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LifeFuel Why Islam?

I notice a lot of western people have a negative image of Islam. Allow me to demonstrate how Islam is actually the only hope of the West with some simple, quick (I'll try to be succint) points:

Fact 1: As I explained here, completely removing women's rights and freedoms is the only way to satisfactorily solve inceldom.

Fact 2: The only viable way to do it within a reasonably fast time frame is Islam reaching majority and imposing Sharia Law in western countries.

Let's be realistic: white nationalism taking over all Europe and North America (possibly southern South America and South Africa as well) has 0 chances of happening anytime soon in 2018. A fourth Reich has 0 chances of happening after Germany's loss in WWII. A rollback to XIX century West has 0 chances of happening as well.

Meanwhile, Islam is spreading rapidly throughout various western countries, especially in Europe, and would spread even faster if white natives started to convert en masse. Islam has the blessing of the status quo and even from liberals/cucks while anything right wing or traditionalist in a western manner is vehemently opposed by it, including by the elites of the world (banksters, etc).

Fact 3: To nationalists who may associate Islam with "sandniggers": Islam has no race. Many people immediately associate Islam to Arabs, but the fact is, even though Islam originated in nowadays Arabia, only a minority of Muslims are Arabs nowadays. The biggest Islamic country in the world is Asian, we have plenty of Islamic blacks, we even already have Islamic whites. People of any race can convert.

Fact 4: Contrary to ignorant @justincelthings claims, Islam does enforce women's submission to men, marriage at young age, fidelity to one man, maternal duties, etc. He linked this, furthering the idea that "The Quran does not specify specific gender roles for women".

Little does he known that Muslims are not only supposed to follow Quran text, but also the Sunnahs, which are (from Wikipedia):

"...the body of traditional social and legal custom and practice of the Islamic community, based on the verbally transmitted record of the teachings, deeds and sayings, silent permissions (or disapprovals) of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, as well as various reports about Muhammad's companions."

Muhammad (may the peace be with him) married a girl who was between the ages of 6 and 13, and all Muslims are, through the aforementioned Sunnahs, encourage to follow his every step. How do IT and @justincelthings cucks respond to it?

An analogy to conclude: in a fight, it's very often better to go along with your opponent's attack and use his own momentum against him than to try to defend/resist the attack. This is the principle of Judo for example.

The elites want to use Islam to destabilize Western countries and increase their power, and they expect us (western men with healthy doses of testosterone who don't want to accept having their people wiped out) to act like "dumb racists", trying to protest it, become radicalized towards alt right or even national socialist views, etc. It pains me to say so but we are playing in their hands by doing so.

We must turn the tables on them by embracing Islam and purging degeneracy, feminism, LGBT shit, AoC cuckoldry (women are supposed to marry young and reproduce as soon as they're bodily matured for it, not "go study and have a career" while fucking tons of Chads and just then settling with a betabuxx to have low-quality children genetically), banksters (Islam is against Jewish supremacy and usury abuse), etc.

And especially purging the plight that is women having freedoms, authority, sexual emancipation and a say on who they marry with. THIS IDIOCY is the main reason of our inceldom and of our societies' downfall.

Thank you very much for your attention, Salaam Aleikum!
most arab islamic countries allow male poligamy so rich men can afford multiple wifes while men from lower social classes can't even get married (and consequently have sex)
light theme :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

JFL its easier to see
I mentioned being muslim and even about "tribe" I don't think tribe thing does exist anywhere in white world anymore,but whatever. next time dont say nonsense without knowing me

Sorry I misread

Wait if you are muslim what are you even doing on this site, shouldn't you have ascended by now?, are you poor?
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I like to listen to music and have a foreskin. No thanks.
But how do you justify that based on Islamic teachings? The quran states that all Muslims are equal so aren't you then breaking that rule through this practice?
That's one thing that annoys me about Muslims, they all LARP as "muh true believers unlike those other fake Muslims" but they all have their own pre-Islamic customs that go against the Islamic teachings. Either follow the religion or don't, there's no middle ground.

