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Blackpill Why don't you guys get escorts or fuck whores?

  • Thread starter Melancholy_Worm
  • Start date
Speak for yourself, complete BS.

Depends on what you mean by "be with", I hate vague shit like this, be specific, do you mean just have sex with, then yes I agree, if you mean date and marry, I'd say no because we have the common sense to realize that marriage is a raw deal and she may just end up cheating on us whether were dating or not, so keeping the relationship purely sexual yields the maximum benefit and may keep her around longer because you're seen as something "unattainable".

I'm black pilled but I'm blue pilled, literally what you just said here retard, I can't even tell if you are trolling with this one or being serious. You idiots don't get that starting a relationship is the easy part, its continuing it is when it gets difficult, all the onus is on you, you have to keep her entertained, never become someone she considers "boring", have to maintain your attractiveness endlessly, have to keep her mind off of chads, plan dates, dinners, outings to events, it only gets more difficult, think you are stressed now, just wait till you have to be paranoid and conscious about everything you say and do around her thinking that your next few words will be what finally makes her turned off.
Lmao, you invented your own version of the blackpill and now are bullshitting on an incel forum. Here's a newsflash: IF YOU WOULDN'T WANT A RELATIONSHIP WITH A FEMOID TO GET SEX, YOU'RE A VOLCEL. You sound like a mgtow, you're coping hard by saying you're not a failed normie, but that is literally what every incel is. No one became blackpilled at birth. I don't give a fuck if she'd leave for Chad, I'd fuck her and be happy I'm no longer incel.
That's kinda the point of haggling and working out a deal before you pay, or you can even haggle afterwards, she's already in the room, after playing with her a bit (foreplay) and getting her wet, offer a few hundred more to do all that shit, she'll likely agree (well maybe not to anal)

That could work, I imagine at times, but I'm sure some of these bitches are up front about what they will do. I don't know since I've only read their pages and heard convos were these escorts were getting trolled.

Maybe if you look like Tyrone, I don't think you understand the history behind escorts refusing blacks (I'm black myself btw), they do it because they assume you have a big dick and that would make the sex too uncomfortable for them, and they don't want to be soar the next day because that means they've lost one day they could have made money, its not racism, its because of the BBC myth, a guy with a big dick basically makes them do MORE WORK FOR THE SAME PAY RATE, so if you're a 5'7" beta looking black guy like myself they aren't going to refuse.

It's not just the size, it's the stereotypes that blacks have as customers. I read the reasons why in some prostitutes blog. Apparently blacks have a reputation of being too aggressive and physical with escorts, not paying or trying to weasel out of services, and even trying to turn escorts into tricks. When you look like Tyrone, it probably enhances the fear of an escort who is working independently much more.

Well that's because you are an egoist, that's your fault

Isn't that part of being a man though? Should I be balless because I'm incel?
Lmao, you invented your own version of the blackpill and now are bullshitting on an incel forum. Here's a newsflash: IF YOU WOULDN'T WANT A RELATIONSHIP WITH A FEMOID TO GET SEX, YOU'RE A VOLCEL.

My God your reading and comprehensions skills are complete shit, I want the sex, not the relationship, which is why simply paying escorts to fuck is a better option, can you even fucking read, go read over what I said and see how retarded you are, nothing I said even alludes to conveying that I don't want sex, I don't want the relationship part, a relationship isn't the only way to get sex, that's the entire point of this thread, but most of you guys have already admitted that what you really want is female validation and don't want to pay for sex, so isn't it YOU THAT'S VOLCEL for not being willing to pay for sex.

Read what you said retard -
she leaves, and she couldn't give a fuck about you anymore.

Look at what you are focusing on, not the fact that you get sex, but what the female thinks about you, you really want validation and to feel desired, not sex, ITS YOU WHO ARE VOLCEL RETARD. You'd avoid paying for sex, when its a viable option due to your own ego.
Yea if I had a gf, I would not pay for sex.
Trust me, there is no reason to pay for sex if anyone has a sex life. You are basically wasting your money.
Same. But I gotta add that some men have a thing for hookers. A fetish or just a preference. They like the feeling of being the center of the attention, being introduced to a few young ladies and being able to pick one... or two to fuck you. Other men like the fact that pay sex is less personal. They just want a submissive hole to fuck into.

