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Serious Why I stopped escortcelling.

  • Thread starter Incel_Because_Short
  • Start date


Nov 11, 2017
I'm going to preface this by saying that in no way am I telling you how to live your life. Your choices are your own.

I'm about 25 years old now and since I was 23, I sporadically engaged in hiring escorts for an hour or so to have sex with. Some people are able to enjoy sex for the sake of sex, but if you are even slightly self-aware (like most incels are), ultimately you will not be completely satisfied with escortcelling. I will use this thread to write down the reasons why:

It's not that sexually stimulating.
For starters, you never actually have sex with an escort. You will rarely, if ever, find an escort who is willing to let you do anything with her without a condom. Yes we can talk about protection from sexual diseases all that, but you are still fucking a plastic bag wrapped around your dick, with the woman's vagina warming it up. It takes all the sensation away, and if you do manage to orgasm, you are left dissatisfied. Trust me it doesn't matter how hot the woman is, that fact doesn't change. Meanwhile Chad actually gets to feel the warm, tightness of being inside a woman's vagina. You are actually being extremely short-changed when you think about it.

In North America you will pay $250+ an hour for the privilege of fucking a plastic bag. Unironically, a fleshlight warmed up with water and lube feels magnitudes more stimulating than sex with a condom.

You will be too aware about the nature of the transactional relationship:

As I said before, if you are an incel, it is because you are aware that your physical appearance is why you cannot find a relationship. Most guys who see escorts don't care about this because they have a wife, or they don't critically think about it. It doesn't matter how nice she treats you or what positions she puts herself in, you will be completely aware the whole time that if you hadn't paid her, she would not even spit on you if you were on fire. Most escorts hate their clients and tolerate them to the extent necessary to extract money from them.

A lot of guys suspend their disbelief on this in order to see escorts, or they're genuinely bluepilled and think that the escort cares about them. Just book an appointment two weeks in advance, then cancel the next week with an escort and see how pissed off she gets at you, or how quickly she will encourage you to subscribe to her OnlyFans or give her an Amazon giftcard. To her you're money, nothing more.

It ultimately doesn't change who you are in society.

You will not suddenly gain a better self-esteem or be seen as different because you fucked a 10/10 escort. Sure, for an hour or two you can have a good-looking girl bathe you, serve you wine, and play with your plastic-covered dick, but the second you step out of her place, you are back in reality, where women hate your presence, treat you coldly and make fun of you with her friends about the short guy they saw the other day. That is because having sex doesn't change the reality of your situation. What you are looking for is a sense of belonging and acceptance from a woman, and a woman who is attracted enough to you to offer this and be willing to commit to a mutually beneficial romantic/sexual relationship with you. That is what will make you feel better about life, not some leech who has sex for money.

And I'm not saying this from a place of ignorance. I have seen at least a dozen escorts by now of all races, heights, appearances. Trust me I wish I would have saved the $6,000 or so dollars and put it towards my Arduino projects. It would have left me much more satisfied.
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Good thread. @PPEcel can you please make this sticky?
Well you will turn from an Incel into a cuck bc you are financially supporting people (women) who in fact hate you for your appearance
I stopped because I'm too lazy and it's too expensive. If I was a richcel I'd do it every day
Well you will turn from an Incel into a cuck bc you are financially supporting people (women) who in fact hate you for your appearance
This, although it's no better to betabux a foid. Conclusion: as non-chads, we are just completely fucked. Crual truth.
Escorts are disgusting. Plus Id never pay a bitch to fuck me. Thats beta cuck shit
Did you try sex with no condom?
I never escortceled so im interested considering majority of men dont experience sex without the condom. The one in LTR and marriage probably do.

I think prostitution is way too expensive and too much work to set up.
Well you will turn from an Incel into a cuck bc you are financially supporting people (women) who in fact hate you for your appearance
This, the fact that I'm using my hard-earned money to financially support women for doing nothing but spread their legs always pissed me off in the back of my mind. It's like giving money to somebody who hates you. And by escortcelling you are supporting the idea that women should be getting paid the salary of a doctor just for existing and doing what they should normally be doing at home, as a housewife, dutifully to her husband.

Did you try sex with no condom?
I never escortceled so im interested considering majority of men dont experience sex without the condom. The one in LTR and marriage probably do.

