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Venting Why I’m fascist and incel



Dec 3, 2022
I’m making this thread because there’s a lot of retards who say this shit to us stormcels. “ BRO HOW CAN YOU BE INCEL AND BELIEVE IN FASCISM/NATIONAL SOCIALISM/ ETC YOUD BE PUT INTO A CAMP” :soy::soy:
Like ok retard you have no idea what you’re talking about and you’re historically illiterate. Also even if you wanted to make the eugenics argument no the nazis wouldn’t put Incels in camps what?? Other than the fact the camps in the holohoax were labor camps and not death camps being ugly did not mean you were going into a death camp. Fucking hell dude look at Goebbels you think he wouldn’t have been incel in modern day. Also Fascism and national socialism are not the same. Like what do camps have to do with fascism ?? Show me where in any fascist doctrine or manifesto it talked about needing camps or killing off those who were ugly.
Anyways yes a fascist society would try to make a healthy nation and to do that people would have children younger, not do or participate in degenerate shit and have more than one kids. A lot of the factors that causes our inceldom would easily be fixed in a fascist society. The reason we turned out like this is because our low testosterone, gynocentrist, neoliberal, Jewish supremacist, hedonistic, multicultural, globalist shithole of a society. Yes we fascists are hierarchal and this doesn’t mean we muhhh think we’d be on the top. Hierarchy isn’t even about top and bottom you’re looking at it in a retarded way. Hierarchy simply states that humans are not equal, egalitarianism is false and that different people have different roles in society. Everyone would have a role in society that satisfies, benefits them and helps the nation. In a fascist society we wouldn’t have Incels, inceldom is mainly a result of our neoliberal based society where ofc looks matter because people are materialistic retards. We would understand humans are beyond their physical nature and that our main goal in looking for a mate would be a man who could reproduce and take care of their kids. Incels we’re practically non existent in traditional society. Traditionalism would solve such a big portion of our problems and I guarantee you people like Evola if he were alive would explain something similar to this. Fascism is rooted in love of the nation and belief the people make up the nation. We would have a corporatist society where corporations work to the benefit of the nation and people not a shitty Corporatocracy like our current society. Our bank would be nationalized and our labor would be backed by currency. Not some kike central bank debt based ran society that has boom And bust cycles that ultimately have recessions that get worse & worse. We wouldn’t be importing migrants for cheap labor and having stupid commercialized ads giving these people high standards of preference. I’m also not a futuristic fascist btw, fascism isn’t inherently futuristic and is also different for every nation. A lot of our issues do also come the digital age and mass producing of technology that cause long term consequences.

