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Discussion Why incels are +90% far right extremist



Feb 22, 2024
on this forum or even in other incels community, the vast majority of users who care about politics are nazi / far right extremist, i legit never see come leftist or communist on theses forums even the vast majority of leftist have subhuman looks

is it due to the fact leftist incels are copers who just try to be leftist to have foids approbation ?
the incel subreddits where not full of far-right as here
I'm center left. I'll rather live in a libtard soyciety leeching off neetbux than dying for war-hungry cuckservatives.
Why would you be on the side that created inceldom in the first place and that constantly hates you.

The only incels who are from the left either have Stockholm Syndrome or are masochists.
I'm a leftist, there are more far right tard's here.
i legit never see come leftist or communist on theses forums even the vast majority of leftist have subhuman looks
there is left, communists etc here, but they're minority.
The only political ideology that I care about is Marxism-Rodgerism.
far right is also a cope
Studies show incels are not +90% far right
on this forum or even in other incels community, the vast majority of users who care about politics are nazi / far right extremist, i legit never see come leftist or communist on theses forums even the vast majority of leftist have subhuman looks

is it due to the fact leftist incels are copers who just try to be leftist to have foids approbation ?
leftists and communists and social-democrats in finland and in fact ALL parties/persons except fringe "far-right" are hardcore "REFUGEES WELCOME" idiots, whose policies, if pursued fully, would result in absurd sex ratios in procreation-relevant cohorts. Already we have very unhealthy sex ratios, the most male-skewed ages being twenties to late thirties, just the ages that are relevant to me and other incels.

this is literally a life or death -situation for incels. no other policy area is more important than this
Why would you be on the side that created inceldom in the first place and that constantly hates you.

The only incels who are from the left either have Stockholm Syndrome or are masochists.

It's the other way around. Only a retard would support a philosopy of toxic masculinity or tradmasc bullshit when you're a subhuman that would be bullied and killed in a "might makes right" world. You think right wingers like you?
politics are cope, instituted foid worship
There are users here who advocate for Marxism-Rodgerism which is considered to be far left
on this forum or even in other incels community, the vast majority of users who care about politics are nazi / far right extremist, i legit never see come leftist or communist on theses forums even the vast majority of leftist have subhuman looks

is it due to the fact leftist incels are copers who just try to be leftist to have foids approbation ?
Im antarctic communist
It's the other way around. Only a retard would support a philosopy of toxic masculinity or tradmasc bullshit when you're a subhuman that would be bullied and killed in a "might makes right" world. You think right wingers like you?

I don't see right wingers blaming white men for everything in the world or trying to pull a final solution jew treatment on all Men.
on this forum or even in other incels community, the vast majority of users who care about politics are nazi / far right extremist, i legit never see come leftist or communist on theses forums even the vast majority of leftist have subhuman looks

is it due to the fact leftist incels are copers who just try to be leftist to have foids approbation ?
They just try to be leftist to have foids approbation. But they failed
Because leftists don't think instead they 'feel' first then use their brain.
JoinedFeb 23, 2024
Society tells men who struggle, "Tough crap, deal with it!" which really is a conservative/right-wing attitude, so that might make incels more right-wing.

On the other hand, incels are basically clamoring for social justice, which is a left wing attribute, but the trouble is, the rest of society does not believe men are worthy of social justice.
Because we discovered the horrible truth
I don't want to be political anymore. I just wanna be happy whatever works for me.
There are more left-wing people here than you think.

Not the lgbt soy kind of left, rather the economical one.
There are more left-wing people here than you think.

Not the lgbt soy kind of left, rather the economical one.
The moment you oppose endless immigration and teaching alphabet sexuality to kids at school instead of subjects that actually matter, you're a far right nazi.
It's actually very simple.

I'll give some key reasons.


A lot of incels are autistic, and lack a life purpose. The way the current society is set up made it extremely hard for us aspies to socialize and have common ground with normies.

In totaliartive regimes, like the USSR, Maoist China, Nazi Germany etc, all to be a 'good citizen' you only needed to show your patroitism and work hard. Making fun of eugene for being a nerd devoted to working for the sake of the country would have never been accepted. Plus race/country have very low bar of entry, that is one factor we can use to find common ground with other people.

"Guarantee of a wife"
Fascist countries tend to have rigid gender norms, that incentizes and requires women to marry off 'losers', that is, the average man. In free love environment, like the animal kingdom, women only pick the very top men

The need for equity
The big ironic factor is that the far right tends to care more about true equality than the left. The left thinks that everyone is the same, so if you struggle then it is your fault. The far right recognizes that there are different races that are good at different things, and by sergerating them, they can interact fruitfully with other peoples without causing conflicts.

Power and pride
It's common knowledge that nationalists really dodnt have much going for them, hence, the r/beholdthemasterrace thingy. Theree's a saying "when you have nothing to be proud of, at least you can be proud of your country".


Races are inherently unfair. Some are smarter, some are better at sports. That has led to unfair interracial statistics, which is 90% source of ethnonationalism in recent timess. I've been around black/asian/white nationalist spaces and lots of them are mad pissed at their own women dating other races of men, which is reasonable complaint to make.

