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Why Do People Here Call Women "Foids?"

They are worth much less than us.
Because "woman" has a neutral conotation while "foid" has negative conotation.
We don't hide that we hate women here.
But its fine for women to call men wallets
it's just that I know that since women are humans, and that most humans are decent, then that means women are decent people as well.

Trust me, I get that looks matter to some extent (same with women). But we're humans, we're not shallow and we can judge people's other qualities as well.
Sorry but no...im a bit older than a lor of guys in this forum, and i have lived long enough to realize most people are trash --- moreso if youre appearance is substandard. I workout and stay in shape, but nothing can be done for my face, and i can only put on a neurotypical act to an extent. Looks matter more than anything. I know it feels good and noble to have a high opinion of humanity in general, but in my experience, i have been very disrespected in life.
I am short, unattractive, high functioning autistic --- due to that, i have been mistreated, from strangers, to peers, to authority figures. The times i did find friends or something vaguely close to a girlfriend, its because they wanted something from me (homework help, money, special favors, etc), only to be ghosted. Do you expect a guy like me to have a positive world view? And please do not cite examples of disabled persons or abused women "breaking barriers" and becoming a good person, because people in those situations are supported and celebrates by society. When youre born with the appearance of a goblin and the personality of a robot, people just think you're a creep. Ive only shared a drop of my shitty life. Do not preach the 'people-are-good' opera.
I think referring to women as femoid or foids is just a silly portmanteau that does no harm.
That's a good point, thank you for the reminder.
I'd now like to ask why some people here use a lot of terminologies that can be considered offensive? For example, calling black people the n-word (slur), manlet, or other slurs that target different groups of people?
Also, I assure you I am not a woman.
You are a disgusting hole lmao shut the fuck up
Men are less picky. As long as a girl isn't overweight or too skinny then there would always be a man willing to settle. For men, you need to be tall, good jawline, white, gymmaxxed etc
I think it's the other way around (in general). A lot more men consume adult content than women do, and as a result, a lot of exposure to the actresses desensitizes them and they will only be satisfied with more attractive women.
But its fine for women to call men wallets

Sorry but no...im a bit older than a lor of guys in this forum, and i have lived long enough to realize most people are trash --- moreso if youre appearance is substandard. I workout and stay in shape, but nothing can be done for my face, and i can only put on a neurotypical act to an extent. Looks matter more than anything. I know it feels good and noble to have a high opinion of humanity in general, but in my experience, i have been very disrespected in life.
I am short, unattractive, high functioning autistic --- due to that, i have been mistreated, from strangers, to peers, to authority figures. The times i did find friends or something vaguely close to a girlfriend, its because they wanted something from me (homework help, money, special favors, etc), only to be ghosted. Do you expect a guy like me to have a positive world view? And please do not cite examples of disabled persons or abused women "breaking barriers" and becoming a good person, because people in those situations are supported and celebrates by society. When youre born with the appearance of a goblin and the personality of a robot, people just think you're a creep. Ive only shared a drop of my shitty life. Do not preach the 'people-are-good' opera.
I think referring to women as femoid or foids is just a silly portmanteau that does no harm.
It's not fine to call men wallets, only the extremists would do that.