I think prostitution is way too expensive and too much work to set up.
Nope, I never tried sex with no condom, and unless you are Chad or are willing to risk getting jail time, an escort will never have condom free sex with you. Her vagina is her most important asset, so if she gets a sexual disease it's over for her. And many of these women are so deep in debt trying to maintain their consumerist lifestyle that they cannot afford losing the ability to sell their pussies.

Comparing sex with a condom to a lubed, warmed up fleshlight while high on weed and watching porn, trust me the latter is miles more sexually stimulating.

Again I would say try it once or twice, just to understand that you're not losing much of anything. But I'm serious when I say that those $6,000 or so dollars I have spent over the past two years could have gone into more houseplants for me to take care of, or more servo motors to use in my robotics projects, both of which give me a greater feeling of satisfaction and autonomy in my life than having sex with an escort.
What are those? Are you working on something?:feelsaww:
I'm working on a lot of things Anon. One thing I developed is an Arduino that will simply detect moisture levels in a plant, and release a valve from a tank of water when moisture levels are low until the soil is moisturized again. This makes it easier for my to leave my plants alone when I'm on deployment.

I've been trying to get into robotics also. I recently got a 3d printer from a friend that I'm learning how to use to build small parts to make robots, through a combination of servo motors and other sensors.
I'm working on a lot of things Anon. One thing I developed is an Arduino that will simply detect moisture levels in a plant, and release a valve from a tank of water when moisture levels are low until the soil is moisturized again. This makes it easier for my to leave my plants alone when I'm on deployment.

I've been trying to get into robotics also. I recently got a 3d printer from a friend that I'm learning how to use to build small parts to make robots, through a combination of servo motors and other sensors.
Man, that's pretty cool. Props to you.
This, the fact that I'm using my hard-earned money to financially support women for doing nothing but spread their legs always pissed me off in the back of my mind. It's like giving money to somebody who hates you. And by escortcelling you are supporting the idea that women should be getting paid the salary of a doctor just for existing and doing what they should normally be doing at home, as a housewife, dutifully to her husband.

Nope, I never tried sex with no condom, and unless you are Chad or are willing to risk getting jail time, an escort will never have condom free sex with you. Her vagina is her most important asset, so if she gets a sexual disease it's over for her. And many of these women are so deep in debt trying to maintain their consumerist lifestyle that they cannot afford losing the ability to sell their pussies.

Comparing sex with a condom to a lubed, warmed up fleshlight while high on weed and watching porn, trust me the latter is miles more sexually stimulating.

Again I would say try it once or twice, just to understand that you're not losing much of anything. But I'm serious when I say that those $6,000 or so dollars I have spent over the past two years could have gone into more houseplants for me to take care of, or more servo motors to use in my robotics projects, both of which give me a greater feeling of satisfaction and autonomy in my life than having sex with an escort.
I rather buy a new gpu, like you said it would probably bring me more satisfaction. But how come you figured that out after few years and 6k, was it addictive first few visits?
Man, that's pretty cool. Props to you.
Trust me when I say that nothing gives me a greater sense of autonomy, self-satisfaction, and control in my life, than when I take care of my house plants or build stuff that has a use. No woman can ever give that to me.

I rather buy a new gpu, like you said it would probably bring me more satisfaction. But how come you figured that out after few years and 6k, was it addictive first few visits?
Yes, it gets addictive, fast. Especially in the first few times you go because you just learned that the kind of girls you were looking at during University and hoping you can get into a relationship with, you can sleep with if you have just enough money. You start thinking about all the types of girls that you wanted to fuck in the past, and how that door is open now that you realized you can always find a woman for a price. Once you have sex once, your body is almost begging you to have sex again in a way, it's a valve that cannot be closed once opened.

I would say I'm glad that I tried it to see what it's like, but at some point you will realize that every woman feels the same, every one of them acts the same, it's just a different body. Then at some point you will wonder why you are booking an appointment when you know you will leave her apartment just as dissatisfied as before. But it's something that is hard to realize unless you've been doing it.
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Trust me when I say that nothing gives me a greater sense of autonomy, self-satisfaction, and control in my life, than when I take care of my house plants or build stuff that has a use. No woman can ever give that to me.
Do you have like an engineering degree or something? I'm more into theory stuff (physics) so talking to someone who is more into manual things is always nice.
Paying whores for sex is cuck.
Do you have like an engineering degree or something? I'm more into theory stuff (physics) so talking to someone who is more into manual things is always nice.
Nope, no engineering degree. I have a Bachelor's degree in economics, so literally trash tier. Most of what I have learned with Arduinos in computer programming is self-learned from the Internet or looking at YouTube videos. It actually makes me wonder what the point of University was when you can learn almost anything you want online.
Escorts are disgusting. Paying roasties money for sex is pretty cucked also.
Nope, no engineering degree. I have a Bachelor's degree in economics, so literally trash tier. Most of what I have learned with Arduinos in computer programming is self-learned from the Internet or looking at YouTube videos. It actually makes me wonder what the point of University was when you can learn almost anything you want online.
That's pretty impressive, ngl.
Regarding uni, you're definitely right when it comes to learning. However in some countries (including where I live for example), degrees are needed to work later (if you want a better job I mean), degrees that you can't get by self-learning.
i hate escorts. Couldn't be alone with one

