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In defense of National Socialism

The incel crisis wouldnt exist under Hitler.
As for hitler specifically, the incel crisis wouldnt have happened under hitler. He subsidized couples having kids. He wanted the white race to have a population boom. Married couples would get a bunch of money and a bigger discount on their mortgage for every child they had. He wouldve found a way to prevent the incel crisis. He wouldnt be able to handle the idea of 70% of young males being single. He would be working day and night to find a solution.
Not to mention all young girls (aged like 8-20 years old or something) in nazi Germany would be very strongly encouraged to take part in the female version of the hitler youth where they would all be taught how to cook, how to clean the house, how to take care of and raise a kid, etc. All the trad stuff that so many people here want in a wife

Not even joking, Hitler should be seen as a hero by incels
@The Enforcer

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The world would be a boring place if everyone thought the same way, however;

- Of course the Nazis would give a fuck about people who believed in their "bullshit". The Germans werent larping to start wars.
- National Socialism may not be perfect, but it would be a silver bullet to repair current western democracies.
- National Socialism is a platform of forwarding the best interests on the nation under a united party. It opposes anything against the national interest.
- Natsoc rejects societal degeneracy. The burning of the books was all about ridding the country of commie bullshit and sexual hedonism.
- The reason we cant get foids is intrinsically linked with the abandonment of traditional values and the sexual revolution of the 1960's.

I could go on but im trying to indoctrinate. You can believe what you like about "ze Nazis" and call people "cringe" and "pathetic" but I think there is certainly an argument that the natsoc ideology would not have led the incel phenomenon. At the very least its cope.
Based OP but the brainwashing is too embedded in AngloCucks.
I think the essential thing to remember is Germany had a foreign exchange crisis in 1936, which unraveled the economic policy which had underpinned the growth under Hitler. It had been set in motion by the previous right-wing government, but accelerated under Hitler. This posed a problem: Germany could either seize finances through peaceful annexation, or hunker down and accept becoming poorer relative to the other European powers. The response to this divided the German finance ministry, between those who wanted more state control (Herman Goering) and the free market elements (Hjalmar Schacht and Carl Friedrich-Goedeler). Hitler eventually opted that self-sufficiency, even when the national resources did not exist, was the right course. This caused a revision to their foreign policy in 1937, which became the blueprint for all the events leading to 1939. Hitler brought forward the timetable for a confrontation with the two "hate-filled antagonists" (France and Britain). He had expected a war over Czechoslovakia, but did not get one. He moved into Prague in a brazen violation of the Munich Agreement, they, again, did nothing. He then abrogated the Anglo-German Naval Agreement, the British did nothing.

The economy which had developed under Hitler could not continue to function without territorial conquest, war had become synonymous with economic policy itself. By June 1939, every European power was bankrupting themselves supporting rearmament, Hitler decided to pull the trigger first. The German economy was in a deep foreign exchange crisis in 1939, which had been kicked down the road from 1936 with the Four-Year Plan.

Without war, Germany could not have continued to service the enormous debts that had accumulated under Hitler.

Essentially, Germany was always going to lose - no matter what Hitler did. He had pushed the German economy into a corner where it was impossible to sustain unsustainable living standards without provoking a global war.
Nah, that's allied propaganda. No matter who or what government would have come to power there would have been a war against germany and the german people. It was a matter of race and control, not economics.
nah man. you can hear his speeches, you can read his book, you can study his life...he was completely retarded and destroyed whole germany. even his generals told him to stop but psycho adolf wanted his psychoses come true
what the actual fuck. listen to one hitler speech and you will love him. he saved germany

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