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Why do only incels try to cope with race?

Redpill Robert said:
Well no shit. Been saying this forever. Just look at the guys at the Charlottesville rally too.

Let's say they do somehow get their "white ethnostate" fantasy one day: then what? They're still lonely misfits and incels that normal society would hate regardless. On the contrary though, if we reversed the scenario and there were no incels, there would be virtually no white nationalists and the like. There is literally no reason to worry about "muh race" unless you're a just a bitter loser that needs something to be angry about. It's all just identity politics for unfuckable white dudes.

lol at this cuck

Redpill Robert said:
It is true that white women (or any women) are not our allies. Just like there is no such thing as a "female ant-feminist."

How do you know how "most white people" think? Now you're just buying into leftist hysteria (all whites are secretly racist!) and trying to use it to advance a far-right objective -- of course this is far from a new talking point among the far right.

Most normie whites have a diverse set of friends. Go to any college in a diverse city and tell me otherwise. And me, I hate most people black or white. But are you honestly telling me you'd rather hang with a white normie over a black that shared the same interests and hobbies? Most white nationalists would stick out like a sore thumb among any group of white normies.

Most people prefer to be around those that are similar to them, but it has little to do with race. Immigrant groups hang around each other because of similar cultural values and, obviously, because they speak the same language. But you see this far less among American-born children of immigrants thus proving my point.

And idk. Look at the Golden God on jewtube. He could be a slayer, but clearly his views are so disgusting to most femoids that virtually all the comments on his vids are from other dudes.

The Jews do hold a disproportionate amount of power and politically we act in Israel's interest in the past 50 or so years especially, but this "secret Jewish cabal that's out to destroy whitey" meme is fucking retarded.

what is ur race? are u a jew?
Blackpill101 said:
There, faggot. Ethno-nationalism is NOT an American invention and was practiced by several cultures before the creation of the United States.

Nationalism is a modern invention made by Industrialist super class families to create a Communist state where everything is controlled by the Government or better said by the industrialist super class including the human assets.

To break your wet dream about the conspiracy against the Aryan race, we already know that Hitler was funed by the Jewish Wardburg family - which was one of the most prominent banker family in that time, also by the Rockefeller who had close allies with the Rotschild family.

Hitler followed a plan created by an elite which had both gentile and Jewish members. There's no race when it comes to money and power. All ideas which has -ism ending were created for the intention to against the middle class and raise a working class - in the case of Nazi Germany a state made by racial propaganda in the case of Communism they made it more directly just like Hitler did they murdered most of the intellectuals and middle class families including the Russian aristocracy and breeded out a a rootless group of people who only followed state based control in all aspects of their lives.

If you look at the modern education system you see no part which wouldn't be controlled somehow by prominent industrialist descendant families. There are far more influential groups than the Republicans or democrats such as the CFR, Bilderberg Group, and the UN. There's no centralized power in any leader's hands including Hitlers and his party. Hitler had only power as far as he played the game of the industrialist elite class. Once one Rotshild was asked if He feared about the won of Napoleon against the Russian Czar and He said "as long as I fund him I control all his actions"
Which had no other reason than to enslave millions of people and keep the war going because at that time they could make countless amount of money by funding both parties - See the connection between Wall Street and the Communist and Nazi regime written by historian Anthony Sutton.

just reminding
Homosapicuckus said:
Nationalism is a modern invention made by Industrialist super class families to create a Communist state where everything is controlled by the Government or better said by the industrialist super class including the human assets.

To break your wet dream about the conspiracy against the Aryan race, we already know that Hitler was funed by the Jewish Wardburg family - which was one of the most prominent banker family in that time, also by the Rockefeller who had close allies with the Rotschild family.

Hitler followed a plan created by an elite which had both gentile and Jewish members. There's no race when it comes to money and power. All ideas which has -ism ending were created for the intention to against the middle class and raise a working class - in the case of Nazi Germany a state made by racial propaganda in the case of Communism they made it more directly just like Hitler did they murdered most of the intellectuals and middle class families including the Russian aristocracy and breeded out a a rootless group of people who only followed state based control in all aspects of their lives.