I'm working on a lot of things Anon. One thing I developed is an Arduino that will simply detect moisture levels in a plant, and release a valve from a tank of water when moisture levels are low until the soil is moisturized again. This makes it easier for my to leave my plants alone when I'm on deployment.

I've been trying to get into robotics also. I recently got a 3d printer from a friend that I'm learning how to use to build small parts to make robots, through a combination of servo motors and other sensors.
Very impressive, have fun creative more awesome projects! :feelsokman::feelsYall:
Nope, no engineering degree. I have a Bachelor's degree in economics, so literally trash tier. Most of what I have learned with Arduinos in computer programming is self-learned from the Internet or looking at YouTube videos. It actually makes me wonder what the point of University was when you can learn almost anything you want online.
Now, that's even cooler, I really envy your drive.

And, of course, women are too psychopathic to appreciate something like this, because they are busy getting their intestines messed up by Chads and/or dismissing existence of men from bottom 90%.
Do you think doing it at least once is worth it?
Since when you came back? Is this your first message after being unbanned?

I still remember reading your first escort experience.

few years
It isn't even 2 years.

BTW, read his threads about when he started. He was at the start quite satisfied. Was it also the reason that he decided to request a ban and leave?
I'm about 25 years old now and since I was 23, I sporadically engaged in hiring escorts for an hour or so to have sex with.
Huge massive waste of money and risk of STDs.

If you have a gf or wife, you get it for free and there is bonding. Gives meaning to life.
I'm going to preface this by saying that in no way am I telling you how to live your life. Your choices are your own.

I'm about 25 years old now and since I was 23, I sporadically engaged in hiring escorts for an hour or so to have sex with. Some people are able to enjoy sex for the sake of sex, but if you are even slightly self-aware (like most incels are), ultimately you will not be completely satisfied with escortcelling. I will use this thread to write down the reasons why:

It's not that sexually stimulating.
For starters, you never actually have sex with an escort. You will rarely, if ever, find an escort who is willing to let you do anything with her without a condom. Yes we can talk about protection from sexual diseases all that, but you are still fucking a plastic bag wrapped around your dick, with the woman's vagina warming it up. It takes all the sensation away, and if you do manage to orgasm, you are left dissatisfied. Trust me it doesn't matter how hot the woman is, that fact doesn't change. Meanwhile Chad actually gets to feel the warm, tightness of being inside a woman's vagina. You are actually being extremely short-changed when you think about it.

In North America you will pay $250+ an hour for the privilege of fucking a plastic bag. Unironically, a fleshlight warmed up with water and lube feels magnitudes more stimulating than sex with a condom.

You will be too aware about the nature of the transactional relationship:

As I said before, if you are an incel, it is because you are aware that your physical appearance is why you cannot find a relationship. Most guys who see escorts don't care about this because they have a wife, or they don't critically think about it. It doesn't matter how nice she treats you or what positions she puts herself in, you will be completely aware the whole time that if you hadn't paid her, she would not even spit on you if you were on fire. Most escorts hate their clients and tolerate them to the extent necessary to extract money from them.

A lot of guys suspend their disbelief on this in order to see escorts, or they're genuinely bluepilled and think that the escort cares about them. Just book an appointment two weeks in advance, then cancel the next week with an escort and see how pissed off she gets at you, or how quickly she will encourage you to subscribe to her OnlyFans or give her an Amazon giftcard. To her you're money, nothing more.

It ultimately doesn't change who you are in society.

