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Why do only incels try to cope with race?



Dec 19, 2017
It's only incels who care about racial purity, nationalism. You don't have normies spending their life on ideas like "make America white again"

Just take a look at these stormfrontcells. You can tell they have no access to pussy exept the last guy who managed to find a mentally ill girlfriend.
Because they need a scapegoat to blame their unhappy life on. Just like the Germans blamed the Jews for losing ww1 and subsequent economic crisis.
Because Chad doesn't need to cope.
They need a scapegoat to blame and think that the white girls worshipping and sucking black cocks will suddenly be into their incel looks if there was racial purity
Jockcel said:
Because they need a scapegoat to blame their unhappy life on. Just like the Germans blamed the Jews for losing ww1 and subsequent economic crisis.

Well...JEWS were DIRECTLY responsible for multiple Economic crashes in Europe that completely ruined the lives of millions of people way before WW1 ever happened..
Tempus Edax Rerum said:
Well...JEWS were DIRECTLY responsible for multiple Economic crashes in Europe that completely ruined the lives of millions of people way before WW1 ever happened..
Maybe, but I was talking about the "stab in the back" myth and the interwar period.
Jockcel said:
Maybe, but I was talking about the "stab in the back" myth and the interwar period.

If you want to understand wars, just follow the money/resources lol. Everything else is pretty much a Disney fairytale story.
Chad fucks whites, blacks, spics, Arabs, Asians, curries, etc. You name it, he fucks it.
Bottom right guy isn't ugly at all.
Tempus Edax Rerum said:
If you want to understand wars, just follow the money/resources lol. Everything else is pretty much a Disney fairytale story.
Some wars were fought purely for honor and ideology. That's why Russia fought against France during French Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars, even though it had much more to gain by allying with France.
Jockcel said:
Some wars were fought purely for honor and ideology. That's why Russia fought against France during French Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars, even though it had much more to gain by allying with France.

lol no comment.
They are not ugly at all, the last one have chadlite potential.
Well no shit. Been saying this forever. Just look at the guys at the Charlottesville rally too.

Let's say they do somehow get their "white ethnostate" fantasy one day: then what? They're still lonely misfits and incels that normal society would hate regardless. On the contrary though, if we reversed the scenario and there were no incels, there would be virtually no white nationalists and the like. There is literally no reason to worry about "muh race" unless you're a just a bitter loser that needs something to be angry about. It's all just identity politics for unfuckable white dudes.
It doesn't matter really, not like being a beta SJW cuck will land them a girl either.
If they want to cope with this, they can go right ahead. Doesn't bother me, and any incels that are bothered by this are just as pathetic as them.
If you ever find a stormfrontchad, you can be sure there are some "white supremacist" women around him.
Many stormcels (especially skinheads) are cucked and think that white women are their allies (lol). The only reason why women were not "whores" like today is because they were controlled by their men. Jews changed that and pushed for female sexual instincts (especially during the 60s).

Redpill Robert said:
Well no shit. Been saying this forever. Just look at the guys at the Charlottesville rally too.

Let's say they do somehow get their "white ethnostate" fantasy one day: then what? They're still lonely misfits and incels that normal society would hate regardless. On the contrary though, if we reversed the scenario and there were no incels, there would be virtually no white nationalists and the like. There is literally no reason to worry about "muh race" unless you're a just a bitter loser that needs something to be angry about. It's all just identity politics for unfuckable white dudes.

I'll tell you that white Americans are secretly wishing more and more for an ethnostate. This political question shouldn't be related to inceldom. It is perfectly normal to want to live with your own kind. We should take action or expect the US to become South Africa 2.0.

spergcel said:
If you ever find a stormfrontchad, you can be sure there are some "white supremacist" women around him.

Even the most feminist and leftist ANTIFA women would date a neo-Nazi if he were a Chad.

Jockcel said:
Sorry to ruin your fragile historical theory.

This idiot literally believes propaganda from Hollywood (Leftist) movies. Jews dindu nuffin and the Germans are to blame for everything!

