Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Why is WOT1994 not banned yet.

BillyBeta said:
Face it dude you were just a late bloomer 1 surgery and braces away from Ched status.

Like I said I looksmaxed.

11gaijin said:
Report this guy man, he will soon be banned. Other lookism fags have been banned.

Not even from lookism.

You been visiting Copenhagen?
Wot1994 said:
Like I said I looksmaxed.

Not even from lookism.

You been visiting Copenhagen?

You will soon be deported to Mandalay
11gaijin said:
You will soon be deported to Mandalay

Cope is too strong in you. 

Reporting me for what? Truth about the black pill. The thread I created said I looksmaxed... If you didn't want to hear it why read it?
Wot1994 said:
Cope is too strong in you. 

Reporting me for what? Truth about the black pill. The thread I created said I looksmaxed... If you didn't want to hear it why read it?

Lets see. Lookism fags that too who brag and lie shamelessly eventually get purged.
11gaijin said:
Lets see. Lookism fags that too who brag and lie shamelessly eventually get purged.

Not even from lookism... Blaming it on that website is just cope on your behalf.  Haven't lied and have just told the truth. Are incels bragging here when they described their appearence or live experiences? Why is it different for me?
Quit this gay ass circle jerk of who’s incel or not. This guy helped me out and showed me that surgery is the true hope. One surgery can define you from incel to chad. Just take a look at this.


If you’re still not convinced by surgery then take a look at this. Here’s what multiple surgeries can do: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/woman-severe-facial-deformity-weds-marries-cody-hall-northamptonshire-14-years-surgery-birthmark-a8060661.html
Chincel said:
Quit this gay ass circle jerk of who’s incel or not. This guy helped me out and showed me that surgery is the true hope. One surgery can define you from incel to chad. Just take a look at this.


If you’re still not convinced by surgery then take a look at this. Here’s what multiple surgeries can do: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/woman-severe-facial-deformity-weds-marries-cody-hall-northamptonshire-14-years-surgery-birthmark-a8060661.html


mm of bones seperates incels from Chad, surgery can does give you these mm.
Chincel said:
Quit this gay ass circle jerk of who’s incel or not. This guy helped me out and showed me that surgery is the true hope. One surgery can define you from incel to chad. Just take a look at this.


If you’re still not convinced by surgery then take a look at this. Here’s what multiple surgeries can do: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/woman-severe-facial-deformity-weds-marries-cody-hall-northamptonshire-14-years-surgery-birthmark-a8060661.html

Is that you in the pic chincel? Well done,you have ascended to normie level. :)

Wot1994 said:

mm of bones seperates incels from Chad, surgery can does give you these mm.

Personally, as long as you dont defebd vvimin or attack fellow incels, im cool with that.
alsalsk said:
Is that you in the pic chincel? Well done,you have ascended to normie level. :)

Personally, as long as you dont defebd vvimin or attack fellow incels, im cool with that.

No that’s not me. I got the pic from google. I searched up chin implant before and after
alsalsk said:
Is that you in the pic chincel? Well done,you have ascended to normie level. :)

Personally, as long as you dont defebd vvimin or attack fellow incels, im cool with that.

I won't defend women bullying incels, but I'm not going to support mentalcels who support burning women with acid and shit like that. I get there are very bitter people here who are hurting, but promoting violence is wrong, if it's directed at women, other incels, chads or anybody.

I have only "attacked" people here who have either called me a cuck, hoped for me to be cucked or kept saying I am a troll and so on.
At first I was hopeful we had someone who has been on both sides of the fence to confirm the obvious truths to our blackpills. He admits looks are everything which is nice but it falls down after that. In his brag thread he was trying to convince a 5'3 ugly curry had hope if he wore shoe lifts and got surgery. Just fucking lol. He fails to see surgery wont transform an average guy into a chad-lite, let alone any of us incels. He always had great eye area and literally claims 10/10 cheekbones from the way he describes peoples reaction to them. It is very aggravating to see him claim he was 2/10 before, what a fucking clueless moron. Also he is bluepilled on women, thinks he is safe from getting cucked by his GF. The only people who can benefit from surgery in a tangible way are above average guys who already get girls. They just have something off about their jaws or noses that when corrected will greatly improve the hotness and quantity of women they attract. If you don't attract women before surgery you won't attract women after surgery. And I have probably the most comprehensive knowledge about plastic surgeries on this forum.