You will not suddenly gain a better self-esteem or be seen as different because you fucked a 10/10 escort. Sure, for an hour or two you can have a good-looking girl bathe you, serve you wine, and play with your plastic-covered dick, but the second you step out of her place, you are back in reality, where women hate your presence, treat you coldly and make fun of you with her friends about the short guy they saw the other day. That is because having sex doesn't change the reality of your situation. What you are looking for is a sense of belonging and acceptance from a woman, and a woman who is attracted enough to you to offer this and be willing to commit to a mutually beneficial romantic/sexual relationship with you. That is what will make you feel better about life, not some leech who has sex for money.

And I'm not saying this from a place of ignorance. I have seen at least a dozen escorts by now of all races, heights, appearances. Trust me I wish I would have saved the $6,000 or so dollars and put it towards my Arduino projects. It would have left me much more satisfied.

This is why I never bothered. Condoms plus getting diseases. The thing I'm looking for is my looks match that actually values me, enjoys my company and wants to please me. The problem is this can't happen because I am competing with Chad + rich Chads which are now omnipresent thanks to the internet.

I guess escortcelling is similar to videogames where you can be someone elite in the game or community but back in the real world your situation hasn't changed. Just a waste of time with fleeting thrills.
Now, that's even cooler, I really envy your drive.

And, of course, women are too psychopathic to appreciate something like this, because they are busy getting their intestines messed up by Chads and/or dismissing existence of men from bottom 90%.
I'm going to make another thread about this, but most normies actually don't have much hobbies, not interesting ones anyways. For the vast majority of normies, their hobbies revolve around being at a certain place at a certain time, and taking a picture that they can show on their Instagram. Their hobby is in essence, garnering social media likes. So it's very funny when they tell people like us that they have no life.

Do you think doing it at least once is worth it?
Try at at least once or twice, you can't really understand what I'm talking about unless you go through the process.

Since when you came back? Is this your first message after being unbanned?

I still remember reading your first escort experience.
I came back about two weeks ago.

It isn't even 2 years.

BTW, read his threads about when he started. He was at the start quite satisfied. Was it also the reason that he decided to request a ban and leave?
Nah, I requested a ban because I was worried about a screening process for a job. Then I realized they only check your very visible, social media accounts of which I have none.
I guess it's just something that comes with maturity. When you've seen your seventh or eighth escort, and still feel a little bit empty despite how well she treats you and how hot she was, you begin to realize how fake it all is. I'm not saying don't see escorts, I'm saying why it no longer gives me the satisfaction that I thought it did.

I guess escortcelling is similar to videogames where you can be someone elite in the game or community but back in the real world your situation hasn't changed. Just a waste of time with fleeting thrills.

That's all it is, a very expensive videogame. You almost have to delude yourself the whole time, which if you are incel, it's really hard to go back to being delusional.
I mostly agree but the problem with this is that a sex with a mutually loving girl who likes you for who you are is very uncertain.And escorts were never rude to me,i would send her ass out as soon as she tries something funny.
I see where you are coming from. I agree escortcelling isn't for everyone. But personally I don't give a fuck about any of the things you say. I just want sex. And some sex is better than no sex. I am planning a massive escortcelling trip in europe for a month. i am gonna get to be a staceysexual
I see where you are coming from. I agree escortcelling isn't for everyone. But personally I don't give a fuck about any of the things you say. I just want sex. And some sex is better than no sex. I am planning a massive escortcelling trip in europe for a month. i am gonna get to be a staceysexual
I'm going to stop escortcelling in North America at least because it's not worth it. Everything from the screening process, to the fact that you're paying in excess of $250 an hour for something that really shouldn't cost more than $80 an hour. The escorts here are just as, if not more entitled than the women.

If I were to ever escortcel again, it would have to be in a cheap country like central Europe or Thailand.
I'm going to stop escortcelling in North America at least because it's not worth it. Everything from the screening process, to the fact that you're paying in excess of $250 an hour for something that really shouldn't cost more than $80 an hour. The escorts here are just as, if not more entitled than the women.

If I were to ever escortcel again, it would have to be in a cheap country like central Europe or Thailand.
yeah from what ive heard escortceling in the us is dogshit. where i live its a felony too. thats why i'm going overseas. i'm even planning to move to europe some day so that i can cope by fucking hookers. because if i chose to live here where i get 0 pussy i'm not gonna make it long
OP's conclusions are very much like my own after 30+ years of whoring.
You should not call them "escorts" though, that's putting them on a pedestal.
Just whores or hookers, that's what they are.
I have become addicted to escorts
Thanks for sharing, i didn't escortcel yet but i thought about that. I thought that if pretty girls/girls in general wouldnt give me a chance, i could resort to escortcelling. Then i thought more deeply and learned that what i want is to feel validated by a woman that likes me, also sex with a condom must be a shitty experience. Even worse than masturbation from what i've read.

