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Blackpill Why White Incels Tend To Have Racial Allegience (They've Yet To Experience "Race Level" Rejection)



Feb 28, 2018
I'm pretty sure this experience is the same for all ethnics of the darker variety, our culture is weirdly monolithic, and if you don't fit into a mold, you face a kind of rejection that I just realized is probably foreign to whites; RACE LEVEL REJECTION - being rejected and excluded by your entire race for not being "<insert race> enough" (black enough, indian enough, etc) based on the cultural expectations of <insert race>.

I only just realize this today, but it makes sense why white incels still see themselves as part of this race, all this time I've been raging at them, thinking that they are just being blue pilled by choice, but really and truly, they just haven't faced "race level" rejection and they likely never will, due to the difference in relationship dynamics of their race, there's nothing they have to do to be "white enough", so they will never face a collective racial rejection for not reaching that standard.



As a black man, you aren't JUST BLACK, you have to BE BLACK, being black is a persona not a race, and if you aren't BLACK ENOUGH then you aren't ATTRACTIVE ENOUGH

In order for a black man to be the peak of attractiveness for his race he has to have certain attributes and/or skills that are representative of his race, this is why you see so many black men clamoring to all fit into the same mold, because if we don't, we don't get laid

Whereas a white guy, just has to be white (hence JBW), and he's considered attractive, there is no criteria of "whiteness" that a white man has to "live up to" to be considered attractive, there is nothing culturally that is expected of whites OTHER THAN TO BE WHITE (have the physical features and genetics associated with being white).

As long as a man is white, anything else from that point is being layered upon a strong foundation of attractiveness (especailly for ethnic women) and only makes him more attractive. I've seen white guys that act awkward and women (ethnic women) are still looking on at them in awe just because they a white, and no they weren't even a chad lite, average looking white guys, one I remember was tall though so I guess you could argue his tallness helped, but what about the rest who were my height

A black man has to BE BLACK (AS IN ACTIONS AND BEHAVIOR) to be attractive
A white man has to BE WHITE (AS IN JUST EXIST) to be attractive

Its a completely different dynamic, I'm sure white guys during their school days are worried about being popular, and fitting in, and hanging with the cool kids, etc. A black guy has all of the above, plus don't you dare like "white music", or "speak properly", or "not be able to dance", or "not like black music", or <insert different interest>, else you are no longer attractive and your chances to get a date go through the floor past earths bedrock

If you aren't "black enough", you don't even count as part of your race, much more a prospective mate

When I think about it, this is why I see so many white incels have "racial allegiance", because they still see themselves AS PART OF THEIR RACE, and this is why ethnic incels, especially black incels, usually have no racial allegiance, because we've already been rejected by our entire race for not fitting into the mold of our respective ethnicities, white incels, just get rejected by society at a base level, the rejection ethnics face goes much deeper, you are literally like a rogue agent, your race doesn't accept you, and society as a whole doesn't accept you, if white incels faced the same dynamic as incels there wouldn't be so many "lets save the white race" retards on this site obsessed with racial allegiance, a lot of them still see themselves as "white men" rather than "rejected men", because they've yet to be rejected on a "racial level"
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White knighting is built into their dna, I'm an amerimutt so don't think I hate whites. Had a friend literally try to white knight for a random strung out heroin hobowhore, all i said was "you really want to die bro?"
Just being rejected by modern women doesn't mean the whole race rejects someone

I never claimed black chads needed to do this, so I think you may be responding against some strawman in your head, just posting a meme image and not elaborating on what exactly you disagree with doesn't make any points in your favor
A white man has to BE WHITE (AS IN JUST EXIST) to be attractive
I'm pretty sure this experience is the same for all ethnics of the darker variety, our culture is weirdly monolithic, and if you don't fit into a mold, you face a kind of rejection that I just realized is probably foreign to whites; RACE LEVEL REJECTION - being rejected and excluded by your entire race for not being "<insert race> enough" (black enough, indian enough, etc) based on the cultural expectations of <insert race>.

