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Blackpill Why don't you guys get escorts or fuck whores?

  • Thread starter Melancholy_Worm
  • Start date


Apr 4, 2018
Hell, it's cheaper even for a normie to pay for it rather then taking a roastie on a date.
I see many trucels on this forum who live in the US. so why don't you try it just to know what it feels like?
I'm a virgin and whores are illegal in my country:feelsree::feelsree::feelsree:
Always cherish what little you have, boyos
If I just wanted sex then yes; that is an option. I just want the validation of someone wanting me.
I can pay a whore every weekend if I want but I want love, not a cunt who doesn't even know my name.

Also there are whores in most countries, illegal or not
It’s part validation and part money. $500 for a DECENT one?
its about more than just sex. its about love and validation
As a one time thing it seems ok to me...

Yeah but I doubt one time is enough for most guys, I’m an addictive type so all of a sudden, I’d be spending thousands for what most guys get for free.
its about more than just sex. its about love and validation
Who the fuck needs validation in today's degenerate society? Getting laid by paying is still getting laid boyo, fuck this vile society
I do because its cheap here in brazil, but i heard in the US is very expensive

edit> its cheap and I dont have to worry about going to eletric chair if I get caught
its about more than just sex. its about love and validation
Who the fuck needs validation in today's degenerate society? Getting laid by paying is still getting laid boyo, fuck this vile society
besides its a matter of principle. chad dont pay. i dont pay
I do bang escorts (in Europe), ama. It is a huge advantage, beats living as a virgin. You will just keep wondering what sex feels like and it will crush your soul. A few sessions of escorting will save you from that.

It gets old though. guess that is what normies and Chads mean when they say "sex isn't everything, brah"
Escort is cope. Please do not do that, its not a genuine experience.
Because how the fuck do I find them? Not to mention that sex with a whore isn't nearly as good as what chad has
I do and it’s awesome. I have seen this girl every 2 weeks for the last year and feel like she’s my gf.
Escort is cope. Please do not do that, its not a genuine experience.

of course it is mate, do you guys think only incels go to escorts? most of the guys who visit escorts are married or have a gf .sex is sex
illegal in my country for the male not the woman. so if anything goes wrong i'm the only one in trouble. I don't trust a whore enough.
It's illegal everywhere, do it anyway.
I do and it’s awesome. I have seen this girl every 2 weeks for the last year and feel like she’s my gf.
Jesus Christ how fucking cucked are some of you. Why waste money on some fucking whore when you can do it with your damn hand. For me sex is about feeling wanted, if I have to pay someone for it, it's humiliating af. I'd rather save the money for surgery.
illegal in my country for the male not the woman. so if anything goes wrong i'm the only one in trouble. I don't trust a whore enough.
That's bullshit, must be Cuckistan.
Jesus Christ how fucking cucked are some of you. Why waste money on some fucking whore when you can do it with your damn hand. For me sex is about feeling wanted, if I have to pay someone for it, it's humiliating af. I'd rather save the money for surgery.
You will feel wanted when you hear her moans and see her wetness.
Sex with prozzies isn't that great imo although I've never had one that was good at her job. Some of the private dances I've had at strip clubs have been better than the sex I had with the prozzie I lost my V with tbh.

What I really want is to be loved and for sex to arise naturally from that mutual feeling. Seems to be something I can never have.
If I just wanted sex then yes; that is an option. I just want the validation of someone wanting me.

Sex with prozzies isn't that great imo although I've never had one that was good at her job. Some of the private dances I've had at strip clubs have been better than the sex I had with the prozzie I lost my V with tbh.

What I really want is to be loved and for sex to arise naturally from that mutual feeling. Seems to be something I can never have.

its about more than just sex. its about love and validation

besides its a matter of principle. chad dont pay. i dont pay

Another poster yet again proving my point, that most of the so called incels on this site are actually egotistical volcels who act and think like chad, they just so happen to be ugly, and they don't seem to get the irony of hating your enemy while also having the same mindset as them (seeking out validation).

