Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Blackpill High Inhibition Is A Cope, You're Just Too Weak Willed To Push The Limits Of Your Comfort Zone

Because you did display poor reading and comprehension skills lol, how the hell does me justifying my usage of an argumentative tactic via your ironic self deprecating statements, somehow justify your criticism of my usage of that very argumentative tactic (can you even follow what I'm saying here). I'm done, its a waste of time continuing this.

Smh so many levels of irony, I can't even......
Because you seem to like to quote each and every sentence single people write and latch onto them. If you want to nitpick every fucking sentence, which it seems you do, then go for it. Just forget understanding the overall scope and tone of what someone is trying to convey, if that suits your pedantic and anal nature. Again, it's a fact that I said you would blame me for having poor reading comprehension skills and that you immediately did afterwards - whether or not it was justified and whether or not I actually do have poor reading comprehension skills. Give yourself a fucking cookie for finding one instance where I didn't read every single sentence of all your bloated slop. It's not a waste of time if you actually want to argue. It may, however, be a waste of time if you just want people to reaffirm your own beliefs.

I still think you are some college aged dumbass who is LARPing on here to practice his creative skills or some shit like that.
i use to be a class clown as a little kid but i was also a raging autist. i was always raging or doing ridiculous shit for attention. I have the power to be low inhib but i dont know how to unlock it.
another retarded post you are not einstein or plato you are just another fucking dumbass who thinks he understands everything about the world and decides to declare himself as so
I'm low inhib. I'm really tall and I've gone out for 5+ years getting rejected at least over 1000 times.

You kids are fucking idiots if you believe being NT matters.
Because you seem to like to quote each and every sentence single people write and latch onto them. If you want to nitpick every fucking sentence, which it seems you do, then go for it. Just forget understanding the overall scope and tone of what someone is trying to convey, if that suits your pedantic and anal nature. Again, it's a fact that I said you would blame me for having poor reading comprehension skills and that you immediately did afterwards - whether or not it was justified and whether or not I actually do have poor reading comprehension skills. Give yourself a fucking cookie for finding one instance where I didn't read every single sentence of all your bloated slop. It's not a waste of time if you actually want to argue. It may, however, be a waste of time if you just want people to reaffirm your own beliefs.

I still think you are some college aged dumbass who is LARPing on here to practice his creative skills or some shit like that.
ya he is just an pretentious idiot who tries to push his retarded cope agenda onto everyone else.
another retarded post you are not einstein or plato you are just another fucking dumbass who thinks he understands everything about the world and decides to declare himself as so
speak for you, you are not incels.is, some are happy spreading the black pill

Again what does this even mean, vague statements seem to be your shtick, you keep saying these very unspecific things as though they actually mean something, how are you or incels.is users in general "spreading the black pill", and TO WHAT END, what does it accomplish, whats the point. Just seems like you are giving yourself accolades based on purposefully vague criteria for "accomplishing something", so that even when you've really done and said what amounts to basically nothing you can still feel good about yourself lol.

being incel it's not enough reason to do something that "big".
The irony, take your own advice and speak for yourself, you sound more and more like a normie as we talk, just seems like you are trying to deescalate the posters, because notice you've yet to offer an alternative to what I'm doing, because your alternative is to do nothing, LDAR, keeping coming on this site to get pats on the back about how hard our lives are while doing nothing about it.

Whats your alternative to the extremes of mines, go ahead, at least giving that you'd somewhat legitimize the BS you are saying.
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another retarded post you are not einstein or plato you are just another fucking dumbass who thinks he understands everything about the world and decides to declare himself as so

The only person saying that here is you, I never claimed to be like any of those guys, and like i've told you before, I can't even take any of your posts seriously, literally every single post you make on this site is about giving up lol, I don't know why you don't just kill yourself, you're wasting your time, just kill yourself. You know you're a waste of space when someone like me who "rambles on" won't even bother to type two paragraphs to argue with you. You never say anything of substance.
The only person saying that here is you, I never claimed to be like any of those guys, and like i've told you before, I can't even take any of your posts seriously, literally every single post you make on this site is about giving up lol, I don't know why you don't just kill yourself, you're wasting your time, just kill yourself. You know you're a waste of space when someone like me who "rambles on" won't even bother to type two paragraphs to argue with you. You never say anything of substance.

