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Why libertarians tend to be young, ugly men



Nov 15, 2017
My basic premise is that pure idealism does not exist, anywhere. A renowned French historian, Jacques Bainville, despite being a faithful Catholic, admitted as much when he wrote in every civil war there is ulterior motive.

For instance, you rarely see rich people embracing the cause of marxism, and when they do, they do so in ways by which they wouldn't suffer a very strong loss of status if the regime changes. This either implies advocating for milder forms of wealth redistribution (social democracy, liberal democracy), where they get to keep accumulating capital in exchange for greater, but ultimately insignificant taxes, or ensuring through political cunning and connections that their wealthy-man status becomes nomenklatura-status.

In the same way, but reversed, you rarely see poor people embracing ideologies that go against their direct interests. Even the hillbilly who votes Trump believes in his heart that lesser taxes and greater freedom will allow him better chances to thrive.

This brings me to my point: why is the libertarian community overwhelmingly male and bottom-tier in sexual attractiveness?

This comes down to sexuality. Libertarian men (95% of libertarians in the States are men) have come to view wealth as their only chance to have sex. Because they are ugly and untalented, making money is the only thing they can do to statusmaxx and worm their way into a woman's bed. When they see that the State wants to take half of what they earn to give it to women and poor men (many of whom are more physically attractive than them), this results in nerdrage and sperging out in the form of vocal libertarianism.
Is there anything wrong about advocating for one's best benefit?
Is there anything wrong about advocating for one's best benefit?
Nope, but I feel it's important to be aware of your own biases.
For instance, you rarely see rich people embracing the cause of marxism



This comes down to sexuality. Libertarian men (95% of libertarians in the States are men) have come to view wealth as their only chance to have sex. Because they are ugly and untalented, making money is the only thing they can do to statusmaxx and worm their way into a woman's bed. When they see that the State wants to take half of what they earn to give it to women and poor men (many of whom are more physically attractive than them), this results in nerdrage and sperging out in the form of vocal libertarianism.

But to seriously address the point of the thread, you're right. At least, this was a large contingent of people in the 00s. Interestingly, some of them have moved onto to ethnonationalism post-Ron Paul, others to the essentially socially libertarian celebration of hypergamy and gynocracy. A lot of Reddit cucks are pretty obviously reformed libertarians that have assumed the mantle of sex defender identity politics. It makes sense as a natural continuum, in a way; their arguments and mannerisms have an similarly atheistic and psedo-rational bent that betrays the authorship of a self-satisfied fedoralord. The earlier money-obsessed, winking misanthropy has found rebirth as feigned philanthropy, now able to mask its resentment as convoluted permissiveness that holds up abstract standards of holy victimhood.

Might not have gotten my point across too clearly. This guy, however, also has some good insights about libertarianism as it relates to one's formative political development, particularly regarding the path rightward.

I wonder how many dudes here were into Ron Paul back when he was popular.

I know I was.

This comes down to sexuality. Libertarian men (95% of libertarians in the States are men) have come to view wealth as their only chance to have sex. Because they are ugly and untalented, making money is the only thing they can do to statusmaxx and worm their way into a woman's bed. When they see that the State wants to take half of what they earn to give it to women and poor men (many of whom are more physically attractive than them), this results in nerdrage and sperging out in the form of vocal libertarianism.
I agree, but that is completely justified. A chad can't lend you his strength and looks, so why should you lend him and rosties your hard earned money? Socialist trash are the ones who try to cuck ugly men. We need to get rid of socialism and feminism. Femoids need to start depending on unattractive men again for safety and stability.
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Yeah, there are a few exceptions that I am aware of. But I am pretty sure Marx and Engels did not betray their own class out of pure altruism; they probably also had some compensation in mind, such as glory. What better way to leave your trace in history than as a revolutionary who fought for the little folk.

But to seriously address the point of the thread, you're right. At least, this was a large contingent of people in the 00s. Interestingly, some of them have moved onto to ethnonationalism post-Ron Paul, others to the essentially socially libertarian celebration of hypergamy and gynocracy.

From what I've observed, the ugliest libertarians have indeed moved towards Hans-Hermann-Hoppe-style radicalized nerdrage (strong collusions with racist currents, misogynistic currents) while the least ugly became SJWs or potheads advocating for drug legalization.
Yeah, there are a few exceptions that I am aware of. But I am pretty sure Marx and Engels did not betray their own class out of pure altruism; they probably also had some compensation in mind, such as glory. What better way to leave your trace in history than as a revolutionary who fought for the little folk.

Sure, but as you note, no one's motives are purely ideal. Marxism and what would generally be called radical leftism as a whole has incredible cachet among rich kid industrial scions and career academics, largely due to conceit and apparent hierarchy being poison for an aspiring public figure.