If you look at the modern education system you see no part which wouldn't be controlled somehow by prominent industrialist descendant families. There are far more influential groups than the Republicans or democrats such as the CFR, Bilderberg Group, and the UN. There's no centralized power in any leader's hands including Hitlers and his party. Hitler had only power as he played the game of the industrialist elite class.
Which had no other reason than to enslave millions of people and keep the war going because at that time they could make countless amount of money by funding both parties - See the connection between Wall Street and the Communist and Nazi regime written by historian Anthony Sutton.

Nationalism was invented by the several monarchies of different races long before communism ever existed. Communism was actually funded by Jewish bankers (Schiff, Warburg, Aschberg, etc). The Nazis freed Russian churches and knew the effects that Jewish Bolshevism had on their people. Two Rothschilds were arrested under Hitler and put to work in concentration camps. The current education systems lies that American was founded on ethnic diversity and includes the many fantasy stories spread by kikes via the Holocaust Hollywood (TM) production.

Akarin said:

just reminding

Just more proof that skinheads should leave the natsoc movement.
Blackpill101 said:
Nationalism was invented by the several monarchies of different races long before communism ever existed. Communism was actually funded by Jewish bankers (Schiff, Warburg, Aschberg, etc). The Nazis freed Russian churches and knew the effects that Jewish Bolshevism had on their people. Two Rothschilds were arrested under Hitler and put to work in concentration camps. The current education systems lies that American was founded on ethnic diversity and includes the many fantasy stories spread by kikes via the Holocaust Hollywood (TM) production.

Just more proof that skinheads should leave the natsoc movement.


this one is my favorite
Blackpill101 said:
There, faggot. Ethno-nationalism is NOT an American invention and was practiced by several cultures before the creation of the United States.

Now tell me, how does "Tribe like behavior, yes. Ethno-nationalism, in the broad sense of a generic white race, no. That is an American invention" equals "Europeans actively fought to live in a multiracial society"?

And which several cultures practiced ethno-nationalism using an ethnic identity as broad as "white" before the US?
Blackpill101 said:
Nationalism was invented by the several monarchies of different races long before communism ever existed. Communism was actually funded by Jewish bankers (Schiff, Warburg, Aschberg, etc). The Nazis freed Russian churches and knew the effects that Jewish Bolshevism had on their people. Two Rothschilds were arrested under Hitler and put to work in concentration camps. The current education systems lies that American was founded on ethnic diversity and includes the many fantasy stories spread by kikes via the Holocaust Hollywood (TM) production.

Just more proof that skinheads should leave the natsoc movement.

Ironically you left out the fact that Hitler was funded by the Wall Street and by the Jewish Wardburg family. It's also funny that white nationalists aka stormfrontcels deny the existence of Holocaust but when it came this case you claim that some Rotshcild was caught and died in a concentration camp based from some second hand source.
Nazis were supported at some time in US and even the idea of genetic and racial purify came from US. There's nothing in the Nazi Germany that was invented by their own. Their philosofy lies on Marxism, eugenics and Nationalism ideas foreign to Germany at that time.

In other words stormfortcels get cucked by their own ideas partially invented by a Jewish called Carl Marx and the idea of Nationalism was never intended to protect citizens from multiculturalism but to exploit them to a government based on state control using terror over it's citizens.

Circlemarveljerk said:
Racial purity is cope.

Most humans are mixed one way or another.

We're descend of a single man who lived 60'000 years ago in East Africa. Some stormfrontcels claim that whites are Neanderthal breed and Africans originally from Homo Erectus. Genetic studies estimated 1-4% Neanderthal admixture in Eurasians the rest came from Africa. In other words all Europeans are immigrants on their own lands.
AngelOfDisease said:
Now tell me, how does "Tribe like behavior, yes. Ethno-nationalism, in the broad sense of a generic white race, no. That is an American invention" equals "Europeans actively fought to live in a multiracial society"?

And which several cultures practiced ethno-nationalism using an ethnic identity as broad as "white" before the US?

Any Western culture that believed that most of its citizens should be Europeans. Ethno nationalism isn't simply defining ethnic identity as only being "white." Germans for example practiced ethno-nationalism by imposing policies that would suit the native German population. The same goes for Greeks and Romans too.