But that’s the basics of my rant and why I think fascism and inceldom isn’t incompatible and why it would benefit us.
@Copexodius Maximus @DarkStarDown here are the basics of my correlation with fascism and inceldom. I was a fascist before I really considered myself incel though for a year and a half ID day. It doesn’t really get into my beliefs or ideal nation it just mainly talks about how fascism isn’t incompatible with inceldom.
Aryan master race but can't even use fucking paragraphs.
incels belong to no nation. we are our own kind:fuk:
Aryan master race but can't even use fucking paragraphs.
nice strawman with the first thing. Hurrr DURR bro u fascist u must think ur some master race larper. :soy: Not once did I speak about racial supremacy. Also I don’t give a fuck dude I’m behind on one project I have to do for a class I’m struggling in I just wrote this shit as fast as possible.
incels belong to no nation. we are our own kind:fuk:
Not true. Most Incels are treated like shit by people of different races usually we have some unity with people of our specific ethnic group or race regardless if we’re incel. This also applies to nation as well
Not true. Most Incels are treated like shit by people of different races usually we have some unity with people of our specific ethnic group or race regardless if we’re incel. This also applies to nation as well
not really. I would go around the city alone at 17 and 16, and drink beer or actually vodka., I was an outcast for the most part and made friends with blacks but some were nice only I guess but random black people were so chill and down to talk to girls with me.
not really. I would go around the city alone at 17 and 16, and drink beer or actually vodka., I was an outcast for the most part and made friends with blacks but some were nice only I guess but random black people were so chill and down to talk to girls with me.
Are you black?
incels belong to no nation. we are our own kind:fuk:
You can belong to the Kingdom of GOD! If only you would give CHRIST a chance, and accept HIM as LORD and repent. :)
Fascism is based because it supports the patriarchy.
I basically look Jewish and perhaps a bit Greek Antolian.
Alright I c. Well there’s going to be individuals of any race but in a broader aspect multicultural, multiracial societies have far more conflict and issues than a homogenous society. A homogenous society is better as humans are inherently tribalistic and racist. Plus there will be far less sexual competition in a homogenous society.
What type?
I looklike the bottom kind a bit
Alright I c. Well there’s going to be individuals of any race but in a broader aspect multicultural, multiracial societies have far more conflict and issues than a homogenous society. A homogenous society is better as humans are inherently tribalistic and racist. Plus there will be far less sexual competition in a homogenous society.
Not true this is just what loserfer wants you to feel. I don't feel this anymore and I'm a lot happier. I'm Christian.
@ElTruecel Are you Hispanic?
You write like a third grader. Ever heard of paragraphs?
Holy fuck if you want me to write some formal ass essay with paragraphs, when writing long posts just ask. But Shutup with these “hurrrr durrr bro write paragraphs durrrr I’m too lazy to read the text I need paragraphs to read durrr”. Don’t give me this obnoxious comment just ask.
@Copexodius Maximus @DarkStarDown here are the basics of my correlation with fascism and inceldom. I was a fascist before I really considered myself incel though for a year and a half ID day. It doesn’t really get into my beliefs or ideal nation it just mainly talks about how fascism isn’t incompatible with inceldom.
Very well said, and I like how you debunked there myth that Fascism would be just a form of "chad" worship.
I mean, apart from maybe Oswald Mosley, in modern times most Fascist/NatSoc leaders would be considered Normie to maybe even Incel looks wise.
I still am not sure I would consider myself a Fascist, or any ideology for that matter, but I feel you argued this well.
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Very well said, and I like how you debunked there myth that Fascism would be just a form of "chad" worship.
I mean, apart from maybe Oswald Mosley, in modern times most Fascist/NatSoc leaders would be considered Normie to maybe even Incel looks wise.
Thank you. Also yea most fascist/NatSoc leaders weren’t necessarily this chad phenotype. It has nothing to do with chad worship and it mainly has to do with loving your nation and people. It also has the third positionist and corporatist elements that are the best economical positions compared to something like capitalism & communism. Capitalism & communism are both materialistic and for example capitalism only focuses on profit and not the person. Capitalism only really cares about profit and communism is rooted in a fully egalitarian rooted idea of society.
@Copexodius Maximus @DarkStarDown here are the basics of my correlation with fascism and inceldom. I was a fascist before I really considered myself incel though for a year and a half ID day. It doesn’t really get into my beliefs or ideal nation it just mainly talks about how fascism isn’t incompatible with inceldom.
Thank you, that was interesting to read. Can you explain some of the differences between fascism and national socialism? I know they’re not the same, but idk what many of the differences are.
Thank you, that was interesting to read. Can you explain some of the differences between fascism and national socialism? I know they’re not the same, but idk what many of the differences are.
Well for some Fascism focus more on nation and national socialism focuses on race however some fascists like me we also believe nation is also defined by race. Another difference is how Fascism is more nationalistic and more isolationist vs national socialism being more chauvinist and imperialist. Also Fascist economy is more oriented to a public sector while national socialism is a bit different than that. Ultimately Fascism is more oriented in the state while national socialism is more oriented on race.
Thank you, that was interesting to read. Can you explain some of the differences between fascism and national socialism? I know they’re not the same, but idk what many of the differences are.
Also by public sector I kinda mean that although parts of the economy are privatized like agriculture for example it still adheres to the state. As the state oversees it all
Well for some Fascism focus more on nation and national socialism focuses on race however some fascists like me we also believe nation is also defined by race. Another difference is how Fascism is more nationalistic and more isolationist vs national socialism being more chauvinist and imperialist. Also Fascist economy is more oriented to a public sector while national socialism is a bit different than that. Ultimately Fascism is more oriented in the state while national socialism is more oriented on race.
If you think the race=nation, then that major difference seem to mean much.
I was fascist myself but developed such a hatred on most people that I stopped being one.