The only reason that no one else is saying it is because most people here are fucking imbeciles just like you btw the norwood guy also agrees with me. You are one of the worst posters here you post like a cucktears member with your fucking never ending pretentious rambling philosophy cope and then when someone calls you out all you do is insult their intellect or tell them to kill themselves like a fucking immature toddler. And ya I read your bullshit about how being low inhib is the key to unlocking endless wealth and pussy, jfl at anyone who believes that. Ive met many assholes like you in my life, you are not special you are just another worthless psychopath scumbag with superiority complex. fuck you.
"just be low inhibition bro"

I was going to post this video lmao.

If you were able to become "low inhib," you were never high inhib in the first place lmao.

Brb too scared to leave the house
Brb insecure and self-conscious 24/7
Brb can't make eye contact with people WHATSOEVER
Brb everyone thinks I'm a complete fucking weirdo and that I'm "stuck-up" even though I'm just shy as FUCK

Just fucking lol at your insane cope.
I was going to post this video lmao.

If you were able to become "low inhib," you were never high inhib in the first place lmao.

Brb too scared to leave the house
Brb insecure and self-conscious 24/7
Brb can't make eye contact with people WHATSOEVER
Brb everyone thinks I'm a complete fucking weirdo and that I'm "stuck-up" even though I'm just shy as FUCK

Just fucking lol at your insane cope.

I actually still struggle to make eye contact with people and my co workers keep reminding me about it, I'm usually looking away or down at their chest areas when talking to them lol. So yeah that whole "If you were able to become "low inhib," you were never high inhib in the first place lmao" is just a cope so you don't have to feel bad for not trying, I just force myself to maintain eye contact in most cases, and its getting easier over time but a life long habit is hard to break.

But no, go ahead and keep doing nothing, your life will definitely get better that way, you'll get hired for better paying jobs too when the interviewer notices you can't even look them in the eye, yep, giving up is the key to success, because like you guys keep reaffirming, its not your fault and there's absolutely nothing you can do ever to change your life.
I actually still struggle to make eye contact with people and my co workers keep reminding me about it, I'm usually looking away or down at their chest areas when talking to them lol. So yeah that whole "If you were able to become "low inhib," you were never high inhib in the first place lmao" is just a cope so you don't have to feel bad for not trying, I just force myself to maintain eye contact in most cases, and its getting easier over time but a life long habit is hard to break.

But no, go ahead and keep doing nothing, your life will definitely get better that way, you'll get hired for better paying jobs too when the interviewer notices you can't even look them in the eye, yep, giving up is the key to success, because like you guys keep reaffirming, its not your fault and there's absolutely nothing you can do ever to change your life.
lmao you sound like a dumb normie blooper.
You should rename yourself to CopePillPres.
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Only viable if NT
I would more say that's just having respect for yourself and not selling yourself short. If a 4/10 threw herself at me I wouldn't fuck her. Oh and for me, I rank face over everything, more than ass, tits, everything, so a 4/10 for me is a really bad face, I'm not even thinking about body right now. If a girl has an average looking face, she can have a flat ass and a cup tits and I'd still fuck.

Can't fuck an ugly chick.

so, what, you'd still call yourself incel after that? that's like some fat slob complaining about how he's tired of eating fast food when right beside him stand several emaciated Africans that survive by eating their own shit. it makes a mockery of the condition and such folk are better suited to lookism.
so, what, you'd still call yourself incel after that? that's like some fat slob complaining about how he's tired of eating fast food when right beside him stand several emaciated Africans that survive by eating their own shit. it makes a mockery of the condition and such folk are better suited to lookism.
truecel is the only one with weight incel has lost its meaning
so, what, you'd still call yourself incel after that? that's like some fat slob complaining about how he's tired of eating fast food when right beside him stand several emaciated Africans that survive by eating their own shit. it makes a mockery of the condition and such folk are better suited to lookism.

