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Serious Why do some people here think rape is ok?



its over
Nov 9, 2018
Since when was rape in the blackpill ideology? I only came on this forum to express how unlucky I was with girls. Rape is highly illegal and it shouldn't be allowed on the forum, it's a whole different category.
Go away

Raping isn’t a real thing these days.

1: the definition is hella diluted. Grabbing a girls ass is considered rape these days. Actual forceful violent rape almost never happens


2: raping a foid these days does literally no harm. She’s already defiled and ruined from miles of tall hot guy dick. You’re not ruining her anymore for her future husband. Raping a foid is just enjoying public property basically. You’re just fucking her while being sub8. That’s it. There’s no real consequences. Her value doesn’t drop. Guys will still date her and marry her and turn her into the mother of their kids.. and she won’t get pregnant cause she can just get an abortion
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There's a lot of horrors around here that people think is okay. It comes part and parcel with feeling angry at the injustices of the world.
The blackpill exploits the natural rules of genetic selection for mating.

Rape = Female didnt choose to procreate with you or had her mind influenced by substances

One could actually argue that we when we like the liberals want to get rid of our primitive instincts we need to rape and make it normal.
There's a lot of horrors around here that people think is okay. It comes part and parcel with feeling angry at the injustices of the world.
Same reason people are anti-LGBTQ+.
Most "rapes" are at parties where a girl has gotten drunk, spreads her legs like a whore then she later says she was raped.
Same reason people are anti-LGBTQ+.

Fags and trannies deserve the guillotine.
Most "rapes" are at parties where a girl has gotten drunk and spreaded her legs like a whore then she later says she was raped.

thats not what I mean, imo the girl is a whore for doing that. I mean when some people encourage to rape a random girl
Rape is only claimed most of the time these days after an ugly men put his dick inside a woman and he upset her. Also there have been a lot of studies showing the women who get 'raped' longing to get raped again by the same dude(Chad)
Same reason people are anti-LGBTQ+.
If you're anti lettuce gay bacon and tomato it doesn't make you ignorant at all, it means you are aware of it and how retarded it is.

Just because someone doesn't agree doesn't mean they don't know about it.
I agree with you, OP. It's just some retards being edgy. Possible cucktear infiltrators to give us a bad name.

Also, I have to say that "drunk whore had sex = rape" is not rape. If you think so, you must be braindead (not directed at you, OP, but to anyone else reading this.)
Rape is only claimed most of the time these days after an ugly men put his dick inside a woman and he upset her. Also there have been a lot of studies showing the women who get 'raped' longing to get raped again by the same dude(Chad)

If you're anti lettuce gay bacon and tomato it doesn't make you ignorant at all, it means you are aware of it and how retarded it is.

Just because someone doesn't agree doesn't mean they don't know about it.
Also jfl at being for lgtbqiewwjas when they are far left pushing feminism agenda like a steam roller

No I agree with the OP. Even as a incel blackpiller who despises women I still don't want my (albeit fictional) name attached to a forum that says rape is ok. And frankly such people are utterly pathetic regardless of if the blackpill is true.
> the "incel" ideology
No I agree with the OP. Even as a incel blackpiller who despises women I still don't want my (albeit fictional) name attached to a forum that says rape is ok. And frankly such people are utterly pathetic regardless of if the blackpill is true.
I wouldn’t rape either. It’s a pathetic thing to do. But I’m just saying, rape isn’t really all that bad a crime nowadays. If women were staying virgins until marriage, I would say rapists should be executed. That’s not the case though. I’m not at all bothered anymore when I hear rape stories.
Rape is only claimed most of the time these days after an ugly men put his dick inside a woman and he upset her. Also there have been a lot of studies showing the women who get 'raped' longing to get raped again by the same dude(Chad)

Exactly, it's the same reason why an ugly guy touching a girl is branded a creep, when it´s a Chad nobody bats an eye.