It's incredible sad how the only viable choice is to just give up, i may escortcell in the future tho. Just so that i may fuck some pretty girls and cope with that, but that's for later when i actually get money.
Escortcels are the ultimate simps, the lowest form of vermin.
Where I live in England I've hired escorts for £50 for 30 minutes, good quality in terms of what they offered as well. I would fucking hate to live in NA if you have to pay $250 an hour fuck that. Brazilian escorts are common in my area I hired of them she was fucking crazy but the best I ever had. Out of 20 something escorts I hired she was the best and only £70.
Good points. These are some reasons that I don't want to see an escort as well but it's still a good way to easily lose your virginity
I want to hear @BlkPillPres's commentary on OP's post.
Well you will turn from an Incel into a cuck bc you are financially supporting people (women) who in fact hate you for your appearance
true, I would also add (maybe it’s just me) that it’s impossible to take pleasure in the act when the other person you’re doing it with isn’t 100% into it. It’s just pathetic. If I went to an escort I probably wouldn’t even be able to get h4rd since the act is so obviously fake (in LTR it’s also a transaction but at least it’s not as obvious)
It's not that sexually stimulating.
For starters, you never actually have sex with an escort. You will rarely, if ever, find an escort who is willing to let you do anything with her without a condom. Yes we can talk about protection from sexual diseases all that, but you are still fucking a plastic bag wrapped around your dick, with the woman's vagina warming it up. It takes all the sensation away, and if you do manage to orgasm, you are left dissatisfied. Trust me it doesn't matter how hot the woman is, that fact doesn't change. Meanwhile Chad actually gets to feel the warm, tightness of being inside a woman's vagina. You are actually being extremely short-changed when you think about it.

In North America you will pay $250+ an hour for the privilege of fucking a plastic bag. Unironically, a fleshlight warmed up with water and lube feels magnitudes more stimulating than sex with a condom.
I was just about to ask where you live when I started reading this. This won't be a problem for me, I plan on moving to SEA before I really start escortcelling, and you can pretty much negotiated whatever you want.

You see this right here is another problem I have with the general incel community. This refusal to leave your past life behind to move on to greener pastures (environments that favor YOUR WANTS AND DESIRES).

But you are probably still clining to familial ties and whatever friendships you believe yourself to have. Please understand that one day you will wake up a tired old man, your friends and younger family members would have built their lives, your parents will be dead, and you will have nothing but your job and regret.

You have to live for yourself, and being attached to a specific nation, country, place, etc is just foolishness. You should travel to a country that serves your needs. Humans have been migrating for years in pursuit of their own goals.

Pretty much every single time I see an incel complain about escortcelling it's an incel that refuses to leave the West WHERE WE KNOW THE SEX MARKET IS SHITTY :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: (use some common sense).

You will be too aware about the nature of the transactional relationship:

As I said before, if you are an incel, it is because you are aware that your physical appearance is why you cannot find a relationship. Most guys who see escorts don't care about this because they have a wife, or they don't critically think about it. It doesn't matter how nice she treats you or what positions she puts herself in, you will be completely aware the whole time that if you hadn't paid her, she would not even spit on you if you were on fire. Most escorts hate their clients and tolerate them to the extent necessary to extract money from them.

A lot of guys suspend their disbelief on this in order to see escorts, or they're genuinely bluepilled and think that the escort cares about them. Just book an appointment two weeks in advance, then cancel the next week with an escort and see how pissed off she gets at you, or how quickly she will encourage you to subscribe to her OnlyFans or give her an Amazon giftcard. To her you're money, nothing more.
Welcome to reality:

Sorry that you didn't already know, but every single interaction is a transaction of resources (sometimes these resources are more abstract than tangible, but it's still a transaction).

For example, when you work for an employer, you're not just trading your labor (physical body - tangible) for money, you are also exchanging your time (abstract - intangible) for money.

The fact that you think human interaction with respect to sex and relationships is any difference only indicates that you are still blue pilled.

It ultimately doesn't change who you are in society.

