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Discussion Why do they look at me like this?



Oct 26, 2023
There have been instances of me walking through town and sometimes, I notice some fucking foid staring at me, her eyes wide-open and frowing.
I got some examples too throughout '22 and '23.

I was sitting on a bench in a small park with my friend, talking about stuff.
This park is a small grassy area with fences and gates, a few trees, a footpath and 2 benches.
Me and my friend got up and were about to leave, when he had to go piss behind a tree.
As he did, these 4 teen girls entered the park, as they did, my friend was pissing behind the tree, I was standing by the bench waiting for him.
Rather than walk pass me, in front of me on the footpath, all 4 of them walked behind me on the grass until they reached the other side of the park.
I saw one of thier faces, she was looking at me, eyes-wide, mouth open, not frowning.
When my friend finished pissed, he returned to me, and we saw those 4 girls glancing back at us.
We agreed they were being fucking weird.

On a slow sunday afternoon, I took a walk around town.
As I did, I walked pass this burger king and when I looked at the window, I saw this one foid sitting by it.
She was staring at me, eyes-wide, frowning.

I was sitting by the fountain in the town center, scrolling on my phone, waiting for my friend.
I saw 2 stacies cross the road nearby, one of them was giving me that same wide-eyed, frowning face again.

Most recent example is from a few months back.
I walked pass this hair salon, I was scrolling on my phone with my earphones it, looking for a song to play.
After I picked a song, I placed my phone back into my phone, I looked to my right and saw a foid giving me that wide-eyed-frown look again.

I'm not fat, I'm average height (5'9, if its your business), am not balding and I'm not spotty or pimply faced.
I don't think I'm completely ugly or anything.
I might update this post if I get a 5th example of getting this look from foids.
Eyes-wide, frowning.
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They like your face. They're attracted to you.
You sure there's nothing out of the ordinary with your face or body ? Are you wearing Waldo's outfit ?

Foids just ignore incels irl. It's weird that they make a show of themselves around you like that.
Doesn't sound like sub 5 treatment to me. Girls don't even look at my face tho
Foids just ignore incels irl. It's weird that they make a show of themselves around you like that.
It depends on the country you live in, here girls tend to be more confident/extroverted + walk around in groups so they have the guts to look at you like shit and laugh
It depends on the country you live in, here girls tend to be more confident/extroverted + walk around in groups so they have the guts to look at you like shit and laugh
Is it the US ?
It depends on the country you live in, here girls tend to be more confident/extroverted + walk around in groups so they have the guts to look at you like shit and laugh
I live in the UK, foids here are wannabe americunts.
They're very obsessed with shit like success, status, material processions, money, all that crap.
And yes, britfoids are the kind that wear outfits that show more skin than it covers up, revealing their hips, legs, midriff and cleavage, and they have the fucking spine to get all pissy with you and think your a creep or a pervert.
Or worse, even a pedo, if they look older than how they actually are.
You are either Chad or super ugly
The fact that the entirety of Europe knows they are the ugliest foids makes the situation even more absurd. The audacity they have is beyond saving at this point.
They like your face. They're attracted to you.
If that were true, wouldn't they be all smiley and friendly looking towards me?
They pull that face at me as if they just heard me yell out: NIGGER!
If that were true, wouldn't they be all smiley and friendly looking towards me?
Are you smiley and friendly looking towards women you find attractive?
Are you smiley and friendly looking towards women you find attractive?
I often walk around with an intense, stoic, slightly angry face, due to a... rough upbringing.
I often walk around with an intense, stoic, slightly angry face, due to a... rough upbringing.
Well there you go. Women also have reasons for not smiling at random guys even if they find them attractive. Read my sig and get the fuck out of this crab bucket.
What, 'cause foids look at me as if they caught me jerking off on a dead cat in an alleyway?
They're not exactly chadstruck, you fucking retard.
Ok, Fakecel
To me it sounds like you have some standout ugly feature, 5'9 would not get stares like that, I am 5'5 and I am either just the invisible man or I recieve a quick glance.
Ok, Fakecel
Gray accusing someone of fakecel lol
If foids look at you aka acknowledging your existence, you're a Fakecel. Period. Don't need to argue about that.
What about the foids reading our posts right now :worryfeels: are we fakecels
If women frown at you then they find you ugly. That's something I don't understand about foids. When I go about my day I don't stare at women I find unattractive and I definitely don't frown at them.

Foids literally hate the men they find unattractive. They can't even control themselves so they could show basic decency.
And women do this shit to me also. I always mind my own business, yet foids act like I'm "creepy." When you're just that ugly then foids hate your very presence. They can't stand the thought that an ugly man is in their close vicinity.
And women do this shit to me also. I always mind my own business, yet foids act like I'm "creepy." When you're just that ugly then foids hate your very presence. They can't stand the thought that an ugly man is in their close vicinity.
But being disliked or hated means you still matter whereas being ignored means you, your opinions, your needs, your influence and your actions don't matter enough to even expend the energy of hating you. That's basically the difference between a truecel and a LTN or Nearcel
But being disliked or hated means you still matter whereas being ignored means you, your opinions, your needs, your influence and your actions don't matter enough to expend the energy of hating you. That's basically the difference between a truecel and a LTN or Nearcel
Maybe I look intimidating, I dunno. I'm bald and my face is scarred so maybe that triggers them.
Sub5 treatment is not even being looked at when you're talking.
But being disliked or hated means you still matter whereas being ignored means you, your opinions, your needs, your influence and your actions don't matter enough to even expend the energy of hating you. That's basically the difference between a truecel and a LTN or Nearcel
If a foid gives you a frown what makes you think that makes you a ltn or a nearcel over being a truecel?