Retards like yourself take this concept to ridiculous extremes to the point where its like a meme and nobody can tell if you're serious or not. By your logic if a bitch that literally looks like Chewbacca, or lets take it up a notch to Jabba The Hut, offers me sex, I HAVE TO FUCK HER ELSE I'M NOT INCEL. I'm sorry, standards don't magically get reset to zero just because you're sex starved. Also you are asking the impossible, its not just a matter of me choosing not to fuck her, there's this thing called an erection that has to take place for a man to have sex (don't know if you knew), how the fuck can I even have sex when my dick is like a wet noodle, you're just being unrealistic.
Retards like yourself take this concept to ridiculous extremes to the point where its like a meme and nobody can tell if you're serious or not. By your logic if a bitch that literally looks like Chewbacca, or lets take it up a notch to Jabba The Hut, offers me sex, I HAVE TO FUCK HER ELSE I'M NOT INCEL. I'm sorry, standards don't magically get reset to zero just because you're sex starved. Also you are asking the impossible, its not just a matter of me choosing not to fuck her, there's this thing called an erection that has to take place for a man to have sex (don't know if you knew), how the fuck can I even have sex when my dick is like a wet noodle, you're just being unrealistic.

do you know the meaning of the word “involuntary”? you don’t “HAVE” to fuck her, you just can’t call yourself incel after such an experience, because after that moment you are voluntarily celibate. how thick do you have to be to think that after that moment you still have it just as bad as a person that cannot even get attention from the ugliest of females and can still call yourself an “incel”? read a dictionary.

for someone that insults everyone in every reply of his, you sure are one amazingly ignorant mongoloid.
...I want to fuck up society itself, planetary scale if even possible, I don't care if I go down in history as worse than hitler, I'm going to do everything in my power till the day I die to make it happen.... ..I'm on an incel site
because after that moment you are voluntarily celibate..
If I'm dehydrated walking through the dessert and a guy walks up to me with a bottle of his urine and I choose not to drink how retarded would it be if he said - "ha ha I guess you are thirsty by choice now, I gave you this pointless and shitty option and you didn't take it, so you're thirsty by choice". Keep in mind it won't taste well, it won't hydrate me much at all, its really no help.

Now lets do it with food, I'm a starving homeless man and a guy walks up to be with a handful of shit, I refuse to eat it, because really and truly it won't satisfy me at all, it wont even taste good, there is no nutrition to it, but his response is - "ha ha well you can't claim to be starving anymore, you're just hungry by choice because you didn't EAT LITERAL SHIT that I offered you for free"

You are just being disingenuous and feigning ignorance as you how ridiculous of an argument you are making. If a beautiful woman offered you sex but the trade-off is you have to let her fuck you in the ass with an 8 inch strap on for an hour WOULD YOU ACCEPT?.


Go google the term DISINGENUOUS because I doubt a retard like yourself even knows the meaning of the word despite committing the very act it describes. Also look up the phrase FALSE DICHOTOMY while you're at it, because you're pretty much doing that right now

How far do you want to take this retard, ask yourself that, I mean we could all fuck female horses like @FeminismsCancer right? (maybe even dogs, getting a pet dog would be easy). So why aren't you fucking animals?, I mean that must mean you aren't incel then, because most animals won't even reject your advances yet you aren't fucking animals you faker you lol, you're just a volcel.

If you want to be disingenuous and pretend like there is no common sense or logic to be applied here, then by what arbitrary standard are there limitations on this, are you volcel if you aren't raping women?, because I'm pretty sure a good bit of us had a chance to rape an attractive woman, and how dare we let the chance of jail time stop us, we chose not to get sex, that makes us volcel.

Are you volcel if you choose not to pay for sex for reasons of fear of jail time?

Your arguments are shit and you know it lol. What you are arguing is a SLIPPERY SLOPE, where does it end, WHO ISN'T VOLCEL under your BS criteria?, if you absolutely cannot refuse when offered or presented with an opportunity to get laid then WHO ISN'T VOLCEL HERE?

The problem is you haven't carried your idiot concept to its logical conclusion, because if you did, you'd have realized that EVERYBODY IS VOLCEL IS WE USE YOUR LOGIC!

>Inb4 - "well obviously said female has to be human for you to be volcel"

Why, why is that?, so I have to fuck a woman who is so ugly she's as arousing to me as an animal female else I'm volcel, but choosing not to fuck an animal female that stimulates the same level of arousal doesn't make me volcel?

Welcome to the world you made, WERE ALL VOLCEL HERE.
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you even are in position to reject landwhales you.
Where did you get this from, I never even got any offers from land whales, why would they offer when they have Tyrones with 8+ inches lining up to fuck

you have money and you know da wae XD to be successful! you have a better life than most incels here that could not get something good in their lives and you still cry more than them.

What exactly do you mean by "cry more", give an example, please show me the "woe is me" thread I'v made, i'll wait.