We live in a double standard system where both paternity fraud and rape are both illegal on paper, but only one of the two causes the perpetrator to receive a sure punishment. Now everything can be morphed into rape, and used to get cash prizes in court. This kind of state funded alienation makes people lose empathy and morality, that's why. Congrats, feminism.
Honestly, it kind of creeps me out a bit that some people advocate for it. As much as I'm agreeing with the black pill ideology and whatnot, still, rape is nasty no matter how you spin it.
Rape is part of natural selection for the evolution of a species. People who are anti-rape support the artificial selection of the female. When men decide by force, a species evolves. When women decide by what's "pretty," we see degeneration.
Because I hate females and want them to suffer.
Reason why so many ugly men exist is because rape was a thing.
I don't like rape, but it's a strategy. Now it's closed off and entire lineages banking on that strategy got cucked
I don't know, there are some stormfrontcels here.
Welp, if these threads are good for anything - it's to expose cucks. Rape doesn't exist, it's a social construct, just like pedophilia. It's a meme, Chad can literally take and fuck any foid he wants with no consequences, while you have to ask for consent like a fucking beta loser. Remember, Chad never asks for consent. The concept of rape as a punishable offence exists to cull the betas
Since when was rape in the blackpill ideology? I only came on this forum to express how unlucky I was with girls. Rape is highly illegal and it shouldn't be allowed on the forum, it's a whole different category.
you and some other newfaggot have been complainin. i think ur tryin to infiltrate and subvert this forum. wouldnt be the first time it happened online. anyone remember somethingawful and the goons?


i remember some caps posted on 4chan about how these niggers are in government jobs and help each other get in. a bunch of faggots get jobs that they didnt deserve that couldve gone to capable incels.
Real rape, the rape of a virgin woman waiting for marriage, is a terrible crime. Societies of the past punished this with death, because it hurt the good fathers and husbands of these women.

But today's Western women are not virgins, they are not innocent girls waiting for marriage. They are rancid, disgusting whores whose hatred for sub-8 men is only matched by their lust for Chad's cock. They are loose, blown-out sluts who rack up a cock notch in the dozens or even hundreds in a few mere years. They are walking, talking feminist STD factories of pus and filth.

And likewise, today's rapists are not bandits or criminals who wait in the bushes and seize a virgin woman by force. No, today's rapists are the Chad boyfriends of these foids, or some stranger who fucked the slut when she was passed out drunk, and so forth.

It's only natural to feel no sympathy for some whore who has taken hundreds of cocks already and then takes one more under some dubious circumstances that she put herself in (teehee I was only drinking at this dingy bar with a horde of horny men). Who cares? That woman has already made it clear her body is just a public dump for Chads or wealthy men.

Women themselves don't care about being raped. If they did, they wouldn't go to shady bars, nightclubs or a frat party, get drunk and stoned, then complain when a guy sticks his dick in her. Even women who were "raped" keep doing these activities. Women only cry about being raped in order to gain money, sympathy and power.

Not to mention the slew of false rape allegations and how women have weaponized rape. I'm not saying you should go out and rape women, but having sympathy for the modern whore who cries (often falsely) that she was raped is completely nonsense.

Look, I am against degeneracy. But...

Things aren't always black and white. Females for example, they consider different things as rape.
An ugly guy bumps into her in a crowded bus? Rape.
A handsome Chad grabs her butt in the elevator? How charming!
An ugly guy compliments her outfit? Rape and he is literally Hitler.
A Chad whispers in her ears that he wants to choke her with his dick? Teehee how kinky!

A Chad grabs her and rapes her in an empty office? That wasn't rape, we are just playing.
An ugly men tries to kiss her in a date? OHMYGOD I felt so afraid. He is a monster, I am so afraid, I cry everyday since that horrible day. HE RAPED ME!

Females choose what is rape, considering what suits them the best at the moment. Of course we all agree that a man grabing a woman in the street and raping her is wrong, it is a crime and he should go to jail.

But society and females are deeply degenerate today. For handsome people, sexual harassment and rape are just common social behavior.