In what world is frowning considered flirting?

Its literally the opposite of flirting. Its a woman signaling to a guy "don't even come anywhere close to me you ugly creep."
They're in awe of your beauty :feelsohgod:
Foids just ignore incels irl. It's weird that they make a show of themselves around you like that.
I'm a ghost to women. You're either chadlite, extremely ugly or wearing some goofy ass clothes
Send a picture and we'll tell you why
It's because you have a neutral face with no emotion and maybe intense eyes and prominent browridge, this is "creepy" to women if you are average or below looking, I have been called serial killer looking and creep all my life but now I enjoy it, I can make normies uncomfortable just by walking fast and looking straight ahead
If a foid gives you a frown what makes you think that makes you a ltn or a nearcel over being a truecel?

In what world is frowning considered flirting?

Its literally the opposite of flirting. Its a woman signaling to a guy "don't even come anywhere close to me you ugly creep."
I don't know the GrAy is trying to imply if a foid knows you exist even for like 10 seconds then you must be a fakecel
I don't know the GrAy is trying to imply if a foid knows you exist even for like 10 seconds then you must be a fakecel
Ye makes no sense. As if women found the guys they give disgusted stares to more attractive than the guys they ignore.

When women see a genuinely ugly guy they feel uncomfortable and their lizard brains kick in and they lose conscious control of themselves, hence they give you a disgusted stare or a frown as if saying "don't you even dare to think you have a chance with me you genetic subhuman" even if the ugly guy is ignoring the woman completely. Its not the rational part of her brain making that decision, which is why it comes off as so irrational and random.

These guys are just outing themselves as somewhat average looking. Women feel creeped out by ugly guys. This is just how women are wired. If women ignore you then you're not attractive but you're not a that ugly either. You're just a NPC to them.
There have been instances of me walking through town and sometimes, I notice some fucking foid staring at me, her eyes wide-open and frowing.
I got some examples too throughout '22 and '23.

I was sitting on a bench in a small park with my friend, talking about stuff.
This park is a small grassy area with fences and gates, a few trees, a footpath and 2 benches.
Me and my friend got up and were about to leave, when he had to go piss behind a tree.
As he did, these 4 teen girls entered the park, as they did, my friend was pissing behind the tree, I was standing by the bench waiting for him.
Rather than walk pass me, in front of me on the footpath, all 4 of them walked behind me on the grass until they reached the other side of the park.
I saw one of thier faces, she was looking at me, eyes-wide, mouth open, not frowning.
When my friend finished pissed, he returned to me, and we saw those 4 girls glancing back at us.
We agreed they were being fucking weird.

On a slow sunday afternoon, I took a walk around town.
As I did, I walked pass this burger king and when I looked at the window, I saw this one foid sitting by it.
She was staring at me, eyes-wide, frowning.

I was sitting by the fountain in the town center, scrolling on my phone, waiting for my friend.
I saw 2 stacies cross the road nearby, one of them was giving me that same wide-eyed, frowning face again.

Most recent example is from a few months back.
I walked pass this hair salon, I was scrolling on my phone with my earphones it, looking for a song to play.
After I picked a song, I placed my phone back into my phone, I looked to my right and saw a foid giving me that wide-eyed-frown look again.

I'm not fat, I'm average height (5'9, if its your business), am not balding and I'm not spotty or pimply faced.
I don't think I'm completely ugly or anything.
I might update this post if I get a 5th example of getting this look from foids.
Eyes-wide, frowning.
They are gangstalkers
seem like chad tbh, maybe u too young so u have no idea foids attracted to u, if they stare next time just talk to them and slay, also get out of this site tbh this is not a place for u
Well there you go. Women also have reasons for not smiling at random guys even if they find them attractive. Read my sig and get the fuck out of this crab bucket.
bro i get these looks and I have a hunchback and am ethnic in 1st world white nation
in school kids literally called me quasimodo
your sig is retarded, you just have never experienced this. When you are really ugly people will give you death stares in public.
I literally get it from dudes too. Like just yesterday i walked home from store and this dude i was walking behind kept looking over his shoulder and shit like he was being chased by Jason Vorhees.
There have been instances of me walking through town and sometimes, I notice some fucking foid staring at me, her eyes wide-open and frowing.
I got some examples too throughout '22 and '23.

