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Why do some of you subscribe to the islam ideoligies?



Fakecel faggot
Feb 3, 2024
Have any of you even read the quran?
Most of you just support nazism and extreme islam because you believe in chaos.

What if you were a victim of 9 11?
You guys dont have any idea what you are talking about.

That religion is a danger to civilization as we know it.

I know this forum mainly focus on feminism and men depriving.
But seriously there are bigger issues now.
This world is being ruined as we speak.
And this "liberal" false fake ideology was started by hamas in the 90s this is their belief that making the world believing they are victims while destroying the world is a good thing.

You guys have no idea that you are only benefitting what you hate the most which is disorder and chaos.
If none of that existed , even peace between genders could be achieved.
Dumb asses

57518   SoyBooru
I don't support Nazism just because I support chaos. In fact, I am East Asian and support national socialism for our people.

I live in Asia, where its largely homogenous - no daily torture, shootings, robbing, save for a few niggers and south "Asians" (they're like gypsies who come here, not the average tech support pajeet)

You should be blaming Judaism more than Islam or Nazis - just know who sent the rapeugees into our places.
there are some good thing and retard things
Islam is a good way to abuse foids tho
911 wasn't done by Islam, that's literally the worst example you could've given.
They followed the Quran. The Quran tells the believers to kill and hunt non believers and thats what they did
I dont care about Islamic traditions and all that stuff but they are very based when it comes to foids rights
I don't support Nazism just because I support chaos. In fact, I am East Asian and support national socialism for our people.

I live in Asia, where its largely homogenous - no daily torture, shootings, robbing, save for a few niggers and south "Asians" (they're like gypsies who come here, not the average tech support pajeet)

You should be blaming Judaism more than Islam or Nazis - just know who sent the rapeugees into our places.
Israel dont do any of that
911 wasn't done by Islam, that's literally the worst example you could've given.
I'm no.1 Islam hater but 911 is really the worst example :feelskek: it was so obviously done by CIA Jewggers it's ridiculous
911 was done by the "elites" and the people of "elite" nationality didn't come to work that day
20% - incel shaming
You guys are just such fat dumb fucks
You’re a retarded cuck goyim faggot if you’re denying Jews being behind 911
I deny that.
Jews have no valid reason to commit such a crime.
The only ones capable of that are extreme islamists.

For once in your life, watch official statements from those so called "arab heroes" of yours that you like to suck their dicks so much because you are hungry on chaos like a little boy who lost his favorite toy.
why dont you google one of them like Iranian leaders, hamas leaders.
And see them blatantly saying they will destroy everyone who denies the islam.

Have you ever seen a jewish or chrisitan terror group?
And how many muslims have?
Al qaeda
Islamic Jihad

The fucking list goes on.
Wake up idiot you are being fed lies by muslim propaganda.
And you are eating it for dessert like your usual shit fetish dinner.

Blaming jews for everything has really gotten old.
you are a little bitch
Hitler was a little bitch
all muslims were little bitches too.

Killing people because they dont agree with you is still terrorism
i dont believe in god tbh, but i wish id blow up instantly its the most painless way to go.better part is i wont even notice i died. im just a man living like zombie tbh cause too pussy to rope
Jews have no valid reason to commit such a crime.
Funny coincidence that (((Lucky))) Larry Silverstein who bought the buildings a few months before the attack was there every day except for the day of the attack and got double the insurance for the buildings
I don't support Nazism just because I support chaos. In fact, I am East Asian and support national socialism for our people.

I live in Asia, where its largely homogenous - no daily torture, shootings, robbing, save for a few niggers and south "Asians" (they're like gypsies who come here, not the average tech support pajeet.)

You should be blaming Judaism more than Islam or Nazis - just know who sent the rapeugees into our places.
Islam doesn't belong in the West (or the Far East for that matter), but I'd support natsoc.
I just want every race to have its own homeland on their continent of origin, and I want eugenics to leave behind a world where the incel problem dies with us. Plus, the JQ would finally be answered.
I deny that.
Jews have no valid reason to commit such a crime.
The only ones capable of that are extreme islamists.

For once in your life, watch official statements from those so called "arab heroes" of yours that you like to suck their dicks so much because you are hungry on chaos like a little boy who lost his favorite toy.
why dont you google one of them like Iranian leaders, hamas leaders.
And see them blatantly saying they will destroy everyone who denies the islam.

Have you ever seen a jewish or chrisitan terror group?
And how many muslims have?
Al qaeda
Islamic Jihad

The fucking list goes on.
Wake up idiot you are being fed lies by muslim propaganda.
And you are eating it for dessert like your usual shit fetish dinner.

