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LifeFuel Why is there so much racism on here?



May 20, 2018
No offense but I can't take this forum serious when there's a lot of White nationalist conservative Nazis on here, constantly quoting nigger or sand nigger. It's very uncalled for when there's a lot of men of various ethnicity on here that's facing the same problem in this toxic feminism gynocentric society and just trying to find somewhere they are accepted despite their race, language and birthplace..
the shitskins are the ones that are most obsessed with race on this forum, spamming "JBW" theory out of sheer resentment everywhere they go. It's really annoying
the shitskins are the ones that are most obsessed with race on this forum, spamming "JBW" theory out of sheer resentment everywhere they go. It's really annoying
Lol I see why some of you guys on here are lonely... The racism on here is tremendous!! completely disrespectful to the incels that are decent with a sober mindset.
Don't know where you get "racism" from, but have you looked at anywhere else on the internet?
Open your eyes and you'll see what some of these White Nationalists be spewing. They cope with their miserable lives with hate and division. That's why we'll never be taken seriously...
Seriously, anyone still hung up on "racism" or race in general as an incel needs a fucking reality check tbh. I'm all for people letting people speak their minds and opinions are they are free to do so. There is some legitimate race stuff that does need to be discussed, but complaining about "racism" solves nothing. We're ugly and undesirable for many different reasons, including race and it needs to be talked about.
Tell that to the fucking Nazis on here that constantly bring up race.
Quite a sizable amount of incels are ethnic, so idk why.
As I read somewhere else, the white supremacists of this place are teaming up with the ethniks.
So you know what you have to do.
Most of us are ethnic anf foids are way more racist than us
The reason there's so many racists here is because white nationalists are infiltrating and trying to recruit and weaponize incel rage.

Anyone who doesn't hate their own race the most is a fakecel.
now you talk like a nigger
now you talk like a nigger
Lol I see why some of you guys on here are lonely... The racism on here is tremendous!! completely disrespectful to the incels that are decent with a sober mindset.
muh personality
The most racsim i have witnessed on this site comes from currys, and it's usually racism against their own race.
Lol I see why some of you guys on here are lonely... The racism on here is tremendous!! completely disrespectful to the incels that are decent with a sober mindset.
You didn't address anything of what he had said.
the entire planet is racist

every race is racist against every race

there's a few spots in the english-speaking world where racist and unfiltered speech is suppressed a little

that has nothing to do with reality nor the behavior or beliefs of the average human of any race
Because we aren't getting laid..
Shut up you nigger. Words like nigger and sandnigger are part of our expression, most of us don't believe in racism. Just because I call you a nigger doesn't mean I hate you because you're a nigger you stupid fucking nigger. There are plenty of niggers around here I love. In fact I love all incel niggers they are my bros.
Why is it that every other week we get a thread from "@BrownManVirgin2556" with a grand total of 6 posts to his name, lamenting about those big, mean, ytboi racists on the forum? The ratio of these threads to actual racist posts made by whites on this forum must 100 to 1 at minimum
No offense but I can't take this forum serious when there's a lot of White nationalist conservative Nazis on here, constantly quoting nigger or sand nigger. It's very uncalled for when there's a lot of men of various ethnicity on here that's facing the same problem in this toxic feminism gynocentric society and just trying to find somewhere they are accepted despite their race, language and birthplace..

An Incel has no race we are the niggers of every race.

What is this shit thread anyways? Are you some kind of sjw faggot or what? Just go back to reddit where all people respect whamen and no one is racist or misogynistic.

For real do you really think ANYONE on this forum would give a shit about race in real life? Ugly people are all the same race, the incelrace. Free speech is everything we have on this forum without it we have nothing but a bunch of ugly sjw fags like reddit.
Why did you classify the fact that this forum is full of racism as [LifeFuel] anyway? Self-hating deathnic?
Okay you bluepilled assclown, go back to Twitter or which shitty subreddit where you came from.

Go back to IncelTears, you queer.

White nationalist conservative Nazis on here
Tell that to the fucking Nazis on here that constantly bring up race.
As with the rest of the internet, race threads are almost exclusively anti-whitey, including this very unselfaware one.

The problem is "white supremacy" has been redefined to "anyone who's white who doesn't want to apologize for their race" and "Nazi" redefined as "anybody who doesn't believe CNN". You are almost certainly considered a Nazi by the modern left, despite your race, because fucking everyone is. I have no pride in the white race, but I am also not sorry I'm white and I'm not going to buy the left's noble savage bullshit. You're a man, you should be judged on your merits, and you have the right to judge others however you like. Call us cumskins or whatever word you like if the word nigger offends you. You're not gonna bruise my sensitive wittle feewings with words or criticism of this or that white person and their retarded values. And don't apologize for being black. There are other blackcels here, I want to get incels from all different cultures and parts of the world to share their truths here, if anyone gives you shit for that give them shit right back, maybe you'll find common ground, maybe not, it's not a big deal.

Just settle in and rock with us, bro. We hate our race, we hate other races, we hate the retarded world at large. I'm here to listen to you, to discuss with you, to spar with you at times, to joke with you at others. Here you find honesty, and that's incredibly rare these days.
Why is the prefix [lifefuel] ?
We don't need people like you poisoning the site.
cuz the white man is a natural born coping machine
Personally i have never seen niggers bring anything of value to the table. No invetionability, no good nigger coders, not much work ethics.

Plus they are violent thugs from what i have seen.

There is a reason africa is shitty.

Moreover i really dislike niggery culture, rap music and basketball.
Some people here simply aren’t high minded enough to focus on the bigger picture
Man up I'm Spanish so for other europeans I'm more moor than white and I don't give a damn kek jfl at you blacks for being so mad about a fucking word
This place has been becoming edgier and less mature overtime if that is even possible. I think the refuse from /pol/ and related places has been seeping this way. PSL used to have funny racist memes(not this lol nigger amirite shit).
Most people who say that shit don't really hate nonwhite incels. It's just that people are so much suffocated by draconian SJW stuff that it feels liberating to be able to say "nigger" and other terms like that. Anonymous forums are pretty much the only places in which you can do it nowadays.
No offense but I can't take this forum serious when there's a lot of White nationalist conservative Nazis on here, constantly quoting nigger or sand nigger. It's very uncalled for when there's a lot of men of various ethnicity on here that's facing the same problem in this toxic feminism gynocentric society and just trying to find somewhere they are accepted despite their race, language and birthplace..
Go to reddit if if you can't handle it, there is no racism there, not counting the anti-white racism ofcourse.
I hate all races equally. There's a special spot in my heart reserved for race traitor asian foids though.
Most racism comes from curries and its against their own kind.
The reason there's so many racists here is because white nationalists are infiltrating and trying to recruit and weaponize incel rage.

Anyone who doesn't hate their own race the most is a fakecel.
What if you don't have a pure race to identify with. Like me. You'd find berbers that look white Arab black even Asian and turk. Fuck em all. Racism is cope but not fueling racism is worse. Its cucked. Jfl at "muh cause". These jbwcels will feed you to the lions once they're done with chad, Dude. Same with pol tards. No one is your ally. Out there OR HERE

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