Tempus Edax Rerum said:
If you want to understand wars, just follow the money/resources lol. Everything else is pretty much a Disney fairytale story.

We need to start golden-pilling Normie incels into understanding and embracing White nationalist and natsoc ideology.
Blackpill101 said:

This idiot literally believes propaganda from Hollywood (Leftist) movies. Jews dindu nuffin and the Germans are to blame for everything!

We need to start golden-pilling Normie incels into understanding and embracing White nationalist and natsoc ideology.

Your mom is an idiot.
Nice try.  I could pick 4 incels that pretend to not care about race and say "why are only incels naive when it comes to race."   It isn't that clear of a pattern.
Jockcel said:
Continue sucking nazi chads' dicks.

Lmao most members of the Nazi party were normies or incels. Goebbels was ridiculed by Commie kikes for being too ugly in appearance.
Homosapicuckus said:
It's only incels who care about racial purity, nationalism.

I disagree it is only about incels but I get your point.

Its is actually mostly men longing for a safe space, desperate for a situation in which their limitations will not mean much. It is no surprise how often these guys are obsessed with BBC and how they wish there was a system in place that would make it unavailable for white females.
the altright stole their memes from cuckchan and made them extremely cringey. pre-2014 was the golden age of meme

Blackpill101 said:
Lmao most members of the Nazi party were normies or incels. Goebbels was ridiculed by Commie kikes for being too ugly in appearance.
You are disgrace to the incel community.
go on /pol/ to see the cope in action. you can tell none of those dudes are chads by any means.

also jfl at the 5'5 dude in bottom left. if you're a manlet and commit a crime and you see the height chart behind you, kys as soon as possible.
Racial purity is cope.

Most humans are mixed one way or another.
Jockcel said:
You are disgrace to the incel community.

You are, since you literally get your information from Jewish, leftist sources who hate incels. Remember when the SPLC, the organization that wants to fight American white nationalists and natsocs, called us a hate group? All the leftist and neocon cucks who hate reactionaries also hate incels and other communities that are redpilled/blackpilled on female behavior.

No cucks should be allowed on this forum!

Circlemarveljerk said:
Racial purity is cope.

Most humans are mixed one way or another.

Multiracialism is cope. Human history is filled with ethno-nationalism and tribe like behavior.
Blackpill101 said:
Leftist cuck needs to take the Jew pill ASAP.

gtfo to stormfront human excrement.
disposableman said:
the altright stole their memes from cuckchan and made them extremely cringey. pre-2014 was the golden age of meme


"Cuckchan" was the home of the Alt right.

KilluminoidBR said:
gtfo to stormfront human excrement.

Most of the Alt right is pretty cucked right now on women, so no thanks. We're already redpilled on racial identity and the JQ; now it's time to get redpilled on modern female behavior.
Blackpill101 said:
disposableman said:
the altright stole their memes from cuckchan and made them extremely cringey. pre-2014 was the golden age of meme
"Cuckchan" was the home of the Alt right.

/pol/ is the home, even though technically anyone could post there. /pol/ is cancer it ruined cuckchan.
Blackpill101 said:
Many stormcels (especially skinheads) are cucked and think that white women are their allies (lol). The only reason why women were not "whores" like today is because they were controlled by their men. Jews changed that and pushed for female sexual instincts (especially during the 60s).

I'll tell you that white Americans are secretly wishing more and more for an ethnostate. This political question shouldn't be related to inceldom. It is perfectly normal to want to live with your own kind. We should take action or expect the US to become South Africa 2.0.

Even the most feminist and leftist ANTIFA women would date a neo-Nazi if he were a Chad.

This idiot literally believes propaganda from Hollywood (Leftist) movies. Jews dindu nuffin and the Germans are to blame for everything!

We need to start golden-pilling Normie incels into understanding and embracing White nationalist and natsoc ideology.

It is true that white women (or any women) are not our allies. Just like there is no such thing as a "female ant-feminist."