There are some other benefits like privacy and safety (if done correctly). Justin Bieber fucked some Latina hooker but she snitched on him kek.
My friend who goes to escorts with me sometimes has a gf, and he says he's tired o fucking the same girl for years and years. And I tell you, I've met a lot of married guys who says or think the same

Sex for them isn't something so rare like it is for us, just like money, the more you have the more you want it
You are not understanding, you are not getting the attention and affection with a prostitute, if you are chad you can just cheat on your gf and just get another gf.
Not that hard you retard. Why do you think I haven't paid for sex for 4 years.
Same. But I gotta add that some men have a thing for hookers. A fetish or just a preference. They like the feeling of feeling like the center of the attention, being introduced to a few young ladies and being able to pick one... or two to fuck you. Other men like the fact that pay sex is less personal. They just want a submissive hole to fuck into.

There are some other benefits like privacy and safety (if done correct). Justin Bieber fucked some Latina hooker but she snitched on him kek.
He's a retard he could've fucked one of his fans.
That doesn't count as escaping inceldom. Duhhh.

Because I don't feel like it.
Isn't that part of being a man though? Should I be balless because I'm incel?

1. The only thing that's part of being a man is being BIOLOGICALLY MALE, that's it, everything else is a personal choice.

2. Please don't conflate being an egoist with being a man, being an egoist is more of a normie thing. Its a mindset that comes with having your ego stroked for years, getting positive reinforcement for thinking highly of yourself, to latch on to such a concept when you've experienced none of those things (and likely never will) is a fools errand

Like I've said before - "A craving that will never be satisfied is a curse", holding onto your ego while being an incel makes no logical sense, you will never get positive reinforcement for it, you are just torturing yourself, its like holding unto a hunger that starves you but will never kill you, you'll just wade around in it endlessly.
My God your reading and comprehensions skills are complete shit, I want the sex, not the relationship, which is why simply paying escorts to fuck is a better option, can you even fucking read, go read over what I said and see how retarded you are, nothing I said even alludes to conveying that I don't want sex, I don't want the relationship part, a relationship isn't the only way to get sex, that's the entire point of this thread, but most of you guys have already admitted that what you really want is female validation and don't want to pay for sex, so isn't it YOU THAT'S VOLCEL for not being willing to pay for sex.

Read what you said retard -

Look at what you are focusing on, not the fact that you get sex, but what the female thinks about you, you really want validation and to feel desired, not sex, ITS YOU WHO ARE VOLCEL RETARD. You'd avoid paying for sex, when its a viable option due to your own ego.
I jave fucked escorts. Its an empty feeling. My lack an emotional output to a near sociopathic degree.

Lol don't count for what retard?, be specific, I'm not trying to "meet some achievement" I just want to have sex, I'm not some egoist idiot like yourself, there is no "score card" I'm looking at for what counts, I just want to fuck, again you are a blue pilled retard, not black pilled in the slightest.

Imagine how stupid it would be if you were sitting down and eating a steak you bought and a guy comes long and says - "how can you enjoy eating that, that animal didn't die fearing you, you didn't get it the "manly way", you didn't kill it yourself", and you're just there thinking - "wtf is this guy on about, I just want to eat steak, whether it was killed by me or not doesn't change the taste"


I'm just eating a piece of meat because it tastes good, what the meat thought of me before or after it died makes no difference, it tastes good so i'll eat it, end of story. GTFO the site you blue pilled idiot.
Because im a fucking poorcel on top of everything
No, dude. You're right about the 'every man pays' thing, but hookers are extremely different from having sex with normal women. It gives you no validation or social satisfaction, which we as humans crave for, it's way riskier, more expensive and 50% of the time it's going to be a bad experience.
Lol don't count for what retard?, be specific, I'm not trying to "meet some achievement" I just want to have sex, I'm not some egoist idiot like yourself, there is no "score card" I'm looking at for what counts, I just want to fuck, again you are a blue pilled retard, not black pilled in the slightest.

