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Why Do People Here Call Women "Foids?"



Apr 25, 2022
It just sounds strange calling women "femoids", "foids" or "holes."
Is there a specific reason for this?
What’s wrong with it? Women call men trash.
Not all women call men trash. You're probably talking about a very small, specific, and immature group of women.
A large about but sometimes with different word choices.
A large about but sometimes with different word choices.
I remember I used to watch anti-feminist videos where they only focus on the extremists who actually want to oppress men, instead of focusing on the good. That gave off the illusion that the majority of women wanted the oppression of men. Turns out that those extremists are a very small portion of women. I'm sure at least 80% of women are respectful and don't call men trash for no reason
Because fuck them. They no give me sex and love. :reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee:
Not all women call men trash. You're probably talking about a very small, specific, and immature group of women.
They don't usually say that to your face,women are risk averse and let their proxies do a dirty work.
I remember I used to watch anti-feminist videos where they only focus on the extremists who actually want to oppress men, instead of focusing on the good. That gave off the illusion that the majority of women wanted the oppression of men. Turns out that those extremists are a very small portion of women. I'm sure at least 80% of women are respectful and don't call men trash for no reason
Foids will be complimented, showed love and affection just for existing. The second you are born as a foid in the west you are already at the top 10% of the social hierarchy. Look anywhere, Foids are given nothing but attention and validation with an army of cucks surrounding them. Someone has to discriminate and do their hardest to harass foids if nobody else will
Why focus on us calling females foids? We have a name for every identifying feature a person has. The fact that you have not questioned our use of curry, manlet, chad, tyrone, ricemen, fatcel, gooks, niggers, etc. makes me suspicious of you being a female.

Even if your intentions are in the right place, this space is designed to exclude women, you know this, and yet here we are.

To answer your question, some people use foid because it is just incel culture, many have not even questioned their use of the word. Some people use it to demean women. Some use it because it is funny, or because it is less to type. There is no singular reason for the many people using 'foid' instead of the other several nouns for women.
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Hmmm, I wonder. Why does the alt right call blacks niggers
Why focus on us calling females foids? We have a name for every identifying feature a person has. The fact that you have not questioned our use of curry, manlet, chad, tyrone, ricemen, fatcel, gooks, niggers, etc. makes me suspicious of you being a female.

Even if your intentions are in the right place, this space is designed to exclude women, you know this, and yet here we are.
That's a good point, thank you for the reminder.
I'd now like to ask why some people here use a lot of terminologies that can be considered offensive? For example, calling black people the n-word (slur), manlet, or other slurs that target different groups of people?
Also, I assure you I am not a woman.
With the intent of degradation and dehumanization, I'm assuming?
Yeah pretty much. It's because they hate them. I would say it's the same for this forum but no one here actually hates foids like you think
Oh looks the foid posted again @Caesercel
Foids will be complimented, showed love and affection just for existing. The second you are born as a foid in the west you are already at the top 10% of the social hierarchy. Look anywhere, Foids are given nothing but attention and validation with an army of cucks surrounding them. Someone has to discriminate and do their hardest to harass foids if nobody else will
Then I want to ask, what would be the point in harassing women? I think there are better things to do than attacking people...
That's a good point, thank you for the reminder.
I'd now like to ask why some people here use a lot of terminologies that can be considered offensive? For example, calling black people the n-word (slur), manlet, or other slurs that target different groups of people?
Also, I assure you I am not a woman.
1. Culture

It is a part of internet culture that has existed for at least two decades, there has been a decline in this culture in the last decade; there are few places on the internet where this culture survives.

2. Blackpill honesty

It is nice to hear what people are 'honestly thinking'. People are rejected by women because of their race but you will never hear anyone, especially not women, say something racist; despite having preferences that are literally racist.

