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Hypocrisy Why is wanting to be a different race self hate, but wanting to have a different height or face is not self hate?

Copexodius Maximus

Copexodius Maximus

Mentally destroyed by reality
Jul 21, 2020
Like we know being white, being tall, and having certain facial features will make you more attractive to women.

If you say you wish you were 6’5” or have a good looking face, people will push back against it in many ways but they will not call you a self hater. However, if you say you wish you were white, then all of a sudden you will be called a self hater.

I don’t see the difference, if you got to choose your character in this life from a select screen, everyone would want to be white, being tall, and good looking. But all of a sudden if you are already born, now it’s self hate to say you don’t want to be the race you are.

On top of being seen as far less sexually attractive due to my race, being a kike means possible future of being sent to a gas chamber because of some world leader or billionaire kikes did fucked up stuff. Why would I want to subject myself to possibly being treated like absolute shit for my race in so many ways? I rather be white and never have to deal with any of this shit and also be more attractive to foids.

It’s not self hate to want to be a different race from what you are, it’s common sense if some races are seen as more attractive and are treated better.
high iq analysis, as much as i hate to i agree with this. i should have been born curry
I wish I was white
High IQ post. Bumping for maximum optics.
Cumskins like to feel superior
They want people to cope, not protest them.
or me wanting to be NT is a form of self hate. a poor person wanting to be rich is self hate ect.
Cumskins like to feel superior
They are superior
High IQ post. Bumping for maximum optics.
Thanks lol

Seems fine to me :lul:
Would you have ever chosen to be a kike?

or me wanting to be NT is a form of self hate. a poor person wanting to be rich is self hate ect.
Exactly. These people gaslight us into thinking race is somehow different, but it’s not. It’s just one of the features of our existence, but cucks make it some holy supreme form of their existence.
They are beautiful
Whites do not get a free pass on beauty. If you're an ugly white (like I am), you're a huge disappointment because the standards for whites are getting impossibly high :feelsrope:
It’s like the backlash Michael Jackson faced because his skin turned white it’s common sense that being white makes you look better but oh no he has to stay as an inferior color
Because as a subhuman ethnic, you are not considered a human so you are not allowed to try to subvert your genetics while complaining about your height and face doesn’t change your genetics as much as changing your ethnicity :feelsrope:
Because as a subhuman ethnic, you are not considered a human so you are not allowed to try to subvert your genetics while complaining about your height and face doesn’t change your genetics as much as changing your ethnicity :feelsrope:
True, you would have to change more of your genetics and deathnics are not considered human.
It is self hate.

People just are socially conditioned to respond in certain ways to certain aspects of life. Race is something that gets people emotional so they don't act logical.
Good post. I feel like self-hatred is more often just used as a way to discredit and dismiss criticism. "You think ethnics have a harder time dating in white countries? What a self-hater, look at this [rich, famous ethnic Hollywood actor]". It probably exists on some individuals as a sociological phenomenon but overstated on mainstream discourse imo
As you also pointed out with same logic disliking your height, face, voice, whatever would also be considered self hate but it doesn't because normans aren't known for their consistent thoughts nor they care about being consistent. Just repeating same bluepill NPC narratives about shit.
Good post. I feel like self-hatred is more often just used as a way to discredit and dismiss criticism. "You think ethnics have a harder time dating in white countries? What a self-hater, look at this [rich, famous ethnic Hollywood actor]". It probably exists on some individuals as a sociological phenomenon but overstated on mainstream discourse imo
As you also pointed out with same logic disliking your height, face, voice, whatever would also be considered self hate but it doesn't because normans aren't known for their consistent thoughts nor they care about being consistent. Just repeating same bluepill NPC narratives about shit.
Bluepill truly is a mental problem. The level of copes and mental gymnastics they need to perform for them to not accept reality is astounding.
I wish I was white but then I realized that its no point in wishing for things that will never happen.
I’m Palestinian
Brutal that you still hate yourself despite palis being relatively white
Look at it this way, middle eastern is technically Caucasian
Yeah so are Somalis and Indians. So What? Sure, middle eastern is #2 In terms of looks but we still get mogged by whites

Beyond brutal
I tried blackpillinh my 2 bros about how every ethnic wants to be white and they started bitching at me. Though I think one of them somewhat accepted it.
They are self-hate though...