Homosapicuckus said:
Ironically you left out the fact that Hitler was funded by the Wall Street and by the Jewish Wardburg family. It's also funny that white nationalists aka stormfrontcels deny the existence of Holocaust but when it came this case you claim that some Rotshcild was caught and died in a concentration camp based from some second hand source.
Nazis were supported at some time in US and even the idea of genetic and racial purify came from US. There's nothing in the Nazi Germany that was invented by their own. Their philosofy lies on Marxism, eugenics and Nationalism ideas foreign to Germany at that time.

In other words stormfortcels get cucked by their own ideas partially invented by a Jewish called Carl Marx and the idea of Nationalism was never intended to protect citizens from multiculturalism but to exploit them to a government based on state control using terror over it's citizens.

We're descend of a single man who lived 60'000 years ago in East Africa. Some stormfrontcels claim that whites are Neanderthal breed and Africans originally from Homo Erectus. Genetic studies estimated 1-4% Neanderthal admixture in Eurasians the rest came from Africa. In other words all Europeans are immigrants on their own lands.

LOL, Rothschilds were not gassed and killed in concentration camps, you deluded fucking cuck. They were even released under the command of Hitler himself and then deported. It is a lie that Wall Street or Warburg funded Hitler. In fact James Warburg sided with Roosevelt and aided him in defeating the new National Socialist movement in Germany. Being descended from a man in Africa is not a good argument against race nationalism. You're basically saying that all human societies must be racially mixed because we were all black a long time ago. And plus this theory has been debunked too, faggot. 


Plus ethnic nationalism never originated in 1776, cuck. Humans since the beginning of time were tribe-like and preferred to live within their own kind. There is a reason why different racial societies were separated from each other. 

The ignorance in you is astonishing.
Homosapicuckus said:
What's the point of preventing multiculturalism when you have no place in the dating game anyway. You'll die without even procreate none want your genes over a healthy, strong built muscular black or white man (race is nearly irrelevant at this point) Women do what their natural instincts dictate them to do you can't force them to accept your sub humanity which has nothing to do of what sub race, skin tone, religion you belong to.

I used to be blue pilled about race..Then i learned that blacks created nothing of value..Now I'm trying to wrap my head around why slavery and colonoliasm doesn't quite explain the thousands of years preceding those eras where there was ample opportunity for blacks to build a vast civilization. Where are those great civlizations or ancient mega structures built by black people..No where..Bitter black pill.
Blackpill101 said:
Any Western culture that believed that most of its citizens should be Europeans. 

Who was concerned with this, maintaining a generic European majority, before the colonies?

Blackpill101 said:
Ethno nationalism isn't simply defining ethnic identity as only being "white." 

And that touches my original point.

Blackpill101 said:
Germans for example practiced ethno-nationalism by imposing policies that would suit the native German population. The same goes for Greeks and Romans too.

And none of those favoured a generic "white" identity. The last two did not even deal with that concept.
Jockcel said:
Because they need a scapegoat to blame their unhappy life on. Just like the Germans blamed the Jews for losing ww1 and subsequent economic crisis.

True. Blame genetics not niggers
AngelOfDisease said:
Who was concerned with this, maintaining a generic European majority, before the colonies?

And that touches my original point.

And none of those favoured a generic "white" identity. The last two did not even deal with that concept.

I just said that ethno nationalism is not about favoring a generic white identity. There are other types of nationalism within the main European nationalist belief.

You're an idiot if you think that whites before 1776 would have gladly accepted the idea of multiracialism if they were even hostile to other whites with foreign nationalities to exist in their own nations.
Tuttle said:
Nice try.  I could pick 4 incels that pretend to not care about race and say "why are only incels naive when it comes to race."   It isn't that clear of a pattern.

You are a tool. Please stop breathing.
Blackpill101 said:
You literally fall for the meme that it's "evil" for Whites to embrace race nationalism. Trump is only stage one. Whites are abandoning leftist narrative and becoming more and more right wing. This could only lead to something. As civic nationalism fails (especially in the deep South), more Whites will become woke on race. Most College whites are also sympathetic to literal Marxism, so are you telling me that their actions should represent that of the general White community? It isn't a coincidence that most people who push for multiracialism in the West are also supportive of Jewish racial identity in Israel. You don't have to be a genius to realize that multiracialism is simply a Zionist plot against the West. These Zio kikes have even taken action to promote a false reactionary movement ("Alt light") in order to discredit any movement that enourages race separatism and ethnic nationalism for westerners.