I only just realize this today, but it makes sense why white incels still see themselves as part of this race, all this time I've been raging at them, thinking that they are just being blue pilled by choice, but really and truly, they just haven't faced "race level" rejection and they likely never will, due to the difference in relationship dynamics of their race, there's nothing they have to do to be "white enough", so they will never face a collection racial rejection for not reaching that standard.

As a black man, you aren't JUST BLACK, you have to BE BLACK, being black is a persona not a race, and if you aren't BLACK ENOUGH then you aren't ATTRACTIVE ENOUGH

In order for a black man to be the peak of attractiveness for his race he has to have certain attributes and/or skills that are representative of his race, this is why you see so many black men clamoring to all fit into the same mold, because if we don't, we don't get laid

Whereas a white guy, just has to be white (hence JBW), and he's considered attractive, there is no criteria of "whiteness" that a white man has to "live up to" to be considered attractive, there is nothing culturally that is expected of whites OTHER THAN TO BE WHITE (have the physical features and genetics associated with being white).

As long as a man is white, anything else from that point is being layered upon a strong foundation of attractiveness (especailly for ethnic women) and only makes him more attractive. I've seen white guys that act awkward and women (ethnic women) are still looking on at them in awe just because they a white, and no they weren't even a chad lite, average looking white guys, one I remember was tall though so I guess you could argue his tallness helped, but what about the rest who were my height

A black man has to BE BLACK (AS IN ACTIONS AND BEHAVIOR) to be attractive
A white man has to BE WHITE (AS IN JUST EXIST) to be attractive

Its a completely different dynamic, I'm sure white guys during their school days are worried about being popular, and fitting in, and hanging with the cool kids, etc. A black guy has all of the above, plus don't you dare like "white music", or "speak properly", or "not be able to dance", or "not like black music", or <insert different interest>, else you are no longer attractive and your chances to get a date go through the floor past earths bedrock

If you aren't "black enough", you don't even count as part of your race, much more a prospective mate

When I think about it, this is why I see so many white incels have "racial allegiance", because they still see themselves AS PART OF THEIR RACE, and this is why ethnic incels, especially black incels, usually have no racial allegiance, because we've already been rejected by our entire race for not fitting into the mold of our respective ethnicities, white incels, just get rejected by society at a base level, the rejection ethnics face goes much deeper, you are literally like a rogue agent, your race doesn't accept you, and society as a whole doesn't accept you, if white incels faced the same dynamic as incels there wouldn't be so many "lets save the white race" retards on this site obsessed with racial allegiance, a lot of them still see themselves as "white men" rather than "rejected men", because they've yet to be rejected on a "racial level"
Do your relatives act more black than you?

I think you are misinterpreting that statement, I obviously don't mean all white men are attractive enough to get a date by default, by virtue of being white, else why would I use the term "white incels" in my post

Like I told @Blackpill Rage
I think you may be responding against some strawman in your head, just posting a meme image and not elaborating on what exactly you disagree with doesn't make any points in your favor
Kek I imagine you like a black Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory. Your mom making some fried chicken watching Oprah telling you to go to church. Your homies trying to peer pressure you into smoking crack whereas you instead decide to stay in your room devising your sinister plans to escape the unremitting hell which is inceldom kek.
I'm guessing BPP is working under the assumption that the non-white man in question has average looks. Behavior matters when you're in that middle ground between incel and Chad.

No, my point isn't that just by being white you are attractive enough to get laid or a date, my point is that just by being white you already have all your bases covered and everything else from that point on is cake, if you are white and have average looks you are set, if you are black and have average looks you still have to worry about "not speaking white", "not sounding too smart", "speaking black enough", "being too dark", "not being athletic enough", "not having "black enough" tastes in art, music, etc", etc

White bases are covered automatically by virtue of existing, there is nothing expected of whites, by whites, OTHER THAN BEING WHITE, that's the point, whereas for blacks (and I'm sure other ethnic races) our bases have to be covered manually, there are standards you have to meet to be "black enough", and THEN you can worry about being "attractive enough". If you aren't "black enough", you haven't met even the minimum requirements to get a black woman to be attracted to you (unless you are a Tyrone).