As for your story, I'm sorry that society has made you a victim of mistreatment. I know there are genuinely terrible people out there and what I'm saying doesn't apply to everyone's situation. I hope your situation improves.
Anyway, I want to ask then why do you think only women are wired to like chads or attractive men? Aren't men also similarly wired to like Stacies or attractive women?
Men are way more social and able to cooperate with each other that holes
Because I don’t think they are, as a group, on the same level as men.
And why not? Aren't they humans too? Why should they be mistreated?
We are all humans, men and women. We both should have equal respect for each other.
We both should treat each other good.
Your point being?
Foids are more “similarly wired” between themselves than men are. That’s were the hivemind meme comes from. Men, however different, are able to actually cooperate and leave differences aside if the situation calls for it.
The nature of toilets, as much virtue signalling as they like to engage in, is deeply rooted in their discrimination for the inmutable characteristics of the other, rather than their actions.
And why not? Aren't they humans too? Why should they be mistreated?
We are all humans, men and women. We both should have equal respect for each other.
We both should treat each other good.
They are indeed females of the human species, but I would argue most of them in this day and age do not qualify as women, no.
What? It's not a coincidence that everyone who was 5'3''-5'8'' back in my high school is still an incel whereas most girls, even ugly ones have still had a bf. Men have lower standards, women only go for high tier attractive men.
I guess since we're talking about high school experiences, I'll say that there are guys in my high school (and a similar one) who are quite short but still pull conventionally attractive women. Same thing with girls.
I'm guessing standards are different depending on where we come from, but my high school can show men can have higher standards.
Listen to me dude we're here because of the sole reason and that is we're ugly or short or both:lul: please read must read content for greater understanding and most of us don't hate women we just hate the situation we're in, some of the old users here do not exist anymore because they killed themselves just because they're ugly, sounds stupid right? But its not, if you're a bluepilled cuck please leave and most of us call females "foids" just because of the jokes tbh :feelsokman:
Foids are more “similarly wired” between themselves than men are. That’s were the hivemind meme comes from. Men, however different, are able to actually cooperate and leave differences aside if the situation calls for it.
The nature of toilets, as much virtue signalling as they like to engage in, is deeply rooted in their discrimination for the inmutable characteristics of the other, rather than their actions.
I'm not really a women's psychologist so I wouldn't know about the first point you make.
Although I'm gonna have to disagree with calling preferences "discrimination." We like honorable people, but sometimes there are some characteristics we prefer, ig.
Like for me, I like a certain race of women because I come from a place with those women.
They are indeed females of the human species, but I would argue most of them in this day and age do not qualify as women, no.
Why would they not qualify as women?
Listen to me dude we're here because of the sole reason and that is we're ugly or short or both:lul: please read must read content for greater understanding and most of us don't hate women we just hate the situation we're in, some of the old users here do not exist anymore because they killed themselves just because they're ugly, sounds stupid right? But its not, if you're a bluepilled cuck please leave and most of us call females "foids" just because of the jokes tbh :feelsokman:
Most of you guys are just unhappy in the position you are in, I get that. But when there are people here who want violence against women or different groups of people it becomes a problem for the entire community.
And why not? Aren't they humans too? Why should they be mistreated?
We are all humans, men and women. We both should have equal respect for each other.
We both should treat each other good.
Why are you an incel, why are you in this forum? I'm curious what your backstory is.
Why are you an incel, why are you in this forum? I'm curious what your backstory is.
Unable to get women. I'm here in this forum to see what others like me have to say about their situation. That's why I'm here.
Unable to get women. I'm here in this forum to see what others like me have to say about their situation. That's why I'm here.
Of course. I hope you realize women do not like simps for anything other than money lol. I work with a few tiktok thots to catfish old cucks for money and these guys will be extremely, extremely nice but nobody gives a shit. Everyone always has an ulterior motive with everything we do
Not all women call men trash. You're probably talking about a very small, specific, and immature group of women.
you type extremely suspicious?are you above 30?i respect oldcels a lot,but you sound very suspicious.sure not all women are whores,but saying very small and very specific group of "immature" women is stretching it.defending foids is like defending mans "inherent" justice.it's a joke about a unicorn that doesn't exist.
Never have ascended with a woman. It's not like I have the programming source code for how a woman works, it's just that I know that since women are humans, and that most humans are decent, then that means women are decent people as well.

Trust me, I get that looks matter to some icextent (same with women). But we're humans, we're not shallow and we can judge people's other qualities as well.
In my experience its opposite, majority of humans are evil and opportunistic.

Are you maybe an AI? You sound like one.
Never have ascended with a woman. It's not like I have the programming source code for how a woman works, it's just that I know that since women are humans, and that most humans are decent, then that means women are decent people as well.

Trust me, I get that looks matter to some extent (same with women). But we're humans, we're not shallow and we can judge people's other qualities as well.
you don't belong here.you are severely bluepilled.if you honestly believe that personality and virtue matters that much then why are you here?if most people are "decent" people,then surely you will find a "decent" wife. you might be an incel but you aren't blackpilled for sure.
you type extremely suspicious?are you above 30?i respect oldcels a lot,but you sound very suspicious.sure not all women are whores,but saying very small and very specific group of "immature" women is stretching it.defending foids is like defending mans "inherent" justice.it's a joke about a unicorn that doesn't exist.
I don't understand? If anyone insulted an entire group of people I'd say they are immature. I'm not trying to say all women are immature. Just a small group of women who want to insult an entire group of men by calling them "trash."
Unable to get women. I'm here in this forum to see what others like me have to say about their situation. That's why I'm here.
Honestly, I would say looksmax. At least, you could be treated from the halo effect; for example, it is somewhat happening to me after months
I think these wiki pages could explain a lot, by the way.
Unable to get women. I'm here in this forum to see what others like me have to say about their situation. That's why I'm here.
If you don't hate women you are in the wrong place.

Women reject you SOLELY based on your bone structure, something you have no control over.

