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Serious Why people in the end have national, racial pride

To koniec

To koniec

Apr 14, 2020
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But in the end, why people care for their racial, national pride. When you think what country could make such person proud, anchievments of other people, like i myself could be proud of being pole cause curie, chopin or copernicus really, such people is unironically reason why racism exist cause their pride is not monovalent, their need prove for it, cause deep down they want to be their race, culture, nation to be 'superior' and there need competition for it like wars or recently more peacefully like olympics.
Deep in down is there any reason to be proud of any country ? same look down on incels looking us as collective just like patriotism nationalism is doing, you were just randomly born into this country without any choice...tho at same time you could be born az lizard or moth.

@your personality
People do that so they could feel like they all "achieved" something great, even though it was one individual who did it all. That's why I hate tribalism, people will fight eachother over who's "superior" when the vast majority of people contributed nothing to the modern world.
People are probably programed that way because its easer to survive in group. Maybe to define themselves? Sense of belonging somewhere.
People are probably programed that way because its easer to survive in group. Maybe to define themselves? Sense of belonging somewhere.
People are drawn towards us vs them mentality. If we got rid of the concept of races, people would discriminate eachother over religion, class or language.
They want to both identity with something (culture, traditions, life experiences), but also as something (turkish, albanian and so on). Why they want that? Probably, as the other user pointed out, tribalism
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People are drawn towards us vs them mentality. If we got rid of the concept of races, people would discriminate eachother over religion, class or language.
Yeah they tend to create clans, maybe because if you are against the common group you feel closer together with your own, maybe are programed that way to controll more resources.
Retarded normies want some sort of "racial" or "national" pride because they have no personal accomplishments to speak of, so their cope is essentially "accomplishment by proxy" -- by identifying with a group and their accomplishments.

No, there is no reason to be "proud" of a particular group of normies merely because you happen to look alike (slightly less so if you are in fact an incel) or you happen to be born in the same area.
People do that so they could feel like they all "achieved" something great, even though it was one individual who did it all. That's why I hate tribalism, people will fight eachother over who's "superior" when the vast majority of people contributed nothing to the modern world.
This, its just "conquest by proxy", this is why when sportscucks favorite team wins they say "we won" when all they did was sit down, cheer, and scarf down fatty foods and sodas, its nothing but pathetic coping

This is why I never liked sports or any kind of tribalism tbh, I never felt proud to be born in the country I was or anything like that, because it didn't make sense to me, I didn't actually do anything to feel proud about
People do that so they could feel like they all "achieved" something great, even though it was one individual who did it all. That's why I hate tribalism, people will fight eachother over who's "superior" when the vast majority of people contributed nothing to the modern world.
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But in the end, why people care for their racial, national pride. When you think what country could make such person proud, anchievments of other people, like i myself could be proud of being pole cause curie, chopin or copernicus really, such people is unironically reason why racism exist cause their pride is not monovalent, their need prove for it, cause deep down they want to be their race, culture, nation to be 'superior' and there need competition for it like wars or recently more peacefully like olympics.
Deep in down is there any reason to be proud of any country ? same look down on incels looking us as collective just like patriotism nationalism is doing, you were just randomly born into this country without any choice...tho at same time you could be born az lizard or moth.

@your personality
Nationalism is genetic and natural to some extent since we're tribal beings
Can't find the exact quote but I remember Darwin saying that everything that we see in nature, which we are part of, is an effect of millions of years of evolution. Racism and tribalism/racial pride too.
quoting racist anglo dog not proud of you

racism is neither natural just like racial pride, it's cope

@BummerDrummer summoning bummer for fun
quoting racist anglo dog not proud of you

racism is neither natural just like racial pride, it's cope

@BummerDrummer summoning bummer for fun
Humans are tribal by design
rape is not natural
Dude basically every animal is raping, if you looked at the norms for "mating" with most animals and you applied human standards to it the males would all be rapists
quoting racist anglo dog not proud of you

racism is neither natural just like racial pride, it's cope

@BummerDrummer summoning bummer for fun
Racism is natural. You are mentally ill if you want your race and culture to die
Racism is natural. You are mentally ill if you want your race and culture to die
i don't want my culture to die i just don;'t care about it, even if i mentally ill, and i'm not racists even if sometimes i anger at some people but i know that racism is wrong
Dude basically every animal is raping, if you looked at the norms for "mating" with most animals and you applied human standards to it the males would all be rapists
humans are animals but more advanced and for humans it's not natural
for humans it's not natural
1. Based on what evidence, modern laws we recently we created? (which men actively defy to still rape)

2. "Marital/Spousal rape" laws only first became a law in the state of Nebraska in 1975 (only 46 years ago). So its only very recently that as a society we've began to assert that "rape is bad"

Rape is completely natural for male humans

3. If rape isn't natural why do men even rape?, there are literally species of animals that exist where rape never takes place, so why does rape take place among us?