For others like Incels, any physical advance, like a kiss in the cheek or a pat in the shoulder is: OH MY GOD HE TRIED TO RAPE ME, HE RAPED ME, SOMEBODY CALL THE POLICE, I THINK HE GAVE ME AIDS BY JUST TOUCHING ME, I AM GONNA DIE. HELPPPPP

Exactly, this is also an excellent point. A woman's definition of rape depends on the attractiveness of the man in question.
Of course it's great, why should I care about what happens to the foids that have treated me with contempt and disrespect my entire life?
And if you do care you are not fully blackpilled.

This is the only time I disapprove of it
Real rape, the rape of a virgin woman waiting for marriage, is a terrible crime. Societies of the past punished this with death, because it hurt the good fathers and husbands of these women.
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Of course it's great, why should I care about what happens to the foids that have treated me with contempt and disrespect my entire life?

This is the only time I disapprove of it

IMO, today even the "virgin" foids in the West are only virgin so they can cash in a Chad or a GigaChad by saying "look I'm not a slut like other girls." They use their virginity to their advantage, that's how cancerous foids have gotten, that being the rare virgin foid is worthy of Chad.

Even when virgin foids get raped, I only really feel bad for their husbands and fathers, because they got screwed over for no fault of their own. The feelings of the actual woman are irrelevant to me. Past societies also had this sort of thinking - it was the economic loss in value of the woman which was terrible, not that her fee-fees were hurt.
Go away

Raping isn’t a real thing these days.

1: the definition is hella diluted. Grabbing a girls ass is considered rape these days. Actual forceful violent rape almost never happens


2: raping a foid these days does literally no harm. She’s already defiled and ruined from miles of tall hot guy dick. You’re not ruining her anymore for her future husband. Raping a foid is just enjoying public property basically. You’re just fucking her while being sub8. That’s it. There’s no real consequences. Her value doesn’t drop. Guys will still date her and marry her and turn her into the mother of their kids.. and she won’t get pregnant cause she can just get an abortion
You mentioned STD's. Feminism and female "sex freedom" have created untreatable gonorrhea and antibiotic resistant syphilis.


Global STD crisis as ‘incurable’ super gonorrhoea, syphilis and chlamydia ‘hit record high’


Feminism will kill a lot of females. The irony is: sex and "sexual freedom" is slowly killing females.
STDs are true hERoes
Do you think that those "Super STD's" will become like a black plague to foids and the Chads that fuck them?
We can only hope so brothER
Just because a guy rapes, doesn't mean he thinks it's OK.
The guy who robs a bank knows it's wrong, but he does it anyway.
Ever since you've made an account here, you've consistently been a whiny faggot who's concerned about what IT and normies think. /r/incelswithouthate is probably more up your alley
You mentioned STD's. Feminism and female "sex freedom" have created untreatable gonorrhea and antibiotic resistant syphilis.


Global STD crisis as ‘incurable’ super gonorrhoea, syphilis and chlamydia ‘hit record high’


Feminism will kill a lot of females. The irony is: sex and "sexual freedom" is slowly killing females.

High IQ bro. Exactly, feminism is harming a lot of foids. HIV and AIDs were just the beginning, because of the rampant sexual degeneracy of the modern woman, we are seeing the increase in untreatable STDs, also thanks to incompetent foids not being able to use antibiotics properly (they wouldn't finish the course, which has led to the rise of super bacteria which are extremely resilient to antibiotics, thanks to natural selection).

Nature never intended for sexual degeneracy of this magnitude to exist. Dirty whores think it's "natural" for them to sleep with dozens or even hundreds of men without repercussion, pretending that humans were always this way before civilization. Well, nature is proving them wrong.
Who gives a fuck about a literal cumdumpster taking another cock

Remove my stars until you become more blackpilled
What is rape? In 10 years just staring at a foid will be considered rape.
Go away

Raping isn’t a real thing these days.

1: the definition is hella diluted. Grabbing a girls ass is considered rape these days. Actual forceful violent rape almost never happens


2: raping a foid these days does literally no harm. She’s already defiled and ruined from miles of tall hot guy dick. You’re not ruining her anymore for her future husband. Raping a foid is just enjoying public property basically. You’re just fucking her while being sub8. That’s it. There’s no real consequences. Her value doesn’t drop. Guys will still date her and marry her and turn her into the mother of their kids.. and she won’t get pregnant cause she can just get an abortion
So if a huge black guy raped your ass and made u suck this dick will u be ok
Same reason people are anti-LGBTQ+.
I agree with you, OP. It's just some retards being edgy. Possible cucktear infiltrators to give us a bad name.