Kek I imagine you like a black Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory. Your mom making some fried chicken watching Oprah telling you to go to church. Your homies trying to peer pressure you into smoking crack whereas you instead decide to stay in your room devising your sinister plans to escape the unremitting hell which is inceldom kek.

Sometimes I feel like I was born in the wrong body, I am an anomaly, something that likely should not have happened, none of my family members are anything like me, and I sometimes doubt there's someone like me in my entire country. I use to be on poll for a bit, looking for my flag to see posts by others like myself, I was the only one of my flag I ever saw there lol, I'm fucking trapped dude, there is only me.
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my point is that just by being white you already have all your bases covered and everything else from that point on is cake, if you are white and have average looks you are set, if you are black and have average looks you still have to worry about "not speaking white", "not sounding to smart", "being too dark", "not being athletic enough", "not having "black enough" tastes in art, music, etc", etc
I was literally clarifying that for you. I absolutely do not see why you're being argumentative unless you're also saying above-average-looking ethnics can be considered unattractive for not behaving ethnic enough.
No, my point isn't that just by being white you are attractive enough to get laid or a date, my point is that just by being white you already have all your bases covered and everything else from that point on is cake, if you are white and have average looks you are set, if you are black and have average looks you still have to worry about "not speaking white", "not sounding too smart", "speaking black enough", "being too dark", "not being athletic enough", "not having "black enough" tastes in art, music, etc", etc

White bases are covered automatically by virtue of existing, there is nothing expected of whites, by whites, OTHER THAN BEING WHITE, that's the point, whereas for blacks (and I'm sure other ethnic races) our bases have to be covered manually, there are standards you have to meet to be "black enough", and THEN you can worry about being "attractive enough". If you aren't "black enough", you haven't met even the minimum requirements to get a black woman to be attracted to you (unless you are a Tyrone).

Sometimes I feel like I was born in the wrong body, I am an anomaly, something that likely should not have happened, none of my family members are anything like me, and I sometimes doubt there's someone like me in my entire country. I use to be on poll for a bit, looking for my flag to see posts by others like myself, I was the only one of my flag I ever saw there lol, I'm fucking trapped dude, there is only me.
Be grateful you are higher iq than your fellow africancels. Men are unique. Foids are clones. I myself am very different. Only logical thing to do is embrace your own unique qualities.
Idk man, group expectations are based on how the collective acts. Low IQ whites (sub85 IQ) probably have issues acting white, just like niggers above the 100 IQ threshold probably have issues acting black. If you deviate from the norm too much you're always gonna be in a rough spot unless we're talking about the high end of attractiveness and the things associated with it of course
unless you're also saying above-average-looking ethnics can be considered unattractive for not behaving ethnic enough.

No, I guess I misread what you were saying, sorry

Though I would say there is some variance here, I'd argue:

5/10 white > 6/10 ethnic (in ethnic women's eyes)
6/10 white > 7/10 ethnic (in ethnic women's eyes)
7/10 white > 8/10 ethnic (in ethnic women's eyes)
And so on and so forth

That's another dynamic that ethnic incels have to deal with that whites really don't, whites are seen as the conqueror race, which makes white men a social status symbol for ethnic women, so getting a white man is a form of "trading up"

So its like you are always one league behind no matter what

Of course the race who bares the worst of this are asian men, I feel more sorry for asian men than any other group of incels, no group has been so betrayed by their women, so disenfranchised, so looked down upon culturally and teased for it, and basically told to just take it with stride and accept the joke, its fucking ridiculous, no wonder so many hapas and asians go ER.

Idk man, group expectations are based on how the collective acts. Low IQ whites (sub85 IQ) probably have issues acting white, just like niggers above the 100 IQ threshold probably have issues acting black. If you deviate from the norm you're always gonna be in a rough spot

JFL some examples please

not speaking red neck broken english?
not being able to hunt?

