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Why so much jew hate?

Missing the point the post.

What you and those that think like you fail to understand about Jews is they don’t and never have needed a formal conspiracy to do what they do ie be “the destroyers”.

They work to destroy whites and our nations and have always done so throughout time because that is simply what is in their nature to do similar to a termites nature to consume wood and destroy wooden houses and structures, similar to a niggers desire for watermelon, fried chicken and de white wimminz and also similar to women across the board only inhrerintely desiring Chad.

That said the Protocols of Zion is probably a legitimate document of Jews conspiring against us as everything described in it is happening now but going back to my prior point they really didn’t even need to make this since to destroy is once again simply in their nature.

The reasons they drew up this formal conspiracy was most likely two fold ie 1. To use as a helpful guidepost they can go and look back at to keep themselves on target and 2. It’s a way to rub their malicious intent and hatred of whites right in our collective faces, while correctly understanding that the white majority doesn’t have the balls or honest integrity to formally charge the Jews as conspiring against us and declare the Protocols document to be legitimate rather than the forgery/fraud the Jews simply claim that it is.
Jew make up like 1% of the population but are a massive percent of rich people and Hollywood workers. Its basically the 80/20 rule except with race. Wouldnt you be suspicious if you saw another racial group with such a small population somehow controlling so many institutions?
The goyim made the jews what they are. After all the persecutions only the smartest jews survived.
Missing the point the post.

What you and those that think like you fail to understand about Jews is they don’t and never have needed a formal conspiracy to do what they do ie be “the destroyers”.

They work to destroy whites and our nations and have always done so throughout time because that is simply what is in their nature to do similar to a termites nature to consume wood and destroy wooden houses and structures, similar to a niggers desire for watermelon, fried chicken and de white wimminz and also similar to women across the board only inhrerintely desiring Chad.

That said the Protocols of Zion is probably a legitimate document of Jews conspiring against us as everything described in it is happening now but going back to my prior point they really didn’t even need to make this since to destroy is once again simply in their nature.

The reasons they drew up this formal conspiracy was most likely two fold ie 1. To use as a helpful guidepost they can go and look back at to keep themselves on target and 2. It’s a way to rub their malicious intent and hatred of whites right in our collective faces, while correctly understanding that the white majority doesn’t have the balls or honest integrity to formally charge the Jews as conspiring against us and declare the Protocols document to be legitimate rather than the forgery/fraud the Jews simply claim that it is.
They destroyed whites so much that life expectancy grew by 10-20 years, people are taller, stronger and have much more human and civil rights. I'v been in USA. Under the Jews rule it's now a very prosper country.
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The goyim made the jews what they are. After all the persecutions only the smartest jews survived.

They destroyed whites so much that life expectancy grew by 10-20 years, people are taller, stronger and have much more human and civil rights. I'v been in USA. Under the Jews rule it's now a very prosper country.
Our racial majority has vastly decreased in ZOG USA and ZOG UK.

Jews game the census to lie as they include wetbacks and other non white trash/mixed raced as being “white” as well.

Thus whites who don’t research things in depth take a cursory glance at the census numbers and think that we’re doing alright which is not the case at all.

As for prosperous? Ha, were on the verge of another financial meltdown in the US because of these Jew termites.

Seems like feminism has a mind of its own. I suppose it slipped out of hands of those who handled it and attained an autonomous existence.
Zionist jews are behind all the evil , sickness and pain in this world . Zionist Jews and their allies such as the false Messiah that are preparing the whole world to receive him . Zionist jews plan is to rule the world from isreal with the false Messiah or the anti Christ as their leader . The only dangerous enemy for the jews are the muslims , those true light hearted muslims who will sacrifice all for Allah . In the few past centuries Islam and muslims has been weaken by the Jews . But the promise of Allah is truth and in the end all falsehood will perish .
" it's all because of the jews". I have seen this statem many times in this forum. Can someone please enlighten me why we are blaming everything on the jews. I'm not asking to this to argue. But honestly want to know the basis for blaming jews like saying that "jews control everything". I'm from India so I am not aware of many political things happening in the west. Can someone pls explain what is really going on. How jews led to degenerecy?.
I asked this same question but got a warning because some one thought it was a bait.

You are from India. There are nearly no jews in india so we do not understand what this jew hate is all about. I thought jews are monogamous conservative people which is a good thing for incels. but I think jews are different in the west
It's very simple.
Jews were behind a lot of human rights movements including whomen rights.
People here see only the collateral damage (inceldom of low SMV men) but not the pros: Without those movements you would work 16 hours a day without any rights, no pensions, no LDAR money, no freedom of movement, no freedom of speech, nothing.
I hate all western Jews because they're degenerate cucks.
Only few based Jews are the ones in the east killing some Palestinians. :lul:
I asked this same question but got a warning because some one thought it was a bait.