You never heard about Urf? The Islamic Fiqh has something called al-urf which gives room for social customs of different cultural groups to be practiced, that gives room for tribal customs and only marry and breed with people from your own tribe (which isn't Haram). Pre-Islamic customs which don't go against the fundamentals of Islam are allowed, pre-Islamic customs which goes against the fundamentals of Islam are Haram. Per example, an Arabic pre-Islamic custom was that if your father died the son would marry his mother and fuck his mother <- this custom is clearly against the fundamentals of Islam and therefore Haram.... Another example: Pre-Islamic Berber custom: When the female has intercourse for the first time and she bleeds, the husband would show this blood to his family members and the whole tribe would make a big party because it would proof the virginity of the female, this custom is still practiced within berber communities and it does not goes against the fundamentals of Islam, which means it's a pre-Islamic custom but at the same time there are no real sources who could call this Haram.
keep your foreskin
You should be allowed to keep your foreskin regardless of what sect you join since the quran doesn't state that Muslims have to be circumcised, I made a thread about that subject on Off-Topic.
You never heard about Urf?
No, I hadn't heard about that.
Pre-Islamic Berber custom: When the female has intercourse for the first time and she bleeds, the husband would show this blood to his family members and the whole tribe would make a big party because it would proof the virginity of the female
Yeah, I had read about this custom in a book about tradional customs in Morocco, another one was that they would knock on the doors of the bedroom of newlyweds and shout sexually suggestive phrases before they would have intercourse for the first time. I thought it was no longer practiced though because I never heard anything about that from my family.
Anyway, I always thought that Islamic law made it that you had to keep details of your sex life private and not talk about them in public so it does seem a bit off to me. I wouldn't engage in these sort of practices regardless of my faith purely out of personal principles regarding these sort of things.
You should be allowed to keep your foreskin regardless of what sect you join since the quran doesn't state that Muslims have to be circumcised, I made a thread about that subject on Off-Topic.

No, I hadn't heard about that.

Yeah, I had read about this custom in a book about tradional customs in Morocco, another one was that they would knock on the doors of the bedroom of newlyweds and shout sexually suggestive phrases before they would have intercourse for the first time. I thought it was no longer practiced though because I never heard anything about that from my family.
Anyway, I always thought that Islamic law made it that you had to keep details of your sex life private and not talk about them in public so it does seem a bit off to me. I wouldn't engage in these sort of practices regardless of my faith purely out of personal principles regarding these sort of things.

It's still practiced in my family, however without the shouting of sexually suggestive phrases. It mostly goes like this:

Woman and husband have been officially married > Marriage party is starting > At the first day the woman and husband have intercourse for the first time > Woman bleeds because she is a virgin > The mother of the girl will go in the room after they're done with the intercourse session > The mother of girl will use a tissue paper to get that fresh blood on it > Mother of the girl will go to the woman section of the marriage party > The mother of the girl will show the tissue with pride and all females will dance and have a good time because here they celebrate the virginity of the girl.
Become a Dhahiri, you can listen to music and keep your foreskin.

Dhahiris have their origin in Spain and are literalists.

Well I know which route I'm going, because I'm not cutting any pieces of my dick off

Don't become a muslim if you don't believe in God.

I'd say don't become a muslim if you aren't willing to pretend you believe in God, having to pretend to pray 5 times a day is no big deal if the tradeoff is I have access to chaste virginal women
Well I know which route I'm going, because I'm not cutting any pieces of my dick off

I'd say don't become a muslim if you aren't willing to pretend you believe in God, having to pretend to pray 5 times a day is no big deal if the tradeoff is I have access to chaste virginal women

Yes I agree, if you can pretend to be muslim it will be sufficient enough to be part of the Islamic community because believe in God is an inner practice which cannot be observed with the eye. You can marry a muslim girl and have kids with her, however it will be most likely that your offspring will adopt Islam and will be open and inner muslims, because Islam has a strong social control mechanism. Which means on the long term that Islam will only gets stronger even if people pretend to be muslim at first. So it's a win-win situation for Islam as an organism.
It's still practiced in my family, however without the shouting of sexually suggestive phrases. It mostly goes like this:

Woman and husband have been officially married > Marriage party is starting > At the first day the woman and husband have intercourse for the first time > Woman bleeds because she is a virgin > The mother of the girl will go in the room after they're done with the intercourse session > The mother of girl will use a tissue paper to get that fresh blood on it > Mother of the girl will go to the woman section of the marriage party > The mother of the girl will show the tissue with pride and all females will dance and have a good time because here they celebrate the virginity of the girl.
Interesting. Well, I think that in most Islamic communities, it is assumed by the family that the woman who marries is still a virgin (because no father would assume that his daughter had been whoring around). And if she isn't, then the husband will most likely call the marriage off. So, I don't see the point in celebrating something that the wife would know would be a huge dealbreaker.
I'm not shitting on the tradition btw, it's just not something that I'd like to participate in if I got married because I'd like to keep those things private.