4. How come women are genetically programmed to be rape fetishists if rape was never natural for our species?
Rape is statistically one of the most common fetishes among women (if not the most common)

Women orgasming during rape is a norm:

Now pair that up with the fact that statistically 75% of women report that they cannot reach orgasm in their CONSENSUAL RELATIONSHIPS :feelskek:
1. Based on what evidence, modern laws we recently we created? (which men actively defy to still rape)

2. "Marital/Spousal rape" laws only first became a law in the state of Nebraska in 1975 (only 46 years ago). So its only very recently that as a society we've began to assert that "rape is bad"

Rape is completely natural for male humans

3. If rape isn't natural why do men even rape?, there are literally species of animals that exist where rape never takes place, so why does rape take place among us?

4. How come women are genetically programmed to be rape fetishists if rape was never natural for our species?
murder exists, is murder natural ?
i don't want my culture to die i just don;'t care about it, even if i mentally ill, and i'm not racists even if sometimes i anger at some people but i know that racism is wrong
I hope your neighborhood gets flooded with Somalis and then you’ll see how un racist you are when you are being cooked alive by niggers straight out of Somalia
murder exists, is murder natural ?
Yes, murder is one of the most natural acts in existence, dude we eat fucking animals like crazy, do you know how many fucking cows get killed daily so we can enjoy a burger?

Please don't respond with any semantic bullshit argument about "its only "murder" if its human" because:
1. Even then I'd still say its natural for the species

2. It would just prove you are trolling me or a disingenuous piece of shit (because you could have said "killing" instead of "murder"), I will block you on the spot for that lol

Tired of interacting with users on this forum who debate or converse in a disingenuous manner because its clear that they aren't really trying to debate you, and they are just trolling or playing word games
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turks are indoctrinated into being proud of their country almost like religion
I hope your neighborhood gets flooded with Somalis and then you’ll see how un racist you are when you are being cooked alive by niggers straight out of Somalia
there barely any africans in poland
Yes, murder is one of the most natural acts in existence, dude we eat fucking animals like crazy, do you know how many fucking cows get killed daily so we can enjoy a burger?

Please don't respond with any semantic bullshit argument about "its only "murder" if its human" because:
1. Even then I'd still say its natural for the species

2. Tt would just prove you are trolling me or a disingenuous piece of shit (because you could have said "killing" instead of "murder"), I will block you on the spot for that lol

Tired of interacting with users on this forum who debate or converse in a disingenuous manner because its clear that they aren't really trying to debate you, and they are just trolling or playing word games
maybe you are right maybe i was wrong, still it's nobody has right to murder or rape. If you want to block me then sure do it, even if i'm not trolling and you really angered over such dumb issue, i don't care for this forum that much to block or report anybody
turks are indoctrinated into being proud of their country almost like religion
are you turk
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maybe you are right maybe i was wrong, still it's nobody has right to murder or rape. If you want to block me then sure do it, even if i'm not trolling and you really angered over such dumb issue
Maybe you didn't read, I said I'd block you if you responded back with "its only "murder" if its a human", that would be a troll response because that's just semantic word games

i don't care for this forum that much to block or report anybody
1. If that was true you wouldn't come to the forum to begin with

2. Yeah, I'm pretty sure if a larping Chad started private messaging you images and videos of him fucking various stacies and mocking you, you would report and block him, so cut it with the BS

It really makes no sense to say "I don't care that much" yet you show up here, I used to say the same shit too until I got tired enough of the trolls, larps and users like @Zyros

Its not really about "caring about the forum", its about having a space for yourself where you don't get taunted and mocked (which happens in your real life) and wanting to keep that space devoid of such inconveniences

If I wanted to be teased, mocked, taunted, trolled, mogged, etc I'D JUST GO OUTSIDE AND INTERACT WITH PEOPLE lol

I'm not coming here for that shit, so I will report and I will block, my patience for humans period has worn thin over the years so I won't tolerate much
there barely any africans in poland
That’s gonna change real soon and when it does and your neighborhood looks like Somalia you won’t have the same attitudes
Maybe you didn't read, I said I'd block you if you responded back with "its only "murder" if its a human", that would be a troll response because that's just semantic word games

1. If that was true you wouldn't come to the forum to begin with

2. Yeah, I'm pretty sure if a larping Chad started private messaging you images and videos of him fucking various stacies and mocking you, you would report and block him, so cut it with the BS

It really makes no sense to say "I don't care that much" yet you show up here, I used to say the same shit too until I got tired enough of the trolls, larps and users like @Zyros

Its not really about "caring about the forum", its about having a space for yourself where you don't get taunted and mocked (which happens in your real life) and wanting to keep that space devoid of such inconveniences

If I wanted to be teased, mocked, taunted, trolled, mogged, etc I'D JUST GO OUTSIDE AND INTERACT WITH PEOPLE lol

I'm not coming here for that shit, so I will report and I will block, my patience for humans period has worn thin over the years so I won't tolerate much
what ? calm down dude i'm not trolling you, you have some problems. Maybe i'm just too idealistic, kind to accept truth
That’s gonna change real soon and when it does and your neighborhood looks like Somalia you won’t have the same attitudes
why they want come to poland if they would have much better living standards in germany or uk or netherlands
what ? calm down dude i'm not trolling you
I am calm and I never said you were trolling me, is english your second language? (because I'm being pretty clear right now)

