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Why do roasties like to use the word "creepy"



Feb 7, 2018
If roasties do not date us because we arw boring and ugly I could understand that but why do they go out of the way to call us "creepy". We are not monsters or anything like that.
Flirting as an ugly man = creepy

Flirting as an attractive man = pleasant
its just their way of justifying saying no coz your ugly
We are genetic filth. Anything we do gets labeled as creepy. It's just women group signalling to other women to avoid us at all costs
its just their way of justifying saying no coz your ugly

Basically their way of faking their brain into thinking they're good people. If they say we're creepy, then they're the victim and we're the aggressor. If they say we're just ugly, then we're the victim.
Basically their way of faking their brain into thinking they're good people. If they say we're creepy, then they're the victim and we're the aggressor. If they say we're just ugly, then we're the victim.
youre much better with words that i am :(
Basically their way of faking their brain into thinking they're good people. If they say we're creepy, then they're the victim and we're the aggressor. If they say we're just ugly, then we're the victim.
Legit females always virtue signal to appear good, even though they are evil shallow and selfish creatures.
Legit females always virtue signal to appear good, even though they are evil shallow and selfish creatures.
Would some ugly alien slimy worm which penetartes their pussy also be considered creepy?
they also call me weird ugly disgusting ew austim
It's only creepy if you're ugly. If you're a Chad you can literally get away with anything. Just look at Jeremy Meeks. Chad can literally stick his cock inside a 17 year old girl and get away with it.
maybe it's time for us to embrace it, like the word "nigger."
I wear it as a badge of honor. It means they're afraid of my mere presence and rely on their beta orbiters to comfort her.
Basically their way of faking their brain into thinking they're good people. If they say we're creepy, then they're the victim and we're the aggressor. If they say we're just ugly, then we're the victim.
true, women are natural liars. schopenhauer recognized this 200 years ago
If roasties do not date us because we arw boring and ugly I could understand that but why do they go out of the way to call us "creepy". We are not monsters or anything like that.
makes them feel justified and in the right
Creepy is code word for ugly
Looks determine wither or not you're creepy

cuz we post on this forum bruh


because they're low IQ and their instincts tell them not to reproduce with us therefore they produce negative emotions and thoughts about us.
I might as well drop my 2 cents about this issue. It might start as something of little connect but there's a point to it.

In the beginning of time, man found himself alive and also found himself hurtling towards the inevitability of death. Man knows he cannot escape his fate completely, the only possibility to escape it partially is by propagating his genes forward. One can observe that the main thing that separates man from woman on this issue is that, unlike the man, the woman is always certain of the propagation of her genes. She always knows her child is hers, and in order to give the man a sense of security, a binding contract is forged, tying the man to the woman and making him provide for her in exchange for her availability to propagate said genes and her loyalty as to provide the man's security over his descendants. The hymen is often quoted as being the contract seal in the pre-Christian marriage and that's why the woman's virginity was stressed upon.

It is noted that not all men were successful to women in that way. Mirroring animal society, human society has its rejects as well, even when shunned from the hearth they prowl the outskirts of the village. Such men need to implant their seed by force as an only alternative. Conveniently, this tactic works, and it is by it that both the family betabux and the outlaw rapist genetic code and thus sexualities survived to this day.

Now, the point. "Creep" is the vocalized form of the alarm signal that goes on in the femoid brain when she encounters a man that she perceives as being the outlaw rapist.
Basically their way of faking their brain into thinking they're good people. If they say we're creepy, then they're the victim and we're the aggressor. If they say we're just ugly, then we're the victim.

Pretty much. It makes women seem like they're not shallow.
because ugly people are creepy, kinda like disabled people

being around them make you uneasy, especially if they want to fuck you
because ugly people are creepy, kinda like disabled people

being around them make you uneasy, especially if they want to fuck you

Yeah. In a way it literally is creepy to them because in a femoid's mind there's nothing scarier than being impregnated by an ugly guy. There was even a tinder experiment done on here that basically showed that women would risk getting an STD if it means having sex with a Chad. They would rather run the risk of dying than fuck an incel.
ugly = creepy and misogynist
chad = lol whats a personality
They say creepy because being ugly means you are subject to every negative adjective.
Basically their way of faking their brain into thinking they're good people. If they say we're creepy, then they're the victim and we're the aggressor. If they say we're just ugly, then we're the victim.
Damn, Someone Is Using Their Brain
Basically their way of faking their brain into thinking they're good people. If they say we're creepy, then they're the victim and we're the aggressor. If they say we're just ugly, then we're the victim.