From what I've observed, the ugliest libertarians have indeed moved towards Hans-Hermann-Hoppe-style radicalized nerdrage (strong collusions with racist currents, misogynistic currents) while the least ugly became SJWs or potheads advocating for drug legalization.

Spot on here. Maybe it's just that I'm geographically isolated from it, but purely economic libertarianism without identitarian baggage doesn't seem to be too common anymore.
I wonder how many dudes here were into Ron Paul back when he was popular.

I know I was.


Ron Paul struck me as a crackpot with his obsession about auditing the Federal Reserve. The Fed is already regularly audited, and the audits are public records. What if Paul got another audit which just showed what we already know: That the Fed is compliant with the law?
Ron Paul struck me as a crackpot with his obsession about auditing the Federal Reserve. The Fed is already regularly audited, and the audits are public records. What if Paul got another audit which just showed what we already know: That the Fed is compliant with the law?

His general obsession with hidden inflation is aspie as fuck. Most people don't care about their savings being devalued by a few % every year to fund the government. Only misers do.
Ron Paul struck me as a crackpot with his obsession about auditing the Federal Reserve. The Fed is already regularly audited, and the audits are public records. What if Paul got another audit which just showed what we already know: That the Fed is compliant with the law?

I think what he really wanted to do was to abolish the Fed, wasn't it? It gives too much power to a central authority, which is the antihesis of his philosophy if I understand.

But I really just liked him because he was a charismatic guy with non-mainstream ideas.


Only misers do.
Can confirm, am one.
Most people don't care about their savings being devalued by a few % every year to fund the government
The value of the dollar decrease by 90% in the past 80 years. That's why crypto currency will take over, because it is inflation proof and anonymous.
Because libertarianism is a non-NT position.
My basic premise is that pure idealism does not exist, anywhere. A renowned French historian, Jacques Bainville, despite being a faithful Catholic, admitted as much when he wrote in every civil war there is ulterior motive.

For instance, you rarely see rich people embracing the cause of marxism, and when they do, they do so in ways by which they wouldn't suffer a very strong loss of status if the regime changes. This either implies advocating for milder forms of wealth redistribution (social democracy, liberal democracy), where they get to keep accumulating capital in exchange for greater, but ultimately insignificant taxes, or ensuring through political cunning and connections that their wealthy-man status becomes nomenklatura-status.

In the same way, but reversed, you rarely see poor people embracing ideologies that go against their direct interests. Even the hillbilly who votes Trump believes in his heart that lesser taxes and greater freedom will allow him better chances to thrive.

This brings me to my point: why is the libertarian community overwhelmingly male and bottom-tier in sexual attractiveness?

This comes down to sexuality. Libertarian men (95% of libertarians in the States are men) have come to view wealth as their only chance to have sex. Because they are ugly and untalented, making money is the only thing they can do to statusmaxx and worm their way into a woman's bed. When they see that the State wants to take half of what they earn to give it to women and poor men (many of whom are more physically attractive than them), this results in nerdrage and sperging out in the form of vocal libertarianism.
aren't libertarians the same as communists
Because libertarianism is a non-NT position.
Because libertarianism is a non-NT position.
What's with all the politics crap all of a sudden. Don't let media propaganda warp this sub. We don't care about politics.

But anyway,
Because libertarianism is a non-NT position.

That doesn't explain why this particular non-NT position was chosen.

They could have chosen left-wing anarchy, Leninist communism, radical ecology, or fascism.

My theory (and I think it beats every other approach, because it takes base drives and emotions into account) is that libertarianism is, for them, an evolutionary tactic to weasel their way into women.

Left-wing anarchy: basically the rule of Chad. If we abolish all artificial hierarchies, then the natural hierarchies get to rule.

Leninist communism: basically the rule of Chad with a small possibility of ascension through university degrees.

Radical ecology: caring about wildlife is for happy people

Fascism: basically the rule of force and beauty, so Chad.

Libertarianism: the "merchant philosophy", the "rogue philosophy". If you're sufficiently sly and cunning, you can amass gold coins and hopefully use them one day to buy the pussy you can't get with your repulsive face. Those who try to steal these gold coins from you are literally trying to steal your manhood and your self-esteem, hence the immense hatred for them (Hans Hermann Cope calling for the "physical removal" of leftists, etc).
That doesn't explain why this particular non-NT position was chosen.

They could have chosen left-wing anarchy, Leninist communism, radical ecology, or fascism.

My theory (and I think it beats every other approach, because it takes base drives and emotions into account) is that libertarianism is, for them, an evolutionary tactic to weasel their way into women.

