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RageFuel Why the incel community is dying and why I can't stand this site

Maybe its quite sad but atleast we have place where we can talk about our struggles
We need more new users like you. I can be sure that you are not a fakecel due to the amount of posts you have for such short amount of time. Brutal rotting pill. Fakecels usually come and go but real ones always stay. :cryfeels:
The problem is much bigger than that as a whole blackpillism is reaching critical mass because it's truth, not so much normies and kids invading the incelosphere more like it's both that inceldomry and blackpill have become increasingly established & "household name" which is why you are seeing more and more "incels" here now; truecel or not: the common enemy is foids.
I don't use this site much anymore and the primary reason is simple: a lot of guys on here are not incels. They will never experience the awful state of existence truecels have endured and thus they cannot relate. This has led to the fakecels (of which there are many) getting jelous of the horrible experiences and traits incels have endured or have.

Fakecels like women are addicted to self pity. When they see someone who has it worse than them they're upset that that person has it worse and wish they could as well.
Why do they wish this? Because their lives are so privileged that imagining themselves to be a victim is almost a masturbatory fantasy.

So whenever truecels vent or share their problems the fakecels will always lash out and attack them. There's an entire group of "incels" here who are nt normies. They coordinate and communicate on discord and go out of their way to bully actual incels.

Unfortunately mods do little to stop this because most mods here aren't incels either. Master confirmed he was a volcel and made a big deal about doing so; and as someone who visited incel discord very often last year I got to see the faces of multiple mods here and I can safely say they were all high tier normies.

It's only going to get worse as I and others have warned before multiple times. Incels are becoming more popular to discuss among normies now due to male lonliness becoming more common, and Andrew Tate reviving the red pill movement and pushing it into the mainstream.

Because most normie men are now technically incels there's never gonna be a place for the actual genetically cursed to cope with each other in.

I've been humiliated for my looks by so many supposed "incels" at this point in "incel spaces "that it only confirms my belief that the incel community is dominated by normies now.

Think it's actually the other way around, by focusing purely on the harshest forms of inceldom you
1) limit what you can talk about to a handful of topics
2) and kick out any user who isn't completly broken inside or mentally ill.
3) And you keep the number of users low.
4) -> All of which is bad for generating lots of content for people to consume.

Imaging what it's like to be truly cursed by your genes is not some monumental intellectual task only the brightest of minds can succeed at. If people want to understand and have an above average IQ, they can understand our plight and could be made to sympathize.

Hardcore race flame wars, "the jews" as the answer to everything (not saying we aren't relevant, just saying that your models are a) childishly simplistic and b) even true statements can make people distance themselfs from you) and frequent rape / mass murder / "pushing the boundaries of edgyness" kind of content are gonna filter out almost everybody, including almost all incels.

You don't need to only be an incel to want to be here, you need to be an
incel +
extremly disagreeable +
racist or race realist +
tolerant of both jokes about and honest advocates for rape and genocide +
willing to invest the time and effort to get accepted / respected into a community that offers very little in tangible benefits +
not be LGBT or willing to hide it, relevant because austist are overrepresented amongst LGBTs +
probably some more shit I am forgetting.

Kinda obvious that only very few people will fit all these requirements. Without users, no content, no site.
The problem is much bigger than that as a whole blackpillism is reaching critical mass because it's truth, not so much normies and kids invading the incelosphere more like it's both that inceldomry and blackpill have become increasingly established & "household name" which is why you are seeing more and more "incels" here now; truecel or not: the common enemy is foids.
I wish that were the case but unfortunately just like the redpill community foids are now invading and claiming to be allies and the simps fall for it. What makes it worse is the foids have sex with the normie fakecels which inspires normies to use the incel community to get laid.
Wtf are you talking about?
Read your post again then faggot
Thinking that you're very special and one of a kind true incel
If you're that special why don't you go full ER mode then whiny bitch
Mas because you don't have your personal secret club for le real realest incels?
Normie hive mindset
Go back to reddit, people there have your mindset too, thinking that they have something very special and unique
Keep whining little bitch, go ahead and move the goalposts to save your sorry normie ass
Most of the guys here are 3/10 to 5/10. Being a sub3 is very rare. If this site only allowed sub3s, there would only be like 50 active users max. I don't think you need to look like blackopscel to share the same struggles as him. All incels whether they're 1/10 or 5/10 have the same thing in common: Women aren't attracted to us.
Or even worse they get laid via these forums and communities.
Oh, yeah that happens a lot especially in Discord "incel" servers where most of the members are self proclaimed "incels" yet when they post their selfies they are almost always either high tier normie looking or chadlite. There are no blackpill communities without fakecels unfortunately. You know I am usually much more annoyed at normies than fakecel LARPers who try to fit in with the incel community.
Think it's actually the other way around, by focusing purely on the harshest forms of inceldom you
1) limit what you can talk about to a handful of topics
2) and kick out any user who isn't completly broken inside or mentally ill.
3) And you keep the number of users low.
4) -> All of which is bad for generating lots of content for people to consume.