They claim to be "black pilled" and yet they haven't acknowledged the most simplest of black pills..... ALL MEN PAY, men just get varying discounts based on their varying levels of attractiveness. Do you think chad doesn't have to take his GF or wife out on expensive dates, buy her anniversary gifts, valentines day BS like chocolates, you are an idiot if you think Chads are getting a "free ride" like they got a fully paid scholarship just because they look good, women primarily value men for their utility, their usefulness, good looking men still pay, they can just sometimes pay less than an average looking man would, more noticeably they pay a lower ENTRY FEE (the cost of getting a woman to fuck you the first time), an average guy may have to spend on few dates before her putting out, while chad can get her to put out the night they met in a bathroom stall, if you think its like that afterwards throughout the rest of the relationship you are an idiot.

Let me remind you that even Brad Pitt (a RICH CHAD) is currently divorced, and lets not forget about Brendan Fraser and his fucked up life, that's a chad that I wouldn't change places with. His good looks didn't matter in the end, he still got taken to the cleaners, because again what women truly value are things like utility, security, etc, all of which she can provide for herself by simply taking your money.

Chads only get a black pill reality check after getting married and they live in blissfull blue pill ignorance till the day they do. Not paying for sex because you want validation ironically makes you no different than stacey, so by what logic do you get to hate her and not be an idiot hypocrite.
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You will feel wanted when you hear her moans and see her wetness.
Lmao, not sure if serious. She's faking it you fuckhead, you're worse than any betabuxx normie I know.
of course it is mate, do you guys think only incels go to escorts? most of the guys who visit escorts are married or have a gf .sex is sex
Yea if I had a gf, I would not pay for sex.
Trust me, there is no reason to pay for sex if anyone has a sex life. You are basically wasting your money.
Look at these recruits they are normies.
Another poster yet again proving my point, that most of the so called incels on this site are actually egotistical volcels who act and think like chad, they just so happen to be ugly, and they don't seem to get the irony of hating your enemy while also having the same mindset as them (seeking out validation).

They claim to be "black pilled" and yet they haven't acknowledged the most simplest of black pills..... ALL MEN PAY, men just get varying discounts based on their varying levels of attractiveness. Do you think chad doesn't have to take his GF or wife out on expensive dates, buy her anniversary gifts, valentines day BS like chocolates, you are an idiot if you think Chads are getting a "free ride" like they got a fully paid scholarship just because they look good, women primarily value men for their utility, their usefulness, good looking men still pay, they can just sometimes pay less than an average looking man would, more noticeably they pay a lower ENTRY FEE (the cost of getting a woman to fuck you the first time), an average guy may have to spend on few dates before her putting out, while chad can get her to put out the night they met in a bathroom stall, if you think its like that afterwards throughout the rest of the relationship you are an idiot.

Let me remind you that even Brad Pitt (a RICH CHAD) is currently divorced, and lets not forget about Brendan Fraser this fucked up life, that's a chad that I wouldn't change places with. His good looks didn't matter in the end, he still got taken to the cleaners, because again what women truly value are things like utility, security, etc, all of which she can provide for herself by simply taking your money.

Chads only get a black pill reality check after getting married and they live in blissfull blue pill ignorance till the day they do. Not paying for sex because you want validation ironically makes you no different than stacey, so by what logic do you get to hate her and not be an idiot hypocrite.
Cope harder faggot. You think teens sneaking into each other's houses are paying anything? You think someone being called for a booty call is paying anything? Even if normies do pay, THEY ARE IN A RELATIONSHIP you fuckhead, they like each other and enjoy sex with each other. Having sex with a prostitute is nothing like that, you pay for sex, you get it, she leaves, and she couldn't give a fuck about you anymore.
Cope harder faggot. You think teens sneaking into each other's houses are paying anything? You think someone being called for a booty call is paying anything? Even if normies do pay, THEY ARE IN A RELATIONSHIP you fuckhead, they like each other and enjoy sex with each other. Having sex with a prostitute is nothing like that, you pay for sex, you get it, she leaves, and she couldn't give a fuck about you anymore.