You are from India. There are nearly no jews in india so we do not understand what this jew hate is all about. I thought jews are monogamous conservative people which is a good thing for incels. but I think jews are different in the west
A bait for what???
Zionist jews are behind all the evil , sickness and pain in this world . Zionist Jews and their allies such as the false Messiah that are preparing the whole world to receive him . Zionist jews plan is to rule the world from isreal with the false Messiah or the anti Christ as their leader . The only dangerous enemy for the jews are the muslims , those true light hearted muslims who will sacrifice all for Allah . In the few past centuries Islam and muslims has been weaken by the Jews . But the promise of Allah is truth and in the end all falsehood will perish .
Islam is a knock off from Judaism, way back when the religious group in the middle East had a conflict of interest regarding which direction to go & so branched off, no different than Hinduism & Buddhism, multiple facets of Christianity.
Zionist jews are behind all the evil , sickness and pain in this world . Zionist Jews and their allies such as the false Messiah that are preparing the whole world to receive him . Zionist jews plan is to rule the world from isreal with the false Messiah or the anti Christ as their leader . The only dangerous enemy for the jews are the muslims , those true light hearted muslims who will sacrifice all for Allah . In the few past centuries Islam and muslims has been weaken by the Jews . But the promise of Allah is truth and in the end all falsehood will perish .
Why are you so poor, stupid, savage and primitive while the Jews in Israel are so rich, smart and prosperous?
I actually don't know. But I think they thought I am some kind of FBI guy
My dad is jewish and I know a lot of jews. I never heard one of them talk about feminism or pushing degenerate values.

It kind of makes me sad
And do you really think that the socialists movements have nothing with it?
What's the point of making a bunch of stuff for people to buy if they have no time or energy to use it? Give them a little free time to buy back the very shit they make with the same junk you give then in exchange for their time.

You get a more productive slave with a longer shelf life using the carrot & stick rather than the shackles & whip.

Replace the literal prison bars with sheckles & the imprisonment is invisible but still there none the less, violence replaced by debt.

If things are so great with socialist governments then how come communism killed so many? Why are we still stuck wage slaving, you now have zero hour contracts & mega corporations pushing out small business.

The Jews cannot be blamed for anything, everything is anti-Semitism.
Blaming Jews for the degradation of society economically (NOT socially or morally), is just a shitty shorthand for "rich people". All rich people regardless of religion benefit off the exploitation of their workers, it's how Capitalism is supposed to work. Most socialist and communist governments have also failed to common worker as they often use exorbitant taxes or seized land/resources to line the pockets of the rich elite. If I'm wageslaving away for the behest of someone else, I don't give a flying fuck what their religion or political views are.

You get a more productive slave with a longer shelf life using the carrot & stick rather than the shackles & whip.

Replace the literal prison bars with sheckles & the imprisonment is invisible but still there none the less, violence replaced by debt.

Could barely have said it better myself , but you already did so no point in repeating you
Probably because Jews are overwhelming socially progressive (but not economically progressive ofc - bank bailouts & wealthy tax cuts still good).

It's rare to find a jew that isn't pro-feminist, pro-trans, pro-affirmative action, anti-incel.
You could say the same for germanics.
Y'all who blame Jews are silly.

The secret is nobody is in control.
They have an absurd level of power in relation to their numbers. It would be like if the entire scottish political and economic system were controlled by gypsies.
I hate all western Jews because they're degenerate cucks.
Only few based Jews are the ones in the east killing some Palestinians. :lul:
Those Jews aren’t “based” either as they have stolen the Palestinians land.
Won't they also get affected by it? Isn't there inceldom in isreal?

They never think that far ahead and they seem to be completely devoid of self reflection abilities. If life was an RPG Jews would be the guys who put all their points on intelligence while using wisdom as a dump stat.
Why are you so poor, stupid, savage and primitive while the Jews in Israel are so rich, smart and prosperous?
Jews don’t succeed because they are “super duper smart” they succeed because of a genetic combination of extreme nepotism and sociopathy/psychopathy.

In other words they are all too willing than just about any of the races of “filthy goyim” to do literally anything ie lie, cheat, kill and steal to get ahead of the pack.

Mostly though the majority of their “success” has been a result of cucking the white race with their Christ cult which was designed to mentally enslave us to their whims.

Through the cuck cult of the cross they used white military might to conquer the world for them and also the cult has literally programmed whites to believe that not only is a Jew “God” but that the Jewish people as a whole are the special “chosen people” of this Jewish “God”.

2,000 years of this sociopathic manipulation on the collective white races mind has had a profoundly negative effect on us ie we don’t really know who we are as a race any longer, although the third reich briefly re-awakened that knowledge of Odin and our true European religious past and culture within us.

Despite the brief awakening Jews were able to manipulate enough whites to go kill their racial kinsmen in Germany and Clown World and imminent white racial death via genocide is the end result.
Cry me a river haji. :lul:
Patriotard eh?

Never thought I’d encounter one of your kind on a forum such as this, heh.

That said neither your precious Jews or Muzzies belong in white countries and to reiterate its simply a fact to state that Jews stole the Palestinians country and should give it back.

I mean Jews use that line of reasoning all the time with white Americans and Indians ie so called “Native Americans” so fair is fair right?

(Even though the Solutrean people ie whites were actually here on the North American land mass first).
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Idk but it's funny
The Jews are responsible for every single mistake i made in my Life tbh
Over 110 countries.
Umm no, that's an antisemitic hate fact told by huwhite supremes.
They have ONLY been expelled from 109 countries, get your facts right, Hitler. :feelsclown:
People you know need scapegoats and the jews are the perfect ones.
Jews are evil
Most of them never met a jew irl jfl
I hate all humans tbh

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Bec. they status mog me.
Jews created Feminism. They dominate the fourth estate of academia and media to artificially perpetuate it.
read up on the jewish question. jews control everything from money to media, pushing degenerate left wing ideals which are ruining western nations and polluting the gene pool. install coincidence detector plugin on your browser to start noticing how many coincidences there are with the people that push degenerate things..
I don't hate every jew. Just elites. Which I hate all elites regardless of race or religion. And death to Israel. As an american I'm tired of my tax dollars going to prop up what is basically luxury living for pedophiles.

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