I'm just explaining that you are only saying what you said because you haven't faced the same inconveniences on this forum as I have, at a certain point you get tired of it and you get tired of most of the users

Trolls PM'ing you gay porn after they get banned is a good example :feelskek: (yes that happened)

Larps humble bragging daily and getting banned and unbanned by the mods over and over like its a fucking joke (yes that happened)
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I am calm and I never said you were trolling me, is english your second language? (because I'm being pretty clear right now)
yes english is my second language but you said this
'Tired of interacting with users on this forum who debate or converse in a disingenuous manner because its clear that they aren't really trying to debate you, and they are just trolling or playing word games'
I have nothing against you
yes english is my second language but you said this
'Tired of interacting with users on this forum who debate or converse in a disingenuous manner because its clear that they aren't really trying to debate you, and they are just trolling or playing word games'
I have nothing against you
1. Conveying a grievance doesn't mean you aren't calm

2. I made an edit to my post, go re-read it, there's shit that if it kept happening to you over and over on this forum you'd get tired of it
This, its just "conquest by proxy", this is why when sportscucks favorite team wins they say "we won" when all they did was sit down, cheer, and scarf down fatty foods and sodas, its nothing but pathetic coping

This is why I never liked sports or any kind of tribalism tbh, I never felt proud to be born in the country I was or anything like that, because it didn't make sense to me, I didn't actually do anything to feel proud about
I wonder if people in the past fanboy'ed this hard for man/lion slaying gladiators.

It's sad that soyciety doesn't even realize that sports teams is just another "divide and conquer" tactics imposed by the elites to get your average goyims to argue with each other over who "has" the better team :feelstastyman:
why they want come to poland if they would have much better living standards in germany or uk or netherlands
1: these countries are already collapsing under their immigrants and are becoming third world shitholes
2: it’s not about where the living standards are. The Jews will go into every white area and put immigrants there. Everywhere. They will make the entire world look like the slums of the Congo.
Because humans are hypocrites and lack all self awareness when they are contradicting themselves. I’ll go in more detail in a thread I’m making and @ you.

This goes a bit more deep then just race.
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But in the end, why people care for their racial, national pride. When you think what country could make such person proud, anchievments of other people, like i myself could be proud of being pole cause curie, chopin or copernicus really, such people is unironically reason why racism exist cause their pride is not monovalent, their need prove for it, cause deep down they want to be their race, culture, nation to be 'superior' and there need competition for it like wars or recently more peacefully like olympics.
Deep in down is there any reason to be proud of any country ? same look down on incels looking us as collective just like patriotism nationalism is doing, you were just randomly born into this country without any choice...tho at same time you could be born az lizard or moth.

@your personality
true post. Some philosophies and religions agree.
Buddhism and woke versions of other dharmic religions do so as well.
Retarded normies want some sort of "racial" or "national" pride because they have no personal accomplishments to speak of, so their cope is essentially "accomplishment by proxy" -- by identifying with a group and their accomplishments.

No, there is no reason to be "proud" of a particular group of normies merely because you happen to look alike (slightly less so if you are in fact an incel) or you happen to be born in the same area.
Can you blame them? Acheivements take years, often decades. And ofc very few people truly have the potential, the resources and the luck to attain true greatness. Letting them cope with race and ancestors is how it is and should be.
Nationalism is genetic and natural to some extent since we're tribal beings
true too
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I can't be proud of my country because we are mongrels who came from everywhere else. We don't even belong on the island because we are what replaced the original people.
I can't be proud of my country because we are mongrels who came from everywhere else. We don't even belong on the island because we are what replaced the original people.
Same, I don't even feel like an ameriMUTT tbh. Nor do I feel at home in curryland. I have no sense of belonging outside 2d games tbh
Same, I don't even feel like an ameriMUTT tbh. Nor do I feel at home in curryland. I have no sense of belonging outside 2d games tbh
At least you curries have an ethnic group, and one group of curries usually don't mix with any other group of curries. Curries are pretty diverse, with many different languages and genetics of their own. Some are Hindu, some Buddhist and others are Muslims, with very few Christians and even Jews amongst the curry groups.

Whereas we don't even have our own language.
1 big room full of bad bitches
1 big room full of bad bitches
1 big room full of bad bitches
1 big room full of bad bitches

And we stuntin like

Gucci Gucci
Louie Louie
Fendi Fendi

Them basic butches wear that shit so I don’t even bother
It's one of the most common copes.
You're right but I wouldn't want to live around thug niggers and see their nigger faces everyday. Is that too much too ask? :fuk:
People do that so they could feel like they all "achieved" something great, even though it was one individual who did it all. That's why I hate tribalism, people will fight eachother over who's "superior" when the vast majority of people contributed nothing to the modern world.
@portugalcel Look at the racial diversity of Brazil and Cabo Verde.
you are half black
Unfortunately, but I don't identify with my black side and I hate the Spanish for bringing slaves and making me a mongrel.

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