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RageFuel 'Why I'll never tell my husband our child isn't his'



Jun 17, 2019
"I loved Jason, but when my sexy younger boss invited me back to his place, I couldn't help but say yes."

I’d been dating Jason on and off for four years. When I say ‘on and off’ it’s because we were always having fights, breaking up and getting back together. My girlfriends got sick and tired of hearing me complain about him or tell them about our most recent break up because they knew that, eventually, I’d be back with him again.

I really loved him but we clashed a lot. There was one time when we broke up over yet another petty fight and I didn’t hear from him for a couple of weeks. But he always came back.

During that two-week period I spent a lot of time with my boss, Alexander, who was a few years younger than me and very good looking. He had jet black hair, blue eyes and when he smiled he had a very distinctive dimple on his left cheek, which I found very adorable.

The night my boss made a move

There was one night when I was staying late at work and as Alexander was leaving, he asked me why I was still at my desk. I told him I’d just broken up with my boyfriend and was not feeling great, so he offered to take me out for a drink.

I’ll admit that I didn’t think that Jason and I were really over – I knew it was only a matter of time before he’d come crawling back to me as usual. But I’d had a crush on Alexander for a long time and there was no way I was going to turn him down.

So he took me out for drinks, we flirted like crazy, started holding hands, then kissing, and then he drove me to his house (his wife was away on business). We had sex that night and it was pretty incredible - let’s just say he was very attentive and it was much, much better than sleeping with Jason.

The next day, Alexander told me he was in love with me

I was incredibly flattered but I told him that, although I was very much attracted to him, I couldn’t see it working – for starters, he was married! He told me he’d even consider ending things with his wife if I would definitely be with him. But I said I wasn’t sure. Then he convinced me to see him again that night and, once again, we fell into bed and it was amazing. Still, I decided I didn’t want to take things further because with Alexander it was all about lust, and with Jason, I knew it was ‘true love’.

I ended up being right – Jason and I reunited a couple of weeks later and this time he proposed! We made a real promise to each other that we’d stop all the arguing and really commit to each other.

Then, a couple of months later, I realised I was pregnant

Jason was over the moon as was my family … but I couldn’t help thinking that there was a huge possibility that my baby daddy was Alexander and not Jason. I tried not to think about it too much and just let myself enjoy my pregnancy. I’d wanted to be a mother for a very long time so I put Alexander out of my mind.

I knew right away he wasn't Jason's baby

My pregnancy went really well and I gave birth to my beautiful boy, Oscar, who was perfect and healthy. But I knew, right away, that he was not Jason’s baby – I could see Alexander. My baby had jet black hair, blue eyes and on the left cheek he had a deep dimple, which was quite pronounced, especially when he cried!

I also have dark hair but mine and Jason’s eyes are brown. There’s no explaining that dimple though.

Now Oscar is three, he really is the spitting image of his father

Luckily for me we moved interstate and Jason had never met Alexander so could never put two and two together, but I will never move back to Sydney. It’d be just my luck that we’d be out one day and bump into Alexander and Jason might be suspicious.

Will I ever tell him the truth? No, it would kill him. Would I ever tell Alexander the truth? No, never.

Yes, I have moments when I think I am a dreadful person but I believe I’m doing the right thing for my son and there is no reason he needs to know the truth right now. I might change my mind in the future, of course, but for now, I’m keeping the peace.

Here it is. If this doesn't make you rage I don't know what will. @yungcel

Jason is an idiot for being in an on-off relationship and deserves it, what a fucking cuck.
This foid is a selfish whore, she attempts to rationalize it by saying she's doing the right thing for her son but she's obviously doing it for herself
paternity tests should be mandatory.

paternity tests should be mandatory.
also this
Jason is an idiot for being in an on-off relationship and deserves it, what a fucking cuck.
I thought it was weird how he assumed that the baby was his when they weren't even married, just dating. So yeah, in that regard, he is an idiot and a cuck. He should have been more suspicious. I can understand why foids take advantage of men who are this dumb.
This foid is a selfish whore, she attempts to rationalize it by saying she's doing the right thing for her son but she's obviously doing it for herself
Foids always pull mental gymnastics when it comes to the horrible things they do to men, especially their partners. Either they spin the story to make it sound like someone else is to blame or to make it sound like what they did was in fact a good thing.
Well, at least the kid is white and she isn't planning on divorce-raping the guy, I've read stories of this type that were way worse.
Men have become weak in this day and age, a foid will always take advantage of a weak man, just like a dog.
I thought it was weird how he assumed that the baby was his when they weren't even married, just dating. So yeah, in that regard, he is an idiot and a cuck. He should have been more suspicious. I can understand why foids take advantage of men who are this dumb.

