Much of the Jew hate here is probably a stand in for hatred for rich Jews. While they have massively disproportionate power even compared to those of European descent, being Jewish doesn't inherently give you the ability to form/participate in a global conspiracy (even if they wanted to), only money/political power can do that. By attacking poor Jews by association instead of just rich Jews for global issues, you look like a sfcel instead of someone trying to make an actual argument. Just say "rich Jews" instead of just Jews, it's really not that hard.
Missing the point the post.
What you and those that think like you fail to understand about Jews is they don’t and never have needed a formal conspiracy to do what they do ie be “the destroyers”.
They work to destroy whites and our nations and have always done so throughout time because that is simply what is in their nature to do similar to a termites nature to consume wood and destroy wooden houses and structures, similar to a niggers desire for watermelon, fried chicken and de white wimminz and also similar to women across the board only inherintely desiring Chad.
That said the Protocols of Zion is probably a legitimate document of Jews conspiring against us as everything described in it is happening now, but going back to my prior point they really didn’t even need to make this since to destroy is once again simply in their nature.
The reasons they drew up this formal conspiracy was most likely two fold ie 1. To use as a helpful guidepost they can go and look back at to keep themselves on target and 2. It’s a way to rub their malicious intent and hatred of whites right in our collective faces, while correctly understanding that the white majority doesn’t have the balls or honest integrity to formally charge the Jews as conspiring against us and declare the Protocols document to be authentic/legitimate rather than the forgery/fraud the Jews simply claim that it is.
Lastly aside from perhaps a measly handful of outliers like Bobby Fischer, Jack Bernstein and Gilda Atzmon you and everyone else needs to understand that whether rich or poor the Jews are essentially “all in” where it concerns destroying whites and our civilization/s.
Yes even the so called poor Jews will do whatever small part they can play to help the larger Jewish collective dominate, control and ultimately destroy whites.
Even if it’s simply donating the couple of bucks that they do have to AIPAC or their time to other anti white organizations or causes or maybe they’ll become a spreader of the Jew slave religion for the stupid goyim known as Christ insanity as their fellow Jew Brother Krapner has done? Plenty of ways to screw the goyim even for a Jew lacking in finances.