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In defense of National Socialism

Not really as the end goal of bolshevism is the establishment of a stateless communist society that is essentially a utopia. In their eyes, all notions of national identity would disappear and all humanity would be united in a single collective.

This is antithetical to national socialism which called for the struggle between nations and races.
But there would still be a culture, and the dominant one would enforce the inferior cultures. Economic equality doesn’t mean all cultures will he equal. Look at real communist countries, which all tried destroying their minorities.
But there would still be a culture, and the dominant one would enforce the inferior cultures. Economic equality doesn’t mean all cultures will he equal. Look at real communist countries, which all tried destroying their minorities.
Yes, the Bolsheviks tried to create their own new "proletarian" culture on the basis of the already established russian culture, which was in the majority within their borders - the "new soviet man" promoted by the state was the embodiment of this. However, this had nothing to do with with ethnic or racial supremacism
Yes, the Bolsheviks tried to create their own new "proletarian" culture on the basis of the already established russian culture, which was in the majority within their borders - the "new soviet man" promoted by the state was the embodiment of this. However, this had nothing to do with with ethnic or racial supremacism
If you are of a different culture, then you are essentially of a different ethnicity or race as well. Even if you don’t say it explicitly, the end result seems to be the same don’t you think?
If you are of a different culture, then you are essentially of a different ethnicity or race as well. Even if you don’t say it explicitly, the end result seems to be the same don’t you think?
Well, no. National socialism wanted to preserve ethnic and racial differences and didn’t care for the rest of the world outside of Germany’s sphere of influence. Bolshevism, on the other hand, wanted to destroy these differences all together and unite humanity as one.
The world would be a boring place if everyone thought the same way, however;
A hivemind would be much better equipped to fight of (((external threats)))
@The Enforcer

View attachment 1188341

The world would be a boring place if everyone thought the same way, however;

- Of course the Nazis would give a fuck about people who believed in their "bullshit". The Germans werent larping to start wars.
- National Socialism may not be perfect, but it would be a silver bullet to repair current western democracies.
- National Socialism is a platform of forwarding the best interests on the nation under a united party. It opposes anything against the national interest.
- Natsoc rejects societal degeneracy. The burning of the books was all about ridding the country of commie bullshit and sexual hedonism.
- The reason we cant get foids is intrinsically linked with the abandonment of traditional values and the sexual revolution of the 1960's.

I could go on but im trying to indoctrinate. You can believe what you like about "ze Nazis" and call people "cringe" and "pathetic" but I think there is certainly an argument that the natsoc ideology would not have led the incel phenomenon. At the very least its cope.
Call from based department 2136035205
What’s the difference between nazis and nazbols?
nazbols wanted only chads. bolschewiks wanted everyone the same and have a good life. bolschewiks dont do chad worship on hardcore mode
Adolf Hitler’s regime brought unprecedented suffering and long-term detriment to Germany and its citizens. Hitler’s rule inflicted multi-layered consequences on the German people, making deep scars on the nation's soul.

First. The Holocaust is one of the darkest chapters in human history. Beyond the staggering loss of six million Jews, the systematic extermination orchestrated by the Nazi regime also targeted Roma, disabled individuals, and political dissidents. This genocide eradicated vast swathes of potential human contribution to Germany’s cultural, scientific, and economic landscape. The moral and psychological impact on the German populace was immense, as citizens grappled with collective guilt and trauma. The Holocaust left a permanent scar on Germany’s moral fabric, influencing generations with a pervasive sense of responsibility and a commitment to "never again."

Second. The loss of life extended beyond the Holocaust. Hitler’s aggressive military campaigns led to the deaths of millions of German soldiers and civilians, creating a demographic imbalance that rippled through society. Families mourned the loss of breadwinners, while the diminished workforce hampered post-war recovery. The widespread grief and economic strain on families delayed national reconstruction, leaving many in poverty and struggle.

Third. World War II left Germany in ruins. Cities like Berlin, Hamburg, and Dresden were reduced to rubble, and the destruction of homes and infrastructure created a severe housing crisis. Millions were left homeless, living in temporary shelters and facing dire conditions that affected their health and quality of life. The obliteration of cultural landmarks and historical sites severed connections to Germany’s rich heritage, causing a profound loss of national identity and pride.

