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RageFuel Why the incel community is dying and why I can't stand this site

The problem with this site is it allows too many fakecels which leads to absolutely near 0 actual discussions of inceldom. The reason for that? Fakecels have no interest in inceldom.
What do you want to discuss? Most things that can be discussed are and have been. If you want interesting content, you need someone to produce that content. People with motivation and some knowlege or skill or other way to create value. All the people on the must read section are banned or selfbanned. When all your best posters are gone for one reason or another, somthing is obviously going wrong.

Maybe that is the price for keeping things vaguely about real inceldom. Maybe if you relax the rules, you turn into another 4chan or looksax or who knows what. Same with LGBT shit. Maybe a lot of autists on here are secretly not 100% straight, but if you let LGBT stuff be posted out in the open you will be overrun with trannies and fags and everything turns to trash.

But there is a cost to keeping everything so strictly regulated. And more regulation will not revitalise the site, it will only strangle it more. If anything, I would look for what rule you can relax with the lowest risk of fucking up the core appeal of the site.

Oh, obviously I would stop all the edgy shit or at least give it some super intellectual packaging, turn "fuck niggers" racism into slightly more marketable science-base race realism, but I don't think people would like, care or go along with it. And it's kind of nice to have a site where you can say anything, even the most extreme and stupid shit. Sometimes I read something extremly offensive and think "mhhh, you know what, I think he got a point", but most people will run away at the first sight of all the extremism on here. Most normies and even most always online people. Many race realists will run away because they can't stomach rape advocacy, many AOC interested people will not care for constant race wars and infighting over height and face and who knows what. We fitler out most people from most groups, even extremist groups.

We need to find a way to filter less, not more, we need to find some part of the identity of this site that you are willing to sacrifice to get more people into the user base. The site will change, but at least you can try to influence what changes. And with the changes, more content and posts come as well, as the upside to the trade-off.
What do you want to discuss? Most things that can be discussed are and have been. If you want interesting content, you need someone to produce that content. People with motivation and some knowlege or skill or other way to create value. All the people on the must read section are banned or selfbanned. When all your best posters are gone for one reason or another, somthing is obviously going wrong.

Maybe that is the price for keeping things vaguely about real inceldom. Maybe if you relax the rules, you turn into another 4chan or looksax or who knows what. Same with LGBT shit. Maybe a lot of autists on here are secretly not 100% straight, but if you let LGBT stuff be posted out in the open you will be overrun with trannies and fags and everything turns to trash.

But there is a cost to keeping everything so strictly regulated. And more regulation will not revitalise the site, it will only strangle it more. If anything, I would look for what rule you can relax with the lowest risk of fucking up the core appeal of the site.

Oh, obviously I would stop all the edgy shit or at least give it some super intellectual packaging, turn "fuck niggers" racism into slightly more marketable science-base race realism, but I don't think people would like, care or go along with it. And it's kind of nice to have a site where you can say anything, even the most extreme and stupid shit. Sometimes I read something extremly offensive and think "mhhh, you know what, I think he got a point", but most people will run away at the first sight of all the extremism on here. Most normies and even most always online people. Many race realists will run away because they can't stomach rape advocacy, many AOC interested people will not care for constant race wars and infighting over height and face and who knows what. We fitler out most people from most groups, even extremist groups.

We need to find a way to filter less, not more, we need to find some part of the identity of this site that you are willing to sacrifice to get more people into the user base. The site will change, but at least you can try to influence what changes. And with the changes, more content and posts come as well, as the upside to the trade-off.
Activity doesn't make a site great. Smaller forums are always better.
If you've never tried and spend all your time online you're not an incel.
Who said anyone here didn't try? If we tried and were successful, we wouldn't be here. That sounds like some IT tier nonsense.
Who said anyone here didn't try? If we tried and were successful, we wouldn't be here. That sounds like some IT tier nonsense.
I'm speaking from experience from what I've seen from fakecels here.
I'm speaking from experience from what I've seen from fakecels here.
I also don't agree with the whole self-improvement advice aside from simple stuff like haircuts and hygiene. We want unconditional love. We shouldn't have to change aspects of ourselves in order to obtain it, because that by definition makes it conditional. I'd rather die a virgin if I have to "self-improve" or fulfill a laundry list of burdens of performances to get a woman to love me.
I also don't agree with the whole self-improvement advice aside from simple stuff like haircuts and hygiene. We want unconditional love. We shouldn't have to change aspects of ourselves in order to obtain it, because that by definition makes it conditional. I'd rather die a virgin if I have to "self-improve" or fulfill a laundry list of burdens of performances to get a woman to love me.
Doesn't change the definition of incel.
I've been saying truecels make up a very tiny minority of the community. I think maybe the solution for them is to make a photo-verified site, maybe even using the assistance of face-rating software to be somewhat objective. Or a voting system where you vote on their looks as a criteria of membership. But people are too afraid to get doxxed. Maybe discord communities will suffice, idk