Also, I have to say that "drunk whore had sex = rape" is not rape. If you think so, you must be braindead (not directed at you, OP, but to anyone else reading this.)
No I agree with the OP. Even as a incel blackpiller who despises women I still don't want my (albeit fictional) name attached to a forum that says rape is ok. And frankly such people are utterly pathetic regardless of if the blackpill is true.
Real rape, the rape of a virgin woman waiting for marriage, is a terrible crime.
Honestly, it kind of creeps me out a bit that some people advocate for it. As much as I'm agreeing with the black pill ideology and whatnot, still, rape is nasty no matter how you spin it.
"Don't worry m'ladies! I #BelieveSurvivors! :y'all: Teach men not to rape! End rape culture! #NotAllIncels! We love women!":y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all:

White knights are exposing themselves ITT. Fucking cucks. Kill yourselves. :feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree:

Because I hate females and want them to suffer.
Welp, if these threads are good for anything - it's to expose cucks. Rape doesn't exist, it's a social construct, just like pedophilia. It's a meme, Chad can literally take and fuck any foid he wants with no consequences, while you have to ask for consent like a fucking beta loser. Remember, Chad never asks for consent. The concept of rape as a punishable offence exists to cull the betas
Ever since you've made an account here, you've consistently been a whiny faggot who's concerned about what IT and normies think. /r/incelswithouthate is probably more up your alley
Go away

Raping isn’t a real thing these days.

1: the definition is hella diluted. Grabbing a girls ass is considered rape these days. Actual forceful violent rape almost never happens


2: raping a foid these days does literally no harm. She’s already defiled and ruined from miles of tall hot guy dick. You’re not ruining her anymore for her future husband. Raping a foid is just enjoying public property basically. You’re just fucking her while being sub8. That’s it. There’s no real consequences. Her value doesn’t drop. Guys will still date her and marry her and turn her into the mother of their kids.. and she won’t get pregnant cause she can just get an abortion
Of course it's great, why should I care about what happens to the foids that have treated me with contempt and disrespect my entire life?
And if you do care you are not fully blackpilled.
Who gives a fuck about a literal cumdumpster taking another cock

Remove my stars until you become more blackpilled
Not that I care what happens to foids, but if she is drunk, she can’t legally give consent. Not legally able to consent = it was rape and she was taken advantage of.
Many are angry and disillusioned, to the point where the only thing that matters are their wants and beliefs
"Don't worry m'ladies! I #BelieveSurvivors! :y'all: Teach men not to rape! End rape culture! #NotAllIncels! We love women!":y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all:

White knights are exposing themselves ITT. Fucking cucks

I'm not for legalizing rape nor will I encourage it but if you care about some promiscuous slut being raped after being blackpilled I can't really understand you.
"Don't worry m'ladies! I #BelieveSurvivors! :y'all: Teach men not to rape! End rape culture! #NotAllIncels! We love women!":y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all:

White knights are exposing themselves ITT. Fucking cucks. Kill yourselves. :feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree:

"Don't worry m'ladies! I #BelieveSurvivors! :y'all: Teach men not to rape! End rape culture! #NotAllIncels! We love women!":y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all::y'all:

White knights are exposing themselves ITT. Fucking cucks. Kill yourselves.:feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree:

Ascended IQ post
Welp, if these threads are good for anything - it's to expose cucks. Rape doesn't exist, it's a social construct, just like pedophilia. It's a meme, Chad can literally take and fuck any foid he wants with no consequences, while you have to ask for consent like a fucking beta loser. Remember, Chad never asks for consent. The concept of rape as a punishable offence exists to cull the betas
raping a foid these days does literally no harm. She’s already defiled and ruined from miles of tall hot guy dick.