Imagine how stupid it would be if you were sitting down and eating a steak you bought and a guy comes long and says - "how can you enjoy eating that, that animal didn't die fearing you, you didn't get it the "manly way", you didn't kill it yourself", and you're just there thinking - "wtf is this guy on about, I just want to eat steak, whether it was killed by me or not doesn't change the taste"


I'm just eating a piece of meat because it tastes good, what the meat thought of me before or after it died makes no difference, it tastes good so i'll eat it, end of story. GTFO the site you blue pilled idiot.
I'm not bluepilled, you're just a cuck paying women for sex instead of surgerymaxing or investing it. You're no different than a cuck beta paying for dates, you're just too ugly for women to want to go on dates with you. You keep calling me bluepilled, yet you keep supporting women for doing something with you that they give to Chad for free. Cucks out pls.
even if I paid to have sex ONCE per week it would cost me about 30% of my wage, so screw that, it's like paying for air, why pay most everyone else is getting it for free. Also prostitutes don't give a fuck about you
that they give to Chad for free

Now I'm pretty sure you have none if any interaction with women at all, most of my co-workers are female, I listen in on their conversations a lot, some of which they include me in, I just say the opposite of what I think that helps me "blend in", even Chad pays for shit idiot, the only thing good looks really affect is YOUR ENTRY FEE. Its cheap or 100% free to get the "first few lays", but then holidays come around, vacation dates, birthdays, etc and money starts flowing, even spoken to some of their Chad BF's when they visit them at work, ALL MEN PAY retard, average/below average men just have to pay more.

Its only going to be somewhat expensive now, when I save up and move to a country with a good exchange rate it'll be cheap and abundant. You guys are focusing too much on your 20's, I gave up on my 20's, and I'm working on building a life where I have enjoyable 30's. Stop focusing on what you can't change and focus on what you can.

Its like you don't even leave your house, at first I assumed you were older than me, but now I'm assuming you are definitely younger or a neet.
So this thread is what happens when a IT Larper posts "lol just go get an escort u losers" thread..

Lots of IT larpers lately
I can pay a whore every weekend if I want but I want love, not a cunt who doesn't even know my name.

Also there are whores in most countries, illegal or not
Keep hiring the same whore each weekend, it will be like a relationship without the tedium.
Im not a degenerate.
Now I'm pretty sure you have none if any interaction with women at all, most of my co-workers are female, I listen in on their conversations a lot, some of which they include me in, I just say the opposite of what I think that helps me "blend in", even Chad pays for shit idiot, the only thing good looks really affect is YOUR ENTRY FEE. Its cheap or 100% free to get the "first few lays", but then holidays come around, vacation dates, birthdays, etc and money starts flowing, even spoken to some of their Chad BF's when they visit them at work, ALL MEN PAY retard, average/below average men just have to pay more.

Its only going to be somewhat expensive now, when I save up and move to a country with a good exchange rate it'll be cheap and abundant. You guys are focusing too much on your 20's, I gave up on my 20's, and I'm working on building a life where I have enjoyable 30's. Stop focusing on what you can't change and focus on what you can.

Its like you don't even leave your house, at first I assumed you were older than me, but now I'm assuming you are definitely younger or a neet.
Bro, I'm talking about fwb type shit, which is way more common than you think. Most of the women that I talk to in my class don't have boyfriends, yet they are still having sex regularly. How the fuck is a Chad paying if he hooks up at a party? You are obviously older than me, but I know the younger generation way better than you.

Older men obviously pay up no matter how gl they are, but people start having sex like 15 years before it comes to that.
because I'm poor af neetcel, also I'm too high ib for that shit.

also your paying her to give you affection = incredibly fake + not just about sex
It was never only about sex.
Bro, I'm talking about fwb type shit, which is way more common than you think. Most of the women that I talk to in my class don't have boyfriends, yet they are still having sex regularly. How the fuck is a Chad paying if he hooks up at a party? You are obviously older than me, but I know the younger generation way better than you.