That's gay that people are bullying truecels though. Goes to show bullying is everywhere even in blackpill circles.
Btw fatcel is fakecel until proven otherwise.
Activity doesn't make a site great. Smaller forums are always better.
a site without content isn't very attrative. If you refresh 5 times and nothing new comes up in half an hour, you're gonna lose interest. You need above a certain minimum of active users to keep things going. If you ban / lose users quicker than you gain them over long periods, sooner or later you will fall below that threshold.

In addition, it's not just quantity you are pushing out, you are also pushing out quality. Most truecels are in some way damaged, they aren't the most productive or interesting or smart or entertaining or well-educated or motivated or creative people. And you need some of those to produce shit for the rest of users to be entertained by. "fakecels" are the new jews JFL. What is not their fault?
Read your post again then faggot
Thinking that you're very special and one of a kind true incel
If you're that special why don't you go full ER mode then whiny bitch
Mas because you don't have your personal secret club for le real realest incels?
Normie hive mindset
Go back to reddit, people there have your mindset too, thinking that they have something very special and unique
Keep whining little bitch, go ahead and move the goalposts to save your sorry normie ass
Newfilth like you joining this forum and acting like you fucking own the place less than a week later is another reason this forum is going to shit
Newfilth like you joining this forum and acting like you fucking own the place less than a week later is another reason this forum is going to shit
go back to jack off with your imaginary hierarchy and farm upvotes
Activity doesn't make a site great. Smaller forums are always better.
go create your own page, nothing is stopping you to experience your power trip fantasy faggot
I don't use this site much anymore
I would be sad if you stopped posting. I've been lurking for 8 months or so, and your posts are consistently some of the highest IQ shit. If I see @Govid_Dorious or you I always stop to read it.

You know why? Because these sites are honeypots. If anyone ever says they're gonna go er on here they immediately get fedded. That's the entire reason this site is still up.
Yeah I always wonder how this site loads so fast and looks so nice. Only makes sense that it would be fed funded.
go create your own page, nothing is stopping you to experience your power trip fantasy faggot
I'm not rich or technically experienced enough to run a forum.
Newfilth like you joining this forum and acting like you fucking own the place less than a week later is another reason this forum is going to shit
In addition, it's not just quantity you are pushing out, you are also pushing out quality. Most truecels are in some way damaged, they aren't the most productive or interesting or smart or entertaining or well-educated or motivated or creative people. And you need some of those to produce shit for the rest of users to be entertained by. "fakecels" are the new jews JFL. What is not their fault?
That's BS. Some of the smartest people I've known are truecels. More fakecel rage.
I've been saying truecels make up a very tiny minority of the community. I think maybe the solution for them is to make a photo-verified site, maybe even using the assistance of face-rating software to be somewhat objective. Or a voting system where you vote on their looks as a criteria of membership. But people are too afraid to get doxxed. Maybe discord communities will suffice, idk

That's gay that people are bullying truecels though. Goes to show bullying is everywhere even in blackpill circles.
Tbh there is more truecels than you'd think. I think an normie looking short man is truecel if below 5'4.
That's BS. Some of the smartest people I've known are truecels. More fakecel rage.
exceptions don't disprove the rule. Also, were they smart or were they selectively well informed on topics you care a lot about and on which you agreed with them strongly?

also also, low IQ was only one of the problems i mentioned, not everyone has all the problems, but most people have one or more and that is enough to limit their potential positive impact
go back to jack off with your imaginary hierarchy and farm upvotes
YOU go back to tiktok, negrified zoomer cunt
exceptions don't disprove the rule. Also, were they smart or were they selectively well informed on topics you care a lot about and on which you agreed with them strongly?

also also, low IQ was only one of the problems i mentioned, not everyone has all the problems, but most people have one or more and that is enough to limit their potential positive impact
"Positive impact" JFL
Damn it, I just joined to get away from the 'cord. Also are you Harakiri?
YOU go back to tiktok, negrified zoomer cunt

I'm not the one demanding a safe space like a little bitch
But you for sure want it
Go make your own special subreddit you'll be the main mod there, or even better, rope yourself
some jokin around is fine but the constant trolling is what gets me. we got 16 year old kids here typing in CAPS
Not sure why you wanna blame us?