You can't be a fascist if you hate most of your nation
I c what you mean but I don’t really hate a lot of people. I haven’t been wronged by a lot it’s just soyciety kikes that did this
If you think the race=nation, then that major difference seem to mean much.
being ugly did not mean you were going into a death camp
true, but Aktion T4 was aimed at the mentally ill too (schizos, autists, etc.). Those were scheduled for euthanasia.

The nazis were based, tho.
true, but Aktion T4 was aimed at the mentally ill too (schizos, autists, etc.). Those were scheduled for euthanasia.

The nazis were based, tho.
Aktion 4 was wrong but they weren’t really killing people with surface level disorders. Like the autists they were killing were the severely retarded ones I believe. But yea they did kill some mentally ill people however I wouldn’t be surprised if aktion 4 was fabricated. I mean we know the GeneralPlan OST document was fabricated so I see no reason why aktion 4 wouldn’t be the same or heavily exaggerated.
Aktion 4 was wrong but they weren’t really killing people with surface level disorders. Like the autists they were killing were the severely retarded ones I believe. But yea they did kill some mentally ill people however I wouldn’t be surprised if aktion 4 was fabricated. I mean we know the GeneralPlan OST document was fabricated so I see no reason why aktion 4 wouldn’t be the same or heavily exaggerated.
Aktion T4 was real, it was euthanasia of the severely mentally ill (alzheimers, dementia, etc.)

nowadays, Canada is offering euthanasia to anyone who complains about any ailment, and nobody bats an eye.

Aktion T4 was much more restrained than what Dutch or Canadian governments are doing today to please the jews.
Love these sf facist copes when ur white women all bounce on BBCs and produce niglets jfl
Love these sf facist copes when ur white women all bounce on BBCs and produce niglets jfl
I’m not white dude, also you’re literally a racist Slavic so I have no idea why you have a problem with this? Is your only ideology just hating blacks?
Aktion T4 was real, it was euthanasia of the severely mentally ill (alzheimers, dementia, etc.)

nowadays, Canada is offering euthanasia to anyone who complains about any ailment, and nobody bats an eye.

Aktion T4 was much more restrained than what Dutch or Canadian governments are doing today to please the jews.
Yea I heard of people comparing the two. Anyways yea pretty stupid offering euthanasia for stuff like that. From what I was told I heard aktion 4 was forced eugenics and not optional euthanasia. However yea guess I was wrong on that.
@DepressedRageMaxxer @Betrayed you both come here. I like you both but fascism is a bit more complicated than you guys say it is. Like for example we do believe in similar stuff to national syndicalism. I don’t mind a lot of corporations belonging to the state being ran by trade unions. Unions against the state must be crushed however
>Muh i would get pussy if le politicsarinooo :soy:
Too long didn’t read, but fascism is gooood
All humans are socially reliant kike
The NPCs are yes. Perhaps you are one yourself. My bad for blaming the sheep for being itself. Carry on.
The NPCs are yes. Perhaps you are one yourself. My bad for blaming the sheep for being itself. Carry on.
As an autist who doesnt like social situations and is very introverted I’m not gonna sit here and deny evolution
As an autist who doesnt like social situations and is very introverted I’m not gonna sit here and deny evolution
NPC detected. Autism doesn't exist. It's a catch all phrase made by low iq medical industry technicians to classify retards, focused aneurotypes and assorted socially useless developed neurological states into an easy to reject category. You are no autist. Merely a buck broken NPC-lite with minor redpills integrated into your worldview sensors
This is extremely boring.

Regardless of your arguments, you should ask yourself why fascism and not socialism or the "democratic liberalism" of the "free world." Ask yourself about the existence of "incels" in all of those distinct societies and historical times and compare them to today´s world. Your "choice" for fascism is then arbitrary.
Not reading your dumbass ramble, keep coping though
You're not wrong. Things would be much better for incels in that kind of society it's just that 90% of people on this forum have a room temperature iq so they can't wrap their head around it.
NPC detected. Autism doesn't exist. It's a catch all phrase made by low iq medical industry technicians to classify retards, focused aneurotypes and assorted socially useless developed neurological states into an easy to reject category. You are no autist. Merely a buck broken NPC-lite with minor redpills integrated into your worldview sensors
Hurrr DURR autism doesn’t exist. Yea cope go argue with medical scientists also “low iq medical industry technicians”. Stop pretending like you know what you’re talking about

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