society and as very cool as it seems it really suck balls hard. you have no clue how many religious normalfaggots i see on daily basis, legit brainwashed sheeps, religions shut your fucking brain off.

as for the sex and shit in islamic societies, it's pretty overrated about how no cuckoldry and how females are loyal there. IT'S A LIE !!!!! you have no clue how many stories i hear about females cheating their husbands daily while they at work/ female at college fuck chads then do surgeries to their vagina to become "virgins" again.

what country do you come from or live in???
inshallah we will behead the cucks and soyboys in gta 5
Islammaxing aka LARPing as a Muslim is legit. Moralitymaxing through Islam is for idiots.

1. Read the Quran. Select quotes & contexts & theologians points to back you up.
2. Read the Hadiths. Repeat as point 1.
3. Don't get carried away with 2 previous points & always remember never to get carried away with your b.s.. "You never get high from your own supply". Scarface
4. Learn Arabic. Language learning maxing is legit since it improves your IQ & also helps you with STEM subjects or so I've heard.
5. Go after "degeneracy" aka radical feminism & other such leftist shit. However shill for charab & his harem of 4 women at yours & other Incels expenses & decapitation & amputation will be the least of your problems fyi.

It amazes me that after taking the :blackpill: you're all fucking attempting to moralitymax. JFC...

Don't Jestermax... Jokermaxxx... Why so serious bro...
you pray 5 times a day, OP?
thread theme

haram thread theme
Without traditionalism/tribalism mixed with twisted teachings of hadiths Islam changes nothing for a poor truecel/mentalcel. Unless you were lucky to be born in a rich family that can afford betabuxxing.

This is pretty much it.

You could argue that Christianity is even more pro-men than Islam when it comes to pure doctrine yet look what happened when it got subverted in Europe and traditionalism vanished.

What keeps Islam based in certain places is that local traditionalism still exists. Places like Chechnya, Afghanistan etc. But then you look at those Muslims and you see that a lot of their traditions are probably even older than Islam and that they just used Islam as a nice framework to preserve them and strengthen them by attributing them to something decreed by almighty God.

Europe was extremely patriarchical around 700-1100 when Germanic pagan traditions got blended and strenghtened by Catholicism. You basically had the old patriarchical order strengthened by the moral code of a strict religion.

Once this traditionalism started to fade through centuries, it eventually got detached from religion to the point where Christian religion became something rootless, something that you can just adopt by reading religious books rather than being brought up in tradition.

This is why converts to Islam in Europe look so awkward most of the time. They were not raised in the tradition of Muslim countries yet they got converted into it and try to adapt. If Islam becomes widespread in Europe and gets more converts, it will become something different. Maybe it will be extremely patriarchical because of the incels adopting it, maybe it will be liberal, who knows.

The point is that when it comes to religion, there are a lot of factors which contribute to how pro-men and pro-patriarchical religion is.

I think that, if colapse happens and Europe descends into anarchy and somehow some manly patriarchical regime emerges, Christianity would become re-invented very soon and start stressing importance of virginity again and shame sluts mercilessly like it did in the past. You wouldn't need islam for that. And if Europe continues to go on the same path and the system keeps on going without any crisis, Islam won't change anything.
It's the whole no eating bacon or drinking alcohol that I'd have an issue with.
3# Islam is cool. Normies and cucks fear us to the core of their bones. They would shit their pants when they see the black flags coming
Sorry, but no one fears us ethnics.
I like Islam but sadly I'm atheist and I don't think I could ever change that
I saw a video of a foid in burka holding hands with a muslimcel. I guess they were getting married. That was the only time i thought islam was beautiful. A special moment... Not with some shallow roastie who had countless dicks inside her.
Hell no, i already live in a muslim country, and there's nothing based about it.

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