Honestly I think it's stupid for any race to embrace any kind of racism/nationalism because again what's the end point? It's all just misdirected anger all based on a stupid concept that doesn't even exist. Humans will continue to evolve whether they're "separate" or not.

Trump lost the popular vote, and even so now you're using yet another leftist trope: "Trump voters are all racist!" /: I mean keep dreaming dude. David Duke in the 70's spoke of a "whites being woke" fantasy. 2017 now. They're sure awakening, huh? And decades before that when segregation and stuff was legal it wasn't always because it was necessarily the majority opinion; southern Democrats often undermined democracy to ensure white supremacy. And you really think all those "Lynch niggers for sleeping with white women" laws we're written by or voted for by white women? No, they we're written mostly by bitter white dudes who would probably be posting here today had they been born in modern times.

And many if not most leftists are anti-Israel (though they do draw the line at actual anti-Semitism). This is a common retarded teabilly meme in fact. ('them libruhls hate 'muh Israhl!") I've literally never met anyone other than Zionists and teabillies that support Israel being the de facto ethno-state that it is; rather, most Americans don't even know what's actually going on over there.
Redpill Robert said:
Honestly I think it's stupid for any race to embrace any kind of racism/nationalism because again what's the end point? It's all just misdirected anger all based on a stupid concept that doesn't even exist. Humans will continue to evolve whether they're "separate" or not.

Trump lost the popular vote, and even so now you're using yet another leftist trope: "Trump voters are all racist!" /: I mean keep dreaming dude. David Duke in the 70's spoke of a "whites being woke" fantasy. 2017 now. They're sure awakening, huh? And decades before that when segregation and stuff was legal it wasn't always because it was necessarily the majority opinion; southern Democrats often undermined democracy to ensure white supremacy. And you really think all those "Lynch niggers for sleeping with white women" laws we're written by or voted for by white women? No, they we're written mostly by bitter white dudes who would probably be posting here today had they been born in modern times.

And many if not most leftists are anti-Israel (though they do draw the line at actual anti-Semitism). This is a common retarded teabilly meme in fact. ('them libruhls hate 'muh Israhl!") I've literally never met anyone other than Zionists and teabillies that support Israel being the de facto ethno-state that it is; rather, most Americans don't even know what's actually going on over there.

It'll be a long way before other races embrace multiracialism and multiculturalism. Wanting to live with your own is not racist. I'm waiting for the time Africans, Asians, and Arabs will embrace diverse policies. In fact the whites there (in SA for ex) are being forced to leave. I never said that most Trump supporters are Alt-Right or something, but having a right wing populist president is the first step to white nationalism. Leftists supported a hardcore Zionist candidate who would gladly get us into war with Assad's Syria and be a slave to Israel. The leftist media is surely pro-Israel and embraces aspects of neo-Conservatism. The current Democratic Party is a whore to the Jews.

Also, are you telling me that the ones behind anti-miscegenation laws were incels lol? Didn't know our founders were ugly virgins who couldn't get pussy. They were the first who passed anti-miscegenation laws. Fact.
Its natural for people to cling onto every little hope they have. Its like a balding man, struggling to keep the last few of strands of hair on his head, but eventually it would fall out, and this is somewhat analogous to this whole race coping thing.

The best system for Incels is to NEETBUX and LDAR peacefully, imo.
idkwattodowithlife said:
Its natural for people to cling onto every little hope they have. Its like a balding man, struggling to keep the last few of strands of hair on his head, but eventually it would fall out, and this is somewhat analogous to this whole race coping thing.

The best system for Incels is to NEETBUX and LDAR peacefully, imo.

jamho22 said:
I used to be blue pilled about race..Then i learned that blacks created nothing of value..Now I'm trying to wrap my head around why slavery and colonoliasm doesn't quite explain the thousands of years preceding those eras where there was ample opportunity for blacks to build a vast civilization. Where are those great civlizations or ancient mega structures built by black people..No where..Bitter black pill.