Fourth. Economically, the war drained Germany’s resources, leading to unemployment and severe poverty. The scarcity of food and fuel caused malnutrition and widespread suffering, with long-lasting health impacts. Rebuilding industries and infrastructure required immense effort and investment, during which Germany lagged behind other nations in technological and industrial advancements, further complicating recovery efforts.

Fifth. The end of the war brought about the division of Germany into East and West, a split that created political, social, and economic rifts. This fragmentation led to disparate living standards and opportunities, fueling inequality and tension between the two regions. The psychological impact of this division was profound, with families separated and communities disrupted, exacerbating feelings of imprisonment and helplessness.

Allied occupation meant that Germans had limited control over their governance and future direction, fostering resentment and a sense of humiliation. However, the efforts of the Allies, particularly the Marshall Plan in the West, also laid the foundation for democratic institutions and economic recovery, contributing to long-term stability and growth.

Sixth. Germany's actions under the Nazi regime led to global condemnation and diplomatic isolation. This stigma severely hindered Germany’s ability to engage in international trade and diplomacy, limiting economic growth and opportunities for its citizens. The country’s tarnished reputation made it difficult for Germans to travel, study, or work abroad, while skilled individuals often emigrated, resulting in some loss of talent that impacted national progress.

Seventh. The war crimes trials, while necessary for justice, created a leadership vacuum as many Nazi leaders were prosecuted and imprisoned. This vacuum complicated the establishment of effective governance and delayed national stability, while the cultural trauma of these revelations deeply influenced the national consciousness and attitudes toward authority and justice.

Eighth. Under Hitler’s regime, freedoms were severely suppressed. Intellectuals and artists were persecuted, stifling innovation and cultural expression. This suppression led to intellectual stagnation, hindering progress in various fields and reducing Germany’s cultural and technological dynamism. The climate of fear and conformity discouraged dissent and critical thinking, resulting in a homogenized society that lacked vibrancy and growth.

Propaganda played a crucial role in manipulating public opinion, eroding trust in government and media. This manipulation fostered a legacy of skepticism and cynicism that complicated the establishment of transparent and accountable institutions. The distorted worldview propagated by Nazi propaganda created misconceptions and biases that took years to correct, impeding reconciliation and national dialogue.

Ninth. The extensive reconstruction efforts required after the war meant that modernization in technology, education, and healthcare was delayed. Resources were focused on rebuilding basic infrastructure, leaving less for social programs and scientific research. This allocation slowed overall societal progress, affecting quality of life and Germany’s competitive edge in the global arena.

The legacy of Nazi ideology continues to fuel far-right extremism, causing social divisions and conflicts. This extremism disrupts social harmony and undermines efforts to build an inclusive, democratic society. The presence of extremist groups poses a threat to political stability, making effective governance challenging and deterring investment and development.

Hitler's regime inflicted immense suffering on Germany and its people, causing long-term harm across multiple dimensions. From the moral and psychological impacts of the Holocaust to the economic and social devastation wrought by the war, the consequences of Hitler’s rule have left deep and lasting scars. Understanding these layers of suffering is crucial in recognizing the true cost of his legacy and ensuring that such a devastating chapter in history never repeats.

In conclusion, fuck off.
Damn, that's the most reddit soy shit i've read this month.
if i lived during nazi occupied europe they would force me to be railway worker and that would suck :feelspuke:
Well, no. National socialism wanted to preserve ethnic and racial differences and didn’t care for the rest of the world outside of Germany’s sphere of influence. Bolshevism, on the other hand, wanted to destroy these differences all together and unite humanity as one.
Didn’t Germany want to conquer the world though? Race mixxing wasn’t an issue that really existed in the past afaik.

nazbols wanted only chads. bolschewiks wanted everyone the same and have a good life. bolschewiks dont do chad worship on hardcore mode
Maybe not explicitly, but chad worship is implicitly present in all things.
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National Socialism is gigabased by combining far right social policy with moderate leftist economics. The current west is the complete opposite with all the social wokeshit while the cost of living continues to rise and the US doesn't even have public healthcare
Adolf Hitler’s regime brought unprecedented suffering and long-term detriment to Germany and its citizens. Hitler’s rule inflicted multi-layered consequences on the German people, making deep scars on the nation's soul.