If you still don't hate them you should go to some place like some forever alone on reddit or something.
I don't understand? If anyone insulted an entire group of people I'd say they are immature. I'm not trying to say all women are immature. Just a small group of women who want to insult an entire group of men by calling them "trash."
yeah but you don't realize that most women consider most men trash.you can cope all you want but at the end of the day most women consider 80% of men ugly and it's easy for anyone to see that no man likes virtue or good acts.if you don't have the looks/money/skills that benefit people you are done for and as an incel you should know that best.you would probably hang around the incel wiki blackpill page for a few days before posting here.you are too normie for this forum to be honest,and though i am happy that you don't seem to be an edgy retard,you are still extremely bluepilled.
If you don't hate women you are in the wrong place.

Women reject you SOLELY based on your bone structure, something you have no control over.

If you still don't hate them you should go to some place like some forever alone on reddit or something.
That's kinda funny because people here are saying they don't hate women, but some people do.
Men can reject based on qualities women can't change, as well.
In my experience its opposite, majority of humans are evil and opportunistic.

Are you maybe an AI? You sound like one.
neh people like op are everywhere outside of the chans and certain forums.i mean most people still see single moms as victims,even though most are whores who spread their legs to some random dark triad chad not caring two fucks about the consequences,not caring about the suffering their kid will later have in life due to their degeneracy.just ask any kid who grew up in a single mom household about their step father and any men will know enough to understand why women don't care about their kids for shit.
yeah but you don't realize that most women consider most men trash.you can cope all you want but at the end of the day most women consider 80% of men ugly and it's easy for anyone to see that no man likes virtue or good acts.if you don't have the looks/money/skills that benefit people you are done for and as an incel you should know that best.you would probably hang around the incel wiki blackpill page for a few days before posting here.you are too normie for this forum to be honest,and though i am happy that you don't seem to be an edgy retard,you are still extremely bluepilled.
If you believe that women are that materialistic then I guess you do you. I'll believe they are better than that, but for sure we can improve ourselves to get a partner. I'm not naive enough to think that simply existing will give me women, I know that I have to work on myself for that. So I'm redpilled
It just sounds strange calling women "femoids", "foids" or "holes."
Is there a specific reason for this?
Man, I won't lie people overgeneralizing in this forum is cringe as hell and is just people who don't go outside and have probably never interacted with a foid. Everyone has to start off bluepilled, but what do you desire from a woman or relationship exactly? I don't know your situation but you may end up wasting your time if your genetics are inferior. I don't desire romance or sex or anything anymore so I guess it's just hard for me to imagine, personally.
If you believe that women are that materialistic then I guess you do you. I'll believe they are better than that, but for sure we can improve ourselves to get a partner. I'm not naive enough to think that simply existing will give me women, I know that I have to work on myself for that. So I'm redpilled
If you believe that (about yourself) you're actually not allowed on this forum I believe.
If you believe that women are that materialistic then I guess you do you. I'll believe they are better than that, but for sure we can improve ourselves to get a partner. I'm not naive enough to think that simply existing will give me women, I know that I have to work on myself for that. So I'm redpilled
then you don't even agree that incels exist.i mean if you can work towards not being an incel,then you are voluntiarly an incel.so the invonluntary part of the incel part doesn't exist in your opinion.also you are completely delusional.in most of the west for young people there is like 100 women for 108 men.this is not even counting that in india and china there are 70 million surplus men.even if what you said was true,a great deal of men would still die alone.

i just hope you don't end up betabuxxing some random whore and having a kid with her(probably isn't yours,but whatever).she will take your entire house,money and kids in an instant with the way you act.
Foid is short for femoid which is a derogatory term for women in incel communities alluding to the idea that all women are literally like computer programmes. Once you are blackpilled their behavioir can be predicted to a T. Men have preferences, women don't. They are all programmed in the same way.

See tall height, jaw, white skin
See short height, recessed chin, dark skin

They lack self awareness just like computer software.
I remember I used to watch anti-feminist videos where they only focus on the extremists who actually want to oppress men, instead of focusing on the good. That gave off the illusion that the majority of women wanted the oppression of men. Turns out that those extremists are a very small portion of women. I'm sure at least 80% of women are respectful and don't call men trash for no reason
All feminism is bad. Not just the ones that want to oppress men but even those who want more rights for women.