You will not suddenly gain a better self-esteem or be seen as different because you fucked a 10/10 escort. Sure, for an hour or two you can have a good-looking girl bathe you, serve you wine, and play with your plastic-covered dick, but the second you step out of her place, you are back in reality, where women hate your presence, treat you coldly and make fun of you with her friends about the short guy they saw the other day. That is because having sex doesn't change the reality of your situation. What you are looking for is a sense of belonging and acceptance from a woman, and a woman who is attracted enough to you to offer this and be willing to commit to a mutually beneficial romantic/sexual relationship with you. That is what will make you feel better about life, not some leech who has sex for money.

And I'm not saying this from a place of ignorance. I have seen at least a dozen escorts by now of all races, heights, appearances. Trust me I wish I would have saved the $6,000 or so dollars and put it towards my Arduino projects. It would have left me much more satisfied.
I think you need to speak for yourself. After I fucked a single escort years ago my social skills went up and I didn't feel as awkward or pressured around women. From there I started being more outgoing and social, and negotiated my first promotion (demanded it).

This entire thread is just you projecting.

The problem isn't in paying for sex.

The problem is in your outlook on life and your perspective, which revolves around emotional thinking and looking at the world like it's disney.

When you accept reality for what it is, ONLY THEN CAN YOU ENJOY IT.

But so long as you keep trying to "be loved" or "not feel like it's transactional" you are going tobe stuck not enjoying anything, and not making the right decisions.

Your entire framework and philosophy for life is flawed.


You saying this:
You will not suddenly gain a better self-esteem or be seen as different because you fucked a 10/10 escort.

Guess what friend. You not fucking whores/escorts from this point forward ISN'T GOING TO CHANGE ANYTHING IN YOUR LIFE.

The only difference is you won't be having sex, but you'll have all the same problems you did before.

I'm not seeing the upside lol.

Maybe you should stop fucking expensive "escorts" and start fucking "whores", and once again, LEAVING YOUR COUNTRY IS ALWAYS AN OPTION.

I don't know why so many of you cling to a country in which you life is terrible.

My favorite part was this though:
What you are looking for is a sense of belonging and acceptance from a woman

I hope this was a troll post, you are definitely blue pilled. Not even normies are usually this blue pilled, do you know how sad that is?.
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I wish I could think like you BlkPillPress, but I can't.

I will be leaving Canada soon though, just trying to save up the money to do so wisely,
Again as a reminder, @BlkPillPres has much less experience of paid sex than the OP, exactly one experience in fact, that happened to be a satisfactory and a good experience, it seems.

What you are looking for is a sense of belonging and acceptance from a woman
I agree with this. I can hear what this means in a real couple, because there is no sound-proofing here, I can hear many interactions and dynamics.

I will be leaving Canada soon
Where to?

Again, the advice for all to just move to another country/continent won't ever cut it, because nowhere in the world is the capacity to receive all the incel masses of the world and if hundreds of millions of incels moved to SEA, the price of pussy there would sky-rocket. It only works as long as it remains small-scale enough.

And why most remain where they are? Because that is where they make their money. Only a small percentage of the workforce at a given time can have a successfull online location-indifferent work, someone has to do the real work in the field also.
I am sick and tired of incels always project their feelings and thoughts on others. Yes, we understand that the whores would not even spit on us if we didn't have the money. We are not dumb. Most of what you just wrote is "No shit sherlock" to me.

I will tell you why I still meet escorts and spend money on them; sure, it is not the best alternative, but if you have the alternatives between fucking 100 10/10 escorts in your life compared to dying as a virgin, I would say the choice is very obvious. For me fucking a good looking escort makes me feel alive quite a time afterwards. It makes me more secure in myself. It makes me more committed to work in knowing that I can work to make some money and spend them on high quality escorts. And its not really the condom. Its the feeling of being intimidate with a girl. Being able to hold her ass and kiss her breasts. Its not about her stinky fishmarket-hole, Its not about her feelings about me. Sure, I have spent some money on escorts, but I would say those money were well-spent. I rather know that I have fucked good looking girls on my death bed rather than dying as a virgin with millions in my bank account saved. And I would say that married men that have been with the same girl their whole life sometime would actually feel jealous on us for being able to fuck tons of girls (albeit escorts) since they are chained to one single hole.
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That's pretty much it.

Escorts will NEVER fix ANYTHING.

If we could fix our situation with something that simple there's just no reason to have this forum.
No reason to hate female hypergamy or life being unfair because of bones.

Escorts are just a really bad and expensive cope.
You'll be better off buying a better computer, food, drugs, anything.
Even paying for premium porn would be better.

We want to be wanted, we want to be desired.
And we can't because of bones and female standards.
There's just no way to avoid our reality.

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