The book I mentioned is titled "Mythen" and was written by a guy named Hassan Bel Ghazi in case you're interested (though it's probably no longer in print by now). It was written in the 80s to educate the Dutch on Moroccan culture. It seems like some of the traditions mentioned in the book are no longer being practiced by modern-day Berbers either due to westernization or Islamization (the tradition of knocking on the door of newlyweds was most likely a Pagan practice that had something to do with fertility that somehow survived up until the 20th century).
It's always somehow the case in this universe that the most effective solution to problems is the most immoral. Here, it is indeed true that embracing a foreign religion out of pure self-interest and Machiavellianism would be far more effective than trying to restore a former political and religious order in the West.

WNcels are always extremely triggered by the suggestion to embrace Islam because they know it would achieve most of their actual goals in a realistic fashion, and they can't accept that their choice for this century is either "betraying your ancestors" for immediate objective results, or remaining true to your civilization and sense of honesty, but accepting that everything will continue to crumble around you.

Wrong. White Sharia sounds good.
Curently reading Quaran btw. Very deep book. Beautifuly written text of poetic cast.
Soon I will go to live to sweden, how popular is islam there?
Soon I will go to live to sweden, how popular is islam there?

Sweden is the perfect place for islam to take root tbh, the age of consent is 15 so if islam become normalized there, you could very likely get a young jail bait virgin wife
Sweden is the perfect place for islam to take root tbh, the age of consent is 15 so if islam become normalized there, you could very likely get a young jail bait virgin wife
:feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh: blonde blue eyed loli :feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh:
Nice preaching, but religion isn't something one converts to because some of its teachings coincide with one's own views. To actually become a Muslim, you need to genuinely believe that Allah exists and Muhammad is his prophet. You'll have to pray 5 times a day, fast in Ramadan, pay zakah, etc. Otherwise, you're just larping, like a tranny deluding herself that she's a woman.
Nice preaching, but religion isn't something one converts to because some of its teachings coincide with one's own views. To actually become a Muslim, you need to genuinely believe that Allah exists and Muhammad is his prophet.

No you don't, you can just pretend you do and read the teachings so you know what to say and how to act

You'll have to pray 5 times a day, fast in Ramadan, pay zakah, etc.

Worthwhile sacrifices, minor annoyances to put up with relative to the tradeoff of having access to chaste virginal women that you can control

:feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh: blonde blue eyed loli :feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh:

I want a red head freckled green eyed loli, I think its the rarest most "divine" looking combination

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No you don't, you can just pretend you do and read the teachings so you know what to say and how to act

Worthwhile sacrifices, minor annoyances to put up with relative to the tradeoff of having access to chaste virginal women that you can control

I want a red head freckled green eyed loli, I think its the rarest most "divine" looking combination


Not everyone can Muslimmaxx, you think those of us who are blackpilled Muslims are about to just let anyone in? Ha. Don't underestimate the amount of walls and hoops that have been built to keep outsiders out in Muslim communities. It's not that easy to become a Muslim, even if you are faithful you still have to prove it to other people. This alone is one of the reason most people will fail to convert, the cultural shock is very real.
Sweden is the perfect place for islam to take root tbh, the age of consent is 15 so if islam become normalized there, you could very likely get a young jail bait virgin wife

Wow that sounds perfect, is learning arabic something I should do?
Not everyone can Muslimmaxx, you think those of us who are blackpilled Muslims are about to just let anyone in? Ha

I don't think you or anyone who considers themselves black pilled, is even in any position of power to create or enforce any loop holes to root anyone out as fake, at that point it would no longer be functioning as a religion, it would be like a membership club, the religion would be blaspheming against itself if entry requires anything more than showing at face value you believe in the faiths teachings

Also you are being very vague, saying there are "walls and hoops" doesn't mean anything, just seems like you are making stuff up
Wow that sounds perfect, is learning arabic something I should do?