Lol like come on dude, white don't have that same kind of dynamic in their race, I've never even heard of an example, every black person who is well spoken has heard the "talking white" line from blacks, what examples have whites heard that are a norm for them to hear?
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No, I guess I misread what you were saying, sorry

Though I would say there is some variance here, I'd argue:

5/10 white > 6/10 ethnic (in ethnic women's eyes)
6/10 white > 7/10 ethnic (in ethnic women's eyes)
7/10 white > 8/10 ethnic (in ethnic women's eyes)
And so on and so forth

That's another dynamic that ethnic incels have to deal with that whites really don't, whites are seen as the conqueror race, which makes white men a social status symbol for ethnic women, so getting a white man is a form of "trading up"

So its like you are always one league behind no matter what

Of course the race who bares the worst of this are asian men, I feel more sorry for asian men than any other group of incels, no group has been so betrayed by their women, so disenfranchised, so looked down upon culturally and teased for it, and basically told to just take it with stride and accept the joke, its fucking ridiculous, no wonder so many hapas and asians go ER.

JFL some examples please

not speaking red neck broken english?
not being able to hunt?

Lol like come on dude, white don't have that same kind of dynamic in their race, I've never even heard of an example, every black person who is well spoken has heard the "talking white" line from blacks, what examples have whites heard that are a norm for them to hear?

Yeah there is something wrong with asians, a lot of them are coping. Notice how not many of them are in this forum?
Cope. The black man just has to be good looking, as does the white man. This “behaviour” shit is cope, you’re just not good looking
Cope. The black man just has to be good looking, as does the white man. This “behaviour” shit is cope, you’re just not good looking

I like that you've literally made no arguments against my points, try again, merely stating something doesn't make it right by virtue of you saying it, whats your validation?

My point isn't that just by being white you are attractive enough to get laid or a date, my point is that just by being white you already have all your bases covered and everything else from that point on is cake, if you are white and have average looks you are set, if you are black and have average looks you still have to worry about "not speaking white", "not sounding too smart", "speaking black enough", "being too dark", "not being athletic enough", "not having "black enough" tastes in art, music, etc", etc

White bases are covered automatically by virtue of existing, there is nothing expected of whites, by whites, OTHER THAN BEING WHITE, that's the point, whereas for blacks (and I'm sure other ethnic races) our bases have to be covered manually, there are standards you have to meet to be "black enough", and THEN you can worry about being "attractive enough". If you aren't "black enough", you haven't met even the minimum requirements to get a black woman to be attracted to you (unless you are a Tyrone).

You can't argue against that, any black guy who speaks proper english gets teased and rejected by other blacks from young for "speaking white", if you can't dance, or sing, or aren't "talented" in some way that's some more points off your "black card", don't act like a nigger, not "thugging" or affiliated with any gangs or street guys, that's some more points off the card, don't like "black music" same thing, on and on it goes

Yeah there is something wrong with asians, a lot of them are coping. Notice how not many of them are in this forum?
do you think they are slaying young white JB's by kpopmaxxing?
Yeah there is something wrong with asians, a lot of them are coping. Notice how not many of them are in this forum?

I've never met an asian guy who talked about women or seemed to give even one fuck about them.
Yeah there is something wrong with asians, a lot of them are coping. Notice how not many of them are in this forum?
Yeah there is something wrong with asians, a lot of them are coping. Notice how not many of them are in this forum?
Definetly agree. Very few asians seem woke yet they are one of the races most affected by racial hypergamy and lookism. When i was at uni, all the asians seemed to be masters at coping via anime and games. probably main reason they arent as enraged as whites and other ethnic races. I also notice very few hispanics here, once again i think hispanics cope very well too.
most black guys are ugly. they get laid because they thugmax

Another thing I keep pointing out but people don't listen, the black race is not known for its facial attractiveness, and that's for a reason, blacks have more testosterone on average than other races, that's good for athleticism, but bad for facial attractiveness, it can usually result in very ogre tier facial features wide broad noses, big wide lips, things don't look very well proportioned, the symmetry is terrible

You'll also notice that there are ogre tier white incels who are usally tall and large, and their facial features are shit, its because they have more testosterone that average

The women also tend to end up with "man face", there are a lot of black women I have seen that literally just look like dudes with wigs on

This is why black attractiveness tends to revolve around other facets like being tall, being athletic and fit, having a large penis, etc.