Women are inherently less intelligent, less self aware, more prone to emotional outbursts, more likely to judge you on your looks. They don't deserve the same rights a men. They are best suited to be mothers and housewives under the guidance of a man.
"foids" only refers to the toxic PoS women who harass and oppress men
you can be a woman/girl/female (I don't consider that term negative, I use both "male" and "female"), but not a foid
unfortunately most women are foids, even if they don't advocate directly for violence against men or harass them, they still profit from the gynocentric society and passively support it (like a foid won't actually assault you for wearing pink clothes, cos she's too weak, but she'll refuse to befriend you and she'll cheer on her Chad bf if he chooses to bully you)
it's not sexist cos I hate most men too, they're the ones allowing this system to run cos they're too scared of getting refused pussy :feelsUgh: incels are the only people actually going against the status quo
neh people like op are everywhere outside of the chans and certain forums.i mean most people still see single moms as victims,even though most are whores who spread their legs to some random dark triad chad not caring two fucks about the consequences,not caring about the suffering their kid will later have in life due to their degeneracy.just ask any kid who grew up in a single mom household about their step father and any men will know enough to understand why women don't care about their kids for shit.
Youre completely right, many parents want kids just for the sake of having them, they dont care that bringing a child into unstable family is really bad move, they are selfish.
If you believe that women are that materialistic then I guess you do you. I'll believe they are better than that, but for sure we can improve ourselves to get a partner. I'm not naive enough to think that simply existing will give me women, I know that I have to work on myself for that. So I'm redpilled
Improving youreself is not easy and we are limited by both our gene capabilities and opportunities which are bound to location and socioeconomic status. Even if it would work, why spending your best years chasing the goal to betabuxx a woman that lived her wishes and enjoyments trough that time? Its not worth it, women arent some magical creatures that will bring you happiness.
I believe OP is simply trying to understand the term or reasoning behind it.
For me foid reminds me of Android like someone is programming them. Foids are so predictable and annoying.
I personally think foid/femoid is a bit too playful and females who read it probably laugh it off and take no offence, whereas 'roastie' is the superior moniker. It has a deep, embedded meaning that's hilarious for men and detrimental to the self esteem of females

compare moid to small-dick virgin, even if you don't care, what feels worse to you?

Since you're most likely male and made this post, you're probably a soyboy that needs to fuck off this forum
If you believe that (about yourself) you're actually not allowed on this forum I believe.
I checked the rules and they say they don't want bluepillers. I'm not really one so I'm allowed
I personally think foid/femoid is a bit too playful and females who read it probably laugh it off and take no offence, whereas 'roastie' is the superior moniker. It has a deep, embedded meaning that's hilarious for men and detrimental to the self esteem of females
Tbh most foids prob don't know the term roastie. If u want to dig at foids u can't go wrong with the classic whore and bitch imo
I checked the rules and they say they don't want bluepillers. I'm not really one so I'm allowed
Foid is short for femoid which is a derogatory term for women in incel communities alluding to the idea that all women are literally like computer programmes. Once you are blackpilled their behavioir can be predicted to a T. Men have preferences, women don't. They are all programmed in the same way.

See tall height, jaw, white skin
See short height, recessed chin, dark skin

They lack self awareness just like computer software.

All feminism is bad. Not just the ones that want to oppress men but even those who want more rights for women.

Women are inherently less intelligent, less self aware, more prone to emotional outbursts, more likely to judge you on your looks. They don't deserve the same rights a men. They are best suited to be mothers and housewives under the guidance of a man.
and leave this forum.

Men have wide variations in what foids they prefer. Foids like minor variations of the exact same man: Chad (this means conventionally attractive man)
i have been very disrespected in life.
I am short, unattractive, high functioning autistic --- due to that, i have been mistreated, from strangers, to peers, to authority figures. The times i did find friends or something vaguely close to a girlfriend, its because they wanted something from me (homework help, money, special favors, etc), only to be ghosted. Do you expect a guy like me to have a positive world view? And please do not cite examples of disabled persons or abused women "breaking barriers" and becoming a good person, because people in those situations are supported and celebrates by society. When youre born with the appearance of a goblin and the personality of a robot, people just think you're a creep. Ive only shared a drop of my shitty life. Do not preach the 'people-are-good' opera.
I'm mildly retarded and people often disrespect, mock and humilate me or want to use me even if I'm not harming them in any way. Just because they feel superior.
then you don't even agree that incels exist.i mean if you can work towards not being an incel,then you are voluntiarly an incel.so the invonluntary part of the incel part doesn't exist in your opinion.also you are completely delusional.in most of the west for young people there is like 100 women for 108 men.this is not even counting that in india and china there are 70 million surplus men.even if what you said was true,a great deal of men would still die alone.

i just hope you don't end up betabuxxing some random whore and having a kid with her(probably isn't yours,but whatever).she will take your entire house,money and kids in an instant with the way you act.
If you are currently working towards not being an incel, you are an incel because you're trying to get rid of it. If you're not working towards not being an incel, then doesn't that mean you are voluntarily giving up and therefore you've become a voluntary celibate?

" the west for young people there is like 100 women for 108 men.this is not even counting that in india and china there are 70 million surplus men."
You aren't wrong. Just out of curiosity, what would you feel if there were more men in the world than women? I'm curious to see what you'd think of it

Don't worry about me "betabuxxing". Thank you for your concern but I will be fine.

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