Blaming jews for everything has really gotten old.
you are a little bitch
Hitler was a little bitch
all muslims were little bitches too.

Killing people because they dont agree with you is still terrorism
Bin Laden's 2002 letter which was banned from the American public for years by the Jewish lobby, details the rationale for 9/11: US support for Israel's mistreatment of Palestinian Arabs.

Don't be such a jew dick sucker that you don't mind giving away literally hundreds of billions of US taxes to Jews in Israel. ($300 Billion infl. adj.)

Bin Laden Letter - straight from U.S. Director of National Intelligence gov. website
Source: $300B to Israel (more than any other country by far) - from Council on Foreign Relations

Literally starting from page 1 of Al Qaeda's leader explaining his reason for 9/11:
Your former president warned you previously about thedevastating Jewish control of capital and about a day that wouldcome when it would enslave you; it has happenened.....As for us, ourIraq was invaded in response to pressure from capitalists withgreed for black gold, and you continue to support the oppressiveIsraelis in their occupation of our Palestine in response topressures on your administration by a Jewish lobby backed byenormous financial capabilities.....They threw hundreds of thousands of soldiersagainst us and have formed an alliance with the Israelis tooppress us and occupy our land; that was the reason for ourresponse on the eleventh.....

In conclusion: Be assured that we do not fight for mere killingbut to stop the killing of our people. It is a sin to kill aperson without proper, justifiable cause, but terminating hiskiller is a right. You should be aware that justice is thestrongest army and security offers the best livelihood; you lostit by your own making when you supported the Israelis inoccupying our land and killing our brothers in Palestine. Theroad to safety starts with the stopping of aggression.
Funny coincidence that (((Lucky))) Larry Silverstein who bought the buildings a few months before the attack was there every day except for the day of the attack and got double the insurance for the buildings
Got any facts or just hearsay?
Got any facts or just hearsay?
Noticed you didn't respond to my post which has hard facts and sources directly from US national security and a prestigious Washington DC think tank.
Bin Laden's 2002 letter which was banned from the American public for years by the Jewish lobby, details the rationale for 9/11: US support for Israel's mistreatment of Palestinian Arabs.

Don't be such a jew dick sucker that you don't mind giving away literally hundreds of billions of US taxes to Jews in Israel. ($300 Billion infl. adj.)

Bin Laden Letter - straight from U.S. Director of National Intelligence gov. website
Source: $300B to Israel (more than any other country by far) - from Council on Foreign Relations

Literally starting from page 1 of Al Qaeda's leader explaining his reason for 9/11:
its not a secret that it had something to do with Israel and that of course they will attack the us because of their relationship with israel.

But if I killed your dog and say it was because of the jews would you blame the jews still or me?

Al quaeda did the attack they planned it they are the terrorists.
Stop looking for a guy behind the curtain.
its not a secret that it had something to do with Israel and that of course they will attack the us because of their relationship with israel.

But if I killed your dog and say it was because of the jews would you blame the jews still or me?

In your analogy, my and Israel's parents (US gov) gave a dog (US infrastructure/weapons/funding) to the Jews (Israel) to attack/torture and destroy your (Arabs) property/land for 75+ years (at least since Israel's 1948 founding) - literally destroying homes, lands and generations of Palestinian families.

You then kill the dog. Understandable - you should. But you also kill some of my innocent friends in the process. Very unfortunate. (albeit tbh rich Wall Street faggots in Manhattan aren't my closest friends...but nevertheless unfortunate).

Who do I blame?
  • You? You were responding after a loooooong amount of, and length of, attacks.
  • The dog? No it is not a highly sentient being
  • my parents? Yes, the US gov is at fault
  • Jews? Yes, they were the precipitator. Just like in school- are you going to punish the bully who "started it" or the victim when he eventually (and viciously) fights back?

Al quaeda did the attack they planned it they are the terrorists.
Stop looking for a guy behind the curtain.

And this isn't terrorism? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel_and_state-sponsored_terrorism

You want a simple, no-history, no-context explanation for 9/11. Again, it's like attacking the bullied kid who after years of abuse finally viciously attacked back. Instead of the bully who caused it.
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Religion is fucking retarded, but it's necessary because it keeps females in check. For this reason I support traditional (pre 20th century) and radical Christianity and Islam despite being an atheist. The actual religious shit like praying to sky daddy is for females and effeminate men.
So what's your response to my post?
In your analogy, my and Israel's parents (US gov) gave a dog (US infrastructure/weapons/funding) to the Jews (Israel) to attack/torture and destroy your (Arabs) property/land for 75+ years (at least since Israel's 1948 founding) - literally destroying homes, lands and generations of Palestinian families.