This is the part people don't get, in the past if a woman did not retain her virginity she was unworthy of marriage, if you had raped a woman you had defiled her and basically ruined her entire life, as a woman had no financial or educational opportunities, her entire life path is getting married and having children. Raping a virgin woman = destroying her entire life, that's why it was treated as such a horrible crime (well that's the historical context of why, today the outrage stems from leftist politics). If you raped a woman in the past you weren't just harming someone and then they move on after years of dealing with the mental trauma, that was the end of their life, a few seconds of pleasure for you, a lifetime of destitution for her.

But most women today are whores, I would not be surprised if some rapists literally couldn't stay erect with some women because they realized they were doing nothing to her, she was obviously disgusted by you and afraid, but she was so loose and showed so little reaction to the penetration that you became disheartened by your own performance :feelskek:. Unless you are packing like 8+ inches (with significant girth), you can't be a true "power rapist" (as in a rapist that gets off and over powering women physically and mentally), you'll realize you aren't really "cutting it", a lot of these women have been in gangbangs during college years, had 20+ partners, etc before a rapist even encounters them, seriously wtf can he even do to a vag with that much dick experience, what can he do to a psyche that is already that ravaged, these bitches have already done nasty shit like swallowing multiple loads, eating Chads ass, etc, so when an average guy rapes them and he is sticking to forced vaginal penetration, what kind of mental trauma can he truly hope to accomplish, the bitch has already done even more disguting and revolting shit than any "frenzy rapist" can hope to do with the limited time constraint of the act. He can't really do anything to her, her body is alraedy defiled as though she was raped, you can't "un-rape" her, its over even for the average rapist :feelskek:, you can't out perform all of her collective sexual experience, she'll cry, she'll feel bad, but she'll get over it.

The only way to truly make an impact as a rapist is to impregnate her, but then again she can just go to an abortion clinic and poof that's the end of that.


@cucktearslol - Would I ever rape?

Yes but depends, it would require very unlikely circumstances presenting themselves. But I would never rape a virgin.
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What difference does it make when they're hopping around the cock carousel anyways?
This is the part people don't get, in the past if a woman did not retain her virginity she was unworthy of marriage, if you had raped a woman you had defiled her and basically ruined her entire life, as a woman had no financial or educational opportunities, her entire life path is getting married and having children. Raping a virgin woman = destroying her entire life, that's why it was treated as such a horrible crime (well that's the historical context of why, today the outrage stems from leftist politics). If you raped a woman in the past you weren't just harming someone and then they move on after years of dealing with the mental trauma, that was the end of their life, a few seconds of pleasure for you, a lifetime of destitution for her.

But most women today are whores, I would not be surprised if some rapists literally couldn't stay erect with some women because they realized they were doing nothing to her, she was obviously disgusted by you and afraid, but she was so loose and showed so little reaction to the penetration that you became disheartened by your own performance :feelskek:. Unless you are packing like 8+ inches (with significant girth), you can't be a true "power rapist" (as in a rapist that gets off and over powering women physically and mentally), you'll realize you aren't really "cutting it", a lot of these women have been in gangbangs during college years, had 20+ partners, etc before a rapist even encounters them, seriously wtf can he even do to a vag with that much dick experience, what can he do to a psyche that is already that ravaged, these bitches have already done nasty shit like swallowing multiple loads, eating Chads ass, etc, so when an average guy rapes them and he is sticking to forced vaginal penetration, what kind of mental trauma can he truly hope to accomplish, the bitch has already done even more disguting and revolting shit than any "frenzy rapist" can hope to do with the limited time constraint of the act. He can't really do anything to her, her body is alraedy defiled as though she was raped, you can't "un-rape" her, its over even for the average rapist :feelskek:, you can't out perform all of her collective sexual experience, she'll cry, she'll feel bad, but she'll get over it.

The only way to truly make an impact as a rapist is to impregnate her, but then again she can just go to an abortion clinic and poof that's the end of that.


@cucktearslol - Would I ever rape?

Yes but depends, it would require very unlikely circumstances presenting themselves. But I would never rape a virgin.
That's why back in the ok days you had to marry the woman you raped.
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