The creation of value is overrated. Most sociological studies seem to prove that people who live in small tribes have an overall happy life than those living in urban cities and use modern technology. Most of our problems would fade away by living a simpler life. Most people here in the West are depressed and cope with drugs, porn and other mind altering things we don't have any value that would make us more satisfied on a long term but make us craving for more entertainment which leads to an endless addiction due the over abuse of our dopamine receptors
jamho22 said:
I used to be blue pilled about race..Then i learned that blacks created nothing of value..Now I'm trying to wrap my head around why slavery and colonoliasm doesn't quite explain the thousands of years preceding those eras where there was ample opportunity for blacks to build a vast civilization. Where are those great civlizations or ancient mega structures built by black people..No where..Bitter black pill.

Interesting, I thought you were a fellow South Asian.

Slavery and human trafficking existed on the African continent long before European colonial entities started partaking in the Transatlantic slave trade. Pre-colonial African empires existed too and it would be rather jejune to assume that all sub-Saharan Africans had a sparse and expansive population distribution when urban settlements such as Timbuktu have been inhabited for centuries. Perhaps it isn't palatable to Occidental aesthetic tastes but the Great Mosque of Djenné is an exemplar of Sudano-Sahelian architecture.

As for race realist propositions, the jury is still out on that one.

Blackpill101 said:
You were stating that humans desired to live with other races, and this statement is simply dishonest and false. We are born with instincts of racial identity and a wish to live with our own kind. Multiracialism was only promoted recently, and it isn't an coincidence that only white countries (((must))) accept it.

I find ethnocentric collectivism to be an interesting political ideology but to be fair, stating that something is biologically ingrained is not a rational moral argument, either for or against multiracial communities.

Blackpill101 said:
It'll be a long way before other races embrace multiracialism and multiculturalism. Wanting to live with your own is not racist. I'm waiting for the time Africans, Asians, and Arabs will embrace diverse policies. In fact the whites there (in SA for ex) are being forced to leave. I never said that most Trump supporters are Alt-Right or something, but having a right wing populist president is the first step to white nationalism. Leftists supported a hardcore Zionist candidate who would gladly get us into war with Assad's Syria and be a slave to Israel. The leftist media is surely pro-Israel and embraces aspects of neo-Conservatism. The current Democratic Party is a whore to the Jews.

Also, are you telling me that the ones behind anti-miscegenation laws were incels lol? Didn't know our founders were ugly virgins who couldn't get pussy. They were the first who passed anti-miscegenation laws. Fact.

The Occidental embrace of unmitigated and uncontrolled immigration was unequivocally disastrous but the assertion that non-Europid societies are not racially diverse is categorically untrue.

Of course, if it lends any credence to your support of ethnocentric collectivism, my parents' homeland is ethnically diverse and has suffered from extreme racial and linguistic conflict ever since its inception.
dardycunt said:
Interesting, I thought you were a fellow South Asian.

What does being south asian have to do with following empirical data? Yes I am a south Asian and while I don't subscribe to the notion that one ethnic group is superior to the other, I also cant dismiss the data which shows an overwhelming disparity in IQ scores between Asians/Whites and blacks. These gaps remain even after controlling for socio economic and environmental factors like income, education, parenting style, nutrition, mental well being, single and dual parent households. The same gap which roughly translates to about two standard deviations can also be found in standardized test scores. These gaps are substantial at the tail ends of the score distribution curve which means that Asians and whites at the tail end are actually overachieving. If the test was modified to increase score variance by boosting the difficulty level to accommodate the challenge needs of the top scorers, the gap would widen even more.

This is the video that black pilled me. Its very hard to dispute the findings that were discussed in this podcast.

jamho22 said:
What does being south asian have to do with following empirical data? Yes I am a south Asian and while I don't subscribe to the notion that one ethnic group is superior to the other, I also cant dismiss the data which shows an overwhelming disparity in IQ scores between Asians/Whites and blacks. These gaps remain even after controlling for socio economic and environmental factors like income, education, parenting style, nutrition, mental well being, single and dual parent households. The same gap which roughly translates to about two standard deviations can also be found in standardized test scores. These gaps are substantial at the tail ends of the score distribution curve which means that Asians and whites at the tail end are actually overachieving. If the test was modified to increase score variance by boosting the difficulty level to accommodate the challenge needs of the top scorers, the gap would widen even more.

