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RageFuel Why is faggotry so admired and accepted?



permavirgin failure
Apr 19, 2019
I hate faggots. Why are faggots accepted? They are degenerate fucks. Faggots, lesbians, transsexuals and other backwards people shouldn't be accepted ANYWHERE. If I was president of my country, I would call for all faggots and lesbian cunts to be imprisoned.

Say no to faggotry.

Also, women seem to love faggots more than straight men. This angers me even more. I will send you to prison when I run for president.
Even on this forum, we have a lot of faggot lovers its unbelievable
Because (((((they))))) are brainwash everyone to accept it
wait until some faggot lover comes to this thread and defends faggots.
Vermillioncore for president, ngl.

Leviticus 20:13 ESV
If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.

1 Corinthians 6:9-11 ESV
Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
Some [LIFEFUEL]™ for my fellow fag haters:


Source: https://www.bestgore.com/execution/executions-hanging-iran-photos/
Because (((((they))))) are brainwash everyone to accept it
The trick is to make it look as if many people support gay people. Normies see this, want to fit in, and boom. Many people now support gays, because they thought that others do it, too.
I dont care about fags. Just castrate all feminists and overprotective daddies of teen girls, are they feminists or not
Hyper socialization. The moment the internet was available for the masses, everything was destined to be thrown to the trash bin of history. The flow of thoughts concerning cultural and social matters (or just any matter) needs to be restricted to a few aristocratic men. The biggest victory of the Jews was when they destroyed the antique aristocratic world & handed power to the degenerated masses. This they called it democracy.
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((( They ))) want men to turn into faggots, and women into cheap skanks.
Advertising it, is one way to tell, that our culture is in a decadent state.
After transgenderism, will be the acceptance of pedophilia.
Calling it right now.
The Elites already partake in fucking kids, so whats left is making it law.
But for that to work, the public has to be even further demoralized.
Tbh sometimes I think gays are just incels who go so low for anything
Admired, accepted and encouraged.
wait until some faggot lover comes to this thread and defends faggots.
Well, I wouldn't call myself a "faggot lover", however I don't care about people's sexuality. I merely worry about my ability to get some coochie. Why on earth would I worry myself with which man gets whose dick?
yes, here we go again as I said.
Edgyretards.co thread:
wHy iS thiS group rhat has been discriminated against for most of history have an acceptance movement now?? Did I mention I have stage 4 retardation? :feelstastyman: :feelstastyman: :feelstastyman: :feelstastyman: :feelstastyman:
I do encourage it. Let men fuck each other until the dating market correction.
I do encourage it. Let men fuck each other until the dating market correction.
And make more untreatable AIDS for everyone to love and share.
Why do you hate gay people? Are you Muslim?
He doesn´t need to be part of some religious cult.
I hate faggots, simple as that.
all faggots must be sent to prison
I'm a genius, I never fail
I can smell faggottry
Edgyretards.co thread:
wHy iS thiS group rhat has been discriminated against for most of history have an acceptance movement now?? Did I mention I have stage 4 retardation? :feelstastyman: :feelstastyman: :feelstastyman: :feelstastyman: :feelstastyman:
supremacy and assimilation movement, more like, just like feminism. unless you believe that your post goes for criticism against feminism as well.
And make more untreatable AIDS for everyone to love and share.

He doesn´t need to be part of some religious cult.
I hate faggots, simple as that.
no, you need to suck dick of faggots in this forum didnt you know that? you have to prove youre not "edgy" by sucking their dicks and shoving them up in your ass
All gay haters in this thread: Why do you hate gay people?
Why do you want to hate?
you just sound like a faggot. Why I wouldnt hate them just jfl? they are faggots, thats why I hate. its disgusting two men fucking each other and more disgusting when they act feminine
All gay haters in this thread: Why do you hate gay people?
I hate faggots because they are faggots and need to stop being faggots. I also hate lesbians. I also hate trans people.
no, you need to suck dick of faggots in this forum didnt you know that? you have to prove youre not "edgy" by sucking their dicks and shoving them up in your ass
Edgyretards.co thread:
wHy iS thiS group rhat has been discriminated against for most of history have an acceptance movement now?? Did I mention I have stage 4 retardation? :feelstastyman: :feelstastyman: :feelstastyman: :feelstastyman: :feelstastyman:
I hate faggots because they are faggots and need to stop being faggots. I also hate lesbians. I also hate trans people.
Lesbian porn is my favourite. :feelslala:
shove your study up in your ass like all i care faggot
You might be a closeted homosexual, you're so homophobic.
Lesbian porn is my favourite. :feelslala:

You might be a closeted homosexual, you're so homophobic.
you are a faggot, youre a faggot lover
im not your friend cuck
Whatever, you closeted little homosexual. Go watch two Turkish men in a sauna or whatever you Turks do.
Whatever, you closeted little homosexual. Go watch two Turkish men in a sauna or whatever you Turks do.

keep crying for me little gay lover
Womens' degeneracy, hetero promiscuity, faggotry, subversion against society, treating subX males like shit, all these things are connected.

Women (fag hags) and gay men get together to shit-talk straight men, praise degeneracy, and plan how to further subvert society.

Fagcels have either been too brainwashed by society or are still too immature to figure out something this simple.
keep crying for me little gay lover
"Faggot faggot faggot," that's all you can say. I wonder what your IQ must be. Low, that's for sure.
"Faggot faggot faggot," that's all you can say. I wonder what your IQ must be. Low, that's for sure.
better low iq than a cuck like you
better low iq than a cuck like you
How am I a cuck for not crying about gay people like you do? You closeted little homosexual. I know what you are. Studies prove it.
How am I a cuck for not crying about gay people like you do? You closeted little homosexual. I know what you are. Studies prove it.
ok faggot

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