First. The Holocaust is one of the darkest chapters in human history. Beyond the staggering loss of six million Jews, the systematic extermination orchestrated by the Nazi regime also targeted Roma, disabled individuals, and political dissidents. This genocide eradicated vast swathes of potential human contribution to Germany’s cultural, scientific, and economic landscape. The moral and psychological impact on the German populace was immense, as citizens grappled with collective guilt and trauma. The Holocaust left a permanent scar on Germany’s moral fabric, influencing generations with a pervasive sense of responsibility and a commitment to "never again."

Second. The loss of life extended beyond the Holocaust. Hitler’s aggressive military campaigns led to the deaths of millions of German soldiers and civilians, creating a demographic imbalance that rippled through society. Families mourned the loss of breadwinners, while the diminished workforce hampered post-war recovery. The widespread grief and economic strain on families delayed national reconstruction, leaving many in poverty and struggle.

Third. World War II left Germany in ruins. Cities like Berlin, Hamburg, and Dresden were reduced to rubble, and the destruction of homes and infrastructure created a severe housing crisis. Millions were left homeless, living in temporary shelters and facing dire conditions that affected their health and quality of life. The obliteration of cultural landmarks and historical sites severed connections to Germany’s rich heritage, causing a profound loss of national identity and pride.

Fourth. Economically, the war drained Germany’s resources, leading to unemployment and severe poverty. The scarcity of food and fuel caused malnutrition and widespread suffering, with long-lasting health impacts. Rebuilding industries and infrastructure required immense effort and investment, during which Germany lagged behind other nations in technological and industrial advancements, further complicating recovery efforts.

Fifth. The end of the war brought about the division of Germany into East and West, a split that created political, social, and economic rifts. This fragmentation led to disparate living standards and opportunities, fueling inequality and tension between the two regions. The psychological impact of this division was profound, with families separated and communities disrupted, exacerbating feelings of imprisonment and helplessness.

Allied occupation meant that Germans had limited control over their governance and future direction, fostering resentment and a sense of humiliation. However, the efforts of the Allies, particularly the Marshall Plan in the West, also laid the foundation for democratic institutions and economic recovery, contributing to long-term stability and growth.

Sixth. Germany's actions under the Nazi regime led to global condemnation and diplomatic isolation. This stigma severely hindered Germany’s ability to engage in international trade and diplomacy, limiting economic growth and opportunities for its citizens. The country’s tarnished reputation made it difficult for Germans to travel, study, or work abroad, while skilled individuals often emigrated, resulting in some loss of talent that impacted national progress.

Seventh. The war crimes trials, while necessary for justice, created a leadership vacuum as many Nazi leaders were prosecuted and imprisoned. This vacuum complicated the establishment of effective governance and delayed national stability, while the cultural trauma of these revelations deeply influenced the national consciousness and attitudes toward authority and justice.

Eighth. Under Hitler’s regime, freedoms were severely suppressed. Intellectuals and artists were persecuted, stifling innovation and cultural expression. This suppression led to intellectual stagnation, hindering progress in various fields and reducing Germany’s cultural and technological dynamism. The climate of fear and conformity discouraged dissent and critical thinking, resulting in a homogenized society that lacked vibrancy and growth.

Propaganda played a crucial role in manipulating public opinion, eroding trust in government and media. This manipulation fostered a legacy of skepticism and cynicism that complicated the establishment of transparent and accountable institutions. The distorted worldview propagated by Nazi propaganda created misconceptions and biases that took years to correct, impeding reconciliation and national dialogue.

Ninth. The extensive reconstruction efforts required after the war meant that modernization in technology, education, and healthcare was delayed. Resources were focused on rebuilding basic infrastructure, leaving less for social programs and scientific research. This allocation slowed overall societal progress, affecting quality of life and Germany’s competitive edge in the global arena.

The legacy of Nazi ideology continues to fuel far-right extremism, causing social divisions and conflicts. This extremism disrupts social harmony and undermines efforts to build an inclusive, democratic society. The presence of extremist groups poses a threat to political stability, making effective governance challenging and deterring investment and development.