You then kill the dog. Understandable - you should. But you also kill some of my innocent friends in the process. Very unfortunate. (albeit tbh rich Wall Street faggots in Manhattan aren't my closest friends...but nevertheless unfortunate).

Who do I blame?
  • You? You were responding after a loooooong amount of, and length of, attacks.
  • The dog? No it is not a highly sentient being
  • my parents? Yes, the US gov is at fault
  • Jews? Yes, they were the precipitator. Just like in school- are you going to punish the bully who "started it" or the victim when he eventually (and viciously) fights back?

And this isn't terrorism? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel_and_state-sponsored_terrorism

You want a simple, no-history, no-context explanation for 9/11. Again, it's like attacking the bullied kid who after years of abuse finally viciously attacked back. Instead of the bully who caused it.
Still haven't received a response to this.

OP, please tell me you aren't still trying to suck on the dicks of wall street faggot ghosts who died at the World Trade Center on 9/11. Of all the people to worship - wall streeters and Israeli Jews - you could pick someone better. :feelsseriously:

An poor incel like you is more likely to have been a victim like the 100's thousands Palestinians Israel has killed in the last 75 years than a rich Jew in New York. At best, maybe you would've been a military grunt sent to die in Iraq on behalf of your Jewish/Israeli leaders (Iraq being Israel's biggest enemy at the time and Netanyahu being a huge proponent of pushing the war to Bush).
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Still haven't received a response to this.

OP, please tell me you aren't still trying to suck on the dicks of wall street faggot ghosts who died at the World Trade Center on 9/11. Of all the people to worship - wall streeters and Israeli Jews - you could pick someone better. :feelsseriously:

An poor incel like you is more likely to have been a victim like the 100's thousands Palestinians Israel has killed in the last 75 years than a rich Jew in New York. At best, maybe you would've been a military grunt sent to die in Iraq on behalf of your Jewish/Israeli leaders (Iraq being Israel's biggest enemy at the time and Netanyahu being a huge proponent of pushing the war to Bush).
Forget the analogy.
Just listen to what hamas is saying publicly.
Its enough information to know theres only one way to win.
Forget the analogy.
Just listen to what hamas is saying publicly.
I will listen to what both sides say. But I will give much more credence on what they do.

Take a listen to just some of what Israel's leaders have said just in the last year:

Find me one quote here that you think is not so bad and perfectly acceptable.

Its enough information to know theres only one way to win.
The one way is deposing Netanyahu who has blocked Fatah/PLO in favor of Hamas in an effort to stymie a 2SS. Then exiling Hamas leaders permanently from the Levant. Then turning over Gaza and West Bank to the Palestinians along 1967 borders. And lastly prosecuting crimes on both sides - by Hamas fighters against Israeli soldiers, by IDF against Palestinians civilians, and by Israel illegal WB settlers against Palestinian civilians.

Your one solution is what?
I will listen to what both sides say. But I will give much more credence on what they do.

Take a listen to just some of what Israel's leaders have said just in the last year:

Find me one quote here that you think is not so bad and perfectly acceptable.

The one way is deposing Netanyahu who has blocked Fatah/PLO in favor of Hamas in an effort to stymie a 2SS. Then exiling Hamas leaders permanently from the Levant. Then turning over Gaza and West Bank to the Palestinians along 1967 borders. And lastly prosecuting crimes on both sides - by Hamas fighters against Israeli soldiers, by IDF against Palestinians civilians, and by Israel illegal WB settlers against Palestinian civilians.

Your one solution is what?
Nobody said Israel are great guys and Netanyahu is a peace maker.
hes probably a dick like all other politicians.
But you cant compare him to Hamas who are barbaric and stupid and they only rape and kill they dont have any brains.
The real mastermind is Iran. They are evil and gazan arabs("palestinians")are their pawns.

The one solution is obviously killing everyone in Gaza.
Including women and children.
And then waging war on Iran.
Starting WW3 and with strong allies defeating the islamist countries one by one.
There is no other way to save the world from becoming a Sharia law madness world.
You may want that but I not so I support Israel and Trump's idioleogies and yes even Netanyhau's.
Nobody said Israel are great guys and Netanyahu is a peace maker.
hes probably a dick like all other politicians.
But you cant compare him to Hamas who are barbaric and stupid and they only rape and kill they dont have any brains.
The real mastermind is Iran. They are evil and gazan arabs("palestinians")are their pawns.

The one solution is obviously killing everyone in Gaza.
Including women and children.
And then waging war on Iran.
Starting WW3 and with strong allies defeating the islamist countries one by one.
There is no other way to save the world from becoming a Sharia law madness world.
You may want that but I not so I support Israel and Trump's idioleogies and yes even Netanyhau's.