Whitecels =Fakecels

Don't troll
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No, my point isn't that just by being white you are attractive enough to get laid or a date, my point is that just by being white you already have all your bases covered and everything else from that point on is cake, if you are white and have average looks you are set, if you are black and have average looks you still have to worry about "not speaking white", "not sounding too smart", "speaking black enough", "being too dark", "not being athletic enough", "not having "black enough" tastes in art, music, etc", etc

White bases are covered automatically by virtue of existing, there is nothing expected of whites, by whites, OTHER THAN BEING WHITE, that's the point, whereas for blacks (and I'm sure other ethnic races) our bases have to be covered manually, there are standards you have to meet to be "black enough", and THEN you can worry about being "attractive enough". If you aren't "black enough", you haven't met even the minimum requirements to get a black woman to be attracted to you (unless you are a Tyrone).

Sometimes I feel like I was born in the wrong body, I am an anomaly, something that likely should not have happened, none of my family members are anything like me, and I sometimes doubt there's someone like me in my entire country. I use to be on poll for a bit, looking for my flag to see posts by others like myself, I was the only one of my flag I ever saw there lol, I'm fucking trapped dude, there is only me.
So you're a normal guy trapped in a niggers body?
Black men are automatically incel due to their women being fat and ugly, masculine, even if you do date outside your race your most likely to get some hamplanet/sloppy seconds.
Race traitors are one of the biggest causes behind inceldom. If people feel some sort of allegiance towards their own race, it will prevent truecel mongrels from being born and people don't have to worry about "their" women being stolen by men of other races that mog them.
Niggers ridicule racial allegiance because they have never known this concept, only the civilised races have. I swear, I'm getting so sick of black posters making these race-bait type threads. Even online, all you can do is cry about muh racist whitey.
I don't know about any of that shit, I just know that personally speaking the majority of times I've received bullying or had ppl getting aggressive or being dicks in general it's been from blacks, Kurds & other assorted Muslims running racism game 'cos I'm not one of them, yeah had altercations with asshole whites too but they were the lowest scum chavs with a bright future of jail time prospects.

Haven't had issues with other races tbf. White's in England segregate based on income bracket, drinkers v non drinkers & you have to NT chatty bastard.

Sister was bullied by blacks in school
Father was mugged at knifepoint by a black
Had a second cousin that was raped by a couple of blacks

Good ol' London.
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Legit but you're wrong in one thing: A very masculine male of any race>"beta" male. If they are at the same level in looks.
A 5/10 white guy who is into sports, doing drugs and other manly things > nerdy 5/10 white guy who is conservative and introvert.
Being extrovert and manly is basically a requirement to be a black man. Other than that, you must have status/money or at least 8/10 in looks to overcome those limitations.
I like that you've literally made no arguments against my points, try again, merely stating something doesn't make it right by virtue of you saying it, whats your validation?

My point isn't that just by being white you are attractive enough to get laid or a date, my point is that just by being white you already have all your bases covered and everything else from that point on is cake, if you are white and have average looks you are set, if you are black and have average looks you still have to worry about "not speaking white", "not sounding too smart", "speaking black enough", "being too dark", "not being athletic enough", "not having "black enough" tastes in art, music, etc", etc

White bases are covered automatically by virtue of existing, there is nothing expected of whites, by whites, OTHER THAN BEING WHITE, that's the point, whereas for blacks (and I'm sure other ethnic races) our bases have to be covered manually, there are standards you have to meet to be "black enough", and THEN you can worry about being "attractive enough". If you aren't "black enough", you haven't met even the minimum requirements to get a black woman to be attracted to you (unless you are a Tyrone).

You can't argue against that, any black guy who speaks proper english gets teased and rejected by other blacks from young for "speaking white", if you can't dance, or sing, or aren't "talented" in some way that's some more points off your "black card", don't act like a nigger, not "thugging" or affiliated with any gangs or street guys, that's some more points off the card, don't like "black music" same thing, on and on it goes

I actually got into a physical fight and fired from my job in the past because some fucking ghetto cunt hated me for not being "black enough" and working the position he wanted. However I dont believe being ghetto is a requirement to getting laid.