Left-wing anarchy: basically the rule of Chad. If we abolish all artificial hierarchies, then the natural hierarchies get to rule.

Leninist communism: basically the rule of Chad with a small possibility of ascension through university degrees.

Radical ecology: caring about wildlife is for happy people

Fascism: basically the rule of force and beauty, so Chad.

Libertarianism: the "merchant" philosophy, the "rogue philosophy". If you're sufficiently sly and cunning, you can amass gold coins and hopefully use them one day to buy the pussy you can't get with your repulsive face. Those who try to steal these gold coins from you are literally trying to steal your manhood and your self-esteem, hence the immense hatred for them (Hans Hermann Cope calling for the "physical removal" of leftists, etc).
What about post left anarchy
That's why crypto currency will take over, because it is inflation proof and anonymous.
We should start a crypto for ugly men. It will be the official coin of our future ugly empire.
Can confirm, am one.
What's with all the politics crap all of a sudden. Don't let media propaganda warp this sub.

Maybe you're right. Only a day of trying to contextualize the blackpill in the political arena and we've already turned into Reddit.

EDIT: wow, this blew up
EDIT: ohmygod everybody, my top-rated comment is now about sociosexual selection as it relates to libertarianism :forcedsmile:
EDIT: thanks for the strange, kind golder! :D

EDIT: wow, this blew up
EDIT: ohmygod everybody, my top-rated comment is now about sociosexual selection as it relates to libertarianism
EDIT: thanks for the strange, kind golder!

These always made me want to physically hurt the authors. Quitting cuckit has been the best decision I ever made for my mental and physical health.
The modern libertarian wing is just a leftist one that promotes female sexual freedom and fag rights.
The value of the dollar decrease by 90% in the past 80 years. That's why crypto currency will take over, because it is inflation proof and anonymous.

Everything we've been told about cryptocurrencies is pretty much bullshit.
Kind of seems like a Chicken or the Egg type question to me.

What you say doesn't explain the dirt poor libertarians that aren't rich and have no hope of being rich however.
What you say doesn't explain the dirt poor libertarians that aren't rich and have no hope of being rich however.
These types are usually normal-tier potheads.

All the uggos are trying desperately to ascend thru glorified betabuxxing.
These types are usually normal-tier potheads.

All the uggos are trying desperately to ascend thru glorified betabuxxing.
Rosties inflate their value with tight clothes and makeup and orbiters, so ugly men should also have an advantage some way by using their resources.
These types are usually normal-tier potheads.

All the uggos are trying desperately to ascend thru glorified betabuxxing.

That or they're meth-head rednecks that are just stupid. Most of them are Trump voters, but a sizable percentage -- the ones that are at least honest that they're meth-head degenerates anyways -- are libertarians.

But yeah, there's this one libertarian neckbeard that lives around here that literally wears a fedora and has Ron Paul and Libertarian Party stickers all over his decade old Hyundai. The worst part? Lives in a trailer. Yes, this person of all people is concerned about tax cuts for billionaires.

He's at least technically not incel, but his gf/wife is literally some nasty 600 pound white trash uggo.
Rosties inflate their value with tight clothes and makeup and orbiters, so ugly men should also have an advantage some way by using their resources.
I'm not against the notion of using money as a tool to increase SMV. [Though in most cases this SMV increase will be very low and will mostly apply to international dating.]

I'm simply pointing out the delusion of believing that everybody can share your personal goals.

Libertarianism never got anywhere politically. 20% of potential voters, a stable level for many years, indicating a possible limit; amusingly, this coincides with the percentage of ugly people in a random population sample.

This isn't because of a Jewish plot to thwart an audit of the FED. This is because libertarianism is too transparent. It is an ideology based on selfishness and money, using "liberty" as an abstract copout that everybody can see right through. Most people will never be interested in something like this; because most people care more about their family, friends and romantic partners than about their bank account.
I'm not against the notion of using money as a tool to increase SMV. [Though in most cases this SMV increase will be very low and will mostly apply to international dating.]

I'm simply pointing out the delusion of believing that everybody can share your personal goals.

Libertarianism never got anywhere politically. 20% of potential voters, a stable level for many years, indicating a possible limit; amusingly, this coincides with the percentage of ugly people in a random population sample.

This isn't because of a Jewish plot to thwart an audit of the FED. This is because libertarianism is too transparent. It is an ideology based on selfishness and money, using "liberty" as an abstract copout that everybody can see right through. Most people will never be interested in something like this; because most people care more about their family, friends and romantic partners than about their bank account.
That's why men need to be blackpilled. Now men are in a fairytail bluepill land where they haven't discovered their balls. They will end up being more selfish and making sure they can get easy pussy again. Only cucks settle for getting cucked.

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