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Why Do People Here Call Women "Foids?"

Tbh most foids prob don't know the term roastie. If u want to dig at foids u can't go wrong with the classic whore and bitch imo
They probably wouldn't care if a chad called them bitch or whore though. When they hear roastie they have to search it up on urban dictionary or soyddit to find the meaning and then it hits them like bricks: stretched out beef flaps from being used as a cum rag all their lives. I think they'd fume if chad even called them that jfl
100% - Permaban
They probably wouldn't care if a chad called them bitch or whore though. When they hear roastie they have to search it up on urban dictionary or soyddit to find the meaning and then it hits them like bricks: stretched out beef flaps from being used as a cum rag all their lives. I think they'd fume if chad even called them that jfl

but all in all, modern day roasties aren't deserving to be referred to as women, or even human imo
All I want to ask is why women can't be referred to as humans?
Ohhh so that's where the "-oid" comes from.
Anyway, I want to ask then why do you think only women are wired to like chads or attractive men? Aren't men also similarly wired to like Stacies or attractive women?
Wrong. Most of the unattractive men or most people in this forum just want their looksmatch tbh and but those men can't even have that because their looksmatch wants a significantly attractive man thats definitely not in her league for example my sister she is a 2/10
Most of you guys are just unhappy in the position you are in, I get that. But when there are people here who want violence against women or different groups of people it becomes a problem for the entire community.
We just want violence in gta 5:lul:
Are you a foid? If you are can you fuck me?
greycucks getting banned:soy::soy::feels::feels::feels:
color me surprised
It just sounds strange calling women "femoids", "foids" or "holes."
Is there a specific reason for this?
Kill yoursef soy faggot you deserve to have your neck snapped
Another Braziliansmegma alt deleted :feelsaww:
They probably wouldn't care if a chad called them bitch or whore though. When they hear roastie they have to search it up on urban dictionary or soyddit to find the meaning and then it hits them like bricks: stretched out beef flaps from being used as a cum rag all their lives. I think they'd fume if chad even called them that jfl
Instagram foids prob don't know UD or soyddit but maybe. Could also do something like this
It just sounds strange calling women "femoids", "foids" or "holes."
Is there a specific reason for this?
Negroes = Negroids, groids
Femoids are the nigger gender (societal parasites, can’t create shit except babies), so we call them femoids/foids
What a fuckkin soy faggot :feelshaha:
To not give importance to women, females in general, by women this includes teen foids, who are foids, "foid" is a way of devaluing their importance, a cope mechanism that also expresses anger, but totally good and fine. Foid is general like female.
Ohhh so that's where the "-oid" comes from.
Anyway, I want to ask then why do you think only women are wired to like chads or attractive men? Aren't men also similarly wired to like Stacies or attractive women?
Tired of seeing the same shitty argument lol
Foid is short for femoid which is a derogatory term for women in incel communities alluding to the idea that all women are literally like computer programmes. Once you are blackpilled their behavioir can be predicted to a T. Men have preferences, women don't. They are all programmed in the same way.

See tall height, jaw, white skin
See short height, recessed chin, dark skin

They lack self awareness just like computer software.
This can't be more accurate
Silly IT faggot, for the same reason racist call black people niggers - we hate them, and showing them humanity by calling them by the term soyciety says is correct is far too nice for them.

Got it, nigger?

Screen Shot 2022 04 30 at 22621 PM
:soy: "I'm not a lurking IT faggot or anything - but, why do you guys call toilets "foids"?":soy:
Because it’s dehumanizing, which fits because women don’t deserve human rights
I assure you I am not a woman.
Hello infiltrator
Why hello, Ray. I see you're doing well. Let's have a good discussion
I don't want to discuss the blackpill with bluepilled infiltrators like you
It's probably a fat sub 3/10 foid. Inb4 they get banned
I'm not a woman. Nor am I an infiltrator.
You admitted that you are a redpilled infiltrator, so get the fuck out of this blackpill forum
I guess I should say that I am an incel. It doesn't matter what "pill" I support.
I have a funny feeling the OP is a foid
Interesting feeling but no
I might come here from time to time but I doubt that I'll turn blackpill. Thanks for the concern and defense though
Not a woman.
By the way, why do you call women "holes?"
Because I don’t think they are, as a group, on the same level as men.
Your point being?
Most of you guys are just unhappy in the position you are in, I get that. But when there are people here who want violence against women or different groups of people it becomes a problem for the entire community.
Why do you hate women?
Are you maybe an AI? You sound like one.
Can assure you I'm not an AI!
All I want to ask is why women can't be referred to as humans?

Yeah, you're definitely a foid with the way you respond and ask questions you should already have the answers to if you were a male

Now fuck off and never come back biyaaaaaaaatch :dab:
Because calling foids 'women' means their human
How was a foid allowed to post here for so long?
this thread made me giggle
I do not even call them. Woman is a slur for me.
So I say w**an or w-word
this thread made me giggle
according to new rules, posting brony content is equated to posting LGBT content.
You had better remove your propic.
no matter how much My little pony cartoon was based
according to new rules, posting brony content is equated to posting LGBT content.
You had better remove your propic.
no matter how much My little pony cartoon was based
nigga shut up

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