With all that in mind, we shouldn't ban him. That is reserved for femoids, inceltears, Chads, and scum who deny looks are everything.
VileGeneticTrash said:
At first I was hopeful we had someone who has been on both sides of the fence to confirm the obvious truths to our blackpills. He admits looks are everything which is nice but it falls down after that. In his brag thread he was trying to convince a 5'3 ugly curry had hope if he wore shoe lifts and got surgery. Just fucking lol. He fails to see surgery wont transform an average guy into a chad-lite, let alone any of us incels. He always had great eye area and literally claims 10/10 cheekbones from the way he describes peoples reaction to them. It is very aggravating to see him claim he was 2/10 before, what a fucking clueless moron. Also he is bluepilled on women, thinks he is safe from getting cucked by his GF. The only people who can benefit from surgery in a tangible way are above average guys who already get girls. They just have something off about their jaws or noses that when corrected will greatly improve the hotness and quantity of women they attract. If you don't attract women before surgery you won't attract women after surgery. And I have probably the most comprehensive knowledge about plastic surgeries on this forum.

With all that in mind, we shouldn't ban him. That is reserved for femoids, inceltears, Chads, and scum who deny looks are everything.

this is why myself and others suggest making a truecels subforum, keep those people here and let us truecels have our own forum
VileGeneticTrash said:
At first I was hopeful we had someone who has been on both sides of the fence to confirm the obvious truths to our blackpills. He admits looks are everything which is nice but it falls down after that. In his brag thread he was trying to convince a 5'3 ugly curry had hope if he wore shoe lifts and got surgery. Just fucking lol. He fails to see surgery wont transform an average guy into a chad-lite, let alone any of us incels. He always had great eye area and literally claims 10/10 cheekbones from the way he describes peoples reaction to them. It is very aggravating to see him claim he was 2/10 before, what a fucking clueless moron. Also he is bluepilled on women, thinks he is safe from getting cucked by his GF. The only people who can benefit from surgery in a tangible way are above average guys who already get girls. They just have something off about their jaws or noses that when corrected will greatly improve the hotness and quantity of women they attract. If you don't attract women before surgery you won't attract women after surgery. And I have probably the most comprehensive knowledge about plastic surgeries on this forum.

With all that in mind, we shouldn't ban him. That is reserved for femoids, inceltears, Chads, and scum who deny looks are everything.

there is no reason why he shouldn't be banned
He seems like a troll to me, when I asked what is he doing here instead of enjoying life, he told me that he wanted to see why we are hateful. How can a former incel not know why we are angry, it's pretty obvious.
alsalsk said:
Mods, don't know if you're busy but ban this self descibed "Chad-Lite".
Dude is clearly not even blackpilled and is probably just here to feel superior over us.
He insults incels and doesn't understand that our lives are not like that or a normal human's. Ban this fucker please.
If you want him to get banned, post screenshots of him insulting incels etc. Just screenshots of him breaking rules..
Weed said:
If you want him to get banned, post screenshots of him insulting incels etc. Just screenshots of him breaking rules..

I dont want him to get banned anymore per say, but he has been critical of incels and does not understand our situation.
alsalsk said:
I dont want him to get banned anymore per say, but he has been critical of incels and does not understand our situation.

I understand it, I just think the anger has gotten next level in the community in recent times.
VileGeneticTrash said:
At first I was hopeful we had someone who has been on both sides of the fence to confirm the obvious truths to our blackpills. He admits looks are everything which is nice but it falls down after that. In his brag thread he was trying to convince a 5'3 ugly curry had hope if he wore shoe lifts and got surgery. Just fucking lol. He fails to see surgery wont transform an average guy into a chad-lite, let alone any of us incels. He always had great eye area and literally claims 10/10 cheekbones from the way he describes peoples reaction to them. It is very aggravating to see him claim he was 2/10 before, what a fucking clueless moron. Also he is bluepilled on women, thinks he is safe from getting cucked by his GF. The only people who can benefit from surgery in a tangible way are above average guys who already get girls. They just have something off about their jaws or noses that when corrected will greatly improve the hotness and quantity of women they attract. If you don't attract women before surgery you won't attract women after surgery. And I have probably the most comprehensive knowledge about plastic surgeries on this forum.