Leftist spaces are simply shit

Leftist spaces are shit. I've been banned for having a pepe frog picture in r/antiwork discord. They tend to be shallow people who only look at the surface. Oh, you say the "n word"? You must be Hitler reborn!!! The far right spaces doesnt do that. If you speak something stpuid you may be flamed like here or 4chan, but you wont get downright banned for it.

Just look at how many people call the GOP fascist, despite the fact that they are for small government and companies. Or how sanders is a communist. The "left and right" acceptable by mainstream, is simply NPC-ish.
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Asiacel, after reading your comment, I have no idea if you are saying that incel philosophy tends to be right win or left wing.
Asiacel, after reading your comment, I have no idea if you are saying that incel philosophy tends to be right win or left wing.
The left/right thingy is flawed becausea most politics tend to have elements from both "left" and "right".

But if we use the mainstream definition of left/right, then incels here are no doubt far-right. Again, both the Nazis and Mussolini had many social welfare programs, so I am using the mainstream left/right system.
Asiacel, after reading your comment, I have no idea if you are saying that incel philosophy tends to be right win or left wing.
He's taking about his personal ideology. Which is all over the place imo
Both sides suck

The right wants to put incels in psych ward and tax them more for not being able to have kids. The right supports insane prison sentences and castrations for sexual offenders which is simpish and toilet worshipping behaviour at the best. Incels also aren't favored by normies which often means unemployment. They want unemployed to die on the streets and not having any treatment to diseases. The right is mostly all about greed and excessive materialism.

The left wants incels to get stabbed by roadmen which are imported for toilets sexual needs as they love aggressive men. The left wants to ban purchasing sex while not selling it and they shove sex on the face all the time at the same time. The left just breeds mental disorders by promoting degeneracy. The left wants you to have nothing. No property, no personal transportation and they want to decide what you eat.
The left/right thingy is flawed becausea most politics tend to have elements from both "left" and "right".

But if we use the mainstream definition of left/right, then incels here are no doubt far-right. Again, both the Nazis and Mussolini had many social welfare programs, so I am using the mainstream left/right system.
I disagree. I think that incels are more similar to leftists.

Incels seem pretty similar to impoverished Russian peasants protesting the status quo before the Russian revolution.
He's taking about his personal ideology. Which is all over the place imo
Nah, I'm just giving reasons why incels may support "far right" causes. But actual poltics is a mixture of left and right, but I am using far right as a general label.
I disagree. I think that incels are more similar to leftists.

Incels seem pretty similar to impoverished Russian peasants protesting the status quo before the Russian revolution.
Maybe. But whether we are truly left/right, is simply an label. Like I said, actual policies are a mixture of left and right. I'd best describe the system many of us believe as a spectrum of incelofascism, like supportive towards social welfare and taking away women rights. (Far left economics, far right social)
@Pajeetsingh will tell you the otherwise and his fellow Marist-rodgerists
The moment you oppose endless immigration and teaching alphabet sexuality to kids at school instead of subjects that actually matter, you're a far right nazi.
Yep if you are anti lgbt you are far right nowadays
Both sides suck

The right wants to put incels in psych ward and tax them more for not being able to have kids. The right supports insane prison sentences and castrations for sexual offenders which is simpish and toilet worshipping behaviour at the best. Incels also aren't favored by normies which often means unemployment. They want unemployed to die on the streets and not having any treatment to diseases. The right is mostly all about greed and excessive materialism.

The left wants incels to get stabbed by roadmen which are imported for toilets sexual needs as they love aggressive men. The left wants to ban purchasing sex while not selling it and they shove sex on the face all the time at the same time. The left just breeds mental disorders by promoting degeneracy. The left wants you to have nothing. No property, no personal transportation and they want to decide what you eat.
Yeah sounds like mainstream republican/democrat. Both of them sucks and are globalists. The only solution is fascism or something similar, like national socialism.
Yep if you are anti lgbt you are far right nowadays
Which is based. I describe myself as extreme far right, as in that I believe way more than simply being against LGBT.
Yeah. It is weird how he started that comment with, "It's actually very simple." Clearly it is not very simple.
The only reason what I said was "complicated" is because modern world has ridden of many things would hold together a society. We were brought up to believe men and women are equal etc.
I think that incel philosophy is decidedly leftist.

Incels are not unlike feminists. The entire philosophy revolves around how society is stacked against men. Feminists complain that women are held to unattainable standards. Incels complain that men are held to unattainable standards. I honestly think that more people are agreeing with men now. It has been a long time since I have heard "women are held to unattainable standards of beauty!" In the 2000s, I heard that all the time, are young women still saying that? It seems impossible to justify now, and impossible to pretend to agree.

Incels are like out-of-work blue collar workers from the Rust Belt who are unhappy to be unemployed due to jobs being outsourced or companies like Amazon taking all the jobs.

Incels are like impoverished proletariats who are unhappy that the wealthy landowners are hoarding all of the wealth.
Why would you be on the side that created inceldom in the first place and that constantly hates you.

The only incels who are from the left either have Stockholm Syndrome or are masochists.

This is the simplest answer right here. Inceldom has only ever been a major problem in feminist soy societies
Politics is cope, I want traditionalist patriachist theocracy
They are just the loudest and edgiest bait fags
the modern left is associated strongly with feminism, as well as things like LGBT, etc.

so incels mostly avoid associating with it

'left' and 'right' are just aesthetics at the end of the day, leftist normies and rightoid ones have more in common with each other than with incels

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