25? Try 32 mate.
Anyway you absolutely have to stop popping pimples, it objectively makes them worse. Small whiteheads make look ugly, but they don't actually last that long, within 24 hours or maybe 48 for very big ones, that will naturally be reabsorbed into the body. If you pop, you get an angry red area oozing pus, the whitehead will reappear again within 12 hours anyway, and you've created 3 new whiteheads from the pus getting into the area surrounding the whitehead.
The pus is a mixture of sebum, phagocytes, but most importantly, the acne causing bacterium in logarithmic stage growth. Bacteria normally chill and don't do much, but if they think they have room to grow they enter a logarithmic growth stage where the divide every 20-30 minutes and the population explodes. The over-abundance of bacteria causes your immune system to react, and thats why you get whiteheads and red pimples.
1) Buy Hibiscrub - a harsh medical grade body antiseptic. Wash your face in the morning. Only do this when your skin is in an active outbreak period, stop when it calms down.
2) Exofoliate in the shower.
3) Rebalance with a NON COMEDOGENIC MOISTURISER -<---most important step. Non comedogenic means it won't block pores, which usually means non oil based. If you skip this step, you will have dry skin, and dry skin goes berserk and tries to make itself oily.
4) Never pop whiteheads. Only time you should consider popping a pimple is when a cyst occurs, has lingered for a few days and has a visible opening. Then you can pop it to clear it, because its the same principle as lancing a boil - a cyst is an infected sebum gland. The immune system is responding and is releasing compounds that destroy the bacteria but also healthy tissue, which is why it becomes red and inflamed.
I shill for pro-activ because its the only thing that keeps my skin under vague control.
I would also try and identify triggers for your acne, mine definitely seem to be dairy and sunlight. If I combine them, my skin goes totally out of control.