With all that in mind, we shouldn't ban him. That is reserved for femoids, inceltears, Chads, and scum who deny looks are everything.

this man speaks the truth

(although I think he should be banned, too)
VileGeneticTrash said:
At first I was hopeful we had someone who has been on both sides of the fence to confirm the obvious truths to our blackpills. He admits looks are everything which is nice but it falls down after that. In his brag thread he was trying to convince a 5'3 ugly curry had hope if he wore shoe lifts and got surgery. Just fucking lol. He fails to see surgery wont transform an average guy into a chad-lite, let alone any of us incels. He always had great eye area and literally claims 10/10 cheekbones from the way he describes peoples reaction to them. It is very aggravating to see him claim he was 2/10 before, what a fucking clueless moron. Also he is bluepilled on women, thinks he is safe from getting cucked by his GF. The only people who can benefit from surgery in a tangible way are above average guys who already get girls. They just have something off about their jaws or noses that when corrected will greatly improve the hotness and quantity of women they attract. If you don't attract women before surgery you won't attract women after surgery. And I have probably the most comprehensive knowledge about plastic surgeries on this forum.

With all that in mind, we shouldn't ban him. That is reserved for femoids, inceltears, Chads, and scum who deny looks are everything.

Except what you say is it at direct odds with my own personal experience. Before surgery and looksmaxing I was a hugless virigin. 
I'm not blue pilled on anything, I know that my looks are the reason my life changed. Expecting not to be cucked isn't blue pilled at all.. Around 1 in 5 men are paternity cucked, that's some low tier of men.

I'm not saying looksmaxing will work for everybody, some are beyond saving. But it can and does work for some.
Okay. In his own thread (https://www.incels.is/showthread.php?tid=1831&page=3) he brings up his dick size which is an unnecessary humblebrag. He calls incels copers (newsflash: you are coping too, your own cope is your fucking gf). He has said that he, a 23 year old late bloomer knows the black pill better than an actual incel (same link). Please.

Here (https://www.incels.is/showthread.php?tid=2666&page=2) he claims incels are making excuses. In other words, he doesn't think we are doing enough, while at the same time he is cope-sucking on his gf's tit.
360_no_cope said:
Okay. In his own thread (https://www.incels.is/showthread.php?tid=1831&page=3) he brings up his dick size which is an unnecessary humblebrag. He calls incels copers (newsflash: you are coping too, your own cope is your fucking gf). He has said that he, a 23 year old late bloomer knows the black pill better than an actual incel (same link). Please.

Here (https://www.incels.is/showthread.php?tid=2666&page=2) he claims incels are making excuses. In other words, he doesn't think we are doing enough, while at the same time he is cope-sucking on his gf's tit.

Bring up dick size because it is apart of looks and or looksmaxing. If you don't think dick size matters then you are coping.

Not all cels are but some certainly are making excuses, that's not really difficult to see.

Only reason to hate on me is cope.
It's not that I cope, I just don't want to be cucked. I don't want to share my discussion space of incel issues with any sex-haver willy nilly. Whatever.
Wot1994 said:
I won't defend women bullying incels, but I'm not going to support mentalcels who support burning women with acid and shit like that. I get there are very bitter people here who are hurting, but promoting violence is wrong, if it's directed at women, other incels, chads or anybody.

I have only "attacked" people here who have either called me a cuck, hoped for me to be cucked or kept saying I am a troll and so on.

Yeah it makes the community lose all credibility, but I'm not sure credibility matters much either way. Who are we trying to impress? It's not logic that I support though. I don't like being around women and am irritated by them, but it ends at that. I'm lucky to not have to be around them much and feel sorry for incel men who have to work around them involuntarily.

If people want to cope with that kind of talk, it's their choice. If they feel better letting off steam by that, there isn't much anyone can do but leave or ignore it.

I support people being able to say whatever they want. I wish there was a forum somewhere where literally anything could be typed. It would just be a forum with no links of any kind allowed. Anyone could type any combination of words they wanted with no fear of legal repercussion. It would ultimately be a good thing imo. The forum would be named: 'FFA: enter at own risk' and be divided into categories of interest.

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