Hitler's regime inflicted immense suffering on Germany and its people, causing long-term harm across multiple dimensions. From the moral and psychological impacts of the Holocaust to the economic and social devastation wrought by the war, the consequences of Hitler’s rule have left deep and lasting scars. Understanding these layers of suffering is crucial in recognizing the true cost of his legacy and ensuring that such a devastating chapter in history never repeats.

In conclusion, fuck off.
Kill yourself. You deserve to be banned. Your reply is basically a chat gpt reply.
Kill yourself. Your reply is basically a chat gpt reply.
If you feed your arguments, idea's and text in a spellingchecker or grammar checker, thats fine with me, stay alive. And if you find idea's interesting to present with your name attached to it, I wouldn't mind. I am still interested in what you show bro :feelsYall: cheers.

And fuck yourself.
or thaway.

whatever :feelshaha:

Nah, too weak. I win.
Yes, I agree. you won!


About classless societies or more equal societies, communism, north korea: I think that the concept of hypergamy, women selecting up in terms of social status, - when everyone has the same - it would make looks and personality more important, not less ?
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bols wanted only chads. bolschewiks wanted everyone the same and have a good life. bolschewiks dont do chad worship on hardcore mode
Bolsheviks literally were the earliest form of "you will own nothing & be happy" also, Soviet artwork had tons of Chad worship, it's literally present in everything:




Maybe not explicitly, but chad worship is implicitly present in all things.
It was somewhat explicit, as proven above & by tons of other Soviet art/propaganda.

It's been done throughout history, and it's used in a "literally me sense" like how some use Homelander or Ryan Gosling in Blade Runner as such.
No shit nazis wouldn't have lead to inceldom. They'd have culled us all jfl. It's cringe. I despise current society due to its attitudes and actions towards us. Current society wants to cull rejects and does so in the form of edging rejects towards suicide. The nazis would just straight up cull us. You're worshiping the same elements of ideology that hate us jfl.

The only merit that "supporting" nazi shit has, is that it pisses normies off to see it. And they can cope and seethe all fucking day for all I care. But genuinely supporting it? Jfl cringe
The only people who would have been killed off, were people so mentally disabled they wouldn't even be aware to know they are sub-5 in the sense we do.

And even then, at least they're honest about it & are directly addressing an issue, as opposed to the gaslighting we get from the mainstream society. National Socialism was actually quite meritocratic, just look at tons of Nazi higher-ups like Himmler, Goebbels, etc. they would 100% be posting here today despite "muh JBW" copers. It was quite pragmatic economically, since it acknowledge the need that certain individuals are fit for certain roles, whilst understanding how the working class needed help. They also supported eugenics, which is literally the opposite of what's occurring nowadays, and most couples from what I've seen were looks matched. I mean they literally gave loans to new couples who wanted to start families.

Regardless, I just think the "third-position" which Nazism falls under is the most pragmatic & thus, best for everyone.
Not really as the end goal of bolshevism is the establishment of a stateless communist society that is essentially a utopia. In their eyes, all notions of national identity would disappear and all humanity would be united in a single collective.

This is antithetical to national socialism which called for the struggle between nations and races.
Essentially, National Socialism is Communism but done right, since it acknowledged differences on the racial level & how they are fundamental to building a functioning nation-state.
Sorry to hear that. Maybe eat less tofu you faggot.
Idk why, but this cracked me up.

Will remember this line. :feelsokman:
National Socialism is gigabased by combining far right social policy with moderate leftist economics. The current west is the complete opposite with all the social wokeshit while the cost of living continues to rise and the US doesn't even have public healthcare
Exactly, it's the opposite of our current Corporatocracy, and also is against the degeneracy, diversity, etc plaguing our society.
....because the forums already in the fucking dumpster & on fire.
I have no idea what that means :feelskek: but i need what you are drinking

About classless societies or more equal societies, communism, north korea: I think that the concept of hypergamy, foids selecting up in terms of social status, - when everyone has the same wealth - then it would make looks and pERsonality more important, not less ?