Ive seen non ghetto blacks with girlfriends and they were skaters and their girlfriends were non ghetto black woman or of another race. African immigrants coming from Liberia and Nigeria arent ghetto either and date their fellow homeland Africans, they dont have to act like a typical American black.
Jbw or BBC? Lol.

Unfortunately there are no ethics near me that I should try to fuck. Except for obese latino moms. But I no comprende.

As a mayo/cum-skin, I love my race EVEN THOUGH they hate me. They are my tribe. Whites are being genocided and are too jewed to know it! As much as I should hate them, I hate the (((scum))) that brainwashed them into stupidity more.

As a black you should check out what Farrakhan and NOI (nation of Islam) says about the jews. = they brought blacks to America! (Hiding behind the "Dutch" flag.) And have brainwashed the blacks to act ghetto... Etc.

I can say as a white incel I have sympathy for ethnics incels (but not violent niggers/ Somalis) since we are also a tribe. A tribe of the unloved.

Even though your people hate you, and my people hate me, they are still our blood.

Jfl that whites got it good. NOBODY HAS IT GOOD, EXCEPT CHAD AND TYRONE!
It’s every whitecels duty to report faggot racebaiting bullshit like this.

OP, go fuck yourself.
here we go again.

Yes, here we go again indeed, quoting one line out of context, and purposefully going out of your way not to understand my points due to personal bias

Read morons, read

My point isn't that just by being white you are attractive enough to get laid or a date, my point is that just by being white you already have all your bases covered and everything else from that point on is cake, if you are white and have average looks you are set, if you are black and have average looks you still have to worry about "not speaking white", "not sounding too smart", "speaking black enough", "being too dark", "not being athletic enough", "not having "black enough" tastes in art, music, etc", etc

White bases are covered automatically by virtue of existing, there is nothing expected of whites, by whites, OTHER THAN BEING WHITE, that's the point, whereas for blacks (and I'm sure other ethnic races) our bases have to be covered manually, there are standards you have to meet to be "black enough", and THEN you can worry about being "attractive enough". If you aren't "black enough", you haven't met even the minimum requirements to get a black woman to be attracted to you (unless you are a Tyrone).

You can't argue against that, any black guy who speaks proper english gets teased and rejected by other blacks from young for "speaking white", if you can't dance, or sing, or aren't "talented" in some way that's some more points off your "black card", don't act like a nigger, not "thugging" or affiliated with any gangs or street guys, that's some more points off the card, don't like "black music" same thing, on and on it goes


It’s every whitecels duty to report faggot racebaiting bullshit like this.

OP, go fuck yourself.

I can tell you didn't even read the post at all lol
To get accepted as a black by your fellow blacks you need to act like chimp
To get accepted as a black by your fellow blacks you need to act like chimp

Yep, that's the entire point of this thread, that whites don't have that same kind of racial dynamic, and that's why there are so many white incels that have allegiance to their race, because they haven't faced "racial rejection" for having not been "white enough", so they still see themselves as "white men + social rejects", where as incels like myself (and likely other ethnics) see ourselves as "social rejects period" as even our race has abandoned us

But idiots like @NotQuiteChadLite and @Giegue don't read, they just see a title and make low effort spam posts, you can immediately tell which users on this site are just here to postmax, and those who actually "active users"
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You talk about the whites but the ethniks are the same syndrome.
Muh black card isn't working do you accept food stamps?
That's another dynamic that ethnic incels have to deal with that whites really don't, whites are seen as the conqueror race, which makes white men a social status symbol for ethnic women, so getting a white man is a form of "trading up"
This tbh, women say that they have a colonizer fetish(dating white guys) ethnic women love that shit.
It's probably much more likely for a black man to be rejected simply based on race. A black man could have everything going for himself and still be rejected by a lot of women simply based on race and skin color.

I don't think black men necessarily need to "act black". That's mostly a factor with certain hood rat elements in the black community. Simply being attractive and neurotypical is way more important.
White knighting is built into their dna, I'm an amerimutt so don't think I hate whites. Had a friend literally try to white knight for a random strung out heroin hobowhore, all i said was "you really want to die bro?"
Nah that's just the decades of indoctrination and being raised by woman.

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