Most people are just idiots who can't tell they're the same
Look at it this way, middle eastern is technically Caucasian
That’s irrelevent. Some curries are caucasian too, but it’s still over for them. It’s just be white pill, not just be caucasian.

Brutal that you still hate yourself despite palis being relatively white

Yeah so are Somalis and Indians. So What? Sure, middle eastern is #2 In terms of looks but we still get mogged by whites

I tried blackpillinh my 2 bros about how every ethnic wants to be white and they started bitching at me. Though I think one of them somewhat accepted it.
I thought Latino mogged Sand. Regardless, being lightskinned as an Arab does bump you up, but at the end of the day it’s still sand.

Great that you blackpilled your brothers, although idk what their future will be now. :feelscry:

They are self-hate though...

Most people are just idiots who can't tell they're the same
If you consider them all self-hate, then that’s fair. But I have no problem with it.
That’s irrelevent. Some curries are caucasian too, but it’s still over for them. It’s just be white pill, not just be caucasian.

I thought Latino mogged Sand. Regardless, being lightskinned as an Arab does bump you up, but at the end of the day it’s still sand.

Great that you blackpilled your brothers, although idk what their future will be now. :feelscry:

If you consider them all self-hate, then that’s fair. But I have no problem with it.
Opinions are like cocks, every man's entitled to have their own

I can see how someone could theoretically objectively analyze their situation and come to the conclusion that their race, face and height are inferior, but the subconscious mind doesn't really work that way. If you internalize beliefs like that, you are as a result inevitably going to end up hating yourself. Maybe it won't happen in a day but it will eventually happen.

It's just like how not every incel starts out as a bitter misanthrope, but we all end up this way after our treatment at the hands of others.
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Whites do not get a free pass on beauty. If you're an ugly white (like I am), you're a huge disappointment because the standards for whites are getting impossibly high :feelsrope:

Yes, but Whites still are held as higher value than non-Whites. Toilets universally swipe right on White men.

Caucasian ≠ White, it is not the same thing. "Caucasoid" is a reference to a skeleton shape, Ethiopians, Indians, Moroccans, Etc. Are all "Caucasians", but only Europeans are "White". These terms don't mean the same.

Egyptians and Syrians have similar skeletons as Europeans, but Europeans have blue eyes which is why they're more desired.
Opinions are like cocks, every man's entitled to have their own

I can see how someone could theoretically objectively analyze their situation and come to the conclusion that their race, face and height are inferior, but the subconscious mind doesn't really work that way. If you internalize beliefs like that, you are as a result inevitably going to end up hating yourself. Maybe it won't happen in a day but it will eventually happen.

It's just like how not every incel starts out as a bitter misanthrope, but we all end up this way after our treatment at the hands of others.
Fair enough, if people would have liked you if you had different traits, then you are not going to like those traits either cause they fucked you over. But idk if that’s going to necessarily lead to hate.

Your point is defending it being not self hate though, and the people who think so as being emotional.
I think the people who make the differntiation between height/face and race, are emotional (illogical).

Why is wanting to be a different race self hate​

It’s not self hate to want to be a different race from what you are, it’s common sense if some races are seen as more attractive and are treated better.

Race has something to do with the biology of brains so you're hating the makeup of your brain (and thus your self) by hating your race as a whole.

Though if you just hate the genes that code your skin pigment I guess that's not self
I think the people who make the differntiation between height/face and race, are emotional (illogical).
Agree 100%

Race has something to do with the biology of brains so you're hating the makeup of your brain (and thus your self) by hating your race as a whole.

Though if you just hate the genes that code your skin pigment I guess that's not self
Brain is cope. No whore wants to fuck a certain race because of their brains. It is entirely due to looks that some races are winners and some are losers on the whole.
No whore wants to fuck a certain race because of their brains. It is entirely due to looks that some races are winners and some are losers on the whole.
The reason whites are prized is not purely because of their superior Vitamin D production abilities.

