It, of course, has to do with curries' pedestalization of white women and obsession with white skin, but in a different way than I initially imagined. I used to think this was a result of dark-skinned curries needing white foid porn with a dark dick in it to project onto, but the fact that google trends data shows the curry country consuming the most BBCshit is Pakistan, as well as search volume in general being concentrated in the North, indicates that isn't what's going on:
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View attachment 1362476
To find the real reason curries are obsessed with BBC porn, one must look at two things: their insectoid obsession with white women, and the way they perceive beauty. It's no secret that your average South Asian is hungry for white women like a monkey is for bananas—I don't think I need to elaborate on that. But the subsequently mentioned aspect – how 'jeets perceive beauty – is the most important. Jeets have no eye for craniofacial morphology and see lighter skin as the definition of aesthetics. Thus, they tend to look down on dark-skinned people, be they their fellow jeets, or, of course, nigs. As a result, these BBC-obsessed curroids, while not being white themselves,
feel cucked by seeing a black man fuck a white woman, because they perceive their stinkoid selves as "deserving" the bold and batiful blonde goddess on screen more than that dark nigger, despite the fact that said nigger mogs them in EVERY single aspect.
Why are we such a clown race, man??
I'm a darkskin but still, we curries need to be holocausted expeditiously