What you think ?
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I have no idea what that means :feelskek: but i need what you are drinking
So you can’t understand basic metaphorical wording? Yup, 100% an underaged faggot or Redditor.
I’m a soy faggot nigger
I’m sorry to hear that, but you should fuck off from our forum & not pollute it with your 80IQ nigger logic.
Bolsheviks literally were the earliest form of "you will own nothing & be happy" also, Soviet artwork had tons of Chad worship, it's literally present in everything:




It was somewhat explicit, as proven above & by tons of other Soviet art/propaganda.

It's been done throughout history, and it's used in a "literally me sense" like how some use Homelander or Ryan Gosling in Blade Runner as such.
i often confuse bolshevist with nazi propaganda posters because they basically made all their ideal worker models looks germanic rather than how your average russian looked. atleast the natsocs were honest about their ideals.

In the end no matter the ideology it's all the same.
If they won a lot of people on here would be born into Aryan Chad prettyboys due to the Chad breeding programs. Instead of some random 5'9 mutt.
looks germanic rather than how your average russian looked
Plenty of Russians look "nordic" especially in the north western regions of the country.

Pure unmixed slavs tend to be moggers and similar to germans in my experience
i often confuse bolshevist with nazi propaganda posters because they basically made all their ideal worker models looks germanic rather than how your average russian looked. atleast the natsocs were honest about their ideals.

In the end no matter the ideology it's all the same.
Yup, it's just because as I said, it's all done in a sort of "that's literally me" sense.

And yeah, NatSocs at least were honest & acknowledged reality, the Bolsheviks just gaslighted everyone with the "muh we're all equal" nonsense.

National Socialism is just Communism but done right, since it respects the laws of nature & understands the importance of race: For example, it recognized my traditional Aryan values of Koryos or simply brotherhood. Which effectively translates to a form of socialism in a way, which seeks to build up strength within the youth & is purely meritocratic.
Plenty of Russians look "nordic" especially in the north western regions of the country.
This is true, though quite a few are East Baltic.
Pure unmixed slavs tend to be moggers and similar to germans in my experience
Most Slavs are unmixed, the Asiatic in them is quite low & the mongols had a negligible impact.

According to this, most Finns are more Asiatic than most Slavs except Russians.
East Asian admixture
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Bolshevism is fundamentally jewish and international and Hitler understood this - hence why he purged all the stasserites and beefsteak nazis in his party (many of whom also happen to be homosexuals)
he killed the stasserites because they were talking about a second revolution that would overthrown hitler no because they were bolchevist plus the black front was based
he killed the stasserites because they were talking about a second revolution that would overthrown hitler no because they were bolchevist plus the black front was based
Strasserism was based also-both are preferable alternatives to Democracy.
I don't understand how anyone can say the National Socialism was bad without being propagandise by Jewish propaganda. They improved Germany to a powerhouse that managed a war against 3 major powers and lasted 5 years against them. They also improved the German people and made the rebuilding of germany go much faster than planned after they unfortunately lost WW2
Plenty of Russians look "nordic" especially in the north western regions of the country.

Pure unmixed slavs tend to be moggers and similar to germans in my experience

I am a slav and have seen hundreds of thousands (probably millions idk) of so called unmixed slavs and they look like neotenous gremlins. round faces, very thin straight usually darkish hair, balding early, weird pale grey skin tones ect ect

Anything else is just mixed in with germanic/finnic/nordic populations and not slavic in origin.

Some russians definitely do (the slavicized finnic groups in the northwest), but looking at the whole that type of propaganda posters coming from a the soviets were just silly. But my point was rather that despite the majority of the soviet army and the vast majority of slavs in general does not look at all like the blond aryan chads they depicted on their propaganda posters, they still felt the need to chad worship, just like the germans did.