Foids always pull mental gymnastics when it comes to the horrible things they do to men, especially their partners. Either they spin the story to make it sound like someone else is to blame or to make it sound like what they did was in fact a good thing.
Well, at least the kid is white and she isn't planning on divorce-raping the guy, I've read stories of this type that were way worse.

It would be better if the kid wasn't white because then it'd be significantly easier to tell that it obviously isn't his.
Foids are such narcissistic beasts
please ban OP until he uses the internet for longer and knows what is clearly a larp and not.
You think this is a LARP? :dafuckfeels::dafuckfeels:
I don't think its a larp because I think the content is not possible, I think it is a larp because the posting style etc shows it to be a larp by a cuck faggot. yes, the contents obviously happen, but THIS post is a larp.
One of the reasons i will never procreate.
65 guests should feel very bad.
Here it is. If this doesn't make you rage I don't know what will. @yungcel

Supposing her son has a life threatening condition in later years and needs a transplant etc.. and the mother or father isn't a match. Will she then confess and contact the real father to save her son's life? Worse still, if the child develops a life threatening condition in later years and her and the cuck are dead and the poor man has to die when potentionally his real father is out there who could save his life?

Stupid, selfish fucking whore!

paternity tests should be mandatory.
Nuclear level high IQ.
Find Jason and show him this
One of the reasons i will never procreate.
The cuck didn't procreate either though.
Find Jason and show him this
It would be interesting if someone could pull that off. But I think the writer is using a fake name and there's a shitton of people in Australia named James so that's not much of a hint.
Besides, we're not 8chan or something, our users are way too low-IQ and lazy for a project like that.
someone should stalk the husband and tell the poor man the truth and hope he leaves the cunt on the street
"I’ll admit that I didn’t think that Jason and I were really over – I knew it was only a matter of time before he’d come crawling back to me as usual. But I’d had a crush on Alexander for a long time and there was no way I was going to turn him down."

This sounds like a typical pretext to fuck the another guy.
Look how the storie not explain the on and offs, it's very probably for foids fault , because if were the fault of jason, she obviously doesn't had lost the oportunity to say that... It seems that this foid is the standard whore and jason then man up! and propose her!
please ban OP until he uses the internet for longer and knows what is clearly a larp and not.

I wouldn't doubt that some of the material I post is fake but to say everything I post is definitely fake is unrealistic.
this is obvious LARP, not ragefuel for me at all
"I couldn't help but say yes"

Just goes to show that foids don't give a shit once a situation stumbles up. She clearly didn't even consider or think of her husband while she decided that. lmao at all the faggots who think their gf or wife wouldn't fuck a chad if he offered his cock to them. You are truly cucked
this is obvious LARP, not ragefuel for me at all

I think you guys are coping because the idea that someone could be this vile is too outrageous to you. What makes this such an obvious larp? We can't prove the validity of this 100% but we can't disprove the validity of this completely either.
I think you guys are coping because the idea that someone could be this vile is too outrageous to you. What makes this such an obvious larp? We can't prove the validity of this 100% but we can't disprove the validity of this completely either.
low iq
Writing style isn't of a female. LARP, but not because the situation is outlandish–I wouldn't even say it's uncommon– but because of the way they type.
This doesnt even sound like a foid, way too blunt and straightforward
She deserved to have a miscarriage. I hope that little bastard gets meningitis. Even better, it needs a blood transfusion and it gets pumped full of his "dad's" blood only for it to poison him and kill him, and that's how the dad finds out he has been cucked by a lying fucking selfish fucking cunt who is stealing his money bring up Chad's fucking bastard spawn. I hope Jason finds out and fucking impales her cunt first on a rusty spike covered in razors and barbed wire.
Foids think they are protecting the child when they're just protecting themselves when they hid paternity like this.

If anyone here ever has children, get a paternity test, I dont care how great she is or whatever just get one. Unless you have a pretty white wife/gf and have a white Chad impregnate her so as to prevent incel kids, and produce more children of the Herrenrasse
We need to behead this cuck.
This hits home for me a lot. My Mother never told her Husband, my "dad", that I wasn't his son biologically until I was 18. She kept saying it was to protect me. She used so many excuses that I believed for so long but now that I am an adult and older I just see how she used him.

She grew up very poor. When I say poor I MEAN poor. Dirt poor. One meal a day type poor and that was the free meal at school. So she got married to a man who was a very good provider and then cheated on him but never told. Her sisters knew but that was it. She kept telling me that she didn't want me to grow up poor like she did and that she kept up the lie for my sake. That she wanted me to have the very best and every opportunity in life so that is why she didn't tell my "dad" until I was 18. Broke his goddamn heart. We still have an amicable relationship but some things just can never be fixed.