How do you know how "most white people" think? Now you're just buying into leftist hysteria (all whites are secretly racist!) and trying to use it to advance a far-right objective -- of course this is far from a new talking point among the far right.

Most normie whites have a diverse set of friends. Go to any college in a diverse city and tell me otherwise. And me, I hate most people black or white. But are you honestly telling me you'd rather hang with a white normie over a black that shared the same interests and hobbies? Most white nationalists would stick out like a sore thumb among any group of white normies.

Most people prefer to be around those that are similar to them, but it has little to do with race. Immigrant groups hang around each other because of similar cultural values and, obviously, because they speak the same language. But you see this far less among American-born children of immigrants thus proving my point.

And idk. Look at the Golden God on jewtube. He could be a slayer, but clearly his views are so disgusting to most femoids that virtually all the comments on his vids are from other dudes.

The Jews do hold a disproportionate amount of power and politically we act in Israel's interest in the past 50 or so years especially, but this "secret Jewish cabal that's out to destroy whitey" meme is fucking retarded.
Blackpill101 said:
Multiracialism is cope. Human history is filled with ethno-nationalism and tribe like behavior.

The west is not worth saving.
disposableman said:
/pol/ is the home, even though technically anyone could post there. /pol/ is cancer it ruined cuckchan.

/pol/ is redpilled on everything but females...
Blackpill101 said:
Multiracialism is cope. Human history is filled with ethno-nationalism and tribe like behavior.

Tribe like behavior, yes. Ethno-nationalism, in the broad sense of a generic white race, no. That is an American invention.
Circlemarveljerk said:

The west is not worst saving.

It is, if you install a dictatorship and remove all the effects of degeneracy and Neo-Marxist filth spread by people who actually despise the West itself. Democracy has failed us.
Homosapicuckus said:
It's only incels who care about racial purity, nationalism. You don't have normies spending their life on ideas like "make America white again"

Just take a look at these stormfrontcells. You can tell they have no access to pussy exept the last guy who managed to find a mentally ill girlfriend.

I notice most participants at nazi rallies are genetic shit.   Pointing out an occasional chad won’t change the fact that these pathetic assholes are just looking for a way to feel superior to anybody since their own women don’t want to “preserve the white race” with their mutant looking asses.
AngelOfDisease said:
Tribe like behavior, yes. Ethno-nationalism, in the broad sense of a generic white race, no. That is an American invention.

You're telling me that the Europeans actively fought to live in a multiracial society, composed of blacks, Asians, and Arabs? The same question goes for other races/nationalities. BTFO with your logic. The idea that whites need to live with other races to survive was recently spread by Globalist cucks who also (((happen))) to embrace feminism and female sexual empowerment.
Blackpill101 said:
You are, since you literally get your information from Jewish, leftist sources who hate incels. Remember when the SPLC, the organization that wants to fight American white nationalists and natsocs, called us a hate group? All the leftist and neocon cucks who hate reactionaries also hate incels and other communities that are redpilled/blackpilled on female behavior.

No cucks should be allowed on this forum!

Multiracialism is cope. Human history is filled with ethno-nationalism and tribe like behavior.

What a fucking retard.
Blackpill101 said:
You're telling me that the Europeans actively fought to live in a multiracial society, composed of blacks, Asians, and Arabs? The same question goes for other races/nationalities. BTFO with your logic. The idea that whites need to live with other races to survive was recently spread by Globalist cucks who also (((happen))) to embrace feminism and female sexual empowerment.

What's the point of preventing multiculturalism when you have no place in the dating game anyway. You'll die without even procreate none want your genes over a healthy, strong built muscular black or white man (race is nearly irrelevant at this point) Women do what their natural instincts dictate them to do you can't force them to accept your sub humanity which has nothing to do of what sub race, skin tone, religion you belong to.
The Japs are the best on this

the gov told them, "Look we can either take in immigrants or we will all be poorer" the Japs all said they'd rather be poorer, the men and also the women too.

