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Discussion Why do incels have standards?



May 11, 2023
Why do we have standards for a girl that must be submissive, virgin, 6+, preferably white while we complain about not having any girls even though most people on here just want sex and demanding sex and sex only from a girl that virgin is kinda unrealistic imo
why are you even asking this
Why not

I have a job, go to college, work out, have friends, hobbies and interests, take care of myself, etc

I’m not gonna want an annoying fatty who doesn’t take care of herself and is retarded

Go back to Reddit faggot
Whether I have standards or not makes no difference.

It is merely academic
Why do we have standards for a girl that must be submissive, virgin, 6+, preferably white while we complain about not having any girls even though most people on here just want sex and demanding sex and sex only from a girl that virgin is kinda unrealistic imo

I see they still haven't renamed Recruit to Infiltrator. Guess I will answer anyways, Miss.

""""We"""". Hilarious.

Human's have desires and feeling they can't control, and since some people on here got rejected by literal whores, they would have to go looking for some girl with down syndrome or what have you.

You can't control what you are attracted to, that was and still is a basic part of the whole LGBWTQWORN acceptance movement, but I guess men should just fuck women they find disgusting otherwise they only have themselfs to blame.

Then there is the obvious "they didn't reject me, I rejected them" angle to perserve a sense of pride and self-worth. Just because they say "I want X" doesn't mean they wouldn't get on there knees and bark like dogs for the love of a girl vastly below X. Words =/= actions. Any woman should know this intuitively tbh.

Then there is the sense of justice. Why should you be forced to date down multiple SMV points just because you are born male? Why do you have to accept a partner you feel no physical attraction to? Since society forces that on you (or to live a life devoid of physical intimacy and affection and have one of your most basic human needs go unsatisfied most if not all of the time), the whole "state-mandated girlfriend" insanity actually looks like it would only be a change in direction and degree, not in kind.

Then there is the part about how it goes against all your evolved instincts. You wanted a cute, submissive, trustworthy, young virgin to claim as yours. You get a used up whore who will dumb you just because and whose life in sexual and social luxury has made her unbearable to be around as a person.

The list goes on. Claiming that people on here seriously would only accept 6/10 gfs is dishonest beyond believe. Now show tits or GTFO.
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Why do we have standards for a girl that must be submissive, virgin, 6+, preferably white while we complain about not having any girls even though most people on here just want sex and demanding sex and sex only from a girl that virgin is kinda unrealistic imo
The second part is even more dishonest, just last week "cuddling and having someone to share your day with" won out over "sex" in a poll about "if you only could have one, what would you take". Fuck your retarded projection whore.
Don’t have standards other than don’t be a landwhale which is reasonable
cia GIF

Mods ban this glowie
cia GIF

Mods ban this glowie
Wdym no federal agent would make himself this obvious.
Social science researcher, blogger, foid, someone from IT.
But I highly doubt OP is a fed.
my only standard is that she has a postcount over 500, GrAY
oesn't mean they wouldn't get on there knees and bark like dogs for the love of a girl vastly below X. Words =/= actions.
this is so frusrating. You have many 5/10 guys who are actually incels or nearcels these days and have to settle for 3/10 which is objectively plain ugly or rot in inceldom
My 'standards'
White (no racemixing)
Dont be obese
Dont be very ugly
Dont be less than 5 ft.
Are you Somali? Do you want your own race of women?

I find most melanated women repulsive. I’m not alone in this. But that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t settle for a negress or a curry whore if I had to
Why not

I have a job, go to college, work out, have friends, hobbies and interests, take care of myself, etc

I’m not gonna want an annoying fatty who doesn’t take care of herself and is retarded

Go back to Reddit faggot
Brutal that you have all that going for you and you’re still an inkwell. Clown world.
The second part is even more dishonest, just last week "cuddling and having someone to share your day with" won out over "sex" in a poll about "if you only could have one, what would you take". Fuck your retarded projection whore.
Why do we have standards for a girl that must be submissive, virgin, 6+, preferably white while we complain about not having any girls even though most people on here just want sex and demanding sex and sex only from a girl that virgin is kinda unrealistic imo

Here is the poll in question


While women are guranteed intimacy just for being women and can therefore select for sexual attraction, men meanwhile... well...

I want someone to hug and hold me in their arms, telling me that everything is going to be alright. Someone that will be there for you, no matter what, someone that loves you for who you are.

Cuddling is more intimate than sex in my opinion, after you hug someone you love besides your friends and parents your body will just shut down if you can't experience it again.

Fuck, I wish someone would just hold me in their arms, telling me that everything is going to be alright, I'm so lonely.
I was cuddling a girl and she was laying on top of me and hugging and kissing me
I had held her really tightly and kissed her back
She and i were giggling and so happy
And then i woke up
Chad experiences this daily, i can only catch a glimpse in my dreams
agree, the primary reason I want a gf is that what you said and cuddling and not always having to do stuff alone, sure I really want sex but it's not my absolute top number 1 priority to want a gf
I want a foid to cuddle me and play with my hair but it looks like the only way I will ever have that is by paying.
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Not having standards = according attention to ugly foids who shouldn't deserve it = inflation of these foids' ego = they inflate their standards in consequence = HOEFLATION
Not having standards = according attention to ugly foids who shouldn't deserve it = inflation of these foids' ego = they inflate their standards in consequence = HOEFLATION
I don't, I am even full captain ahab whale chaser but get no poontang
I think i'm fine as long as she isn't too tall, not deformed and not a landwhale
Brutal that you have all that going for you and you’re still an inkwell. Clown world.
Yea it’s hilarious these faggots think we’re some basement dwelling tard who doesn’t go outside and smells bad. Quite the opposite, it’s pure projection from their end.
Yea it’s hilarious these faggots think we’re some basement dwelling tard who doesn’t go outside and smells bad. Quite the opposite, it’s pure projection from their end.
Do you have similar people in your social circle who are also incels, or is it just you?

Brutal either way, but if it’s the former, it shows that the problem is way more widespread than people think.

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