This is the video that black pilled me. Its very hard to dispute the findings that were discussed in this podcast.


My mistake, I had inadvertently misread your first line as "I used to be blue pilled about my race".
Homosapicuckus said:
The creation of value is overrated. Most sociological studies seem to prove that people who live in small tribes have an overall happy life than those living in urban cities and use modern technology. Most of our problems would fade away by living a simpler life. Most people here in the West are depressed and cope with drugs, porn and other mind altering things we don't have any value that would make us more satisfied on a long term but make us craving for more entertainment which leads to an endless addiction due the over abuse of our dopamine receptors

Agreed. I could write out a bunch of reasons why I don't support white nationalism anymore than I do SJW's, but it really comes down to this. I used to be a WN, but whites rejected any sensible policy for a functional society throughout history. It's always profit and greed over humanity (including their own color). 

Not to mention their consumerist habits aren't sustainable, let alone practical. It's not about politics. When Trump got elected, I jus rolled my eyes at the reaction people had to him. Unbelievable how dumb otherwise smart people can be. All cope.
Homosapicuckus said:
The creation of value is overrated. Most sociological studies seem to prove that people who live in small tribes have an overall happy life than those living in urban cities and use modern technology. Most of our problems would fade away by living a simpler life. Most people here in the West are depressed and cope with drugs, porn and other mind altering things we don't have any value that would make us more satisfied on a long term but make us craving for more entertainment which leads to an endless addiction due the over abuse of our dopamine receptors

Wrong...Technology is the only way for man to ascend to a Godlike status. We can create our own eternal utopias in this world. I think the end goal for humanity is to build sophisticated computers than can access our neural networks and create virtual worlds where we can live out our greatest fantasies. Want to live your life as a mage in a World of Warcraft themed world, no problem, want to live in a world where artificial memories are implanted or where you relive your most cherished memories over and over again, no problem, want to live in a world where you watch your favorite movie only to have all memories of that movie wiped out so that you can enjoy it again without any diminishing returns to pleasure, no problem, want to spend your life fucking 10/10 women without ever feeling bored or tired? No problem..  LOL id rather take the possibility of achieving something like that for our progeny than living butt naked in a tribe while foraging for insects to eat. No thanks jeff.
Redpill Robert said:
And many if not most leftists are anti-Israel (though they do draw the line at actual anti-Semitism). This is a common retarded teabilly meme in fact. ('them libruhls hate 'muh Israhl!") I've literally never met anyone other than Zionists and teabillies that support Israel being the de facto ethno-state that it is; rather, most Americans don't even know what's actually going on over there.

BS.  They may criticize Israel.  Name me one who calls for it to be dissolved.  They opposed Apartheid South Africa - they didn't just say they disagreed with some minor aspect of their policy.
Nationalism and racial purity are very different things. The "white nationalist your talking about are a scapegoat themselves created by non-white's to blame their failure's on. Nationalism is pride in country,thats a good thing. Look at poland or an asian country,their nationalism has made their country's better than most of western Euorpe.
Bottom right guy is chadlite, top left guy is a normie.
Incelibate anarchist said:
Nationalism and racial purity  are very different things. The "white nationalist your talking about are a scapegoat themselves created by non-white's to blame their failure's on. Nationalism is pride in country,thats a good thing. Look at poland or an asian country,their nationalism has made their country's better than most of western Euorpe.

Some of what you said is right but Poland is a long way down compared to any Western country. There's a reason why most Poles and East Europeans would rather live in the UK or Germany than their own.
Immigration will become beneficial since old stock natives aka "whites" technically stopped to reproduce if they wouldn't allow migration then their nations would begin to collapse ie no ethnic British clean the streets, do dirty jobs - There's an imbalance in human resources - everybody wanna be A but most refuse to accept B, C - You get immigrants who will fulfill the B and C groups by working blue collar low wage jobs.

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