Yea if I had a gf, I would not pay for sex.
Trust me, there is no reason to pay for sex if anyone has a sex life. You are basically wasting your money.

My friend who goes to escorts with me sometimes has a gf, and he says he's tired o fucking the same girl for years and years. And I tell you, I've met a lot of married guys who says or think the same

Sex for them isn't something so rare like it is for us, just like money, the more you have the more you want it
I'm not saying escorceling is better than having a gf, but if you all think everyone who has a gf DON'T want to fuck another girls I dont know what to say
Betabuxxers pay, but still won't get sex most the time. So a prostitute would be better.
Even if normies do pay, THEY ARE IN A RELATIONSHIP.

Yes captain obvious....... your point is?......exactly you have no point here, you just desire to be in a relationship and are projecting its percieved worth, I've only ever really wanted sex so I guess I don't "feel your pain" on this one. Again its you who is ironically proving my point on how idiotic you are, to be a so called incel and yet still latching on to the social concepts of normies, if its a relationship you desire and not just sex, then are you "incel" (involuntary celibacy) or are you "inlon" (involuntary loniliness), celibcay primary relates to sex, it just so happens that in order to get sex you usually have to be in a relationship, but it seems like guys like yourself are more chasing the relationship factor than the sex part, you would make a really good beta provider, a cuck even, your woman can fuck other guys and then she can go out with you, have conversations, and shower you with affection, I'm saying this sarcastically but when I hear retards like you speak I think this would actually seem like a "decent tradeoff" to you weak willed faggots,

you pay for sex, you get it, she leaves, and she couldn't give a fuck about you anymore.

Soooooooo its convenient then lol (I have fucked a prostitute before btw, looking forward to getting an escort one day and negotiating to fuck raw).

Again there's a huge irony here of guys like you claiming to be "black pilled" and yet in reality you are so "blue pilled", how can you still even want a relationship with a woman while claiming to be black pilled on things like female nature, the male role in society, etc.

I made a post about this shit, a lot of you guys here have VBS (Vestigial Bluepill Syndrome) lol - https://incels.is/threads/many-ince...g-with-vestigial-bluepill-syndrome-vbs.30628/

You aren't black pilled, you likely never were, you are just merely "hanging around" a group of rejects because the group you actually want to be part of (normies) has rejected you.

You guys are just FAILED NORMIES
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I plan to do this at some point when I have enough money to make a trip to the UK or Australia, but in America it's too risky and scary IMO.
For me, there are a couple of reasons why I wouldn't want to do that:

1) Escorts might not let do what you want (e.g. anal, raw, kissing).
2) Escorts often refuse service if you are black.
3) Sex that transactional probably would kill the sexual experience for me.

Also, I faced the music already: only Chads or lucky normies get sex with no strings attached. Everyone else has to betabuxx or hire a prostitute, so even if you are black pilled, it does nothing to change your situation as an incel.
For me, there are a couple of reasons why I wouldn't want to do that:

1) Escorts might not let do what you want (e.g. anal, raw, kissing).
That's kinda the point of haggling and working out a deal before you pay, or you can even haggle afterwards, she's already in the room, after playing with her a bit (foreplay) and getting her wet, offer a few hundred more to do all that shit, she'll likely agree (well maybe not to anal)

2) Escorts often refuse service if you are black.
Maybe if you look like Tyrone, I don't think you understand the history behind escorts refusing blacks (I'm black myself btw), they do it because they assume you have a big dick and that would make the sex too uncomfortable for them, and they don't want to be soar the next day because that means they've lost one day they could have made money, its not racism, its because of the BBC myth, a guy with a big dick basically makes them do MORE WORK FOR THE SAME PAY RATE, so if you're a 5'7" beta looking black guy like myself they aren't going to refuse.