Do you not know that Trump is a big supporter of Netanyahu's policies? How can you be for Trump and against Netanyahu? That just proves ignorance. Trump had his Sec of State Pompeo stop sanctions on illegal WB settlements, move the US embassy to contested Jerusalem, and cancelled the Obama Iran Deal (which Netanyahu wanted, but ultimately blowed up in his face just like supporting Hamas to stop a 2SS did - because it led to an advancement of Iranian Nuclear proliferation). The stupidest part was cancelling the Iran Non-Proliferation Deal - the commission reports proved that there was zero nuclear advancement during that era verified by 100% access to US inspectors - in return for the US unfreezing billions in Iranian state dollars suspended in int'l accounts. Since then, Iran nuclear proliferation has proceeded at a fast pace. Netanyahu used the same strategy with Iran that he did was Hamas and was wrong again: i.e. support terrorist Hamas over PLO so that a 2 state solution doesn't happen because nobody will give a state to terrorists and cancel the Iran non-proliferation deal so a nuclear Iran is attacked by America like Iraq was. Guess what? There is no war with Iran (despite Israel bombing Iran's embassy in Damascus a month ago and trying to start one. And several European nations have unilaterally recognized a Palestinian state).

The one solution is obviously killing everyone in Gaza.
Including women and children.
And then waging war on Iran.
Honestly shut the fuck up you pussy. (1) Iran is much bigger with a much stronger military than Iraq and (2) has already proven it is willing to abide nuclear non-proliferation. 10's of thousands of American soldiers and millions of Iranians (1mm+ Iraqis died) don't need to die.

You little fucking pussy. And children too? Fuck you man. Go back to sucking jew dick and slaving away at your minimum wage job. Maybe you can then jerk off to your taxes being sent to Israel (who btw receives more US taxpayer aid than any other country in history - $300 Billion inf. adj. (1)).

1. https://www.cfr.org/article/us-aid-israel-four-charts
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Islaam is the greatest evil, greatest bully in the history of mankind. I am in support for an strict ethonoreligion that has strong patriachist value and strong morality
fucking jew dick sucking pauper motherfucker. You deserve to stay a slave. You're like those foids who go back to sucking the dick of an abuser because he's white/rich/powerful.
They followed the Quran. The Quran tells the believers to kill and hunt non believers and thats what they did
The Jews do not follow the Quran
Forget the analogy.
Just listen to what hamas is saying publicly.
Its enough information to know theres only one way to win.
Hamas is based, the Zionist needs to be smashed to pieces and then exterminated. Fire up the ovens!

Do you not know that Trump is a big supporter of Netanyahu's policies? How can you be for Trump and against Netanyahu? That just proves ignorance. Trump had his Sec of State Pompeo stop sanctions on illegal WB settlements, move the US embassy to contested Jerusalem, and cancelled the Obama Iran Deal (which Netanyahu wanted, but ultimately blowed up in his face just like supporting Hamas to stop a 2SS did - because it led to an advancement of Iranian Nuclear proliferation). The stupidest part was cancelling the Iran Non-Proliferation Deal - the commission reports proved that there was zero nuclear advancement during that era verified by 100% access to US inspectors - in return for the US unfreezing billions in Iranian state dollars suspended in int'l accounts. Since then, Iran nuclear proliferation has proceeded at a fast pace. Netanyahu used the same strategy with Iran that he did was Hamas and was wrong again: i.e. support terrorist Hamas over PLO so that a 2 state solution doesn't happen because nobody will give a state to terrorists and cancel the Iran non-proliferation deal so a nuclear Iran is attacked by America like Iraq was. Guess what? There is no war with Iran (despite Israel bombing Iran's embassy in Damascus a month ago and trying to start one. And several European nations have unilaterally recognized a Palestinian state).

Honestly shut the fuck up you pussy. (1) Iran is much bigger with a much stronger military than Iraq and (2) has already proven it is willing to abide nuclear non-proliferation. 10's of thousands of American soldiers and millions of Iranians (1mm+ Iraqis died) don't need to die.

You little fucking pussy. And children too? Fuck you man. Go back to sucking jew dick and slaving away at your minimum wage job. Maybe you can then jerk off to your taxes being sent to Israel (who btw receives more US taxpayer aid than any other country in history - $300 Billion inf. adj. (1)).

1. https://www.cfr.org/article/us-aid-israel-four-charts
You just didnt read my statement.
I said even though all politicians are not great guys.
That includes Trump,Putin, Netanyahu, and more..
In this conflict I support Trump and Netanyahu.
And I do know that.
Everyone knows who Trump sides with.
Just read what I said.
You keep looking for holes in what I said.