Imaging what it's like to be truly cursed by your genes is not some monumental intellectual task only the brightest of minds can succeed at. If people want to understand and have an above average IQ, they can understand our plight and could be made to sympathize.

Hardcore race flame wars, "the jews" as the answer to everything (not saying we aren't relevant, just saying that your models are a) childishly simplistic and b) even true statements can make people distance themselfs from you) and frequent rape / mass murder / "pushing the boundaries of edgyness" kind of content are gonna filter out almost everybody, including almost all incels.

You don't need to only be an incel to want to be here, you need to be an
incel +
extremly disagreeable +
racist or race realist +
tolerant of both jokes about and honest advocates for rape and genocide +
willing to invest the time and effort to get accepted / respected into a community that offers very little in tangible benefits +
not be LGBT or willing to hide it, relevant because austist are overrepresented amongst LGBTs +
probably some more shit I am forgetting.

Kinda obvious that only very few people will fit all these requirements. Without users, no content, no site.
Incel sites function just fine with only actual incels. They just don't generate huge amounts of activity or attention from normies. What people like you want is validation from normies but normies will never accept the ll movement. They'll always be against truecels getting laid. They only care about themselves. Hence why they'll insult you for your looks even when they claim to be incel.
Read your post again then faggot
Thinking that you're very special and one of a kind true incel
If you're that special why don't you go full ER mode then whiny bitch
Mas because you don't have your personal secret club for le real realest incels?
Normie hive mindset
Go back to reddit, people there have your mindset too, thinking that they have something very special and unique
Keep whining little bitch, go ahead and move the goalposts to save your sorry normie ass
Shut up fakecel.
Most of the guys here are 3/10 to 5/10. Being a sub3 is very rare. If this site only allowed sub3s, there would only be like 50 active users max. I don't think you need to look like blackopscel to share the same struggles as him. All incels whether they're 1/10 or 5/10 have the same thing in common: Women aren't attracted to us.
If you've never tried and spend all your time online you're not an incel.
I'm not active on that server. Plus it's all normies and foids there.
Nope it isn’t. If you’re talking about Acheron it was banned months ago and that was the gateway. You can’t join the .is server unless you have 400 posts here
lmao do you seriously believe out of all 50,000+ registered accounts on this forum
not a single one belonged to a guy who was HTN facially or above?
The keyword is active bro. I’m talking about people with at least 2K+ posts.
I understand the female gaze most than most members here. Most mods could at the very least get ethnic chicks easily without going overseas. As to most users they're no worse than the common normie.
No user here appeals to the female gaze judging from the many faces I’ve seen here. I’ve probably seen 50-100 faces
@Rhaast @Moeggels @Saint Cho @Broly?
never seen @Rhaast and @Moeggels although they were fakecels to my knowledge never saw their faces. I don’t think it was anything above LTN being honest.

Saint cho is some coping RiceCel who brags on purpose.

Broly is a LTN/possible MTN who frauds his pics to oblivion with tons of filters. There was a thread where there was another self of him and you could tell the other pic was Frauded to hell he’s a high LTN being real.
Incel Discords are usually a bit sketchy, plus have heard some bad things about that one

If you have any decent servers, though, feel free to PM
send me ur Jewcord tag in dm maybe
Oh, yeah that happens a lot especially in Discord "incel" servers where most of the members are self proclaimed "incels" yet when they post their selfies they are almost always either high tier normie looking or chadlite. There are no blackpill communities without fakecels unfortunately. You know I am usually much more annoyed at normies than fakecel LARPers who try to fit in with the incel community.
The best we can do is make incels as inaccessible and taboo as possible to scare away fakecels.
The fact they're allowing foids tells you all you need to know about this forum and who runs it.
Even the .is Twitter acc is following e-foids. Master even made a post with the account congratulating a friend on getting married. I'm now getting more convinced that this site is all a farce and mods are on hand with feds.
Nope it isn’t. If you’re talking about Acheron it was banned months ago and that was the gateway. You can’t join the .is server unless you have 400 posts here

The keyword is active bro. I’m talking about people with at least 2K+ posts.

No user here appeals to the female gaze judging from the many faces I’ve seen here. I’ve probably seen 50-100 faces

never seen @Rhaast and @Moeggels although they were fakecels to my knowledge never saw their faces. I don’t think it was anything above LTN being honest.

Saint cho is some coping RiceCel who brags on purpose.