3) Sex that transactional probably would kill the sexual experience for me.
Well that's because you are an egoist, that's your fault
Not paying for sex because you want validation ironically makes you no different than stacey, so by what logic do you get to hate her and not be an idiot hypocrite.
when did I say im not willing to pay, this post is about fucking escorts.
Because I don’t see any point in paying a women who’s clearly disgusted by my appearance. If I wanted to see a women’s face of disgust while I’m fucking her than I’d just rape her
Yes captain obvious....... your point is?......exactly you have no point here, you just desire to be in a relationship and are projecting its percieved worth, I've only ever really wanted sex so I guess I don't "feel your pain" on this one. Again its you who is ironically proving my point on how idiotic you are, to be a so called incel and yet still latching on to the social concepts of normies, if its a relationship you desire and not just sex, then are you "incel" (involuntary celibacy) or are you "inlon" (involuntary loniliness), celibcay primary relates to sex, it just so happens that in order to get sex you usually have to be in a relationship, but it seems like guys like yourself are more chasing the relationship factor than the sex part, you would make a really good beta provider, a cuck even, your woman can fuck other guys and then she can go out with you, have conversations, and shower you with affection, I'm saying this sarcastically but when I hear retards like you speak I think this would actually seem like a "decent tradeoff" to you weak willed faggots,

Soooooooo its convenient then lol (I have fucked a prostitute before btw, looking forward to getting an escort one day and negotiating to fuck raw).

Again there's a huge irony here of guys like you claiming to be "black pilled" and yet in reality you are so "blue pilled", how can you still even want a relationship with a woman while claiming to be black pilled on things like female nature, the male role in society, etc.

I made a post about this shit, a lot of you guys here have VBS (Vestigial Bluepill Syndrome) lol - https://incels.is/threads/many-ince...g-with-vestigial-bluepill-syndrome-vbs.30628/

You aren't black pilled, you likely never were, you are just merely "hanging around" a group of rejects because the group you actually want to be part of (normies) has rejected you.

You guys are just FAILED NORMIES
Wtf are you even on about. Incels are literally failed normies you dumbfuck, everyone here would jump at the first chance to be with a girl they like. If it were just about sex we'd just get a hooker. You sound like someone who's completely detached from society and has no connection with normies. I'm blackpilled, but I'd gladly get into a relationships with a foid I liked, even if she might leave me for Chad. This isn't MGTOW.
when did I say im not willing to pay, this post is about fucking escorts.

Lol I don't know how else you expected someone to interpret you saying this -
If I just wanted sex then yes; that is an option. I just want the validation of someone wanting me.

It sounds like you're saying if you just wanted sex then paying for it is an option, but you just want the validation of someone wanting you, it literally sounds like you're saying you won't pay for sex because what you really want is validation.
Wtf are you even on about. Incels are literally failed normies you dumbfuck

Speak for yourself, complete BS.

everyone here would jump at the first chance to be with a girl they like.

Depends on what you mean by "be with", I hate vague shit like this, be specific, do you mean just have sex with, then yes I agree, if you mean date and marry, I'd say no because we have the common sense to realize that marriage is a raw deal and she may just end up cheating on us whether were dating or not, so keeping the relationship purely sexual yields the maximum benefit and may keep her around longer because you're seen as something "unattainable".

I'm blackpilled, but I'd gladly get into a relationships with a foid I liked, even if she might leave me for Chad.

I'm black pilled but I'm blue pilled, literally what you just said here retard, I can't even tell if you are trolling with this one or being serious. You idiots don't get that starting a relationship is the easy part, its continuing it is when it gets difficult, all the onus is on you, you have to keep her entertained, never become someone she considers "boring", have to maintain your attractiveness endlessly, have to keep her mind off of chads, plan dates, dinners, outings to events, it only gets more difficult, think you are stressed now, just wait till you have to be paranoid and conscious about everything you say and do around her thinking that your next few words will be what finally makes her turned off.
I plan to go to whores soon. They are dirt cheap here and its legal and I dont give a fuck about affirmation or love from a femoid.

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