The majority of mothers, even my own mother, hide behind their children so they don't have to accept the fact that they are lying dirty downtrodden whores that should have been killed. If I ever have a kid I know to 100% do a paternity test no matter what but hey this was back in the 80s when information wasn't as available and I doubt my dad would ever even think his high school sweetheart would cheat on him a few months after they got married. What is even worse is paternity tests are slowly becoming illegal or being painted as a negative for men. The whole argument being you must not trust the baby mama/wife/girlfriend/lover/partner if you want to do a paternity test. YOU MISOGYNIST PIG!!
This hits home for me a lot. My Mother never told her Husband, my "dad", that I wasn't his son biologically until I was 18. She kept saying it was to protect me. She used so many excuses that I believed for so long but now that I am an adult and older I just see how she used him.

She grew up very poor. When I say poor I MEAN poor. Dirt poor. One meal a day type poor and that was the free meal at school. So she got married to a man who was a very good provider and then cheated on him but never told. Her sisters knew but that was it. She kept telling me that she didn't want me to grow up poor like she did and that she kept up the lie for my sake. That she wanted me to have the very best and every opportunity in life so that is why she didn't tell my "dad" until I was 18. Broke his goddamn heart. We still have an amicable relationship but some things just can never be fixed.

The majority of mothers, even my own mother, hide behind their children so they don't have to accept the fact that they are lying dirty downtrodden whores that should have been killed. If I ever have a kid I know to 100% do a paternity test no matter what but hey this was back in the 80s when information wasn't as available and I doubt my dad would ever even think his high school sweetheart would cheat on him a few months after they got married. What is even worse is paternity tests are slowly becoming illegal or being painted as a negative for men. The whole argument being you must not trust the baby mama/wife/girlfriend/lover/partner if you want to do a paternity test. YOU MISOGYNIST PIG!!

Women are something else. How convenient that she told him as soon as child support would not be a thing.
This hits home for me a lot. My Mother never told her Husband, my "dad", that I wasn't his son biologically until I was 18. She kept saying it was to protect me. She used so many excuses that I believed for so long but now that I am an adult and older I just see how she used him.

She grew up very poor. When I say poor I MEAN poor. Dirt poor. One meal a day type poor and that was the free meal at school. So she got married to a man who was a very good provider and then cheated on him but never told. Her sisters knew but that was it. She kept telling me that she didn't want me to grow up poor like she did and that she kept up the lie for my sake. That she wanted me to have the very best and every opportunity in life so that is why she didn't tell my "dad" until I was 18. Broke his goddamn heart. We still have an amicable relationship but some things just can never be fixed.

The majority of mothers, even my own mother, hide behind their children so they don't have to accept the fact that they are lying dirty downtrodden whores that should have been killed. If I ever have a kid I know to 100% do a paternity test no matter what but hey this was back in the 80s when information wasn't as available and I doubt my dad would ever even think his high school sweetheart would cheat on him a few months after they got married. What is even worse is paternity tests are slowly becoming illegal or being painted as a negative for men. The whole argument being you must not trust the baby mama/wife/girlfriend/lover/partner if you want to do a paternity test. YOU MISOGYNIST PIG!!
Wow dude. That's rough.
I think my brother is like that you too.
He's blond while the rest of us are dark haired... It was before DNA tests but they had other tests... Damn.

Strange thing is my mom sort of mentioned it a few times. But nothing solid.

Women love their secrets.
Foids are not human beings but beasts.
paternity tests should be mandatory.

However, cucks deserve to be cucked. I volunteer to be an angel who tell cucks the truth about their children minutes before the death. :feelsLSD:
she should be forced to work long and hard hours in a 2 mile deep coal mine and would be awarded food sufficient enough to survive another day if she manages to reach the target for the day
she should be forced to work long and hard hours in a 2 mile deep coal mine and would be awarded food sufficient enough to survive another day if she manages to reach the target for the day
Ruling with an iron, but fair fist, I see.
Men have become weak in this day and age, a foid will always take advantage of a weak man, just like a dog.
High iq. I struggle to keep my dog obedient for the same reason I struggle to get a foid: I am too kind and I just can't help but trying to treat all people (including dogs) like an equal. LoL
Women are deceitful sluts, every last one of them.
Jason is an idiot for being in an on-off relationship and deserves it, what a fucking cuck.
This foid is a selfish whore, she attempts to rationalize it by saying she's doing the right thing for her son but she's obviously doing it for herself
I thought it was weird how he assumed that the baby was his when they weren't even married, just dating. So yeah, in that regard, he is an idiot and a cuck. He should have been more suspicious. I can understand why foids take advantage of men who are this dumb.

Foids always pull mental gymnastics when it comes to the horrible things they do to men, especially their partners. Either they spin the story to make it sound like someone else is to blame or to make it sound like what they did was in fact a good thing.
Well, at least the kid is white and she isn't planning on divorce-raping the guy, I've read stories of this type that were way worse.
high IQ
Shit like this is the reason why in a world where I could have a girlfriend, I'd be insanely paranoid.
The cucking here is too real :feelskek:

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