Whatever, Helps you sleep at night boyo.
And this, thread isn't about that. Stop going on tangents, why can't you just say Sharia is based, instead, of Derailing the thread? Both the East Asian countries and Europe has failed to stop crime by Immigrants, while, Arabs have. It has nothing to do with Arab immigrants, the West just has shitty laws, and wantsl arabs to become like them.
well it dpends on the socieconomic facvtors of the region.
in arab countries they are very poor and lack resorces and educaiotn to make their popualiton well behave.due to this western laws cannot apply there simply becuase people in middle east arent pussies and very more violent . Wihout proper intimadtion or severe punsihments they are more likely to rebel.thus in poor countires easiest and most effctive way to control popualtion is by using force and violence.
look countires like denmark and norway.most non violent countries on the planet.they evn banned beating up their children.they banned cpaitla pnsihment etc. and the reaosn behind this succesfulk eleimantion of violence and at the same time very low crime rates is becuase, the popultion nis very educated,have good quality oif life,very satsfied,confortbale living and more resoruces and money to invest in postive reinforment of law.
thus this tyes of westerbn law only applies effectivly to first world europians and east asians becuase all of them are far more eductaed,have more enlightment from living in psot modern society.yes you are right.
and due to this its illogical to think that people in countires loike africa and middle4 east with no proper civilisaiton or no western education and enligtment more leily to be violent andf dangeropus if not controlled wihtin a strict sharia type law.
the problem you described started when they allowed immirgants from third world countires to cucked land of europe .europians have no problem obeying the loaws but the problem is since this immirgants who were only intimidared by only violent punsihments backin their land and whn they came to europe and see western laws very lax and non violent. they take advantage of it and do horrible things.
sweden is a best example of this.
basically all nordic contires are very strict onf immirgarttion while sweden advocated for more immirgation to their lands which was a dumb idea.thye could have continued there very good wihtout allowing immigraiotn.but normtards was too retaraded in a way they want to ruin their own peace by letting somalis,iraqis and afgnai refugess into a first world developed naiton like sweden.due to this crimes rates sky rocketed like hell.
its jsut sweden who allows unwanted refugess to its lands.all other nordic antions vert strcit on immirgation.look at their cirme rates its very low.
sharia is only bst for third world countries.
while western laws only best fopr civilsied and educated first world countries were people can be easily controlled without even rising a finger becuase people are too docile to not obey.
the solutiuon for the problem you said is mass dpeortation of immirgants back to their countires.
also you are right on boomers i do not supprt their hypcricy.thye have sex before marriage.commit adultery,visit strip clubs etc
and yet play conservative by using chrisntianity and trump
american republican conservaitve are liebrals but stuck in 1960s liberalism .
all generation before boomers were conservative simply because they were not sexually immoral.
pre boomer genration grow up in a time sexual revolution didn't happen.premarital sex,fornicaiton,pronogrpahy,adultery,racemixing,homosexcuality,divorce all of sexually immoral things were low in that time period thus pre boomer generations easily qualify as conservative.
to identify whether someone is conservative or liberal just look at how they view sexual morality.