Broly is a LTN/possible MTN who frauds his pics to oblivion with tons of filters. There was a thread where there was another self of him and you could tell the other pic was Frauded to hell he’s a high LTN being real.
I don't trust your judgement.
The best we can do is make incels as inaccessible and taboo as possible to scare away fakecels.
Like your beloved redpill subreddits?
Again go back faggot
Even on this website sometimes I feel like an outsider. Irl i'm too ugly to be on this website because most users looksmog and lifemogs me.
Even on this website sometimes I feel like an outsider. Irl i'm too ugly to be on this website because most users looksmog and lifemogs me.
Not lifemog cut the larp you’re in med school and will be making insane money once you get your degree
Even the .is Twitter acc is following e-foids. Master even made a post with the account congratulating a friend on getting married. I'm now getting more convinced that this site is all a farce and mods are on hand with feds.
Problem with most communities is that the ones in charge are normies who get there by social engineering
Not lifemog cut the larp you’re in med school and will be making insane money once you get your degree
All I do is study 24/7. That's my life now.
All I do is study 24/7. That's my life now.
Nigga all I do is rot on jewcord, forums and chinktok. I’m in university rn and I only go there for an hour and most of the times like 20 minutes late lmfak :feelskek:
I think you are objectively correct about this.

Don't have anything to say beyond that.
Problem with most communities is that the ones in charge are normies who get there by social engineering
Even a former mod got allegedly got laid through this site. I don't know what to believe in anymore.
Even the .is Twitter acc is following e-foids. Master even made a post with the account congratulating a friend on getting married. I'm now getting more convinced that this site is all a farce and mods are on hand with feds.
Mods are collaborating with feds look at this.
Picsart 23 10 01 17 26 41 886

This survey asked users if they had any violent thoughts or fantasies. On blackpill world which was another incel forum a user popped up passing a similar survey but instead for BDSM. It also asked users if they had any violent thoughts or fantasies. The mods banned the user and guess what happened to the site? It got taken down. There's another forum master has that's for let's say, self deletion and it stays up as well when there's literally entire articles written about it and multiple attempts to get it taken down.

You know why? Because these sites are honeypots. If anyone ever says they're gonna go er on here they immediately get fedded. That's the entire reason this site is still up.
Even a former mod got allegedly got laid through this site. I don't know what to believe in anymore.
The mods were unironically bluepilled by that event.
How tall are you?
flattest 5'7 in the world, i wouldn't even be surprised if at night time I dip into the high 5'6 range. But in the morning, I am 5'7. I thought I was 5'8 for the longest till I measured myself last year.
Mods are collaborating with feds look at this.
View attachment 891217
This survey asked users if they had any violent thoughts or fantasies. On blackpill world which was another incel forum a user popped up passing a similar survey but instead for BDSM. It also asked users if they had any violent thoughts or fantasies. The mods banned the user and guess what happened to the site? It got taken down. There's another forum master has that's for let's say, self deletion and it stays up as well when there's literally entire articles written about it and multiple attempts to get it taken down.

You know why? Because these sites are honeypots. If anyone ever says they're gonna go er on here they immediately get fedded. That's the entire reason this site is still up.
Feds probably finance this site that's why it's still up.
flattest 5'7 in the world, i wouldn't even be surprised if at night time I dip into the high 5'6 range. But in the morning, I am 5'7. I thought I was 5'8 for the longest till I measured myself last year.
5'7 isn't bad. Your looks must be grizzly.
Incel sites function just fine with only actual incels. They just don't generate huge amounts of activity or attention from normies. What people like you want is validation from normies but normies will never accept the ll movement. They'll always be against truecels getting laid. They only care about themselves. Hence why they'll insult you for your looks even when they claim to be incel.
Don't want to be rude, but please don't mind read me. And a site without content isn't very attrative. If you refresh 5 times and nothing new comes up in half an hour, you're gonna lose interest. You need above a certain minimum of active users to keep things going. If you ban / lose users quicker than you gain them over long periods, sooner or later you will fall below that threshold.

In addition, blackpill content is usually blacklisted pretty quickly on every big media site, so we already have it hard to recruit new people (just as users, not even for any cause or w/e). Even many people who would fit in here will be scared away by all the bad things others are telling them about us. And many simply won't ever hear about this site, it's not super well known, I stumbled on it when someone posted a screenshot from the scientific studies part of the wiki on 4chan.

If you add to all those problems another set of huge filters, like rape, genocide, race wars, constant misery and sadness and despair and so on, what do you think happens over time? The people that are hardcore incels and have nowhere else to go stick around, but even those grow bored and tired of the same shit all the time. And some of them either rope or ascend or just find a more fun site / cope to use.