Whites have a history of civilization and technology and providing, some of that probably comes from brain differences, foids definitely want some of that.

IE they don't just want hunters they want guys who design log cabins and build them, strategic thinkers.
The reason whites are prized is not purely because of their superior Vitamin D production abilities.

Whites have a history of civilization and technology and providing, some of that probably comes from brain differences, foids definitely want some of that.

IE they don't just want hunters they want guys who design log cabins and build them, strategic thinkers.
Redpill cope. Race isn’t just about skin colour, but rather bone structure in skull, height differences, colouring (eyes and hair as well), etc.

As for technology and civilization, that’s also cope. Whores don’t give a shit about IQ and neither do they give a shit about innovation (except for beta buck cucking). What they do probably care about a little is which civilzation can conquer another, because they want the most barbaric killer chad to fuck them (dark triad pill).

Whites also benefit from being hyper successful in media depiction (as they invented the medium). This is because averageness is also known to affect what women are attracted to, so if they see mostly white people on TV, then they will seem more like the average person. Obviously a huge part of what women are attracted to is biologically ingrained, but regardless there are some minor things that can affect it as well.
Redpill cope. Race isn’t just about skin colour, but rather bone structure in skull, height differences, colouring (eyes and hair as well), etc.
I agree with you about this.

But you have to realize in the first place that humans didn't just randomly evolve stuff like "I want a blue-eyed husband".

Stuff like that propogates either genetically (an inherent preference for blue eyes tends to prosper and get selected for) or memetically (you realize blue-eyed people build the best civilizations)

As for technology and civilization, that’s also cope. Whores don’t give a shit about IQ and neither do they give a shit about innovation (except for beta buck cucking).
IQ is a means to an end. They definitely care about benefitting from tech and culture, they just don't care how.
A rich ugly white guy could easily go over to Africa and steal Tyrone's wife by offering her luxuries (though yeah she'll probably risk cheating in the west once she thinks she can get away with it)

What they do probably care about a little is which civilzation can conquer another, because they want the most barbaric killer chad to fuck them (dark triad pill).
True but you can triadmax as an ugly fatass if you control a bunch of guns or your own pet cadre of tyrone/chad hitmen.

She'll prob try to fuck your hitmen if she thinks she can get away with it but might be scared of reprisal.

So it probably only works for mafia dons because foids fear cheating will get them cement slippers.

Whites also benefit from being hyper successful in media depiction (as they invented the medium). This is because averageness is also known to affect what women are attracted to, so if they see mostly white people on TV, then they will seem more like the average person. Obviously a huge part of what women are attracted to is biologically ingrained, but regardless there are some minor things that can affect it as well.
Regarding biologically ingrained that has to have been selected for.

IE any biological imperative to fuck white guys would be random mutaitons at first and somehow those mutations became prevalent in the gene pool because those who selected for white partners and white co-operation prospered and spread their genes more.
I agree with you about this.

But you have to realize in the first place that humans didn't just randomly evolve stuff like "I want a blue-eyed husband".

Stuff like that propogates either genetically (an inherent preference for blue eyes tends to prosper and get selected for) or memetically (you realize blue-eyed people build the best civilizations)
Blue eyes are seen as attractive only when they are light. Having dark blue eyes is not a halo. The whole point of light eyes is that you can see more of the eyes, and they are colourful. The contrast for people with darker skin and lighter eyes makes it an even bigger halo for them than whites, like Jeremy Meeks.

IE any biological imperative to fuck white guys would be random mutaitons at first and somehow those mutations became prevalent in the gene pool because those who selected for white partners and white co-operation prospered and spread their genes more.
This doesn’t make any sense if being white in the past didn’t have any benefits, as white civilizations were pretty backwards compared to others in the past. White dudes have media halo (which makes them seem more like the average human), light eyes halo, height halo, and generally more mogger traits than in other races. This is probably a result of stronger sexual selection in their past, but also the them taking the most pretty women from places they raided and killing everyone else. It’s like an ancient eugenics program.

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