I will not give alternatives, every incel will try their methods to get what they want. go ahead and do what you want but i don't think the things will result like you want. Not when all the shit you write is edgy,paranoic and psychopathic shit, you need to have a clear mind to get good results.

Lol the irony, who sounds like they "know da wae" now?

I think we've all already tried the whole "lets try to be normal" thing and its failed, maybe we should all try being a bit crazy and see where that goes, it might actually work lol.

I'm telling you though, if I actually see my plans coming to fruition I'd better not see naysayers like yourself trying to bandwagon and act like you were always a part of this.
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If I'm dehydrated walking through the dessert and a guy walks up to me with a bottle of his urine and I choose not to drink how retarded would it be if he said - "ha ha I guess you are thirsty by choice now, I gave you this pointless and shitty option and you didn't take it, so you're thirsty by choice". Keep in mind it won't taste well, it won't hydrate me much at all, its really no help.

Now lets do it with food, I'm a starving homeless man and a guy walks up to be with a handful of shit, I refuse to eat it, because really and truly it won't satisfy me at all, it wont even taste good, there is no nutrition to it, but his response is - "ha ha well you can't claim to be starving anymore, you're just hungry by choice because you didn't EAT LITERAL SHIT that I offered you for free"

You are just being disingenuous and feigning ignorance as you how ridiculous of an argument you are making. If a beautiful woman offered you sex but the trade-off is you have to let her fuck you in the ass with an 8 inch strap on for an hour WOULD YOU ACCEPT?.


Go google the term DISINGENUOUS because I doubt a retard like yourself even knows the meaning of the word despite committing the very act it describes. Also look up the phrase FALSE DICHOTOMY while you're at it, because you're pretty much doing that right now

How far do you want to take this retard, ask yourself that, I mean we could all fuck female horses like @FeminismsCancer right? (maybe even dogs, getting a pet dog would be easy). So why aren't you fucking animals?, I mean that must mean you aren't incel then, because most animals won't even reject your advances yet you aren't fucking animals you faker you lol, you're just a volcel.

If you want to be disingenuous and pretend like there is no common sense or logic to be applied here, then by what arbitrary standard are there limitations on this, are you volcel if you aren't raping women?, because I'm pretty sure a good bit of us had a chance to rape an attractive woman, and how dare we let the chance of jail time stop us, we chose not to get sex, that makes us volcel.

Are you volcel if you choose not to pay for sex for reasons of fear of jail time?

Your arguments are shit and you know it lol. What you are arguing is a SLIPPERY SLOPE, where does it end, WHO ISN'T VOLCEL under your BS criteria?, if you absolutely cannot refuse when offered or presented with an opportunity to get laid then WHO ISN'T VOLCEL HERE?

The problem is you haven't carried your idiot concept to its logical conclusion, because if you did, you'd have realized that EVERYBODY IS VOLCEL IS WE USE YOUR LOGIC?

>Inb4 - "well obviously said female has to be human for you to be volcel"

Why, why is that?, so I have to fuck a woman who is so ugly she's as arousing to me as an animal female else I'm volcel, but choosing not to fuck an animal female that stimulates the same level of arousal doesn't make me volcel?

Welcome to the world you made, WERE ALL VOLCEL HERE.

simply put, i’m not reading this drivel. you should have looked up the definition of “involuntary” and “voluntary” on the dictionary rather than wasting your time writing this. i won’t be following up on this conversation any further.
simply put, i’m not reading this drivel. you should have looked up the definition of “involuntary” and “voluntary” on the dictionary rather than wasting your time writing this. i won’t be following up on this conversation any further.

Lol nice cop out, I already know the definitions, go look up the definitions of "disingenuous" and "false dichotomy"
I love your posts and videos.

I have been working on my pushing my limits so that I can enjoy life more, but its easier said than done.

how did you lose your "inhib"?
I don't need to give any example, just read your posts. you make other incels look like more sane people.

Again you've yet to tell me what you mean by "cry more", it should be an implication of my level of self pity and complaint, not whether I seem insane or not, so I can only assume you are misuing the terms if you won't define what you mean by your usage of it.

i don't know da wae i just know when something will not result because it's very apparent..

Good then we agree on something, because I have the same mindset with everything I've said, its funny that you didn't think this was my outlook too, or is this sentiment now only justifiable because you are saying it?
I love your posts and videos.

