I have my theories. One is I call it the cultural domination approach. They think that if for some reason, they make every bit of media from movies, books, video games, music, more "progressive, inclusive and liberal",they won something. What is that? I mean, fuck, remember when that piece of shit ghostbusters remake came out and everyone knew it was going to suck horse ass and dick, and anyone who didn't see it is well, "basement dwelling, fedora wearing, anime watching, video game playing, cheeto and mountain dew drinking wymyns hatin trump loving deplorable!!!!" Yeah. Those fucking idiots really like seriously fucking thought this shit was going to win them a presidential election. Say what you will about him, but anyone who couldn't see that Trump was going to win, esp cause of shit like that. Wow. Fucking wow. I'm not even that conservative, but it felt so fucking good when he won. Seeing this snowflake sjw faggotlords shitting their pants. Oh did I like that.