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RageFuel Why is faggotry so admired and accepted?


I dont care about fags. Just castrate all feminists and overprotective daddies of teen girls, are they feminists or not
Because those girls will rush to your arms and not to be gangbanged by Chad and Tyrone. Huh?
How am I a cuck for not crying about gay people like you do? You closeted little homosexual. I know what you are. Studies prove it.
ITs because of people like you, that just shrugged it off that led to the rise of widespread faggotry everywhere. It’s either you’re against it or you support it there’s no neutral ground because being neutral about it basically means you support it by letting them continue their constant indoctrination of the youth.

>Doesn’t care about rise of faggotry
>Mixed Race

You’re a good product of the vey, my friend.
According to studies homophobic people tend to be homosexuals themselves more than non-homophobic people: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/homophobes-might-be-hidden-homosexuals/
Must have been brought up by some kike.
((( Muhhh studies )))
ITs because of people like you, that just shrugged it off that led to the rise of widespread faggotry everywhere. It’s either you’re against it or you support it there’s no neutral ground because being neutral about it basically means you support it by letting them continue their constant indoctrination of the youth.

>Doesn’t care about rise of faggotry
>Mixed Race

You’re a good product of the vey, my friend.
We still got a gullible bunch on here.
Not blackpilled at all about the kikes.
It's part of the filthy Jewish agenda to depopulate
hitlermax now
I think the transition from just "gay pride" to "LGBT+" was the single most devastating blow to that community, so that's one thing going for traditionalism. good to see evil defeat itself
OP = based and high IQ
I hate faggots. Why are faggots accepted? They are degenerate fucks. Faggots, lesbians, transsexuals and other backwards people shouldn't be accepted ANYWHERE. If I was president of my country, I would call for all faggots and lesbian cunts to be imprisoned.

Say no to faggotry.

Also, women seem to love faggots more than straight men. This angers me even more. I will send you to prison when I run for president.
Yeah, I hate them too. I got really angry when US legalized gay marriage. Remember those russian fags fleeing russia because they would get arrested for alleged child abuse? Yeah man.

It was an article on moscow times, don't remember the title though, you'll have to look it up.
Yeah, I hate them too. I got really angry when US legalized gay marriage. Remember those russian fags fleeing russia because they would get arrested for alleged child abuse? Yeah man.

It was an article on moscow times, don't remember the title though, you'll have to look it up.
The US should have never legalized faggots. That was a huge mistake. Now they act like they're above everyone else.
Jewish Lobbies Behind The Homosexual Agenda

Based quote from the Bible:
“If a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act. They must both be put to death, for they are guilty of a capital offense.” (Leviticus 20:13)
Y'all are edgy retards. Gay ppl are fine, the whole movement was about getting marriage rights and stuff. It only turned into the degeneracy it is today (kink shit, 9262695 genders, shut up or well doxx/fire you for opinion) when the trannies and kinksters started to hijack everything.
Being a faggot is degeneracy in and of itself. You are literally doing something that nature didn't intend you to.
Being a faggot is degeneracy in and of itself. You are literally doing something that nature didn't intend you to.
Not rlly, almost all species has homos, its natural population control. Only reason homos are hated is BC religions hated them for not being able to make more believers.
Not rlly, almost all species has homos, its natural population control. Only reason homos are hated is BC religions hated them for not being able to make more believers.
No, few species have homos. And just because another species does it, it doesn't justify it. Rectum is built to pop out poop, not receive dicks.

Also, religions don't pop out from nowhere, they are governed by people. Homophobia is a natural phenomenon that all people have, yet few admit it.
Two 10/10 woman fucking is the peak of beauty, that is a fact.
Vermillioncore for president, ngl.

Leviticus 20:13 ESV
If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.

1 Corinthians 6:9-11 ESV
Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

Religion in incel forum ? Wtf
In on epic thread.


Even on this forum, we have a lot of faggot lovers its unbelievable
Do we?

I don't understand your blind hatred.
Edgyretards.co thread:
wHy iS thiS group rhat has been discriminated against for most of history have an acceptance movement now?? Did I mention I have stage 4 retardation? :feelstastyman: :feelstastyman: :feelstastyman: :feelstastyman: :feelstastyman:
Why do you hate gay people? Are you Muslim?

Never mind.
Religion in incel forum ?
Religion prevented from Inceldon from getting to the state it is.
Faggot acceptance is just another part of the Jew's strategy to demoralize the nation.

Its just another planned effect of their social engineering process, along with the creation of incels and Wizards and cucks/nu-males/soy boys/outcasts/etc.

The idea behind the Jews doing this I believe, is to not only humiliate and debase/degrade whites, as well aid in their white genocide goal, but more importantly their gimping us (males of the species) in such ways, is all about eliminating or at least lessening/weakening the available pool of healthy, normal, masculine, white men, who could stage a revolution to unseat Jewish power in America and perhaps even globally, since America is the strongest of the super powers at present and should said American white males ever wake up en masse to the Jewish question/problem, then it is likely the cleansing process (revolution) to destroy Jew's stranglehold on power would or could quite literally then take a global track/path.
Yes I hate faggots ngl

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