Doesn't make sense. They've already made up in their minds that we are ugly. Therefore we were already victimized and they can't fake their brains into thinking they're good people.
Kinda Odd That Saying Cracker Gets You No Attention, But Say Nigger And It is Hell

Because cracker is not anywhere as offensive as the n-word. Just wait until we enslave white folks, steal all their resources, separate their wives from their kids, rape their wives and kids, castrate their men and treat them all horribly in general while we use the word "cracker" to refer to white people, and then it can have the same effect as the n-word does nowadays.
Because cracker is not anywhere as offensive as the n-word. Just wait until we enslave white folks, steal all their resources, separate their wives from their kids, rape their wives and kids, castrate their men and treat them all horribly in general while we use the word "cracker" to refer to white people, and then it can have the same effect as the n-word does nowadays.

But racism is racism. Shouldn't they between the same
But racism is racism. Shouldn't they between the same

Generally speaking, yeah, but history matters. Cracker isn't as bad as the n-word, nowhere on the same level even.
It's like how bugs are "creepy crawlies" most people find them repulsive. We're the human equivalent to cockroaches.
If roasties do not date us because we arw boring and ugly I could understand that but why do they go out of the way to call us "creepy". We are not monsters or anything like that.

Because women are socially hypergamous and sexually submissive/masochistic.
Hence, women's favorite insults are terms that evoke disgust (creepy, strange, weird) rather than fear.
When women call someone a "scary asshole, tehehe," they probably have sexualized rape fantasies with him.
Generally speaking, yeah, but history matters. Cracker isn't as bad as the n-word, nowhere on the same level even.
But acknowledging that the two are not treated equally
Generally speaking, yeah, but history matters. Cracker isn't as bad as the n-word, nowhere on the same level even.
The hold point of equality is to fight discrimination against any group. How much one particular group does not negated the rule of treating them equally. If you don't treat them equally than that is the definition of racism
ive never been called creepy but i heard people say audibly "EWWW" so i am guessing i am worse
Yeah i don’t understand it. To me creepy means scary. How is a harmless ugly beta scary?
Yeah i don’t understand it. To me creepy means scary. How is a harmless ugly beta scary?

Yeah. In a way it literally is creepy to them because in a femoid's mind there's nothing scarier than being impregnated by an ugly guy. There was even a tinder experiment done on here that basically showed that women would risk getting an STD if it means having sex with a Chad. They would rather run the risk of dying than fuck an incel.
ive never been called creepy but i heard people say audibly "EWWW" so i am guessing i am worse

Holy fugg, I've had the same thing happen to me. It's sui-fuel. At least have the decency to say it when I'm not in a 5 meter range.
Creepy = ugly

Chad can't be creepy or a rapist.
I got a post removed from r/askwomen for using the word "cunty". They don't allow "gendered slurs". This was on a thread about "creepy" guys. I asked if I'd be allowed to make a thread about "slutty" women and the mod said no because it was gendered slur against women, I argued that "creepy" was the male equivalent. She said it wasn't the same, that I was "concern trolling" (no idea what that is) and muted me lol.

That's literally what it is. It's the male equivalent to "slutty". There are far more male gendered slurs than female. But they're normalised and accepted, but if you call a girl a slut or a whore you're meh-soh-gee-neeest
I wear it as a badge of honor. It means they're afraid of my mere presence and rely on their beta orbiters to comfort her.
Better than feeling invisible tbh
It makes them sound less shallow when what they really mean is "not physically attractive and likes me."
It's a less hostile way to call guys "ugly"
Because it not only makes them look like good people, it makes them look like victims.
"I rejected this guy because he was being a creep" gets more support than "I rejected him because he was ugly and I was a shallow bitch"
Easy way to get attention and sympathy.
So they can claim rape on an ugly guy they don't like.
To avoid plainly stating that the man in question was simply not attractive.

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