This is Kelly Oubre. Born in 1995. 6’7” NBA player with a net worth of over $20mil, and he is one of most famously attractive men in the NBA.
If you stormfaggots had a button you could press to start life over as him, you’d press it immediately without hesistation. Skin color is just one genetic factor amongst millions, and they all matter. Would it be better to be a white variant of Kelly Oubre? Sure. But if you had two buttons, one to be Jeff Bezos and the other to be Kelly Oubre, you know which one you are picking.
>But ethnics on average
Nigga, who cares about average? You are not an average of the collective experience of your race. You are one person. You get one life. One body. That’s it. Average doesn’t matter. You had an equal dice roll of being Kelly Oubre as being Chris Chan.
Race only matters for shit like “legacy” or “offspring” or other bullshit, of which you have none of anyways.
>W-white people are h-higher IQ on average
That doesn’t mean you’re smart. You can still be dumb as fuck. And IQ doesn’t fucking matter anyways. Would you rather be Einstein or a male model.
Let other people be the smart, hard-working cucks that carry society so you can enjoy it. They’ll always exist.
Most of you if you had the chance to be reborn an attractive woman would take it too. Not tranny shit, but soul being imbued into a female life. Skip all the hardships in life you currently endure without purpose or meaning.
Racism is cope. If your genes were so amazing, you wouldn’t be here. Better to be a genetically-gifted brown than a genetic garbage white person.