incel scum
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Redpill Robert said:Well no shit. Been saying this forever. Just look at the guys at the Charlottesville rally too.
Let's say they do somehow get their "white ethnostate" fantasy one day: then what? They're still lonely misfits and incels that normal society would hate regardless. On the contrary though, if we reversed the scenario and there were no incels, there would be virtually no white nationalists and the like. There is literally no reason to worry about "muh race" unless you're a just a bitter loser that needs something to be angry about. It's all just identity politics for unfuckable white dudes.
lol at this cuck
Redpill Robert said:It is true that white women (or any women) are not our allies. Just like there is no such thing as a "female ant-feminist."
How do you know how "most white people" think? Now you're just buying into leftist hysteria (all whites are secretly racist!) and trying to use it to advance a far-right objective -- of course this is far from a new talking point among the far right.
Most normie whites have a diverse set of friends. Go to any college in a diverse city and tell me otherwise. And me, I hate most people black or white. But are you honestly telling me you'd rather hang with a white normie over a black that shared the same interests and hobbies? Most white nationalists would stick out like a sore thumb among any group of white normies.
Most people prefer to be around those that are similar to them, but it has little to do with race. Immigrant groups hang around each other because of similar cultural values and, obviously, because they speak the same language. But you see this far less among American-born children of immigrants thus proving my point.
And idk. Look at the Golden God on jewtube. He could be a slayer, but clearly his views are so disgusting to most femoids that virtually all the comments on his vids are from other dudes.
The Jews do hold a disproportionate amount of power and politically we act in Israel's interest in the past 50 or so years especially, but this "secret Jewish cabal that's out to destroy whitey" meme is fucking retarded.
what is ur race? are u a jew?