Its something I plan on doing, I'm going to start after I finish wealthmaxxing, will change my name at some point too
No you don't, you can just pretend you do and read the teachings so you know what to say and how to act
So, larping. A Muslim, by definition, is one who believes in the shahada.

A better idea is to get the teachings of Islam you find convenient and establish a cult, like the Nation of Islam or some shit. More flexible this way.
So, larping.

Yes, being religious is for idiots, religionmaxxing is for intelligent men, a religion is just a tool to create order in your life, I would never become a part of religion, I would simply use it

These are the 4 lowest IQ traits I've observed on this site, and ironically its typical of normies, which is why it stands out so much when expressed by an incel (#1 being the strongest indicator of low IQ thinking)
  1. Incels who think morality is objective
  2. Incels who are religious (follower) rather than "religionmaxxing" (tactician)
  3. Incels who value female validation more than sex (basically female worship)
  4. Incels who have racial allegiance
Islam is an aesthetic experience in a way mainstream Christianity hasn't been in a long time. In America I think it's devout Baptists who are most near to the aesthetic aspect of Islam. Likewise Jews (then again it has been said that Islam is Judaism for the masses.)
Islam is the most based religion ever.
Although I have my doubts about God, Islam isn't a bad choice ngl
Please search
God’s Miracle of 19 in Quran

My think all hadiths lie but Quran it maybe right but I'm not sure.
Please search
God’s Miracle of 19 in Quran

My think all hadiths lie but Quran it maybe right but I'm not sure.

This isnt true. The compilation of the hadiths are very good science. Plus there are many predictions about the future in the hadiths (like women will whore around, therell be tunnels in the mountains of mecca, etc) that turned out to be true. Just google the minor signs of day of judgement
This isnt true. The compilation of the hadiths are very good science. Plus there are many predictions about the future in the hadiths (like women will whore around, therell be tunnels in the mountains of mecca, etc) that turned out to be true. Just google the minor signs of day of judgement
Hadits and science??? Really???

Some hadits pedophilia
Some hadits barbarism

Edip Yüksel (Mesaj: Kuran Çevirisi)
77:50 Artık bundan sonra hangi hadisi (sözü) onaylıyorlar?


Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
77:50 So in what hadith after it will they acknowledge?
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
77:50 Which Hadith, other than this, do they uphold?,

Quran hate hadits.

Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
54:17 We made the Quran easy to learn. Do any of you wish to learn?
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
54:17 We made the Quran easy to learn. Does any of you wish to learn?

Lol @
Hadits and science??? Really???

Some hadits pedophilia
Some hadits barbarism

Edip Yüksel (Mesaj: Kuran Çevirisi)
77:50 Artık bundan sonra hangi hadisi (sözü) onaylıyorlar?


Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
77:50 So in what hadith after it will they acknowledge?
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
77:50 Which Hadith, other than this, do they uphold?,

Quran hate hadits.

Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
54:17 We made the Quran easy to learn. Do any of you wish to learn?
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
54:17 We made the Quran easy to learn. Does any of you wish to learn?


Lol @ calling hadith trash, only heretics would say something like that. Are you a quranist perhaps?
Lol @

Lol @ calling hadith trash, only heretics would say something like that. Are you a quranist perhaps?
Quranism is only legit way to interpret islam other than believing quran is SHIRK Quran is enough
Been so long since I read The Quran, Hadiths, and Sunnah, ngl. There was a lot of weird fucking shit in Hadiths tho if I remember correctly. Fever dream tier stuff, The Talmud at least was pretty coherent, albeit full of satanic rules and lies, very hard to find an actual translation of the Talmud that hasn't been made Goyim friendly. The Bible had neither tho. I wish I had more time to read, i'd probably want to read into non Abrahamic religions a bit.
Quranism is only legit way to interpret islam other than believing quran is SHIRK Quran is enough

Quranism is for retards who never studied ilm al hadith, al-mustalahat, at-tashih and at-tad3if, ar-rijaal, al-asanid and as last: aqidah

When you dont understand arabic and try to create your 'own' islam following your wordly desires and because you feel bad about the sunnah you start to become a retard heretic Quranist. Quranism is bullshit because the Quran itself says to follow the sunnah and the creed of the sahabah.
Why do you think Islam has spread so fast as of late? It's the Jewish plan, this is the one world religion they have chosen. It'll keep all the negative shit & get watered down to accomodate negative western trash.