Everyone here accuses everyone else of being a fakecel when users get into a fight with eachother so of course we’re generally going to ignore fakecel accusations as they’re typically based on being booty blasted rather than said user actually being a fakecel Chad mogger in disguise.
I'm not the one demanding a safe space like a little bitch
But you for sure want it
Go make your own special subreddit you'll be the main mod there, or even better, rope yourself
LMAO you think reddit won't ban?
Not sure why you wanna blame us?

Everyone here accuses everyone else of being a fakecel when users get into a fight with eachother so of course we’re generally going to ignore fakecel accusations as they’re typically based on being booty blasted rather than said user actually being a fakecel Chad mogger in disguise.
No, because the mods are all fakecels.
or even better, rope yourself
You wanting me to gives me less reason to, cunt

Also you’re an honorary foid/faggot for invading a community you don’t belong in and trying to push longtime users out. “Muhh it was never meant for you”
“Muhh go back to *x*”

@Stupid Clown and I are respected members of this community, don’t dare try to tell us to leave or act like you own this forum, you low IQ negrified bitch
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Stupid Clown
@Stupid Clown and I are respected members of this community :soy:
now brag about your badges and upvotes reddibro
trying to push longtime users out. :feels:
failed normie, 100% reddit blood running in your veins, rope or cope
It’s so sad I came here when it started dying
I've been saying truecels make up a very tiny minority of the community.
No they don’t this is giga cope.
I think maybe the solution for them is to make a photo-verified site, maybe even using the assistance of face-rating software to be somewhat objective. Or a voting system where you vote on their looks as a criteria of membership. But people are too afraid to get doxxed. Maybe discord communities will suffice, idk
Discord Incels mog the shit out of the members here and even then they’re still not hitting MTN. Well with the exception of a few
That's gay that people are bullying truecels though. Goes to show bullying is everywhere even in blackpill circles.
Yea I agree don’t bully truecels they should be sanctified
I don't use this site much anymore and the primary reason is simple: a lot of guys on here are not incels. They will never experience the awful state of existence truecels have endured and thus they cannot relate. This has led to the fakecels (of which there are many) getting jelous of the horrible experiences and traits incels have endured or have.

Fakecels like women are addicted to self pity. When they see someone who has it worse than them they're upset that that person has it worse and wish they could as well.
Why do they wish this? Because their lives are so privileged that imagining themselves to be a victim is almost a masturbatory fantasy.

So whenever truecels vent or share their problems the fakecels will always lash out and attack them. There's an entire group of "incels" here who are nt normies. They coordinate and communicate on discord and go out of their way to bully actual incels.

Unfortunately mods do little to stop this because most mods here aren't incels either. Master confirmed he was a volcel and made a big deal about doing so; and as someone who visited incel discord very often last year I got to see the faces of multiple mods here and I can safely say they were all high tier normies.

It's only going to get worse as I and others have warned before multiple times. Incels are becoming more popular to discuss among normies now due to male lonliness becoming more common, and Andrew Tate reviving the red pill movement and pushing it into the mainstream.

Because most normie men are now technically incels there's never gonna be a place for the actual genetically cursed to cope with each other in.

I've been humiliated for my looks by so many supposed "incels" at this point in "incel spaces "that it only confirms my belief that the incel community is dominated by normies now.
You are 5'11. You will never know the constant humiliation shortcels like myself feel.
I am the only one truecel in the entire forum
Never join discord servers, no matter the kind.
It´s just more reddit pretending to be alt tech, which is an oxymoron.
The server is almost exclusively incels.is members and others, no normies at all
Remember to gatekeep that discord server as much as humanly possible. Once normies like something they will invade it and do their best to take it down if they can't have it.
Yeah me and a few others moderate the server heavily to keep the normies at bay, our last one got deleted because of normies who were given acces to the server by one of the mods :lasereyes:
We're just rare in general not only here.
Basically. Ugly people do not propagate their genes outside of forced inbreeding and arranged marriages. We’re an anomaly, a grotesque that shouldn’t have existed in the real world, so really, it’s to no one’s shock that even in here, we’d have to deal with the normscum invading our space and trying to come off as oppressed as we are. We have NO place to be.
Another one "truecel" copium. Normies CAN be incels.
Sad but true, but where else to go
at least here they insult bitches and respect your subhumanity. Anywhere else cucks will laugh at your defects and bluepill you on non-sense.
at least here they insult bitches and respect your subhumanity. Anywhere else cucks will laugh at your defects and bluepill you on non-sense.
Nomadays any MTN is a borderline incel anyways, like wtf do you expect.

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