Stark contrast to the tragic west where the cuck'd euro white race were forced and not given a choice by their Jew overlords.
Blackpill101 said:
You're telling me that the Europeans actively fought to live in a multiracial society, composed of blacks, Asians, and Arabs? The same question goes for other races/nationalities. BTFO with your logic. The idea that whites need to live with other races to survive was recently spread by Globalist cucks who also (((happen))) to embrace feminism and female sexual empowerment.

You are trying, poorly, to build a scarecrow fallacy around what I wrote. I never said anything that remotely resembles "Europeans actively fought to live in a multiracial society, composed of blacks, Asians, and Arabs". So, if you have anything to say, go back to what I wrote and make a logical comment based on that.
The stormcels are funny because they piss off women. It's just sad though when they start getting high off their own supply.
Redpill Robert said:
It is true that white women (or any women) are not our allies. Just like there is no such thing as a "female ant-feminist."

How do you know how "most white people" think? Now you're just buying into leftist hysteria (all whites are secretly racist!) and trying to use it to advance a far-right objective -- of course this is far from a new talking point among the far right.

Most normie whites have a diverse set of friends. Go to any college in a diverse city and tell me otherwise. And me, I hate most people black or white. But are you honestly telling me you'd rather hang with a white normie over a black that shared the same interests and hobbies? Most white nationalists would stick out like a sore thumb among any group of white normies.

Most people prefer to be around those that are similar to them, but it has little to do with race. Immigrant groups hang around each other because of similar cultural values and, obviously, because they speak the same language. But you see this far less among American-born children of immigrants thus proving my point.

And idk. Look at the Golden God on jewtube. He could be a slayer, but clearly his views are so disgusting to most femoids that virtually all the comments on his vids are from other dudes.

The Jews do hold a disproportionate amount of power and politically we act in Israel's interest in the past 50 or so years especially, but this "secret Jewish cabal that's out to destroy whitey" meme is fucking retarded.

You literally fall for the meme that it's "evil" for Whites to embrace race nationalism. Trump is only stage one. Whites are abandoning leftist narrative and becoming more and more right wing. This could only lead to something. As civic nationalism fails (especially in the deep South), more Whites will become woke on race. Most College whites are also sympathetic to literal Marxism, so are you telling me that their actions should represent that of the general White community? It isn't a coincidence that most people who push for multiracialism in the West are also supportive of Jewish racial identity in Israel. You don't have to be a genius to realize that multiracialism is simply a Zionist plot against the West. These Zio kikes have even taken action to promote a false reactionary movement ("Alt light") in order to discredit any movement that enourages race separatism and ethnic nationalism for westerners.

Jockcel said:
What a fucking retard.

Not an argument.

Homosapicuckus said:
What's the point of preventing multiculturalism when you have no place in the dating game anyway. You'll die without even procreate none want your genes over a healthy, strong built muscular black or white man (race is nearly irrelevant at this point) Women do what their natural instincts dictate them to do you can't force them to accept your sub humanity which has nothing to do of what sub race, skin tone, religion you belong to.

That's true my friend, but remember we are 5% of all males in the West. Why do you want to prevent happiness for the other 95% and impose leftist policies on them? Removing the effects of neo-Marxism will only benefit incels, no matter how subhuman they are. Hypergamy is a direct result of sexual empowerment.

AngelOfDisease said:
You are trying, poorly, to build a scarecrow fallacy around what I wrote. I never said anything that remotely resembles "Europeans actively fought to live in a multiracial society, composed of blacks, Asians, and Arabs". So, if you have anything to say, go back to what I wrote and make a logical comment based on that.

You were stating that humans desired to live with other races, and this statement is simply dishonest and false. We are born with instincts of racial identity and a wish to live with our own kind. Multiracialism was only promoted recently, and it isn't an coincidence that only white countries (((must))) accept it.
Blackpill101 said:
You were stating that humans desired to live with other races

AngelOfDisease said:
Tribe like behavior, yes. Ethno-nationalism, in the broad sense of a generic white race, no. That is an American invention.

There, faggot. Ethno-nationalism is NOT an American invention and was practiced by several cultures before the creation of the United States.

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