I was sitting on a bench in a small park with my friend, talking about stuff.
This park is a small grassy area with fences and gates, a few trees, a footpath and 2 benches.
Me and my friend got up and were about to leave, when he had to go piss behind a tree.
As he did, these 4 teen girls entered the park, as they did, my friend was pissing behind the tree, I was standing by the bench waiting for him.
Rather than walk pass me, in front of me on the footpath, all 4 of them walked behind me on the grass until they reached the other side of the park.
I saw one of thier faces, she was looking at me, eyes-wide, mouth open, not frowning.
When my friend finished pissed, he returned to me, and we saw those 4 girls glancing back at us.
We agreed they were being fucking weird.

On a slow sunday afternoon, I took a walk around town.
As I did, I walked pass this burger king and when I looked at the window, I saw this one foid sitting by it.
She was staring at me, eyes-wide, frowning.

I was sitting by the fountain in the town center, scrolling on my phone, waiting for my friend.
I saw 2 stacies cross the road nearby, one of them was giving me that same wide-eyed, frowning face again.

Most recent example is from a few months back.
I walked pass this hair salon, I was scrolling on my phone with my earphones it, looking for a song to play.
After I picked a song, I placed my phone back into my phone, I looked to my right and saw a foid giving me that wide-eyed-frown look again.

I'm not fat, I'm average height (5'9, if its your business), am not balding and I'm not spotty or pimply faced.
I don't think I'm completely ugly or anything.
I might update this post if I get a 5th example of getting this look from foids.
Eyes-wide, frowning.
you are just ugly, probably facialy bloated too and shit
do oyu get it from men too?
i get it from guys too. Ive had people run away from me in stores. In the sense they see me and turn around and walk away very fast.
This one guy jumped and pushed his trolley away from me like im chasing him.

This is normal for me. People of both genders also change side of streets.

Dont let ppl here gaslight you with this dumb shit about how if you get looks ur normal.
Looks doesnt just work on foids, both genders operate on looks, DUH
if you are ugly, or beautifuly, it will affect both genders behavior towards you.
It doesnt make sense otherwise.
bro i get these looks and I have a hunchback and am ethnic in 1st world white nation
in school kids literally called me quasimodo
your sig is retarded, you just have never experienced this. When you are really ugly people will give you death stares in public.
I literally get it from dudes too. Like just yesterday i walked home from store and this dude i was walking behind kept looking over his shoulder and shit like he was being chased by Jason Vorhees.
Hey shithead, I've spent literally hundreds of hours sitting in public places specifically to observe foids (while I'm wearing shades) to see what guys they check out. They don't give looks to ugly guys. Not looks of disgust, not looks of astonishment, not looks of curiosity, no looks at all. If you spot a foid looking at you, it's because she wanted you to see her looking at you, because she wants your attention.
They don't look at ugly guys the same way they don't looks at hobos the same way they don't look at turds. This is from hundreds of hours of experience of carefully observing foids.
Fuck you and eat shit you fucking fakecel with a swarthy Justin Bieber face and walking a bit hunched and turning it into some kind of ugly disability so you could fit in here.
Hey shithead, I've spent literally hundreds of hours sitting in public places specifically to observe foids (while I'm wearing shades) to see what guys they check out. They don't give looks to ugly guys. Not looks of disgust, not looks of astonishment, not looks of curiosity, no looks at all. If you spot a foid looking at you, it's because she wanted you to see her looking at you, because she wants your attention.
They don't look at ugly guys the same way they don't looks at hobos the same way they don't look at turds. This is from hundreds of hours of experience of carefully observing foids.
Fuck you and eat shit you fucking fakecel with a swarthy Justin Bieber face and walking a bit hunched and turning it into some kind of ugly disability so you could fit in here.
thats liek saying bullying doesnt happen cuz people ignore ugly people so when you get bullied they actually like you
gigabrain logic
Ye makes no sense. As if women found the guys they give disgusted stares to more attractive than the guys they ignore.

When women see a genuinely ugly guy they feel uncomfortable and their lizard brains kick in and they lose conscious control of themselves, hence they give you a disgusted stare or a frown as if saying "don't you even dare to think you have a chance with me you genetic subhuman" even if the ugly guy is ignoring the woman completely. Its not the rational part of her brain making that decision, which is why it comes off as so irrational and random.

These guys are just outing themselves as somewhat average looking. Women feel creeped out by ugly guys. This is just how women are wired. If women ignore you then you're not attractive but you're not a that ugly either. You're just a NPC to them.
I think the grays probably just trying extra hard to fit in, as a manlet you just fall into the invisible catergory, especially now that I just shaved again I look like a 14 year old boy.
Whats your ethnicity? Your probably a curry or sandnigger thats why your getting these weird stares from foids
seem like chad tbh, maybe u too young so u have no idea foids attracted to u, if they stare next time just talk to them and slay, also get out of this site tbh this is not a place for u

Whats your ethnicity? Your probably a curry or sandnigger thats why your getting these weird stares from foids
I'm white.
thats liek saying bullying doesnt happen cuz people ignore ugly people so when you get bullied they actually like you
gigabrain logic
I pay attention to who women look at and I don't them looking at subhumans. It shouldn't be so complicated to understand.
I pay attention to who women look at and I don't them looking at subhumans. It shouldn't be so complicated to understand.
Women occasionally look at me and give disapproving stares. It doesn't happen that often but still, it happens. Do you think we're not telling the truth? That its all in our heads?

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