3. Endearing insults

'Whats up motherfucker' is something you may say to a friend, likewise we can refer to others derogatorily because we know there is no real malice behind the words, and is therefore somewhat endearing to hear.
Then I want to ask, what would be the point in harassing women? I think there are better things to do than attacking people...
Anything to make a foids life miserable is a win for all of humanity. Foids are animals, and deserve to be slaughtered like animals.
Anything to make a foids life miserable is a win for all of humanity. Foids are animals, and deserve to be slaughtered like animals.
Even animals obey when you feed and shelter them
Yeah pretty much. It's because they hate them. I would say it's the same for this forum but no one here actually hates foids like you think
Then... in your opinion what would be the reason for calling women "foids?" If it's not because of hatred towards them, then what reason is there?
I don't want to discuss the blackpill with bluepilled infiltrators like you
It's probably a fat sub 3/10 foid. Inb4 they get banned
I remember I used to watch anti-feminist videos where they only focus on the extremists who actually want to oppress men, instead of focusing on the good. That gave off the illusion that the majority of women wanted the oppression of men. Turns out that those extremists are a very small portion of women. I'm sure at least 80% of women are respectful and don't call men trash for no reason

Do you have proof that a majority of women don't actually harbour feelings of superiority (akin to a god complex) to men, and don't actually want to be equal? This is really getting into a sticky topic, so I won't go further, but you really need to read up on the feminist lie. Then, you will understand the hatred and bitterness of so many men in forums like this, which is why incels have created such lingo.

I don't know if this is acceptable here, so please tell me and I will remove this part: if you're looking for a parallel on what women call men, visit r/FDS (hint: it's scrote)
I don't want to discuss the blackpill with bluepilled infiltrators like you
No problem you are free to do anything. By the way, I'm more of a purple-ish or red-ish pill kinda guy. Bluepillers just think they don't need to work on themselves and they can suddenly pull.
Do you have proof that a majority of women don't actually harbour feelings of superiority (akin to a god complex) to men, and don't actually want to be equal? This is really getting into a sticky topic, so I won't go further, but you really need to read up on the feminist lie. Then, you will understand the hatred and bitterness of so many men in forums like this, which is why incels have created such lingo.

I don't know if this is acceptable here, so please tell me and I will remove this part: if you're looking for a parallel on what women call men, visit r/FDS (hint: it's scrote)
Oh yeah the FDS people. They're extremists for sure, I'll completely agree. (If this isn't acceptable I will also remove this part too, let me know)
I don't like them and their ideals saying all men are pigs because we aren't. Only a small portion of men are pigs, kinda like how a small number of women are trash.

Thanks for your insight by the way, I appreciate it.
Then... in your opinion what would be the reason for calling women "foids?" If it's not because of hatred towards them, then what reason is there?
Tbh it's ultimately just deflection. It's a another way to cope and convince ourselves that we're somehow above people who clearly have it better in life than us
because I hate women? Foid, femoid or toilet are great slurs I enjoy using :feelsthink::smonk:
Tbh it's ultimately just deflection. It's a another way to cope and convince ourselves that we're somehow above people who clearly have it better in life than us
But then again, the word "foid" really isn't any different from "bitch", "slut", "whore" etc, which normies AND foids say all the time, so I don't get why they get a pass. If anything, it's less offensive
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You admitted that you are a redpilled infiltrator, so get the fuck out of this blackpill forum
I guess I should say that I am an incel. It doesn't matter what "pill" I support.
You say you're an incel but yet you're saying all this stuff to us on how you know women. How do you know all this if you've never ascended with one?


I think you're coping hard and need a brutal blackpill annihilation for reality to seep into you, anything else is deception.
Never have ascended with a woman. It's not like I have the programming source code for how a woman works, it's just that I know that since women are humans, and that most humans are decent, then that means women are decent people as well.

Trust me, I get that looks matter to some extent (same with women). But we're humans, we're not shallow and we can judge people's other qualities as well.
Foids is short for "females" or "female"
I have a funny feeling the OP is a foid
Nope women are like Artifical Intellegence, that's why we call them "Female Humanoid" instead of a woman, they resemble a human but are wired like AI. If you don't like like chad it's OVER.
Ohhh so that's where the "-oid" comes from.
Anyway, I want to ask then why do you think only women are wired to like chads or attractive men? Aren't men also similarly wired to like Stacies or attractive women?

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