If it kept its roots the world would be in perpetual war as Muslims cannot stand other Muslims of a different sect or whatever.

You all have to be on the same branch or there can be no peace, if they can't get along worshipping the same deity but believing subtle differences then what chance is there of getting along with anyone? An angry violent intolerant group that force their will upon you under the threat of repercussions is not an enlightened positive group I want to be around honestly.

Islam is an offshoot of Judaism anyway, a religion that has not changed since 600AD. Mohammed or Allah or whatever cucked for some Jewish princess.

When you get Buddhists mad at you to the point they want you gone then you must be a pretty big fucking asshole if even they've had enough of your shit.
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Quranism is for retards who never studied ilm al hadith, al-mustalahat, at-tashih and at-tad3if, ar-rijaal, al-asanid and as last: aqidah

When you dont understand arabic and try to create your 'own' islam following your wordly desires and because you feel bad about the sunnah you start to become a retard heretic Quranist. Quranism is bullshit because the Quran itself says to follow the sunnah and the creed of the sahabah.
"When you dont understand arabic and try to create your 'own' islam following your wordly desires" BULLSHIT SUNNI COPE Quranism is started with prophet muhammad its been around for 1400 years your mushrik ulema and Imams outlawed it and Sunni's and shia's killing Quranist's real Taawheed-i muslims for centuries literally punishing them for worshipping God alone and practising only Quran. Sahabas' was not Sunni or sectarian they were true muslims who followed only Quran sects are prohibited in islam first hadith book is after 250 years of prohpet muhammad written by central asian JFL Isis is only true sunni's They are following hadith's and distorted Quranic verses according to hadith and Imam's tafsir books you are cuck if you are not joining ISIS u sunni cucklord
Quranism is for retards who never studied ilm al hadith, al-mustalahat, at-tashih and at-tad3if, ar-rijaal, al-asanid and as last: aqidah

When you dont understand arabic and try to create your 'own' islam following your wordly desires and because you feel bad about the sunnah you start to become a retard heretic Quranist. Quranism is bullshit because the Quran itself says to follow the sunnah and the creed of the sahabah.
I thought you all followed Quaran .Why is it heresy to follow Quaran?
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Lol @

Lol @ calling hadith trash, only heretics would say something like that. Are you a quranist perhaps?

I am agnostic.
Quranism is for retards who never studied ilm al hadith, al-mustalahat, at-tashih and at-tad3if, ar-rijaal, al-asanid and as last: aqidah

When you dont understand arabic and try to create your 'own' islam following your wordly desires and because you feel bad about the sunnah you start to become a retard heretic Quranist. Quranism is bullshit because the Quran itself says to follow the sunnah and the creed of the sahabah.

Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
3:119 Here you love them while they do not love you, and you acknowledge the whole book. When they meet you they say, "We acknowledge," and when they are alone they bite their fingers out of frustration at you. Say, "Die in your frustration, God is aware of what is in the chests."28
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
3:119 Here you are loving them, while they do not love you, and you believe in all the scripture. When they meet you they say, "We believe," but as soon as they leave, they bite their fingers out of rage towards you. Say, "Die in your rage." GOD is fully aware of the innermost thoughts.,




I answer you with the Qur'an but you still say the hadith hadith hadith
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I thought you all followed Quaran .Why is it heresy to follow Quaran?
Because He's mushrik he's not muslim He's sunni and following sunni doctrine saying things like "Quranism is for retards" makes you instantly Mushrik and he's clearly associating partners to the God which means he's not following Quran and not even muslim nothing but a misguided Sunni
Been so long since I read The Quran, Hadiths, and Sunnah, ngl. There was a lot of weird fucking shit in Hadiths tho if I remember correctly. Fever dream tier stuff, The Talmud at least was pretty coherent, albeit full of satanic rules and lies, very hard to find an actual translation of the Talmud that hasn't been made Goyim friendly. The Bible had neither tho. I wish I had more time to read, i'd probably want to read into non Abrahamic religions a bit.
Hadith's and sunnah is not islamic It's sunni & shia sectarian teachings nothing to do with islam and Quran sorry bro You are misguided probably you've readed their distorted version of Quran too
Because He's mushrik he's not muslim He's sunni and following sunni doctrine saying things like "Quranism is for retards" makes you instantly Mushrik and he's clearly associating partners to the God which means he's not following Quran and not even muslim nothing but a misguided Sunni
Im studying islam so i would like to know more details.
What is the differnce between Sunni and Shia? And who is right and why?
Because He's mushrik he's not muslim He's sunni and following sunni doctrine saying things like "Quranism is for retards" makes you instantly Mushrik and he's clearly associating partners to the God which means he's not following Quran and not even muslim nothing but a misguided Sunni