I dont think someone needs to be a superhero with a pure heart to be a good leader.
I think anyone can be a diabolic leader.
you keep comparing Netanyahu to Hamas.
If Israel wanted to repay Hamas in the way october 7 (which you obviously probably deny) happened they have the absolute power to do so.

I decide to support the people who seem more rational to me.
Who communicate with the public not only with hate messages in arabic.
Who actually speak english and dont need translators.
Who have education .
Netanyahu can be a douche any day but he is a politician its what they are.
Its human nature to care for your needs before everyone else.
We cant expect politicians to be perfect. I wish they were.
we can strive for them to be better, we can learn from this war's mistake and wish for all nations to have better leaders.
But at the same time we have to rid ourselves of the radical barbaric idiots who are bringing religious chaos to our world.

You dont have to agree with me.
Be an Islamist if you want lets just end this discussion.
The Jews did 9/11. They profited from military contracts afterwards
Okay.. all you are doing is showinf us you have a 0 iq by spitting conspiracy nonesense like jews did 9/11 and nazis live on the moon.
Hamas is based, the Zionist needs to be smashed to pieces and then exterminated. Fire up the ovens!
Keep wishing.
I literally progammed sticky notes on my pc to show me live how many palestinians die . And it counts live.
The number is massive
You little fucking pussy. And children too? Fuck you man. Go back to sucking jew dick and slaving away at your minimum wage job. Maybe you can then jerk off to your taxes being sent to Israel (who btw receives more US taxpayer aid than any other country in history - $300 Billion inf. adj. (1)).

1. https://www.cfr.org/article/us-aid-israel-four-charts
Meanwhile, Einstein was a jew.
So many jews were great people.
And smart and advance.
Please list me all the muslim contributers.
Im sure there are many but they dont compare to the jews.

The Jews did 9/11. They profited from military contracts afterwards
So say a house is damaged by fire and it has to be rebuilt. Are the builders responsible for the fire?

Do you have any hard evidence Jews are responsible? What about Mohamed Atta, the leader of the group? Are you saying he was not responsible?
I dont care about Islamic traditions and all that stuff but they are very based when it comes to foids rights
literally the only thing they can do right
Keep wishing.
I literally progammed sticky notes on my pc to show me live how many palestinians die . And it counts live.
The number is massive
Meanwhile the kikes are seethig at losing international support
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Okay.. all you are doing is showinf us you have a 0 iq by spitting conspiracy nonesense like jews did 9/11 and nazis live on the moon.
Conspiracy’s can be true just like how the kikes orchestrated the Holocaust to steal Palestine
So say a house is damaged by fire and it has to be rebuilt. Are the builders responsible for the fire?

Do you have any hard evidence Jews are responsible? What about Mohamed Atta, the leader of the group? Are you saying he was not responsible?
The Jews were the puppet masters and covered their tracks. I’m not a CIA agent who has access to internal documents
So say a house is damaged by fire and it has to be rebuilt. Are the builders responsible for the fire?

Do you have any hard evidence Jews are responsible? What about Mohamed Atta, the leader of the group? Are you saying he was not responsible?
He doesnt have hard evidence for the last time he took a shit since its all diarrhea.

There is a growing epidemic of people who dont read anything ,dont learn history, have no idea whats going on.
But they have all the time in the world to watch youtube channels that make up dumb conspiracies.

Because its so easy to live in the 21st century and instead of learning from how the past was shit and people made mistakes.
They choose to use names they heard of and instead of learning about them they shout:
"Hitler was right"
"Blame the jews"
"Muslims hate women >>> muslims are good"

We unfortunately have many dumb people who live in this century.
Many in this forum too
Conspiracy’s can be true just like how the kikes orchestrated the Holocaust to steal Palestine
If "Palestine" existed prior to 1948 why didnt they have a state by then?

Jews didnt orchestrate the holocaust it happened because of people like you who lived in the previous century.
Mm yes muh 911 2 planes destroyed 3 buildings :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: JFL at low iq npcs
If "Palestine" existed prior to 1948 why didnt they have a state by then?

Jews didnt orchestrate the holocaust it happened because of people like you who lived in the previous century.
They did have a state, it was colonised by the britbongs who then gave it to the kikes who faked the holohoax to steal it. The Rothschilds were buying land with their evil kike money too
Meanwhile the kikes are seethig at losing international support
International support doesnt mean shit.
As long as they have europe and US they are good.
All those 3rd world countries + Iran and Turkey are enemies of the US too idiot.

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