Older men obviously pay up no matter how gl they are, but people start having sex like 15 years before it comes to that.

I don't get it, so whats your plan for life, mope about and focus on Chads life, and unattainable standard for you, or focus on making your life actually enjoyable. You are literally focusing on the shortest part of anyones life, these guys won't be teens for long, chad doesn't pay when he hooks up, but when he starts dating or gets married he's paying, so why are you focusing on such a small section of a Chads life and then deciding - "well he doesn't have to pay so I won't either"


So applying "chad like" restrictions on yourself is just idiotic.

It would be like if a guy like me who is 5'7" says "I'm only going to date women over 6 feet", its an idiotic restriction seeing as I'm not even 6ft myself.

Oh and let me squash this final perception for you ONCE AND FOR ALL


Dating is a very subjective term to women, because they have it so easy, they get guys to take them out all the time on "platonic outings" (friendzoned guys). Women always have a man they are currently fucking and another few lined up on the back burner, THEY ARE NEVER SINGLE

The term single for them means something completely different than what it means to men, to men it means we don't have any romantic companionship whatsoever, for them it means they don't have any romantic companionship THAT THEY CURRENTLY PUBLICLY ACKNOWLEDGE AS THEIR EXCLUSIVE MATE

That's what dating and not being single means to them, those girls who say they are single and aren't dating ARE ACTUALLY DATING, dating just means something way different to them than it does to us, they are just dating MULTIPLE GUYS AT THE SAME TIME.
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In US, and no money
I don't get it, so whats your plan for life, mope about and focus on Chads life, and unattainable standard for you, or focus on making your life actually enjoyable. You are literally focusing on the shortest part of anyones life, these guys won't be teens for long, chad doesn't pay when he hooks up, but when he starts dating or gets married he's paying, so why are you focusing on such a small section of a Chads life and then deciding - "well he doesn't have to pay so I won't either"


So applying "chad like" restrictions on yourself is just idiotic.

It would be like if a guy like me who is 5'7" says "I'm only going to date women over 6 feet", its an idiotic restriction seeing as I'm not even 6ft myself.

Oh and let me squash this final perception for you ONCE AND FOR ALL


Dating is a very subjective term to women, because they have it so easy, they get guys to take them out all the time on "platonic outings" (friendzoned guys). Women always have a man they are currently fucking and another few lined up on the back burner, THEY ARE NEVER SINGLE

The term single for them means something completely different than what it means to men, to men it means we don't have any romantic companionship whatsoever, for them it means they don't have any romantic companionship THAT THEY CURRENTLY PUBLICLY ACKNOWLEDGE AS THEIR EXCLUSIVE MATE

That's what dating and not being single means to them, those girls who say they are single and aren't dating ARE ACTUALLY DATING, dating just means something way different to them than it does to us, they are just dating MULTIPLE GUYS AT THE SAME TIME.

I agree with everything you wrote here, BTW. Keep it up pls.

why don't you try it just to know what it feels like?

I think thats my only hope at this point tbh. If i can get a job, its gonna be one of the first things im going to do with my money, thats for sure. I guess the first times are going to be extremely akward, and i dont think im gonna be able to really fuck her because of anxiety, but ill keep trying until at least i can die as a non fucking virgin.

You will feel wanted when you hear her moans and see her wetness.