I have been working on my pushing my limits so that I can enjoy life more, but its easier said than done.

how did you lose your "inhib"?

There's nothing to max, think about it this way, you've failed before and looked like an autist in social situations, and you're likely going to fail again, so what do you have to lose. Like i've said before first observe then mimick, but nothing out of your ability (obviously, common sense is everything here). If a guy starts to dance you don't just sperg out and start immediately trying to do his moves (in fact don't dance at all), but observe him still, how he smiles, what kinds of smiles he uses for various situations, like how he laughs after a joke, what kinds of jokes he makes that are considered funny, etc.

Practice in a mirror if that helps, you also have to know your audience, you can't make dark humor jokes amongst a bunch of light hearted people. Or and there has to be a build up, people have to learn to be comfortable around you before you can do certain things, I can openly make sexually suggestive jokes with my female co-workers now where before I likely would have been reported, one I even occasionally grab her ass, some actually grab back lol. Its not about confidence, its about not giving a fuck, and about slowly bit by bit pushing the limits of your "social allowances" amongst a specific group until you can do virtually anything, at one point it will become so natural that you can just go up to a new group and introduce yourself and act as that same persona, its all learnt behaviour.

To be honest I'm talking all this shit now, but I wasn't nearly as bold as i am now last year, this new job has actually leveled up my "low inhib" skils, so even me whose talking like I know shit is still learning and adapting.
Ok, so you went from high inhib to low inhib. Also...

I can openly make sexually suggestive jokes with my female co-workers now where before I likely would have been reported, one I even occasionally grab her ass, some actually grab back lol.


No, AverageLooksCel, doubt if I looked like Sloth from goonies I could do that shit.

Oh and this coming from the guy who told me he has 7+ inches of dick and that he's Volcel, are you kidding me, if I had 7+ inches I'd do some PE exercises and have it up to 8 in about 3 months, then I'd start "running big dick game", just baiting women into asking for dick picks to see if I'm lying and just seeing it will be enough to land me some fucks.

If I had your dick, I would never have been on this site, you're the fakecel here. Women rank dick almost higher than face, you could have a 4/10 face, but if you have a huge dick and you are muscular enough they'll ignore that shit, I've seen so many black guys with ridiculous facial features that have women lined up for BBC.
I tried to push boundaries, but I keep on failing and being defeated by life, now I just gave upcompletely
One of the highest IQ posters here. You all could learn a thing or two.

Agreed. Just lol @ the low-sentience "blackpilled" incels here. Although my father was abusive and quite demanding, he taught me the importance of being low-inhibition and neurotypical in social settings despite my extreme introvert/schizoid tendencies. I'll always thank him for that.
No, AverageLooksCel, doubt if I looked like Sloth from goonies I could do that shit.

Oh and this coming from the guy who told me he has 7+ inches of dick and that he's Volcel, are you kidding me, if I had 7+ inches I'd do some PE exercises and have it up to 8 in about 3 months, then I'd start "running big dick game", just baiting women into asking for dick picks to see if I'm lying and just seeing it will be enough to land me some fucks.

If I had your dick, I would never have been on this site, you're the fakecel here. Women rank dick almost higher than face, you could have a 4/10 face, but if you have a huge dick and you are muscular enough they'll ignore that shit, I've seen so many black guys with ridiculous facial features that have women lined up for BBC.

I don't know if I can trust PE lol, but if it's legit - every little helps
Also, I'm not fakecel because I never proclaimed myself as incel, I said I was volcel.

You claim to be incel and reject the volcel label but you are slapping the asses of woman - FAKECEL. I also doubt this face-dick rating shit.
You claim to be incel and reject the volcel label but you are slapping the asses of woman

Women like having their egos stroked, dsiplaying sexual attraction to them in that manner is just another form of that, when one of those women I "play flirt" with gives me a chance or even a hint they want me to come over to their place and fuck I'll leave this site and renounce my incel title, but so long as I can't get laid I'm just waltzing in the land of hope and desperation while women play mind games with me.

Also again, I'm only able to do this shit after months of building certain levels of trust and actually trying to be low inhib, comparing that "minor success" to the average lazy "I'm done trying" fuck on this site is a ridiculous comparison because unlike me THEY DON'T TRY ANYTHING.

