Nature is the creation of Satan.
There is a parasitoid wasp family, the ichneumonidae, that reproduces by injecting their eggs directly into their host's body. Then, after hatching, the ichneumonid larva eats its host alive. The cruelty of the ichneumonidae troubled various 19th century figures, the most prominent among them probably Charles Darwin, and contributed to their increasing doubts about the nature and the existence of a creator god. ("The beauty of creation speaks of the majestic beauty of the believer's God. He worships the Lord in the beauty of holiness. Examining creation brings him to praise and submit to his Creator." - John Calvin)
So if anything, the world is the creation of Satan. /pol/ can tip their MAGA hats as much as they like, but Richard Dawkins was absolutely right when he wrote:
"In a universe of blind physical forces and genetic replication, some people are going to get hurt, other people are going to get lucky, and you won't find any rhyme or reason in it, nor any justice. The universe we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil and no good, nothing but blind, pitiless indifference. DNA neither knows nor cares. DNA just is."
This is so true. Karma isn't a bitch. Or rather: Karma is a bitch at times and to some only. "Some are born to sweet delight, some are born to endless night." Jesus said, "Consider the birds" and yeah - consider the animals:
That nature must be the creation of Satan is not only evident by the fact that there is always more agony than pleasure in this universe (with the agony of the devoured animal always far greater than the short-lived pleasure of the feasting animal - which was Schopenhauer's example against the Christian god), but also because all organisms invariably produce more offspring than survive, since Mother Nature, as we so laughingly call her, is following a "better safe than sorry" approach by creating an offspring surplus, fully “aware” of the fact that not everyone and -thing will make it anyway. This is actually my favorite example. That "mother nature" always aims for an offspring SURPLUS and also aims for more that could actually survive ... because it's clear that not everyone will survive anyway...
By the way, nature being the creation of Satan is one of the reasons why I would never be "pro-Incel" per se. After all, there will always and inevitably be a number of people who are physically, mentally, intellectually too crippled to consensually enjoy sexuality with others even in the most utopian society. Some of them will then experience hostility towards other people’s happiness and desire to spoil the sexual bliss of others. I would never argue for simply giving in to these people. There’s a difference between supporting stability, fidelity and monogamy and outright hostility to sexuality as in feminism or religious conservatism. The problem today is that mostly due to hypergamy and female hive-mind-mentality there is now a SURGE of inceldom up to a point that will tear apart the social fabric that no high culture and civilization will be possible anymore. It will be regression back into stone age mating patterns or maybe some sort of matriarchy where buffed up buffoons dance around the uterus like in some primitive African societies.
((As a sidenote: it's noteworthy how much right-wing racists hate atheism and evolution. This is just more evidence that racism is not about >muh SCIENCE but fulfills a mythological and ideological function. In theory, racism is, of course, compatible with an evolutionary world view, but the vast majority of racists share this deep hostility towards atheism and evolution. The moment /pol/ turned from libertarian to alt-right was the moment they turned against atheism and towards Christianity or Varg Vikernes instead.))