At first I was hopeful we had someone who has been on both sides of the fence to confirm the obvious truths to our blackpills. He admits looks are everything which is nice but it falls down after that. In his brag thread he was trying to convince a 5'3 ugly curry had hope if he wore shoe lifts and got surgery. Just fucking lol. He fails to see surgery wont transform an average guy into a chad-lite, let alone any of us incels. He always had great eye area and literally claims 10/10 cheekbones from the way he describes peoples reaction to them. It is very aggravating to see him claim he was 2/10 before, what a fucking clueless moron. Also he is bluepilled on women, thinks he is safe from getting cucked by his GF. The only people who can benefit from surgery in a tangible way are above average guys who already get girls. They just have something off about their jaws or noses that when corrected will greatly improve the hotness and quantity of women they attract. If you don't attract women before surgery you won't attract women after surgery. And I have probably the most comprehensive knowledge about plastic surgeries on this forum.
With all that in mind, we shouldn't ban him. That is reserved for femoids, inceltears, Chads, and scum who deny looks are everything.