Being the sort of person that makes a good poster here (or, in an absolute sense, a truly good one anywhere else) is probably in itself deleterious in matters of attracting foids. They're drawn to stupidity, normalcy, and arrogance; concerning personaliteehee, foids are drawn not to that which signifies independent thought and will, but rather a sort of dull standardization - at least as a facade - because it indicates you've been accepted by a group of people and have intuited from them rules of social conduct and presentation. Nothing a cunt hates quite like having to make a decision with its atrophied faculties of discernment; it wants to know that you've passed a few rounds of social vetting, the execution of which other people end up responsible for.
This would explain why the boastful, the useless, and boring here are typically the ones who have the best chance of making it out. Needless to say, they're usually not especially ugly either - 4/10 at worst probably. But - people get moved to hysteria trying to hunt fakecels using pictures alone, when a far better and more subtle mode of analysis would rely on posting patterns, worldview, and language used. It's not bluepillers or sycophants who end up ascending (you need only refer to IncelTiers or ForeverAlone to see that), but they typically do lack the darker humor characteristic of places like this, they ask questions like, "why should we hate women for doing what they're meant to do?", and generally stay away from the more uncomfortable aspects of thought here - because it is directed against people that have never treated them in particular badly.
Even in light of that, I'd say 10-20% of ascensions are LARPs and another 50% can barely be called "ascension" (e.g. Minjaze's e-foid).
Having to act like a normienig is not pleasant to anyone of proper mental cast - certainly not for extended periods - so most of the people from here who are going to be able to pull it off will not actually be "acting".
I still think @whogivesafucc was alright, though.