A round faced mongrel looking guy just wasn't cutting it, it had to be a chad fantasy.
I don't understand how anyone can say the National Socialism was bad without being propagandise by Jewish propaganda. They improved Germany to a powerhouse that managed a war against 3 major powers and lasted 5 years against them. They also improved the German people and made the rebuilding of germany go much faster than planned after they unfortunately lost WW2
I think the essential thing to remember is Germany had a foreign exchange crisis in 1936, which unraveled the economic policy which had underpinned the growth under Hitler. It had been set in motion by the previous right-wing government, but accelerated under Hitler. This posed a problem: Germany could either seize finances through peaceful annexation, or hunker down and accept becoming poorer relative to the other European powers. The response to this divided the German finance ministry, between those who wanted more state control (Herman Goering) and the free market elements (Hjalmar Schacht and Carl Friedrich-Goedeler). Hitler eventually opted that self-sufficiency, even when the national resources did not exist, was the right course. This caused a revision to their foreign policy in 1937, which became the blueprint for all the events leading to 1939. Hitler brought forward the timetable for a confrontation with the two "hate-filled antagonists" (France and Britain). He had expected a war over Czechoslovakia, but did not get one. He moved into Prague in a brazen violation of the Munich Agreement, they, again, did nothing. He then abrogated the Anglo-German Naval Agreement, the British did nothing.

The economy which had developed under Hitler could not continue to function without territorial conquest, war had become synonymous with economic policy itself. By June 1939, every European power was bankrupting themselves supporting rearmament, Hitler decided to pull the trigger first. The German economy was in a deep foreign exchange crisis in 1939, which had been kicked down the road from 1936 with the Four-Year Plan.

Without war, Germany could not have continued to service the enormous debts that had accumulated under Hitler.

Essentially, Germany was always going to lose - no matter what Hitler did. He had pushed the German economy into a corner where it was impossible to sustain unsustainable living standards without provoking a global war.
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Bolsheviks literally were the earliest form of "you will own nothing & be happy" also, Soviet artwork had tons of Chad worship, it's literally present in everything:




It was somewhat explicit, as proven above & by tons of other Soviet art/propaganda.

It's been done throughout history, and it's used in a "literally me sense" like how some use Homelander or Ryan Gosling in Blade Runner as such.
soviets chads: they hated chads
Yup, it's just because as I said, it's all done in a sort of "that's literally me" sense.

And yeah, NatSocs at least were honest & acknowledged reality, the Bolsheviks just gaslighted everyone with the "muh we're all equal" nonsense.

National Socialism is just Communism but done right, since it respects the laws of nature & understands the importance of race: For example, it recognized my traditional Aryan values of Koryos or simply brotherhood. Which effectively translates to a form of socialism in a way, which seeks to build up strength within the youth & is purely meritocratic.

This is true, though quite a few are East Baltic.

Most Slavs are unmixed, the Asiatic in them is quite low & the mongols had a negligible impact.

According to this, most Finns are more Asiatic than most Slavs except Russians.
View attachment 1188960
most poles look more german than the german himself. norway is more viking like
Pure unmixed slavs tend to be moggers and similar to germans in my experience
nazis even steel children from the poles because they look too "aryan":feelsthink:
No, they didn’t want to conquer the world contrary to war and post war propaganda. Hitler’s end goal was to unite all ethnic germans and colonize eastern europe.
he had strong psychoses. he could not accept that aryan people can speak polish and have a a little bit of a other culture
We should not forget that soviets made money anti-war movies that what hitler never would do. soviets wanted peace between all nations
No shit nazis wouldn't have lead to inceldom. They'd have culled us all jfl. It's cringe. I despise current society due to its attitudes and actions towards us. Current society wants to cull rejects and does so in the form of edging rejects towards suicide. The nazis would just straight up cull us. You're worshiping the same elements of ideology that hate us jfl.

The only merit that "supporting" nazi shit has, is that it pisses normies off to see it. And they can cope and seethe all fucking day for all I care. But genuinely supporting it? Jfl cringe
To be honest, being edgy or supporting Hitler is not some fringe position at this point if you look at Twitter. It's lame and passe.

It's even more lame that people here vocally support an ideology that hates them.

It would be like a White dude trying to join the Black Panthers, they are two diametrically opposing positions.
To be honest, being edgy or supporting Hitler is not some fringe position at this point if you look at Twitter. It's lame and passe.

It's even more lame that people here vocally support an ideology that hates them.

It would be like a White dude trying to join the Black Panthers, they are two diametrically opposing positions.
Tbh. Nazis wouldn't give a shit about incels.

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