I'm not even saying I want to change things, I wouldn't know how to solve these issues, but the way things are currently going does not look like it will improve in the future, unless inceldom becomes even worse even faster and we get flooded with members because of that.
5'7 isn't bad. Your looks must be grizzly.
Ye I'm ugly asf. So far Ive shown my eye area/teeth area. Every single person that has seen it on this website has said it's over. I'm a 3/10 on a good day but usually fall in the 2-3/10 range comfortably.
Because most normie men are now technically incels there's never gonna be a place for the actual genetically cursed to cope with each other in.
Because 80-20 is 99-01 now
Don't want to be rude, but please don't mind read me. And a site without content isn't very attrative. If you refresh 5 times and nothing new comes up in half an hour, you're gonna lose interest. You need above a certain minimum of active users to keep things going. If you ban / lose users quicker than you gain them over long periods, sooner or later you will fall below that threshold.

In addition, blackpill content is usually blacklisted pretty quickly on every big media site, so we already have it hard to recruit new people (just as users, not even for any cause or w/e). Even many people who would fit in here will be scared away by all the bad things others are telling them about us. And many simply won't ever hear about this site, it's not super well known, I stumbled on it when someone posted a screenshot from the scientific studies part of the wiki on 4chan.

If you add to all those problems another set of huge filters, like rape, genocide, race wars, constant misery and sadness and despair and so on, what do you think happens over time? The people that are hardcore incels and have nowhere else to go stick around, but even those grow bored and tired of the same shit all the time. And some of them either rope or ascend or just find a more fun site / cope to use.

I'm not even saying I want to change things, I wouldn't know how to solve these issues, but the way things are currently going does not look like it will improve in the future, unless inceldom becomes even worse even faster and we get flooded with members because of that.
True its boring asf now
Don't want to be rude, but please don't mind read me. And a site without content isn't very attrative. If you refresh 5 times and nothing new comes up in half an hour, you're gonna lose interest. You need above a certain minimum of active users to keep things going. If you ban / lose users quicker than you gain them over long periods, sooner or later you will fall below that threshold.

In addition, blackpill content is usually blacklisted pretty quickly on every big media site, so we already have it hard to recruit new people (just as users, not even for any cause or w/e). Even many people who would fit in here will be scared away by all the bad things others are telling them about us. And many simply won't ever hear about this site, it's not super well known, I stumbled on it when someone posted a screenshot from the scientific studies part of the wiki on 4chan.

If you add to all those problems another set of huge filters, like rape, genocide, race wars, constant misery and sadness and despair and so on, what do you think happens over time? The people that are hardcore incels and have nowhere else to go stick around, but even those grow bored and tired of the same shit all the time. And some of them either rope or ascend or just find a more fun site / cope to use.

I'm not even saying I want to change things, I wouldn't know how to solve these issues, but the way things are currently going does not look like it will improve in the future, unless inceldom becomes even worse even faster and we get flooded with members because of that.
The problem with this site is it allows too many fakecels which leads to absolutely near 0 actual discussions of inceldom. The reason for that? Fakecels have no interest in inceldom.
Ye I'm ugly asf. So far Ive shown my eye area/teeth area. Every single person that has seen it on this website has said it's over. I'm a 3/10 on a good day but usually fall in the 2-3/10 range comfortably.
Brutal. At least you can moneymax for surgery.
I don't use this site much anymore and the primary reason is simple: a lot of guys on here are not incels. They will never experience the awful state of existence truecels have endured and thus they cannot relate. This has led to the fakecels (of which there are many) getting jelous of the horrible experiences and traits incels have endured or have.

Fakecels like women are addicted to self pity. When they see someone who has it worse than them they're upset that that person has it worse and wish they could as well.
Why do they wish this? Because their lives are so privileged that imagining themselves to be a victim is almost a masturbatory fantasy.

So whenever truecels vent or share their problems the fakecels will always lash out and attack them. There's an entire group of "incels" here who are nt normies. They coordinate and communicate on discord and go out of their way to bully actual incels.

Unfortunately mods do little to stop this because most mods here aren't incels either. Master confirmed he was a volcel and made a big deal about doing so; and as someone who visited incel discord very often last year I got to see the faces of multiple mods here and I can safely say they were all high tier normies.

It's only going to get worse as I and others have warned before multiple times. Incels are becoming more popular to discuss among normies now due to male lonliness becoming more common, and Andrew Tate reviving the red pill movement and pushing it into the mainstream.

Because most normie men are now technically incels there's never gonna be a place for the actual genetically cursed to cope with each other in.

I've been humiliated for my looks by so many supposed "incels" at this point in "incel spaces "that it only confirms my belief that the incel community is dominated by normies now.
you and I are definitely truecels.

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