Exactly lol
In the muricaland, good services are quite expensive, also it's risky, you might end up in jail.
everyone saying they woukd rather have a relationship don't want to admit they're too pussy to pay an escort
I'm not rich enough for that.
Paying a professional whore is the cuckest thing a man can do. Why should I pay to fuck her used up cunt when she should be paying me? I'm brand new so that should make me more valuable. Jack-the-ripper is a hero for murdering those london whores. Too bad we're too cowardly to follow on his footsteps.
of course it is mate, do you guys think only incels go to escorts? most of the guys who visit escorts are married or have a gf .sex is sex
larga de ser otário, mano. Pagar pra comer uma puta fedida, vagaba de esquina.... só brasileiro pra defender uma merda dessa mesmo.
larga de ser otário, mano. Pagar pra comer uma puta fedida, vagaba de esquina.... só brasileiro pra defender uma merda dessa mesmo.

o seu ódio provavelmente vem do seu medo de mulher, eu te entendo, relaxa

Bater punheta o dia inteiro pra hentai tbm é uma opção
o seu ódio provavelmente vem do seu medo de mulher, eu te entendo, relaxa

Bater punheta o dia inteiro pra hentai tbm é uma opção
tu veio aqui defender puta, seu bosta? teu lugar é la no facebook junto com os outros brazucas que ficam o dia inteiro pagando pau pra xoxota.
tu veio aqui defender puta, seu bosta? teu lugar é la no facebook junto com os outros brazucas que ficam o dia inteiro pagando pau pra xoxota.

sendo q quem criou o post é gringo e tem vários gringos aqui que fazem escortceling, e ngm tá defendendo puta, e sim o cope que é comer elas..

mas eu conheço gente do teu tipo, tu morre de medo de mulher, e tem inveja de todo homem que já conseguiu o mínimo de contato com uma

Esse é meu ultimo post, vou te bloquear agora e recomendo vc fazer o mesmo
sendo q quem criou o post é gringo e tem vários gringos aqui que fazem escortceling, e ngm tá defendendo puta, e sim o cope que é comer elas..

mas eu conheço gente do teu tipo, tu morre de medo de mulher, e tem inveja de todo homem que já conseguiu o mínimo de contato com uma

Esse é meu ultimo post, vou te bloquear agora e recomendo vc fazer o mesmo

ta com medinho do debate cuzao? contato pagando? isso não conta. tu só consegue pagando, é um fracassado. tú nao é melhor do que eu porque come puta.
ta com medinho do debate cuzao? contato pagando? isso não conta. tu só consegue pagando, é um fracassado. tú nao é melhor do que eu porque come puta.

ué, se eu nao soubesse que eu era um fracassado eu nao estaria aqui

mas tu ter inveja de um fracassado? aí ja é demais

ps: ainda nao descobri como bloquear alguem aqui
ta com medinho do debate cuzao? contato pagando? isso não conta. tu só consegue pagando, é um fracassado. tú nao é melhor do que eu porque come puta.
Pegar puta> Pegar ninguém
ué, se eu nao soubesse que eu era um fracassado eu nao estaria aqui

mas tu ter inveja de um fracassado? aí ja é demais

ps: ainda nao descobri como bloquear alguem aqui
é porque vc tem um QI de jumento
500 fucking dollars? In my country if they cost 50 dollars they re expensive
It is cheaper for Americans to buy a plane ticket to Mexico and fuck a whore than to buy one illegally here. It's fucking stupid.
You're basically having sex with every dick she's ever taken. And to top it off, you're paying for it.
if its a relationship you desire and not just sex, then are you "incel" (involuntary celibacy) or are you "inlon" (involuntary loniliness), celibcay primary relates to sex, it just so happens that in order to get sex you usually have to be in a relationship, but it seems like guys like yourself are more chasing the relationship factor than the sex part, you would make a really good beta provider, a cuck even, your woman can fuck other guys and then she can go out with you, have conversations, and shower you with affection, I'm saying this sarcastically but when I hear retards like you speak I think this would actually seem like a "decent tradeoff" to you weak willed faggots,
I've thought about it a lot over the years but they seem to charge a lot in the western world for very little of their time, and honestly, women have such an attitude now that I half expect these whores to still act like total bitches despite the fact I would be paying them.

Having said that, I'm going to go to Thailand and fuck whores there because it seems cheaper and you can actually spend more than an hour with the girl without breaking the bank. I don't care if it's all bullshit, if they can provide a decent GFE for a day then it's worth it to me.

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