Its the difference between a guy (Guy 1) who calls himself weak and trains physically to build strength, and a guy (Guy 2) who calls himself weak and does nothing but complain about it, one day guy 1 manages to lift something heavy enough that guy 2 considers it an accomplishment and tells him - "you aren't weak, you were never weak, stop lying". It never crosses guy 2's mind how much strain it took guy 1 to even lift that one thing, he has to convince himself that guy 1 was never weak and still isn't weak because that makes him a lazy useless fuck for not improving himself.
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Women like having their egos stroked, dsiplaying sexual attraction to them in that manner is just another form of that, when one of those women I "play flirt" with gives me a chance or even a hint they want me to come over to their place and fuck I'll leave this site and renounce my incel title, but so long as I can't get laid I'm just waltzing in the land of hope and desperation while women play mind games with me.

But some slap your ass back. Can't you redpill your way on from there?
Saying you are high inhib is the real cope, most of you are average looking, and again, like you didn't read the post properly, my focus of this post isn't really about getting girls, its about your mindset, a mindset that keeps you from making money, becoming a business man. My posts are mostly about wealthmaxxing not looksmaxxing.
Going into the work force is suicide fuel. There's nothing worse than interacting with normies from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. who you want to brutally murder.
I had lower inhib before I became a regular on these sites. I don't think it's a coincidence tbh
But some slap your ass back. Can't you redpill your way on from there?

They all have boyfriends, I don't think you guys get it, sex is something so easily attainable for women, its as normal to them as ordering food at a fast food restuarant, its like driving a car, something everyday people do, slapping a random guy on the ass you feel comfortable with isn't a sign you want to fuck him, just that you feel comfortable enough around him to flirt. They BF's mog me, I'm just "a guy they like to be around", think of it like a "work place orbiter", except I don't do them favors and compliment then all the time.

They have no idea who I really am or what I really think of them. Single women act like this and women with BF's act like this too, because both groups are getting laid, a slap on the ass is "not really sexual" to someone who has suck dick and done anal, its like a hug to these bitches.

Going into the work force is suicide fuel. There's nothing worse than interacting with normies from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. who you want to brutally murder.

Being broke and not being able to build a future for myself while all normies around me "live it up" is more suifuel than that, its the lack of progress thats going to make you want to kill yourself in the end, I need to fuck an escort really bad, never had raw (no condom sex), my libido is going up as the years go by so its becoming really torturous where I'm so aroused sometimes I want to kill myself to end it, I can't fuck an escort if I'm broke, so I need to build my income and wealth in order to afford hoes lol. I'm serious sometimes I feel like I'll literally die if I don't have sex at some point, shit is getting ridiculous, being high T is a curse, that's probably why a lot of the guys here aren't really "motivated" like I am, the motivation I have isn't hope, its lust, its hate, its physical need pushing me, not some mental cope, the guys on this site just have it easy with a low/average libido.

Porn isn't even really enough anymore, its satisfying a bit but not really. I'm literally horny and depressed while typing this out, I feel I may have some weird medical condition or something, maybe and over production of testosterone IDK, but its not stopping, I thought I'd hit a "cap" by now, before I could only masturbate once a day and I'm good for like a day and a half afterwards, now I can probably do it like 3 times a day, but I limit it to once, because the preceeding orgasms aren't as enjoyable if you do it so many times, and I live with other people and doing it throughout the day will get me caught.
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To the guys who were all talking shit and saying it doesn't work, I just got myself ANOTHER RAISE today lol

Aaaaaah escortceling "efficiently" is becoming more and more likely everyday, gonna save up and buy a car first in the next few months.

But no keep on just LDAR and saying "it won't change a thing, it won't change my life putting effort into it"
1. Women rarely if ever initiate, even for chad, I've spoken to chads I know personally and its always about women "giving you a look", in most cases they still expect even chad to initiate, you sound like you don't even interact with people when you say complete nonsense like this.

2. Again, my focus here is about making money, getting laid will come after. Are you blind or retarded, you went straight back to making it about women even when I told you otherwise. I can only assume you are trolling so if I see another reply like that I'm not bothering.
I've been saying this shit for years and stupid basement dweller's don't understand shit. Women never approach. Even for chad.
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High Inhibition Is A Cope, You're Just Too Weak Willed To Push The Limits Of Your Comfort Zone​

Literally semantics tbh
Probably yes, first time doing something it's normal to feel anxiety, if you care enough for something you endure and go trough it. Truth is we don't care enough.

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