Hadith's and sunnah is not islamic It's sunni & shia sectarian teachings nothing to do with islam and Quran sorry bro You are misguided probably you've readed their distorted version of Quran too



Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
Sunni and Shiite Sects Have Nothing to do with the Prophet
6:159 Those who have divided their system and become sects, you have nothing to do with them. Their matter will be with God, then, He will inform them of what they had done.34

Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
Religious Sects Condemned
6:159 Those who divide themselves into sects do not belong with you. Their judgment rests with GOD, then He will inform them of everything they had done.,

All sunni humans are mushrik (Source: Quran)
Curently reading Quaran btw. Very deep book. Beautifuly written text of poetic cast.
Maybe it's because I had to read it when I was a child but I don't really see the poetic beauty of its texts. Things tend to sound and look more aesthetically pleasing when it's exotic to you, but when you've been raised with it, it comes off as boring. That's why most Europeans tend to not really be interested in the Bible whereas in Japan it's considered very mystical and interesting.
Why do you think Islam has spread so fast as of late? It's the Jewish plan, this is the one world religion they have chosen. It'll keep all the negative shit & get watered down to accomodate negative western trash.

If it kept its roots the world would be in perpetual war as Muslims cannot stand other Muslims of a different sect or whatever.

You all have to be on the same branch or there can be no peace, if they can't get along worshipping the same deity but believing subtle differences then what chance is there of getting along with anyone? An angry violent intolerant group that force their will upon you under the threat of repercussions is not an enlightened positive group I want to be around honestly.

Islam is an offshoot of Judaism anyway, a religion that has not changed since 600AD. Mohammed or Allah or whatever cucked for some Jewish princess.

When you get Buddhists mad at you to the point they want you gone then you must be a pretty big fucking asshole if even they've had enough of your shit.
Yeah, the problem with Islam is that it cannot exist alongside any other religion or culture. So unless a country's population is >99% Muslim (of the same sect), there will be constant conflicts between Muslims and whatever other religious groups exist in the respective country. Just take a look at Sri Lanka, its population was only around 8% Muslim yet one of the biggest Islamic terrorist attacks of recent years happened there.
Muslims creates a cycle of violence because when they rightfully get punished for past deeds (like how the NZ attack was revenge for all the massive terrorist attacks in Europe in which innocent children died), they'll start chimping out and acting like they are some poor opressed minority group and start killing even more people, which only angers non-Muslims even further.

Islam is a religion for savages, it has some based aspects but in the long run, it only brings death and disaster.
Maybe it's because I had to read it when I was a child but I don't really see the poetic beauty of its texts. Things tend to sound and look more aesthetically pleasing when it's exotic to you, but when you've been raised with it, it comes off as boring. That's why most Europeans tend to not really be interested in the Bible whereas in Japan it's considered very mystical and interesting.

Yeah, the problem with Islam is that it cannot exist alongside any other religion or culture. So unless a country's population is >99% Muslim (of the same sect), there will be constant conflicts between Muslims and whatever other religious groups exist in the respective country. Just take a look at Sri Lanka, its population was only around 8% Muslim yet one of the biggest Islamic terrorist attacks of recent years happened there.
Muslims creates a cycle of violence because when they rightfully get punished for past deeds (like how the NZ attack was revenge for all the massive terrorist attacks in Europe in which innocent children died), they'll start chimping out and acting like they are some poor opressed minority group and start killing even more people, which only angers non-Muslims even further.

Islam is a religion for savages, it has some based aspects but in the long run, it only brings death and disaster.

Only defence.

Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
War as Defense
2:190 Fight in the cause of God against those who fight you, but do not transgress, God does not like the aggressors.

Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
Rules of War
2:190 You may fight in the cause of GOD against those who attack you, but do not aggress. GOD does not love the aggressors.
Hadith's and sunnah is not islamic It's sunni & shia sectarian teachings nothing to do with islam and Quran sorry bro You are misguided probably you've readed their distorted version of Quran too
I'm not a Muslim, I get the sect differences, I didn't read them because I believed in them, so I wont comment on what I think is the definitive Islamic truth. I only read them all once. I am much more familiar with Judaism and Christianity. So far I think they can be summed up as so:
Islam = War
Judaism = Infiltration
Christianity = Defense
I'm not a Muslim, I get the sect differences, I didn't read them because I believed in them, so I wont comment on what I think is the definitive Islamic truth. I only read them all once. I am much more familiar with Judaism and Christianity. So far I think they can be summed up as so:
Islam = War
Judaism = Infiltration
Christianity = Defense

İslam and war? Comic
"When you dont understand arabic and try to create your 'own' islam following your wordly desires" BULLSHIT SUNNI COPE Quranism is started with prophet muhammad its been around for 1400 years your mushrik ulema and Imams outlawed it and Sunni's and shia's killing Quranist's real Taawheed-i muslims for centuries literally punishing them for worshipping God alone and practising only Quran. Sahabas' was not Sunni or sectarian they were true muslims who followed only Quran sects are prohibited in islam first hadith book is after 250 years of prohpet muhammad written by central asian JFL Isis is only true sunni's They are following hadith's and distorted Quranic verses according to hadith and Imam's tafsir books you are cuck if you are not joining ISIS u sunni cucklord

Jfl at calling someone sectarian and throwing takfirs here and there, you're a heretic and not acknowledged by any muslim. JFL at leaving sunnism because 'muh ISIS also follows hadeeth'.
Maybe it's because I had to read it when I was a child but I don't really see the poetic beauty of its texts. Things tend to sound and look more aesthetically pleasing when it's exotic to you, but when you've been raised with it, it comes off as boring. That's why most Europeans tend to not really be interested in the Bible whereas in Japan it's considered very mystical and interesting.

Yeah, the problem with Islam is that it cannot exist alongside any other religion or culture. So unless a country's population is >99% Muslim (of the same sect), there will be constant conflicts between Muslims and whatever other religious groups exist in the respective country. Just take a look at Sri Lanka, its population was only around 8% Muslim yet one of the biggest Islamic terrorist attacks of recent years happened there.
Muslims creates a cycle of violence because when they rightfully get punished for past deeds (like how the NZ attack was revenge for all the massive terrorist attacks in Europe in which innocent children died), they'll start chimping out and acting like they are some poor opressed minority group and start killing even more people, which only angers non-Muslims even further.

Islam is a religion for savages, it has some based aspects but in the long run, it only brings death and disaster.
If so the religion is what i need.
Maybe it's because I had to read it when I was a child but I don't really see the poetic beauty of its texts. Things tend to sound and look more aesthetically pleasing when it's exotic to you, but when you've been raised with it, it comes off as boring. That's why most Europeans tend to not really be interested in the Bible whereas in Japan it's considered very mystical and interesting.

Yeah, the problem with Islam is that it cannot exist alongside any other religion or culture. So unless a country's population is >99% Muslim (of the same sect), there will be constant conflicts between Muslims and whatever other religious groups exist in the respective country. Just take a look at Sri Lanka, its population was only around 8% Muslim yet one of the biggest Islamic terrorist attacks of recent years happened there.
Muslims creates a cycle of violence because when they rightfully get punished for past deeds (like how the NZ attack was revenge for all the massive terrorist attacks in Europe in which innocent children died), they'll start chimping out and acting like they are some poor opressed minority group and start killing even more people, which only angers non-Muslims even further.

Islam is a religion for savages, it has some based aspects but in the long run, it only brings death and disaster.

Your way of reasoning is wrong:

"Muslims creates a cycle of violence because when they rightfully get punished for past deeds"

Jfl at thinking that muslims are the ones who started the cycle? Do you think western airplanes are trowing with roses and flowers from their F-16s in the middle east? Do you think no innocent childeren die within these bombings? If NZ was a reaction to the muslim terrorist attacks, then ISIS in itself is a reaction to western globalist Jewish imperialism on Islamic soil.

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